UrbanvixenUrbanvixen Blog Comments (234)

RE: Virus vaccine trials on BCG look promising but no quick fix

Viv TB made a come back here. Not blaming immigrants but they do carry TB and there was no checking at all from certain countries in Africa. There was a resurgence in a particular part of Dublin. So I would definitely go and get it if it were an antidote. Here's hoping. wine
[ one more or perhaps longer of lockdown for us over 66s here in Ireland ] there were 49 more deaths so I am prepared to go through this as Cabin fever gets hold but I know things have been terrible over there. I hope you are coping ok.

RE: Virus vaccine trials on BCG look promising but no quick fix

Viv ~ lockdown syndrome, I meant to say that afterwards, a few months later, I nearly died with whooping cough. I was really ill. but I don't regret getting the BCG innoculation as they called it.

RE: Virus vaccine trials on BCG look promising but no quick fix

Hi Viv
I had BCG and a few months after I got a horrific dose of Whooping Cough. It was done at school and I watched a programme on TV this evening about same.
I am wondering if having had the vaccine in the late 50s [it was mandatory] would those of us who got it just need a booster. Interesting blog and so many great strides being made that I suspect it won't be a long as they think before we have something that works. thumbs up

RE: Overlooked by Jesus

CelticRose ~ OK, I'll put it this way. Say that the sun shone non stop. No thunderstorms, tornadoes, earthquakes, days and weeks of grey dark dismal days, [speaking of Ireland here folks] and you never experienced any of the above would you really appreciate the greatness and beauty and wonder of a blue sky and the heat and joy that comes from it ?
It is the same with Good and Evil. We can follow good or we can choose to be evil . Very basic but God gave us a choice, we do not have to do his will, we can choose between our Creator, or we can choose to do as we wish [over simplified as would be too long ].

RE: I dedicate this one to Track. Thanks for all the funny stuff you've posted.

Jim ~ I love this. laugh

RE: On the spur of the moment.

Bearwoman ~ I think mental health is important too. I don't drive and if I did, I would be very inclined to get in and drive to the sea, At present 2km so I couldn't get very far. The thing is, if done properly, it would not be a threat.

I was at the supermarket this morning and whole families coming shopping [increasing risk for everyone]. young kids going around as kids do, and putting hands on freshly baked bread and getting in peoples way. That to me is far more of a risk.

I have a friend [for many years now ] who suffers with Autism and serious depression, he can't hack the isolation. He comes with a mask and sits far away. This under present restrictions is breaking the law. It is also keeping him sane, to talk, to watch the T.V . together. he too has his own mug. He lives alone. He washes his hands and is very careful.

I do believe he would become very very ill if he was to stay indoors or just go to shops and back.

Take care all. rose

RE: The Baker Act...

Chatillion ~ What is the definition of mad ? not like the rest of society, a bit 'away with the fairies ' as they used to say here. Modern medicine has meant that many people with schizophrenia and other forms of chronic psychosis can live their lives outside these institutions.
I would like to read this Baker Act. There was a time in Ireland, not that long ago, when a husband could pay a doctor a tidy sum if he could afford it, and wanting to marry another woman, he could have the doctor write a letter and a psychiatrist would be paid too, to institutionalise the woman for life.

This was not in the 18th century either. We must watch the mental health laws very closely. We have mad presidents, if madness is not being in touch with reality. Having outbursts of rage and other so called 'mad' symptoms. Have a nice Sunday.

RE: The anything but Trump blog

Chancer ~ Kim Jong Un [did I spell that correctly ?] Anyway he was very well educated and it is unbelievable that he lived this long on the diet he eats.
Having his subjects in North Korea all made wear the same haircut [as hair will allow] and the women also,, quite short, neat hair and the same clothes, and not be able to make a mobile call outside of the country or watch anything on TV /radio other than North Korea propaganda it is quite a horrific life the people live but fear keeps anyone from straying.
Meanwhile up to recently Kim Jong Un had a penchant for the finest whiskies and Irish Whiskey was a big favourite of his, he drank a lot. Also he lived mainly on junk food especially MacDonald type cheese burgers and Pizza and it was a case of do as I say, not as I do.

He looked very bloated in the past 6 weeks, no doubt there will be some family member to take his place. It would be wonderful to think that the citizens could have more freedom under a more humane and just Governance.

RE: On the spur of the moment.

Morning Bear [well it's Sunday morning here and unusually quiet ] That must have felt terrific, to get out and away.
Living in a City here in Dublin where the Covid19 virus is at his higest in the country, there are cops everywhere. It is likely you would have been stopped and in trouble.
I was asked by a friend yesterday to join her sisters and brothers in a large house up the mountains and all go for a walk together.
This is against the ban and I am sure they had a fantastic day. The only thing I am hoping for is that the death rate here in Dublin and elsewhere in my country goes down and that distancing continues as herd immunity is not thought to work.
Mentally it is so good and physically to get out with Dogs and get out of the house. So much that we took for granted. Stay safe wave

RE: Who are You?

spl123 ~ Did you ever read that book 'Why am I afraid to tell you who I am ' I think most people put on a front. Certainly on a site like this. Being vulnerable takes guts, and confidence and when you are 100% yourself, that is real freedom but that is different from telling the world your skeletons in the closet as some people will use that to throw back at you. So it's knowing who to trust and waiting to get to know people.
Making friends slowly but surely. Good blog.

RE: The Joy of Life

Typhos ~ Should be 'I have food on my table and a roof over my head '

RE: The unfortunate TRUTH about the "so-called" president

Jim ~ I am noticing that there seems to be a lot of previously pro Trump people [according to many Irish and other papers] who are beginning to see the cracks. I am not living in US or Canada and we have had dealing with Donald Trump via our leader visiting white house and President Trump coming here on business regarding his Golf Course/Hotel. He is not liked here. You have to remember, in the event of wars, we are longer neutral [although we say we are ] and besides giving good Tax breaks to the big IT companies, our Airport in Shannon is used for refuelling for American fighter planes on their way to Syria etc., so who is president in the States affects us greatly, [as you know ].

RE: The unfortunate TRUTH about the "so-called" president

Amicablesmiles ~laugh Sorry I just love your way of writing. So honest !!bouquet

RE: Traditional Chinese Medicine and COVID-19...

Chat. I have used Acupuncture with great success for Arthritis. Taken Herbs some years ago and had to boil it up when I got home and drink, the smell was pretty awful but it was potent and worked. I am sorry I did not use it when I was younger but we did not know much about it then. Extremely effective when in the hands of a properly trained practitioner of Chinese medicine.

RE: What next?

Harb. Could you drown him out with some sort of classical music or Opera and go for a walk ? open your windows and let it rip. The last thing people need . The arrogance of him thinking his voice will cheer you all up. laugh Not funny, It's a pity some don't tell him they're enjoying a film and can't hear with him or trying to sleep ?

RE: What next?

rolling on the floor laughing Harbal ~ His few hours of fame. He could be discovered, or end up on the News perhaps? Some people [including himself] is probably thinking he is cheering up the Estate.
I have 2 kids [the family won the lotto and bought a v large house behind me]. They got one of those corrogated iron fences instead of a wooden one , had a huge extension put on the kitchen leaving about 3 feet for said boys to play football in.
So what do they do form morning until night ? just kick [they haven't room to play] the ball as hard as they can against the iron fence, hard, forceful, non -stop. The women 2 doors up from me is dealing with her husband dying and going berserk. grin [pity you can't put him up on utube].

RE: Overlooked by Jesus

Bloodyawful bouquet Harder to give up than the ciggies. help

RE: Overlooked by Jesus

Celtic ~ You can find it all out in the New Testament .
I can give you the chapter and verse but I'm sure you want to take advantage of your sunny day in Galway today as we have a cool haze here and need a jacket going out....moping Jealous.
Enjoy Saturday cool They are outside putting stuff on the path to keep people away from each other... that's why am up early. frustrated

RE: What I've been up to

Harbal ~ laugh you would have made a great Freud fraud.thumbs up grin

RE: What I've been up to

Harb ~ Yes I did enjoy and you had a productive IT day. thumbs up

RE: What I've been up to

Harb. Yep I guessed you didn't . It still is great to watch and It gave me a much needed lift. I loved the Russian general and what's his name from North Korea. I'm not Techy . Nice change from utube. thumbs up

RE: What I've been up to

Harb thumbs up thumbs up Good to see somebody is enjoying and doing something productive with their lockdown.
I particularly enjoyed Russia and North Korea. laugh
It makes a great change from Trump and Covid 19. Thanks.wine

RE: Earth Day

OldeGuy Happy Earth Day to you from Ireland. What was once a clogged congested main road full of soot on my windows and the smell of diesel petrol and noisey people passing by is now a breath of fresh air with very little traffic, I can hear the bird singing. I have aload of Birds in the back making nests and my plants and Camilia and other Bushes seem to be doing much better without the dust and ;pollution.
Every cloud has a silver lining.flower daisy

If only It could stay this way. Foxes are crossing the road from the park nearby and i have seen Badgers and plenty of Mallard Ducks, all a welcome sight, not to mention the trees which are not carrying out so much pollution. A bit of good news for a change. peace

RE: Protesters crash governor's coronavirus briefing.

I don't feel I am being panicked, Our head of Govt. is a Doctor and I see that the self isolating is working, albeit slowly but surely. We need a vaccine and my guess is a year, but in the meantime if we can get it down to a manageable level . I can't see self distancing being downgraded for some time.
Take care Bearwoman.hug

RE: dyslexia

Flyme ~ Dyslexia is becoming understood [although slower than it should be ] and also Dyspraxia and the various spectrums of Autism. Many famous people have Aspbergers too.
All above are intelligent, many are extremely creative and have given alot to the world and continue to do so.

Flyme ~ I suffer from Dyscalculia. It is not understood even today by most person and you are treated as if you have very low I.Q. Having been beaten at school for my inability to take in figures and math. I was nearly 30 when I was tested in hospital. I have a good IQ but I cannot deal with figures and for me to even add up [having problems with figures] is a nightmare. Banks are a nightmare and I have had to meet with Bank Manager/Staff and explain. Thankfully it is becoming understood. I would prefer to have Dyslexia as this permeates a good deal of my life. I am very untechnical to the point of it being a huge embarrassment and I miss out on IT and ironcally, I have a sister who lectures in IT. So you are not alone.

RE: Thomas Friedman essay

Thanks for showing the photos. It makes sense now of peoples anger. Our surge in Ireland was supposed to be flattening but still 40 deaths today and similar yesterday and for a small island it's alot when you think that we are all isolating.

RE: Something positive

Chancer ~ I have 2 packets of Dunnocks Marshmallows [available at Dealz] and brought up to me by a friend today.
2. The weather in Ireland, is to get a wee bit warmer next week [sorry that's the best I can do] .innocent
3 Tomorrow, Tomorrow, there's always tomorrow, it's only a day away. wink

RE: Pay attention FLORIDA...

La Fonda ~ Agree 100% thumbs up thumbs up


Celtic Rose ~Woops thanks for telling me that. Just A few of us went to a bit of trouble and I t hought it was deleted. Aplogies to Greatguy,. My mistake !!

scold bouquet

RE: Dr. Oz...

La Fonda ~ Similar being done here. Where I am living is the worst in Country as it's the capital city. wave Stay safe.

This is a list of blog comments created by Urbanvixen.

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