UrbanvixenUrbanvixen Blog Comments (234)

RE: Making plans for the USA! (part 3)

Philipsen ~ I am so sorry I did not do that when I could have due to a job I was offered in the meantime.
I am delighted you are doing this and really wish you the very best.
Just keep an eye on the BP and bake beans of all things are terrific for BP but perhaps anti social.
Also you will be walking around more and getting exercise. Best of luck.wave


CROWN Most snakes are harmless and do good work in keeping rats and other rodents down. It is not a rational fear of course, just as lightning clears the air and the chances of getting hit are small.
Spiders are necessary for lots of things and I'd never kill one. if I see a huge one, I get a glass and piece of paper underneath and put it out. Phobias are not nice. For me they're embarrassing, a harmless little snake that was probably more scared of me holding it in the shop ,although I stayed calm on outside and would never drop it. I still have not got rid of the phobias. I don't know if you watch Doc Martin on TV, he is allergic to blood !!

RE: Pelosi full of praise for China

Chancer ~ They arrived , Biden and Pelosi at a strategic time and it was an inflammatory visit in that it did
exactly that, was Biden thinking of his ratings going up ? I can't imagine who advised this waste of jet fuel.

RE: Positive Thoughts

very mad Positivity very mad grin forced, I must be positive grin happy place I will stay in my positive world, even though i can't pay the Gas/Electricity bill...talk to hand talk to hand talk to hand talk to hand talk to hand talk to hand talk to hand talk to hand talk to hand snooty NO


CROWN ~ Snakes and lightning. Sounds like the name of a Rock band. It is hard to desensitize myself from Snakes unless I go to somebody keeping them as pets or go in to a reptile shop.
Of Course in UK you have the adder, here it is the slow worm in Clare [the Burren] but I am terrified of the smaller guys. I don't mind pythons as you can see them. I had a friend who kept one and it was allowed around the house. I did not mind as after food it would sleep and sleep.
Lightning is the very same I can't de sensitise myself to it unless I went to a country where it happens every day. They say phobias are from Traumatic events in our life or an event that the mind could not handle so the mind copes by making the intolerable in to a phobia.

Either way, I went in to a Reptile shop with a friend and told owner who thought it was hilarious, he put a small orange and cream harmless snake around my neck , showed me how to hold it, it was dry and I gently handed it back. No cure.

RE: FBI searches Donald Trump’s Mar-A-Lago Resort...

Chatillion ~ It was in all the good papers and UK papers, I don't believe gutter press which sells well.
I knew something had to happen but like you say it is surprising it did not happen sooner.
It said in the papers that many supporters of Trump were outside with placards ~ ??
Regarding the delay, I think perhaps if charges are going to court, they have to have the evidence very tight as if there is one tiny hole in same the defence team will tear it to shreds. Time will tell.
Amazing how , with social media news gets around the world so fast. I had that this morning.

RE: Positive Thoughts

Reality, being truthful about our present problems or lack of a job, or a failed relationship, marriage,whatever needs to be dealth with head on. No pretending and acting positive. This positive thing drives me mad.
The answer is to realise life is not easy it can be tough, Levaugn has realised that.
I really believe in reality, we can see the problems and deal with them as best we can, without being negative. Being positive is over done in many books nowadays mostly on self help shelves written by people who live in sunny countries and have lots of money. Be honest, Be as happy as you can be, but be true to the situation. Being positive is not always possible. I know I won't have anyone to agree with me. Being positive when you are anything but can put a great strain on the personality and nervous sysem.
Reality is the answer. wine

RE: It appears that Alex Jones will be getting a DOUBLE WHAMMY...

Can he appeal on a point of law ? I doubt he could afford all that money so he goes to jail ?
Who would have thought the guy who tells you what you need to know, the know all with the fast talking big mouth puts his foot in it. This is not the last we have heard from Alex jones.laugh

RE: The reason we are here on this site

My close up eyesight has gone really bad so excuse the typhos. I am waiting to see an eye surgeon as burst blood vessels at back of eye easily treated but I can hardly see so sorry. Tailbacks in seeing surgeons because of Covid pandemic.

RE: atheist, theist, semi-theist and semi-atheist

Decent love ~ I agree with your post. I have friends and x relationships have all been atheists. They have been the kindest most loving people. Many of my friends are 100% Atheist and we can still be friends and again they are good, intelligent , kind people whom I respect immensely.
I am Christian and I tolerate all beliefs except those who go around killing other who are not of their own faith. I think the world needs more tolerance.
I am not half a believer in God, I believe in God 100%. Discussions on this subject are too lengthy for blogsites [I believe ] so I so believe in a God but again to re iterate, I have respect and tolerance for all

RE: Positive Thoughts

LeVaughn @ Yes positivity attracts positivity. Sadly not all can be positive. There are many people with ongoing problems. Be they poverty, sick children, hunger, war situations with no end in sight and family members killed , grieving spouses and children, people who suffer Depression or Cancer and who find it
extremely hard to be cheerful of 'positive ' about life , those given a diagnosis of a serious life threatening disorder.
I presume I am being negative. The positivity message is a good one but most of the books written in California where sun shines brightly. I have found my best position in life is to be Realistic and to view situations as they are, and then try and accept. realism works best for me.
So does Gratitude and a belief that there is a better life hopefully awaiting me through Jesus who died for me,wine

RE: It appears that Alex Jones will be getting a DOUBLE WHAMMY...

Great Video. Of course it is the courts fault and I was thinking just watching and listening to his 100mph way of speaking and shouting as he speaks how difficult it must be for any partner to live with that ! The viewer at least have an off button.doh

RE: Our experience(s) in dating here at CS or anywhere

Myrta ~ Congrats bouquet So happy for you. No doubt about it, falling in love and all the romance that goes with it is terrific. I am 71, I guess in Ireland, i feel many men my age seem quite 'old' in their thinking but that does not say there are not others out there who are young in their head and personality.
I really hope things work out and I am sure they will.
I find when you are open and friendly men gravitate to you more than when all dressed up and on guard.
I hope that makes sense. I have met really nice men in the Supermarket who stop to chat and they are attractive, look about 65 or 70, but when you meet somebody on that level you are more yourself.
Enjoy your new found romance. smitten

RE: It appears that Alex Jones will be getting a DOUBLE WHAMMY...

Chatillion ~ Yes he loves the Cameras and is sort of narcissistic guy and it is all about him .
He also seems to have dedicated fans , I don't like his style of presenting and he sometimes has an aversion to the truth but has a very convincing way of speaking about things, emotional too. I doubt he will get hired by anyone again. Would not be surprised if he sets himself up on some radio station.

RE: Our experience(s) in dating here at CS or anywhere

Linsyjones ~ only come on CS blogs now. I did have a long relationship and I probably wouldn't get that type of electricity and having so much in common and such happiness in a relationship again. I met him on C.S. He was not on the blogs. I met another lovely guy on C.S. again not on Blogs.
Recently I have been casually dating [my choice ] a nice guy, sadly he is younger than me by about 10 years.
I don't know if anyone else feels he same way but after the lockdowns and living alone as I do I have found it hard to re adjust to normal socialising. The older I get, even though I say not looking, the younger the men get and saying age is just a number. I disagree. 60s is fine but I am still very young in my head if that makes sense. I fully understand you wanting to enjoy life without constraints of a relationship and at the moment, friends and meeting up for coffee and chat and laughs is what I am enjoying, also getting in some courses for the Autumn hopefully.
In Ireland we have a saying ' A watched kettle never boils ' and that is so true, you stand beside it and it takes forever , the same with relationships. just when you are not looking somebody could come in to your life.
Alas if we are not happy in our own selves we have nothing to bring to a relationship and needing to be in a relationship to be happy is not a good foundation and makes us more co dependent.bouquet

RE: The reason we are here on this site

Typho ~ Then the virtual world is failing them.

RE: It appears that Alex Jones will be getting a DOUBLE WHAMMY...

i have watched him on Tv and on utube for some time and could never take to him. It is all about shocking people, his form of entertainment at other people'expense has never been something I liked.
You can't treat the truth like that and twist it to become more interesting for your Infowars . At last he has been silenced , for now.
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    Last Liked: Aug 6, 2022

RE: Finding Peace in one's space, and with others.

didi7 I agree with everything you said, Being alone is wonderful, we learn so much about ourselves and being alone for me is bliss, the calm the quiet,at these times I speak with my God and that is my way of praying, to talk to God, to get to know God.. To bring my problems and gratitude to him.
You are so right when you say being alone is different to being lonely .. We can be very lonely in a crowd, particularly when with people who are artificial or that we have nothing in common with.
Of course it is lovely to meet with friends and enjoy ourselves but I always enjoy solitude, reading scripture or watching a good movie or a good film. Studying scripture.

I was in a long term relationship where I felt very lonely. The man loved me but would get in to moods and would not want to talk about it. I love walking in nature alone, listening to the birds and the scents of the trees and sounds of water, all this is something money cant by.


RE: Lamborghini crash...

Terrific video. I watched it a few times. So stupid to run away of course he could have stolen the car but if he is the owner, it will be easy enough to track him down.
horrific damage to the house, the big Suv survived with dignity. Why break a light ? Drugs, drink, doh


Chatillion ~ I just saw your comment. Yes, I probably did say that more than once [thanks for keeping me on my toes]. That is because when studying Counselling /Therapy at 3rd level College, we did a lot of study on the type of person who was attracted in to politics [we are talking about the big guys/women here.
We studied body language and also it was said by the psychologist one of our teachers that politicians if full of empathy, sensitivity, against greed, etc., would not last a week. Narcissism and Greed and psychopathy are rampant in political leaders and yes i am now repeating it again.


CROWN ~ I have to be 100% honest here. Trump seems to have a good relationship with Putin , that would not do any harm these days as Biden and Pelosi seem to be goading China and Putin.
Things are not black n white either, no side is squeaky clean. Talking at the table is the only resolution.
Trump is probably the best man to do the job. in fairness.
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    Last Liked: Aug 7, 2022

RE: Where were you the day before you were concived?

Sorry, my post was written quickly, I was spirit, in the heavenly realms and then it was decided I come to earth and go through life . Maybe easier to understand.

RE: The end is Nigh!

Optimisticme ~ Iwill get some Strawberrt Ice - cream or even Vanilla and enjoy the whole tub as
no time to worry about calories. drink pouring Champagne of course and it will probably be fake news anyway. laugh

RE: Where were you the day before you were concived?

With God waiting to be born and live on earth a spirit.

RE: What old sayings do you like?

Hi ~ I have many but will write a few ~
Many hands make light work
Every man is worthy of his/her hire.]
If you want to know the person, take a long look at their past.
Show me your company and I'll tell you who you are
Birds of a feather, flock together.
Eaten bread is soon forgotten. [I think this is Irish, the meaning being that if you help somebody
when down and out or are a good friend and then that person
is not there for you or is forgetful of your kindness to them.

A Fool and his money soon part.
Paper does not refuse ink.
All that glistens is not Gold.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder Love is blind.
if you want to be loved unconditionally , get a dog.
He that laughs last, laughs loudest.
look before you leap
Pride comes before a fall.

and on and on. ..... I love these old sayings. They're full of wisdom.

RE: Senseless B.S

epirb ~ bowing bowing bowing bowing bowing bowing bowing
me wants to apologise epirb from the heart of my bottom sincerely.
hug Sorry ~ That OP annoyed me. sad flower PEACE

RE: Senseless B.S

Nandelangelvega ~ You refer to being single as if it were the plague.
Many people at some stage of life choose to be single. Still have the odd relationship but are happy with their lives.
You are judgemental. I did not say say you are incorrect but if you hate Trump v Biden diatribe as I do when it goes on and on , then why not ignore the blogs and stick to Dating ?

People who write about religion or God usually get a rough time here and this site was a good deal better before the Trump -itis Virus set in and took over the Blogs [which are about any subject ] This isite is not just for Americans and was a very interesting site before this obsession with Trump took over.
What have you contributed that might make a difference ?
wine Slainte from Ireland.

RE: Mental/emotional, physical, and spiritual trauma...

teenameena ~ I am sure you have read recent medical reports from various universities, Harvad and also journals [medical ] saying that SSRIs and the Serotonin up take story were in fact disproved.
There are people with low levels of Serotonin who don't suffer with Depression.
It has also been revealed that blind trials with SSRIs proved that the placebo effect was interesting and hidden. The fact is, placebo is very strong. The Serotin or lack of is a myth in the cause of Depression .
However, these SSRIs have many side effects and heart conditions, eye conditions like Glaucoma and obesity are only a few, plus the risk of Dementia and similar goes up.
Yet there does seem to be an anti inflammatory aspect to SSRIS. As I have taken these tablets for clinical depression I have found that they have helped my psoriasi on scalp. also arthritis inflammation. So I don't think they should be thrown out yet as even though lies were told and the effects exaggerated the drugs have given help and aided sleep in many people taking them.

I am not a Doctor but I always have an open mind. Pharma are no saints but without them people would not be living as long as they do. Depression makes our thinking negative, robs us of self esteem and any feeling of happiness and it can get so bad we can't make a decision . 3 to 4 weeks on an increased dose does show improvements. Trauma and many other things in my life caused me to suffer even as a child.

Good blog.thumbs up

RE: Sunscreen spray recalled for cancer risk...

There was another best selling oil factor 50 in the 70s banned because of 2 ingredients, they are herbs. I can't remember but the ingredients found their way and sneaked back on to the market shelves in other products. Many Creams [face, body lotions, hair dyes have extremely carciogenic ingredients ]. So we get cancer from the sun and we gat cancer from protecing ourselves from the sun..... laugh MAD
Thanks for information. It is wise to read ingredients. Aluminium and led is in many cheaper products.


CROWNAFFAIR ~ I watch a good bit of news on various TV stations. It does seem the truth that many Republicans would not want Trump back. At the time they elected him in, they did not have many decent choices.
Putting Biden in charge was cruel and I think many Democrats saw decency there but the poor man is obviously ill and not squeaky clean either. In my humble opinion, politics [at the very top ] attracts narcissists and psychopaths. If you have a conscience you won't last long .grin

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