To Miss Cherriebabe. teddybear

RE: Guys ,If you had an Offer from a Girl ,who would you choose ?

American, it's better for me to date the devil that I know.

RE: For Men,Do you Shave your Beared ..

Shave the face, trim the beard. thumbs up

RE: Single for the holidays

It's not too bad, on Christmas eve Santa shows-up a couple of hours before midnight, we go down to the strip club for awhile and do a couple of lines of pixie dust, we're good.

RE: Stop dating

Oh my Lord yes, keep dating. If you don't tame your heart, you'll cling to anything. For me, I have to try to control my heart when it longs for a relationship. I know I don't have to say, perspective is very different when love is involved, without love, one can step-back and look at a situation in a different light. Oh but to have that awful longing in the heart, to thirst, to hunger, to need. One must position one's self to only date, a lot, experience, explore. When will it be the love that will last forever?...Dating is more of a sure thing. My step dad died in October, he loved my mom for 30 years, he's gone. She can still date.

RE: Have you come across any ghostly encounter ?

Oh yes! Thanks for the post. In life, my ghost was female, her name was Louise Morgan. While alive, she lived here in this house before I moved in. In life, Louise was a nurse and she was undoubtably a clean natured woman. I'm single, no need to clean-up in-a-hurry, bit of a slob at times. She would throw my trash around the house. One time, I saw a TV dinner tray slide across the living room floor. For years I couldn't figure-out why she would only haunt me in the winter. It dawned on me that I'm dressed in the winter time in the house and in the summer I have no clothes on. She was a modest ghost. She was here for about ten years, I haven't had her presence for about nine years now.


Ah, I'm a bit in touch with that emotion, I trade the equities market. Long-short-long-short, does the fun ever start?

RE: God's chosen people...

The word of God said that God found favor in the heart of Abraham, the leader of Israel and through Abraham, the grace of God and God's favor was spread upon the entire nation. As I see it, Abraham became the new Noah, but God didn't destroy the earth with water that time, God grew a nation.

RE: Do you believe that the Bible is the word of God?

Yes, throughtout all of history, Jesus is the only one who claims to be the author of love.

RE: Did you ever hear the old saying 'never trust a man whose eyebrows meet' Do u believe it?

Dimple in the chin. devil within. shock

RE: Who make better spouse's...Scottish men or Irish men???

Oh my Lord, the above comments are right-on the money. My Grandparents and some Aunt and Uncles are Scottish, very kind and very thoughtful all of their lives. I'm mostly Irish and a joke teller and wild.

RE: Does your closet hide any shocking secrets?

No secrets, but enter at your own risk.

RE: What are Australians known for.

Known for - Olivia Newton John and Helen Reddy.

RE: New member...come say hi :D

Hey Miss moon! wave

RE: Which sweet you like most?

From the poll list? Ice cream, but number one favorite is cherry cheesecake.

RE: Do you believe the Spirit World exists ???

Yes, the spirit world is all around us.

RE: When a cute lady, after meeting few times, invites you for a lunch, what should be the response, esp

I Don't think she's going to eat you for lunch, go for it. wine

RE: would you kiss on a first date?

Kitty-cat kiss, not French.

RE: would you kiss on a first date?


RE: Which gross food item would you eat if you were stranded in a lifeboat at sea?

Damn BKN, that poll menu sounds pretty good, think I might gain weight eating that at sea. yay

RE: Which has more of a social stigma attached to it?

I'm not a dirty old man, ask any of the young ladies that I've been out with. Pure gentleman when the date is younger than I am.

RE: Hostess Out Of Business

Hostess along with other major brands just can't compete with 'GreatValue' brand at Walmart.

RE: I quit smoking....+++++

Hey pedro :) I stopped smoking also, but had trouble with dreaming about smoking for weeks after quiting. Advice, I chewed four pouches of SKOAL per day to stop the smoke-dreams. I still chew, but my lungs are healthier.

RE: Can someone tell me..

We're all programmed to receive, you can check-out anytime you like, but you can never leave.

RE: Have you ever seen a UFO?

Yes, I've seen a UFO in the sky at night, small round object glowing with green color, since then I've read that heat or burning in space can appear in many different colors including 'green'. Was it Aliens or a space-ship? I don't know, I have no proof.

RE: Australian's

Population of Australia is estimated at only 22.8 million, Luke might in fact have an issue. blues

RE: transformation.

Sounds great man! yay

RE: describe your happiness with two words......+++++

Equities market

RE: Should Ali110

Cost of fuel is too high, don't buy a big car.

RE: Healthy Jealousy

Personally, jealousy was the worse emotional feeling I've ever had. Was crazy jealous as a teen, not jealous at all at 48 and haven't had an ounce of jealousy since I was 27. I think I out-grew-it.

This is a list of forum posts created by CuddlingSoul.

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