What is the REAL AGENDA ? The Refugee Migration Crisis to Build the New World Order ?

If next saburb is burning, the fire can come to your house and keep spreading ...and those who arive in your country just to collect benefits and didn't build anything in your country, they don't care if your whole country burns to ashes....but you must care ! wine

What is the REAL AGENDA ? The Refugee Migration Crisis to Build the New World Order ?

Sorry to say 'Good night to all " it's quiet late with me. Will come back ...teddybear

What is the REAL AGENDA ? The Refugee Migration Crisis to Build the New World Order ?

Poor Germans and Sweedish, they are the very first experiment of NWO multiculturalism and the right wing is naturally rising because of the segregated saburbs / communities where muslims wants to live under Sharia law and forcing natives to live the same lifestyle....even Sweedish police, ambulance and fire brigade can't enter safely in their saburbs.doh It's civil war going on there that our media doesn't want to talk much about it or some times presenting as fascist protest against natives who are the real victims. blues

What is the REAL AGENDA ? The Refugee Migration Crisis to Build the New World Order ?

During the war in Balkan Peninsula, between 1991 to 1995, Russians where supporting Ortodox brotherhood with Serbs,sharing political empirilism views with Serbs, who's prime interest was to make a Big Serbia, to dominate and control all other different nations in forma Yugoslavia and if that happened, Russians would achieve their own political interest in all that territory, true Serbs !

Now, Croatia and Slovenia were always looking up to the West and Serbs always look up to big supportive brothers in Russians, while Bosnia and Herzegovina in the midfle is dangerously become Europian nightmare with ISIS who's making their new home, marring Bosnian Muslims who use to be relativelly flexible, more open to modern life, because dictator Tito forced them all to take off burka and be emancipated.
Remember, communist ideology teaches that all religions are enemy's to lefties and opium for the masses ! If you were religious at the time, it was difficult to get a job in the goverment.
Coming back to flexible muslim population in Forma Yugoslavia system , (Bosnian Muslims are genetical mix of Croats and Serbs with Turks - from Ottoman Empire) this people becoming more and more radicalized in Islam teaching, since ISIS infected them with virus of holly war, and christians Croats and Serbs in Bosnia are all the same to ISIS who pushes for holly war against all Christians.

The question is, did USA politic did mistake in supporting propaganda of ONLY Muslim victimhood ?

Definitelly it was victimhood of Serbs and Croats christians too, also commited by ISIS who trained muslim population in Bosnia. I was already in Australia when I watched on the SBS TV world news that on the Christmas day, Bosnian muslims with ISIS massacred whole village of Croats civilians in Bosnia. I am sure the same happened to Serbs too, who started the war against all none Serbs in forma Yugoslavia !
I am not saying that there wasn't genocide of muslims population in Bosnia, which should be addressed and animosity of Serbs towards them where always alive (see represented history of battle in Kosovo !). However, in my humble view, this presentation is not objective enough and giving much green light to ISIS progression in Bosnia.

Was that actually the NWO agenda already pushing to see only muslims as victims and continue with a bad propaganda pointing to all Europians, how all christians are bad ?
I don't know if I could simple answer your question but this informations might help as guidence to your own answer !? wine

What is the REAL AGENDA ? The Refugee Migration Crisis to Build the New World Order ?

Mr Miwagi,thank you very much for all kind support, in sharing my impressions of history interest that should not remain hiden from our children and grandchildren.

It's not about spreading hate with truthful history lessons that looks from all angles and not just from popular politically correct censorship of history - with lots of forced lies on all of us .. but rather being thought that with all mistakes of the past history, Europians has everything to be proud of so that no one can shake us in our roots with demoralising lies, in pushing guilt trips of Crusade - where all Christian world rightfully did, was protecting their own territory from inviders...

I can't swollow any more to listen, how bad white Europian are, it's unjust and undignifying distespectful propaganda of lefties and Islam cult, and only by keeping up this history alive, that should never be allowed to be barried - Europians moral and dignity will remain and God help us all, we need it in this time of chalenges that questions our very preservation of existence.cheers peace

RE: Happy St Patrick’s Day

Oh that's beautiful heartwarming blessing. heart beating
Thank you so much for sharing.teddybear
Happy St Patric day ! cheering

RE: blatant manipulation of opinion to serve vested interests Vis the two political ideologies in U S A

What's his going to do to expose him in what ? confused
To strip him off naked ? rolling on the floor laughing
This thread is about personal attack on another member that is against rules and mods could pull it down any time. OP risking to end up in CS jail to serve time.

What is the REAL AGENDA ? The Refugee Migration Crisis to Build the New World Order ?

I always wander where we're you in 1991 when Serboslav troops marched in Croatia and were making grusam genocide on unarmed Croatian civilians and police officers...
Of course we will never know the truth from you double standard hiden hipocrete. grin

RE: What personality type functions best on the forums ?

Mercedes, that's beautiful cute.dancing laugh bouquet

RE: Happy St Patrick’s Day

I am not Irish but if work permits me, I celebrate all Christian Saints. laugh teddybear

RE: What personality type functions best on the forums ?

Agree with all above posters who wisely made delightful description.rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Angela Merkel & A Fourth Term

thumbs up Communist the ferkel who will attempts to tottaly destroy not just Germany but whole Europe.
Germany is American puppet and what I don't get it, how Trump doesn't have any influence on her politic, where she's getting her sick communist guidence ? The NWO puppeteer !

What is the REAL AGENDA ? The Refugee Migration Crisis to Build the New World Order ?

I've heard that Europe worst mafia is Albanian mafia in Kosovo, is organised crime that rich international level, with organs selling on the black market, human trafficking and drugs. Is not just well known in Europe, this mafia buissnis of selling organs is connected to USA too, everybody was closing eyes, letting to continue ....until eyes can not be close any more.
The question is, why everybody purposely closed their eyes for so many years, what's in interest? Are powerful people in position involved in this and they will investigate themselves? dunno

What is the REAL AGENDA ? The Refugee Migration Crisis to Build the New World Order ?

wave Thank you for responding to her post. I wasn't sure ...wine

What is the REAL AGENDA ? The Refugee Migration Crisis to Build the New World Order ?

rolling on the floor laughing It's actually other way around.You're rather cut off both of my legs and arms until I am forced to accept your mythological obsessions pursuassions to be Serbian.laugh That's difference between our mentality and between our nation's, that I don't care how you will call yourself, Serbian or what ever but you and your nation can't stop looking over the fance to tray stealing your neighbour's fruit, land, history....

Anyway, there's bigger goal to look at, where all Europians needs to sattle their differences and unite as one in the interest of our future generations to come because if we don't, we will be eaten by Islam and the NWO.wine teddybear

What is the REAL AGENDA ? The Refugee Migration Crisis to Build the New World Order ?

love Excellent presentation!!! applause
I am pleasently surprised that you picked video of a very impressive clear explanation from an Scientist,
that does't care about religion but only cares as far that impact him as part of Europian civilisation that again experiencing Islam conquest of Europe and other western countries. Wish every indoctrinated Leftis watch this but most of them just doesn't want to know.
peace lips heart wings

What is the REAL AGENDA ? The Refugee Migration Crisis to Build the New World Order ?

My Commander and Chief ? rolling on the floor laughing
Sorry I was busy explaining my DNA Europian roots to my ex neighbour that wants to mix me with Serbs genetics.rolling on the floor laughing peace lips

What is the REAL AGENDA ? The Refugee Migration Crisis to Build the New World Order ?

Back to you my ex neighbour butterfly - to remind you of genetic history importance.laugh It is quiet arogant to pursue theory that Croats are actually Serbs. laugh
Genetics researche's has become the main tool in classifying ethnic groups and are more correct than any political reasons they were being changed from time to time to please political agenda behind all !!!

To clear something from videos presented about Croatian roots, I need to say that proto- Iranian theory is actually about Croat names "Horvatos" more than anything else and should not be mistaken with genetic ancestry of Croats...and again, it's kind of presumptions and it's important to not mix those theories since GHOTIC / SLAVIC theory is determining Croatian genetic ancestry, while proto- Iranian theory is determining Croatian name "Horvatos" ancestry and is linguistically based.
The Iranian part fit before Croats Slavs arrived in White Croatia, and those aren't the same Iranians as they are today, but where the ancient proto- Iranians which of course where White Europian people, ancestors of vast numbers of Europian nations.All Europians including Croats, actually all proto- IndoEuropians.
By the ethnonym Slavs are considerably genetically and culturally diverse and relations between them are varied, ranging from a sense of connection to feelings of mutual resentment and Serbs and Croats are definitely a great example of this connection and resentment.mumbling
Holpogroups - History, DNA showing that Slavic Croatian mixed with Frank and assimilated Illirians on modern day Croatia so at this point I will stop referring to Croatians as just Slavic - since they were already predominantly SLAVIC and GERMANIC / ILLIRIAN MIXURE, as well Croats tribes were mixing with GOTHIC population. Croats where part of Frankish empire from 750 till 815 as a dependent group.
Kingdom of Croatia was well documented and recognised by Byzantium Roman Pope and all it's neighbors !!! That's where you hate any Pope for making such existent documentation proffe and where all Serbs love to change documented history into some new delusional theory that suits to Serbian propaganda and politic. Lol
Due to Ottoman invasion of Europe, both world wars, Croatian lost one part of its natural territory called Bosnia and Herzegovina!

Croatian DNA reasurch Haplogroups shows:
Holpogroups on the Y chromosome line, a majority (>87%) of Croats belong to one of the three major Europian Y - DNA
Haplogroups I 38%
Holpogroups R1a 35%
Holpogroups R1b 16 %
The dominant presence of halpogroup I is rather interesting, as this group exist in Europe only and fairly widespread, but in relatively small percentages. It's frequency in the Balkan is high, but the only populations that have similar levels of the I group are the Scandinavians.

teddybear I know even after all detailed explanation, you will pursued your mythological assumptions theory.laugh Never mind, my info still relates to Europian genetics and culture that should be preserved and not thrown in rubbish bins to nihilistic none existence...and Serbs are part of it, regardless of our differences.wine

What is the REAL AGENDA ? The Refugee Migration Crisis to Build the New World Order ?

Conrad, thank you for all this informations and contrubution to this topic.wine

What is the REAL AGENDA ? The Refugee Migration Crisis to Build the New World Order ?

Hi. Thank you for contribution.I haven't yet had chance to watch all videos presented here, so many ... and traying to catch up with everything, while cooking, so please be patient with me,I will come back to check this.wine Some how I think it smells on pushing politically correct agenda.laugh peace

What is the REAL AGENDA ? The Refugee Migration Crisis to Build the New World Order ?

The Iranian theory of Croatian ethnogenesis in short and simple terms.

Origins of Croats, Croatian culture and Croatian checkerboard


What is the REAL AGENDA ? The Refugee Migration Crisis to Build the New World Order ?

Serbian comedy about Croatian and Serbian going both to hell; each where let to choose in which Hell they will choose to go; Euro union hell or Balkan hell. Croatian chose European Union hell and Serbian - Balkan hell. The difference is that Croatian who chose to stay in European Union Hell had to eat every day 1 spoon of a bad crup and Serbs had nothing to eat in Balkan hell, and after a few years they meet again,both complained to each other, which hell is more horrible laugh Croatian was proud to be in EU but also cried how hard is to put up eating every day 1 spoon of crup, which horrible taste of pooo was hunting him all day, ever day, and Serbian couldn't handle not to eat even a crup. rolling on the floor laughing Hilariously funny. Like some Serbian comedy and also Serbian Mythology which makes me laugh.

Genijalci 2014-Srbin i Hrvat u Paklu - translation "Serbian and Croat in Hell"laugh

What is the REAL AGENDA ? The Refugee Migration Crisis to Build the New World Order ?

EXCLUSIVE - Bosnia: how did Saudi Arabia gain influence in the country?
How did they gain influence? Is it like they have in Germany, Sweden and many other western countries ...?

What is the REAL AGENDA ? The Refugee Migration Crisis to Build the New World Order ?

Miwagi, thank you for sharing news, it's horrible what's happening is Europe. crying Sweden used to be one of the strongest nations in Europe and look at them now, Sweden Is Hell on earth now and It`s just getting worse and worse....
European countries show that they always proud about their modern values of democracy and freedom. However, when it comes towards Islam, everything they always say about their modern values will be inverted upside-down.
Banning crime statistic on the main stream media and generally not permitting native European people to say anything about new migrants crime in identifying them, it just shows there based on race proves that it is non whites. It proves it beyond doubt because it has gotten so bad they need to censor it.

This is the Quran !
"Slay them wherever ye find them and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter. - 2:191
Fight against them until idolatry is no more and Allah's religion reigns supreme. (different translation: ) Fight them until there is no persecution and the religion is God's entirely. - Sura 2:193 and 8:39
Fighting is obligatory for you, much as you dislike it. - 2:216
(different translation: ) Prescribed for you is fighting, though it is hateful to you.
..... martyrs.... Enter heaven - Surah 3:140-43
If you should die or be killed in the cause of Allah, His mercy and forgiveness would surely be better than all they riches they amass. If you should die or be killed, before Him you shall all be gathered. - 3:157-8
You must not think that those who were slain in the cause of Allah are dead. They are alive, and well-provided for by their Lord. - Surah 3:169-71
Let those fight in the cause of God who sell the life of this world for the hereafter. To him who fights in the cause of God, whether he is slain or victorious, soon we shall give him a great reward. - Surah 4:74
Those who believe fight in the cause of God, and those who reject faith fight in the cause of evil. - 4:76
But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever you find them. - 4:89
Therefore, we stirred among them enmity and hatred, which shall endure till the Day of Resurrection, when Allah will declare to them all that they have done. - 5:14
O believers, take not Jews and Christians as friends; they are friends of each other. Those of you who make them his friends is one of them. God does not guide an unjust people. - 5:54
Make war on them until idolatry is no more and Allah's religion reigns supreme - 8:39
O Prophet! Exhort the believers to fight. If there are 20 steadfast men among you, they shall vanquish 200; and if there are a hundred, they shall rout a thousand unbelievers, for they are devoid of understanding. - 8:65
It is not for any Prophet to have captives until he has made slaughter in the land. - 8:67
Allah will humble the unbelievers. Allah and His apostle are free from obligations to idol-worshipers. Proclaim a woeful punishment to the unbelievers. - 9:2-3
When the sacred months are over, slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them. - 9:5
Believers! Know that idolators are unclean. - 9:28
Fight those who believe neither in God nor the Last Day, nor what has been forbidden by God and his messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, even if they are People of the Book, until they pay the tribute and have been humbled. - 9:29 (another source: ) The unbelievers are impure and their abode is hell. (another source: ) Humiliate the non-Muslims to such an extent that they surrender and pay tribute.
Whether unarmed or well-equipped, march on and fight for the cause of Allah, with your wealth and your persons. - 9:41
O Prophet! Make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites. Be harsh with them. Their ultimate abode is hell, a hapless journey's end. - 9:73"

P.S. Wish there was Vikings again?.

What is the REAL AGENDA ? The Refugee Migration Crisis to Build the New World Order ?

I am sorry for neglecting post due to my business and getting down with the flue ...but I will try to do my best in answering to each who address post to me. Thank you ahead for understanding. Have fun.teddybear

RE: Marriage

cheers I think too for myself.rolling on the floor laughing yay

RE: Marriage

laugh wine

RE: Marriage

Actually I would prefer being in marriage but I am for now married to my daughter, probably till she finish university and hopefully get her PhD. Until that happen - I might be gray and give up...laugh

What is the REAL AGENDA ? The Refugee Migration Crisis to Build the New World Order ?

laugh Here is some explanation to clear your visions of history.
Serbs committed genocide against Croats and Slovenians (1991), Bosnians(1992-1995), Bulgarian-Macedonians(1912), Kosovo-Albanians(1998-1999), Germans and Hungarians in Vojvodina(1914-18), Italians and Croats in Istria/Dalmatia(1945) . So in 1999, Nato bombed Serbia for committing genocide in entire south-eastern Europe.

Serbs clime that 3400 Serbs was killed in villages around Srebrenica by those Muslim Allah warriors and that western media never mentioned 'Kravica' and that from within Srebrenica Muslims were, for years, attacking surrounding Serbian villages killing thousands of civilians and burning a whole villages. It might sound as if I am covering for Dedovic nation but I am not, just trying to see the whole picture. blues
Now some climes that the whole thing is a setup by New World Order and I am afraid that those who did crime on humanity will never be punished properly.hole

Bosnia: Cradle of modern jihadism? BBC News
Published on Jul 4, 2015

20 years ago in the civil war in Bosnia, hundreds of Arab jihadists came to join Bosnian Muslims fighting against their neighbours the Serbs and Croats. Grouped into secret fighting units in Central Bosnia, this was the first time in centuries Jihad had been fought against a Western, Christian enemy. Two decades later Bosnia is still reaping the consequences. In the past month ISIS declared the Balkans the next front of Jihad - and in remote mountain villages extremists are flying the ISIS flag. Mark Urban returns to Bosnia and discovers how secular Bosnian society has been infiltrated by a militant Islamism which operates to this day.

What is the REAL AGENDA ? The Refugee Migration Crisis to Build the New World Order ?

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but some often do more harm than good.This kind of attack seems to be non-productive. It could make a huge difference if you could learn respectful approach.

A quick review lesson of major Absolute monarchs who ruled with divine right in Europe from c1500-c1750. Know all about Peter the Great, Philip II, the Stuarts, Maria Theresa, and of course, the Sun King, Louis XIV.

History of The King James Bible: God's Perfect Word

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