RE: Canabis - Healer - Psychotic - Could not care less

What the short story of that video 13, are they knocking it or are they praising it ?

RE: Canabis - Healer - Psychotic - Could not care less

4Ever you can buy seeds from the online seed bank, just google it and it should come up but their seeds are a bit suspect.. you could end up with hemp seeds which are ok for CBD, you won't get the stone from hemp..

4ever how are your watermelons growing ? i tried growing them a few years back but wasn't very sucessful, a friend of mine said they need a lot of water and rain water is the best.. they don't grow very well with tap water.

RE: Canabis - Healer - Psychotic - Could not care less

4Ever, i'm super busy in my garden to i have a lot of stirfry veges, oninons, celery, carrots, capsicums, butternut pumpkins, cucumbers, strawberry and a little herb garden with 9 different herbs.. i still have to find room to plant my lemon grass but i'll get around to it, i gave the silverbeet a big chop back yesterday because they were getting out hand.. i threw it all into 2 big pots and boiled it up for the chooks..

I have 13 marijuana plants, 4 of them are female plants and i'm waiting on the rest to show their genda.. I gave 2 plants away to a friend on sunday and still have 13 left, probably going to pull out all the plants that haven't shown their genda before xmas..
The 4 females plants i do have i took 6 clones/cuttings of them a little over a week ago, and will take another 6 cuts around xmas.. that should be enough pot plants for me..

RE: Defending Trump

While the destraction of impeaching Trump goes on has anyone in the US noticed the ramping up of troops to middle east and more threats to Iran ? I saw Pompeo and Netanyahu beating the war drums against Iran AGAIN, a US airbase in Iraq was attacked to.. Is slapping Trump around more important than having your people fight wars for Israel and Saudi arabia ?

RE: CBD again??? unreal.

Hey 13, it works for my aches and pains i get from time to time... it won't work for everyone but i think its about your attitude toward marijuana, if you have hang ups about it being illegal or other peoples opinions calling you a pothead it probably won't so well..
I've infused butter and olive oil with pot and cook with it maybe once every 2 weeks, and its great.. its got a smell and taste that i've never had from any other herb i cook with..

RE: who will be in the left side of Jesus and who in the right side?

Hpylady, what is the holy spirit ? is it the spirit of God, the spirit of Jesus or is it your own spirit ? suiside is a big no no trying to detroy your own spirit or hating yourself so much you want to kill yourself maybe a possibiliy... whats your thoughts on it.

RE: who will be in the left side of Jesus and who in the right side?

Hey Lafonda, feel free to chime in at anytime any subject you feel we need to address.

RE: who will be in the left side of Jesus and who in the right side?

I will ask a simple question an important question that really matters for anyone to answer..
What are the things we need to avoid being/doing to give us the best chance of getting into heaven and main reason why we have to aviod them ?

RE: who will be in the left side of Jesus and who in the right side?

Hpylady, there must a billion people or more that follow the same path as you and i assume that you know the verse Straight is the gate and narrow is the path ( to heaven ) and there will few that find that path ( in this physical life on earth )
You are part of masses that is afraid to step out of your comfort zone and go against what the masses believe, stand in your own beliefs because if there is a judgment day not one person in masses is going to able vouch for soul... Take your own path, don't be afraid of the opinion of the masses.

RE: who will be in the left side of Jesus and who in the right side?

Hpylady, what proves that Jesus was not the only begotten son of God Genisis 6 and death levelled him and all the other prophets out... pull your righteous pants up love..

RE: who will be in the left side of Jesus and who in the right side?

No Starray your wrong Jesus was just another human being, all the prophets were only human being and thats why they are not here today... because they all died, death is what equals all humans out..

RE: who will be in the left side of Jesus and who in the right side?

Hpylady you should understand what the bible says about the history of the world before you make your mind up on what you believe, it will make a big difference.

RE: who will be in the left side of Jesus and who in the right side?

Starray, i think of Jesus as just another human being.. a prophet just like buddha 600 hundred years before him and just like mohammad 600 years after him..
Its the christians that put Jesus on a pedestal and make him out to be bigger than he really was, he another human being just like you and me... thats why died just like buddha and mohammad, all great prophets but they were only human and they died..
I'm not trying to fight the christians i'm trying to get you to explain your beleifs, and understand why you have been bamboozilled like yous are..

RE: who will be in the left side of Jesus and who in the right side?

Hpylady you will have read maybe the first 5 verses of Genisis charter 6, i thought you know your bible.

RE: who will be in the left side of Jesus and who in the right side?

Great suffering and sorrow forever and ever Amen, or until we learn the lessons of being a positive spirit that we didn't learn this physical world ?
I still would like to know if you think all the different prides of this physical world will fall away after we die ?

RE: who will be in the left side of Jesus and who in the right side?

Starray, i don't know who brought these laws into the world.. laws are rules and are there to control people..
There are so many rules that come out of the bible i really don't think any man can obey all those rules, so many of the rules in the bible are aimmed at the actions of our physical life.. when it is the spiritual life that really needs the attention..
When we die do you think we drop off all the prides and greed that we have in this physical world Starray ?

RE: who will be in the left side of Jesus and who in the right side?

Probably still waiting for their day in court Mel, or should i say their day to be judged.. which is a bit of a silly concept, they could dreamed up something better than that the early christians that edited the bible.

RE: Vastley Enormous & Ultra Skinny

Eat what you want when you want to i say, there must be other issues in your life if you are over eating or under eating... better to address your issues and change things up on a regular bases, makes a lot of difference getting out of your comfortable routine..

RE: There is something wrong!

Nothing wrong with being in love with lonelyness, its better than being in a fake relationship..

RE: Christmas and New Year....

I have spent a few chrismas and new years on my own, but always at home not wandering around.. You are only alone if you are in need of company, most of time you are better off on your own.
Hanging out with homeless people could be an experiance, i'm sure there are many things to be learned from them

RE: Criticism

There are different types of critics, there are critics that go behind your back and critisize you to other people and they let the message slowly get to you through a different person..
Then there are critics that will critisize you to your face, i'm one to give it to you right to your face.. theres nothing better than being honest right to a persons face, then you can see how passionate or serious they are about their opinion... they will either keep talking or shut up..

RE: Criticism

I'm a solid 6 or 7, i'm pretty critical on many subjects but 9 times out of 10 i will hold my lip and not say a word... some things are not worth talking about, or are not worth the anxiety to yourself or others.

RE: Too Much / Too Little - Water

Airation of water is part of the way to cleaning water and this can be done by creating rapids with rock walls in the rivers, this doesn't clean water up properly but its part of the way to cleaning it... rocks are free in most places so its a start for poor people..
Airate the water then from there run it through a marsh of plants then back into an airation system, the water probabaly won't be safe to drink but it will be cleaner than when it first goes through..

RE: Too Much / Too Little - Water

The average persons need to be educated on how to clean up water rather than to hand it over to govt depatments, if the average person has got sick from their drinking water then they would be more passionate about cleaning up their water..
Govt departments have to much red tape to get through that bolws the cost way out, educating the average person to go out there and do it themselves is giving some power back to the average person... Govt want the people to rely on them so the govt can call the shot and make the decisions..

RE: Too Much / Too Little - Water

4Ever, cleaning up the water ways is one thing but it has to be done from the ground up... if the ground can't support life like plants its a waste land, plants can probably clean 30 to 40% of water but its chemicals that are hardest to get out of water..
I have done my part and have planted over 50 plants in the last 2 weeks, most of them vegetables but its something... there could be a water problem here over the summer its pretty dry already, but we have been blessed with a lot of cloud cover over the last few summers..

RE: Bucket List

WRC in Finland, MXGP in Patogonia Argentina, AMA MX Indiana, catching a black marlin and spearfishing a kingfish in BOI..

RE: Age

Hey Moelle, do some of the blog subjects not match up to the age of the people ?
I have seen some pretty way out blogs that i would swear were written by kids, and the most of the forums are silly and written by toddilers...

RE: CS Annual Party!!!

Yep would be super cool, bring fighting whiskey and have a big party..

RE: CS Annual Party!!!

Your right Merc, there's a few on CS i'd love to give a slap around laugh

RE: CS Annual Party!!!

Great idea Mel, could have a few locations worldwide that CS members can catch up... thumbs up

This is a list of blog comments created by Butcher559.

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