DrcoctailDrcoctail Blog Comments (296)


It's going to be up to the States to bring about a Constitutional Amendment to impose term limits. 34 states request it in both houses...38 are needed to ratify the proposed amendment and it becomes the law of the land. Its going to take possibly two years to get more States on board for Article 5 amendments. Currently the Republicans have 7 in their controlled states. Naturally it's the last thing the demos want.
But the Convention of States is the way to return power to the people and away from Big Federal intervention in every aspect of our lives.


Harry Reid...the leading liar of the Senate

Oh the 'Liberal' outrage when someone else lies.....Lol.tongue


They should have made it one way and then cancelled the return flight.


RE: An act of terrorism...

We've, as in past presidents and Congress, have balked on settling this immigration problem for far too long. It's in need of a resolution, so to say it's not a priority is just not being realistic. And this President doesn't dodge problems, he fixes them. This shutdown is Pelosi and Schumer continuing to obstruct President Trump at all costs. He's been shoving his wins in the Democrats face and now that the 'resistance' has a majority in one branch they must continue to try and deny him any more victory or the 2020 race is a done deal for our President. Quite simply, that is the reason for the shutdown....and if you think it's a question of semantics over the need for border security you're showing your naivete, if not your lack of common sense. Quit parroting your leftist talking points and at least admit the real reason is President Trump....its obvious to the American people.


RE: TEFLON DON: Trump's Approval Ratings Soar Despite Russia Meeting

Update: In the midst of the
border crisis it's interesting to note that a recent poll has the latino approval rating increasing from 31% to 50%.
I don't give much license to polls but an increase of 19% is substantial and at the very minimum noteworthy.


RE: Democrat calls for death of Republican's family. Now the typical norm for Democrats



RE: exploitation

It's because we worked for it....but you seem to be very comfortable in your anononimity as a member of the failing majority. You're right where you belong......


RE: exploitation

No, it's not. Capitalism, from an economic perspective is quite simply the private ownership of goods and services to make a profit. It's the most efficient distribution of those resources based on price and the means of production.

There is no exploitation, decisions are made by the private sector. You want exploitation...hand it over to the government to make those decisions where they fix prices. One is a free market system, the other is socialism.


RE: Today in Newsweek; Trump helped Putin destabilize the USA

Draegon it's out now. This was a counterintelligence operation by Osama, Brennan and Clapper and Comey. Mullet got hired by Rosenstein to try and cover it up. Hillary turns out to be the patsy...lol. And the irony....the NYT ends up releasing a story meant to harm President Trump which backs up the redacted files just released implicating Osama directly. And more files are being reviewed and reclassified...lol.

P.S. You won't see this staying on this blog. The OP will delete it. Watch....lol.


RE: Go ahead, build your wall...

The cartels have alot of money to spend on tunnels, but maybe if we cut off some of their funds, we can make it more expensive for them. Just because they make ladders and shovels doesn't mean we have to stop trying to keep them from coming in.


RE: Report: First Border Poll Of 2019 Shows The Trap-Door Just Dropped Out Under Democrats

Ok fearless leader, humor me, just explain this sentence...

"The facts just don't support a wall, there is a huge difference between illegal entry and illegal immigrants, and the figures available show that by far the largest number are those who entered legally and then overstayed."

How do you go from the huge difference between illegal entrants and illegal immigrants (which you don't tell us) to figures on legal immigrants overstaying their visas? Your sentence doesn't support a conclusion...lol.


RE: An act of terrorism...


So if we're to follow Mr. Xerox's logic, since illegals commit a smaller percentage of crimes compared to citizens of the United States, we should just forget the crimes that they do commit. We shouldn't attempt to prevent those crimes. That's the mentality from the lefties....blind and blissful in their willful ignorance.


RE: An act of terrorism...

The Cato Institute.....is that the same one as in the Pink Panther movies with Peter Sellers......


RE: An act of terrorism...

Ok Chat,
Osamacare is still around because the decision on unconstitutionality is being appealed and more then likely will continue being debated in the federal courts for months if not years. I won't go into details because the arguements for and against require a law degree and Soupy's PHD to fully fathom, it's pretty involved legalese. Suffice it to say premiums and deductibles will continue to increase as more states decline to offer it. Consider yourself fortunate....for now.


RE: Report: First Border Poll Of 2019 Shows The Trap-Door Just Dropped Out Under Democrats

Direct from China:

"The facts just don't support a wall, there is a huge difference between illegal entry and illegal immigrants, and the figures available show that by far the largest number are those who entered legally and then overstayed.
Rather than spend 20 billion (trump's own number) on a wall that will keep taking huge resources to maintain, it would make sense to finance a better checking system, so that those who remain after their visa expires, are caught and then sent back to their original country.
Facts also show that you are safer being with immigrants than the local population."

I wish I could highlight the above with different colors to show how the OP leaps from one sentence to the next failing to make even one logical statement. That is one rambling piece of disconnected thought. It would be funny were it not for the fact that the OP is supposed to be a professor. Then again, going by today's standard of liberal 'educators' (?) it explains the state of our 'higher' learning. Maybe that's why he went to China where his nonsense is unfathomable.


RE: Report: First Border Poll Of 2019 Shows The Trap-Door Just Dropped Out Under Democrats

I don't trust Polls. Polls can be skewed to validate questionable narratives, and we have seen how invalid they can be. They're used to begin a conversation, not end it.


RE: An act of terrorism...

I'll defer on the side of those on the battlefield...the experts, the Border Patrol. If they say a wall/structure is needed, I'm listening to them.
Congress took an oath 'to protect and defend....(sic) both foreign and domestic'....716 billion was given to the Military to handle foreign threats, with bipartisan approval. Yet Congress/Democrats can't come up with a 5.6 appropriation to protect us domestically? Why, because this one would be a win for Trump....period. You can't change horses when you've already been seen leading the same horse out of the stall....the one you already bought....(the 27 billion one)....period.

This is all politics on both sides, but the demos are adept at crying foul on the American public and the illegals by claiming there is no border crisis, yet they insist children are dying, human rights are being violated, and President Trump is the villain. Demos, you can't have it both ways. Either we have a crisis or we don't, but demos try and use the sword to cut both ways. Its hypocritical.


RE: An act of terrorism...

Sounds just like Osamacare....perhaps why it has been declared unconstitutional?


Democratic Agenda for America 2019

I'm delighted everyone is 'reading' my blog. It took me days to rewrite its content so as to accurately arrive at those conclusions.


RE: Limousine Liberal Nancy Pelosi Basks in the Hawaiian Sunshine for the shut down

Pelosi vs Trump

Coming to a theater near you January 3, 2019.


Democratic Agenda for America 2019

I just found out....the earth is flat.

So if you think like that, is it any wonder that 56 million people voted for Hillary?


RE: Build the wall.

Every nation, every city, every village has a homeless population. Why add to the problem by admitting a million refugees? Democrats have a history of enslaving the disinfrancised for their own purposes. Blacks are just waking up to how they've been used and that took a 150 years.


RE: Oh... say it ain't so!

Well there you have it....proof positive from the professor. He's never seen PRESIDENT Trump massage his feet.....lol.


RE: Connecting the dots...

I see....you are now speaking for President Trump. You know his intent? I had no idea you two were so close. I need to get a reservation next week at Trump Tower. Can you call Don for me?...lol.


RE: Connecting the dots...

Name one?.....Lol


Judge Nap on Seriousness of Cohen Case

One should not be concerned with the lemmings, they are followers not leaders.What President Trump has exposed are the ringleaders, the John Brennans, Comey, Mullet, McCabe and Rosenstein. It's not enough to fire them as President Trump has done, it's time to bring them out in the light and hold them accountable. Osama was just their stooge, and he was so ineffective he cost them thousands of the seats of power. Judges, governorships, legislators and donors. Hillary has cost them even more.


RE: Connecting the dots...

Evidence? Nope, not a shred except for what you claim to know...... just more speculation.

Name one piece of definitive prosecutable evidence. One! No maybes, no wait and see, no oh it's coming all right....And if your answer is speculative then you lose. Your emotional obsession with President Trump has overridden your ability to reason, to apply logic and quite frankly trying to educate you is like clapping with one hand. You're too far gone.


RE: Connecting the dots...

Under the direction? Nope
Campaign funds? Nope
The truth? Nope...you are so naive...and gullible you wouldn't know the truth if it came from God.....oh, that's right. Another thing you don't believe in....lol. I think if you read something besides Snopes it would improve your objectivity. Give you a chance to try logic and reasoning professor...Ha


The Final Word

You don't have to....there's enough of us now to insure his re-election.


RE: Connecting the dots...

Here's your plate....eat up!

soon...it's coming....you'll see.....And for desert....
President Trump 2024.....


This is a list of blog comments created by Drcoctail.

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