RE: The nature of friendship

Your story is that of a friendship that has been one for many years...the ease of it and the humour...a good story!!wine

RE: Refugees and HUMAN RIGHTS

What a conundrum...I understand the need to help and also understand the reasons why it is a problem to act...the US are inundated with refugee claimants and how many can the citizens afford?...the economy is still in need of recovery and many are unemployed there...perhaps it should be a global effort?...monetary wise and such...we all need to help people from dire situations regardless whether it is political or poverty problem...

RE: favorite or least like leader


Clinton had nothing on him!!haha...but they were both interesting politicians to

RE: Marriage: Failure & Success

Good blog topic...thanks for posting!!wine

RE: favorite or least like leader

Trudeau was the first person to appoint women into speaker of the senate and government of commons and governor general.. and the one to create the charters of rights and freedom act for all in be legally independent from Britain to name a few...he had moxy!!

RE: favorite or least like leader

The current Prime minister is not one who I like but if I could go back...Trudeau was a distinguished leader...
Nixon brings back memories...gone were the days people believed everything the government touted...he was the first one where people questioned his motives...I felt sorry for him...for a little while anyways...

RE: Marriage: Failure & Success

Never mentioned Canada...but shouldn't be far from 60 percent...people may not be meant for monogamy...anthropological point of view or otherwise...

RE: Intellectualism, Intelligence & Marriage

He does not hold the key to understanding women nor can he pretend like he is the more intelligent man...rare as he put it...women make their way in and the pursuit of career leads women to marry later on or decide not to and have children later on in life...another factor...birth how I think obs lives in a land that time forgot...

RE: Intellectualism, Intelligence & Marriage

What would you know about women and their IQ?...and why would you make such broad statements? reek of chauvinism...JMO...

RE: Finally

We certainly have a lot of varying views here on your blog...but one thing is for sure...despite who started it or who is to blame...we all know that ISIS needs to be stopped...good blog!!

RE: Finally

It is a very different ideology we are dealing with...the extremes are mind blowing...we need to sit down with rational people to come to a positive solution...surly no people want war and destruction?...even hatred has limitations?...

RE: Finally

It s interesting that when I actually wanted to pay in American money was not accepted?...I tried to give a tip and it was rejected?...what is going on?...maybe me being hypersensitive? ordering pizza?...

RE: Finally

It is truly disheartening that we as a people cannot find a resolution...what if we had a peace talk that actually engaged us to admit prior misdeeds and set up a forum of discussion...obviously this is not happening today but what if we offered a solution earlier?...

RE: Finally

That is the tragedy of war...people losing their life or being away from their loved really is a shame we cannot find a peaceful existence...

RE: Finally

I did not mean Iranian women in my comment but I think you get my point...

RE: Intellectualism, Intelligence & Marriage

I consider myself intelligent enough to see that marriage was not for me...not one to be a follower...common sense maybe what your friend is talking about...many cannot participate in life because they are in their heads too much...just a thought!!...oh was that puny?...

RE: Finally

Just watching the news on line...I wonder if air strikes are enough?...but glad other Middle East countries are aligning themselves with the West...torture leaves an unpleasant taste in many peoples mouth...surely the common people will view ISIS as a threat to their own lives and freedom...the ease of their acts of torture is quite astonishing...
The irony of it all is that the Syrian leader is backing the air strikes...he too lacked a sense of decency to his own people which created civil unrest...a very unfortunate circumstance...

RE: Finally

It certainly looks like the extremists want our attention...a very uncivilized attack of innocent men...I suspect that is the very kind of reaction they want...for the West to start air could we not?...lets hope it will end quickly and stop this brutality...

RE: Finally

It is unfortunate that some claim victory alone or exaggerate the truth...most wars are entered by interested parties who see an opportunity to is unfortunate that common the people suffer the consequences...I am not interested in being right...but merely expressing my thoughts...

RE: Finally

Your too funny!!...Ron Paul's position may have changed in light of the situation now...he was running for office a few years ago but failed to win...I was wondering if we, the West didn't interfere with the Middle East...politics, sanctions and oil etcetera...would the extremists have been popular with the masses? That was the point I was trying to make...

RE: Finally

Yes it is too late...the unfortunate beheading sealed the fate sort to we have to settle the score not to mention the other atrocities of war...

RE: Finally

Seems to me the Iraq invasion started much hatred of the West...organisations such as ISIS now have an listening audience...

RE: Going to Hongkong? LOL..

I wish I could have used this argument when I was on a plane...the business class have more leg room!!

RE: Finally

I am a fan of Paul Rand...I like what he had to say about getting out of the middle east and its politics...however...seems like ISIS wants the Westerners to be involved...hungry for war and conflict...

RE: Good Is Good

Just got back from Vegas...fitting songs...glad to be back here and just relax with the music!!wine

RE: silence

Missed you in Vegas...maybe next time...hope you are okay and all is well with you...very good thought lind...silence and ignorance...

RE: life and our choices

Is evil ignorance? appears to be...the have versus the have nots...creates bitterness?...if we had a fair playing field perhaps we could see the good in people more clearly...sometimes though people either have a glass half full attitude or a glass half empty attitude...nurture and nature at work?....

RE: Public Opinion

This site is a good way to measure what information is out there...true or not and/or the perceptions of people internationally regarding politics or other matter...too much information has a bias in the media and cannot be fully trustworthy...

RE: marriage((responsibility/busy life/unhappiness))

This is what happens when you have children...what did you expect?...being a parent is a responsibility, the job isn't the sole responsibility of the before you decide to blame the female in regards to not allowing the male to have his own life, maybe it is better to understand that having children is not for the faint hearted...and men have a part to play in this...


Happy Bday...and many more!!...hope your day is good!!!...sailing NO DOUBT!!balloons

This is a list of blog comments created by loulou77.

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