thelastgoodman0thelastgoodman0 Forum Posts (119)

RE: Number 1 Turn Off on Online Dating Sites?

Some people use their cell phones for this, believe it or not, and some of those people don't have full keyboards on their phones. For those people, it's a matter of saving a lot of time and sore thumbs.

RE: Do You Think Some People Are Just Meant To Live Life Alone?

We choose our own path through life, and some of us make choices that lead us down the path alone, that's all. Everyone can be with someone, but it may not be someone they want to be with or they may not be willing to do what it takes to stay with someone, and so they choose to be alone. So no, nobody is "meant" to do anything. We make our own destiny.

Ladies: Online dating etiquette

Thanks for the reply. I hope more women decide to voice their views here, too.

You can re-open and re-close a quote by using the [ quote=name] and [/ quote] tags (without the spaces, of course). Your replies got mixed in with my original questions the way you posted it.

RE: Social networks!why do tehy arrange em?For total controllin?

Paranoid much? lol.

Social networking is a tool. Use it, but don't let it use you. Control what you post, and remember that everything that is ever on the internet anywhere gets archived somewhere.

I'd be more worried about widespread adoption of genealogy if I were worried about conspiracies, which I'm not.

Ladies: Online dating etiquette

This is a question for the women of CS to help men understand what behavior is expected when corresponding with a new potential match on this site. While answers may vary from one woman to the next, the answers provided here can help provide some general guidelines for "online dating etiquette" for those new to such things.

1) How long should a man wait before responding to mail? How long is too long, and how soon is too soon, and why?

2) When is it acceptable for a man to suggest meeting, and why?

3) What advice would you give to someone who wanted to contact you?

4) When someone you've been talking with reads your email but does not reply, how long should you wait before sending another message to make sure they're still interested?

5) Any other "unwritten rules" of online dating you can think of, please mention them along with the reasons for the rules.

I hope this advice thread can helps bring more people together by explaining some of the seldom-discussed expectations women have of men on this and similar sites.

RE: Pc or Mac?

I didn't realize you were joking, as some of these kinds of discussions get really brutal. It's quite easy to keep a PC or a Mac virus free, really. Sure, there are fewer Mac viruses, but it's not hard to write one and they do exist. The main reason for blue-screens and such in the PC world are conflicts between the wide variety hardware available from a wide variety of manufacturers. As more hardware vendors make the move to Mac-land, the low quality manufacturers that make cheap hardware, bad drivers, and cause crashes will come along for the ride.

I'm not sure about your math education, so are you familiar with combinatorials? The number of possible combinations of PC hardware is absolutely staggering. Hardware conflicts sometimes do occur and cause blue screens under Windows, but these have become fewer and fewer as time goes by and as Microsoft becomes more strict about who can get the Windows DDK's. Let's not forget driver signing and phasing out old bus types, too.

With Apple/Mac, there are far fewer hardware device combinations available. I'm not even sure what one has to do to write a device driver for a Mac, because I've never had the need (i.e., the financial incentive) to do so.

This limited hardware availability does indeed lend itself to greater stability. If you want something more stable than a Mac, get a game console. The extremely limited number of hardware configurations available in console systems allow software developers to target clearly defined and well documented hardware platforms.

Of course, most software these days is not targeting any specific hardware platform but targets an operating system or environment. The debate is quickly becoming more for historical purpose than for looking forward.

RE: Obama's unpopularity is soaring.

Lol, if there aren't any other jobs available, people will be lining up to run for his.

RE: Single again !

Decisions should never be maded based only on emotions. Things that are wrong can feel right, and things that are right can feel wrong. Negative emotions, such as hatered, anger, jealousy, fear, and sorrow, almost always interfere with making wise choices. As hard as it may be, we as human beings have the rather unique ability overcome our instinct-driven emotions and think rationally. Emotions can bring us together and make us better, but they can also tear us apart.

I'm not saying that emotion isn't an important part of being human, but it's not a reliable method of making wise choices and often choices made based on emotion lead to another emotion later on - regret.

RE: Single again !

cheers That's the way to go. Love grows from a strong foundation. Don't let the myth of the "friend zone" keep you from finding love, either. Some of your male friends might be exactly what you're looking for in a man.

RE: Single again !

Text breakups are just tacky and insensitive. Sounds like this guy had trust issues and couldn't handle the long distance relationship. The lack of emotion probably comes from the lack of emotion connected with text messages. Voice is much more personal.

RE: Pc or Mac?

Or perhaps I have a life outside the forums and didn't bother waiting around for you to reply, or perhapsI didn't expect a reply and was just making a light-hearted joke about the religious devotion people have on such arguments as pc vs mac, *nix vs microsoft, jam vs jelly, etc.

I'm not going to get into a flame war with someone over such a silly topic, that's all. My PC runs fine, no crashes, no viruses, no problems. To each his or her own.

RE: Pc or Mac?

rolling on the floor laughing Yes, Mac fans do tend to have a certain "religious" quality in their dedication and their reasons for choosing Mac. I'll stick with rational thought.

RE: Pc or Mac?

Software developers write software for the largest target audience possible, so more software is made for the PC platform. Most high quality games are written for consoles to reach the greatest number of potential customers.

Both Mac and PC platforms are great, but the business world runs mostly on PC, and the desktop publishing world runs mostly on Mac. The debate is like blueberry vs strawberry now that Mac's can run Microsoft's Windows OS and most new applications are going server-side.

The real reason most of us are still single

That's actually the main point of the article, as a previous poster pointed out. Relationships are changing and women are less motivated to form life-long relationships with men. Men are becoming more compromising while women are becoming less so. Often times, women remain single because they go to the extreme and refuse to compromise at all, expecting the man to be the only one to give any ground on issues. This is not equality, but a reversal. Neither system of one partner having total power works well for the emotional health of the other partner.

In the past, when women were expected to marry and faced economic and social penalties if they were single, men did not compromise with their spouses. More and more, single women are expecting the role of "uncompromising dictator" to be reversed instead of eliminated in any relationship they enter, and men generally are unwilling to submit completely even if they are willing to meet in the middle.

Our socieity has, in general, become a society of purely self-centered individuals with weak, disposable bonds instead of a society of families with strong, life-long bonds.

RE: Your Record

That's such a gloomy outlook on life! I think humanity will eventually overcome its brutish, violent nature. But this is a thread about hunting and our own personal experiences with hunting, not war or politics.

RE: Your Record

They walk out in front of cars traveling at 70 mph on the interstate, so it's not the highways that kill them - it's the impact, but let's not mince words here. We humans aren't going to stop driving, and the deer aren't going to stop crossing the highways. The best we can do is prevent the loss of human lives by managing deer populations.

It's more humane for the deer to be killed quickly with a well placed bullet from a high powered rifle than to lie injured and broken on the side of the road after walking in front of a family of four on their way home from visiting Grandma. As another poster pointed out, many starve to death or are eaten by predators.

RE: Your Record

If people don't kill enough deer during hunting season, deer kill themselves and people on the highways.

RE: Destiny

"If it's meant to be, it is up to me." - unknown author

Take that, destiny!

cheers gift
Merry Christmas, everyone!

RE: Would you give your email or talk to someone that will not post a picture on here?

I like getting to know someone first so I can see their personality without being distracted by their looks. It's impossible to do that with people I meet offline first. I try as much as possible to ignore pictures when they're present so I can see the real person, but I am human. I'm more interested in profiles without photos than those with.

Beauty fades, and I'm not interested in petty women who only want to give me a chance because of my looks or who instantly don't like me because of my looks. People tend to be visually biased and often don't give others a chance, or give them too much of a chance, based only on beauty.

Besides, our perception of someone's beauty changes when we get to know someone better. I've seen women I initially found quite unattractive become beautiful over time as I got to know them better, and I've seen women go from a 10 to a 4 in my mind's eye after I really got to know them.

RE: Share the BEST or WORST pick-up line you've received...

Best pick-up line a woman ever used on me was "Wow! Isn't he cute?" whispered quite loudly to her friend as she gestured toward me. It was totally ineffective, but I was still flattered. I was in a relationship already.

RE: Affordable health care plan of Obama supports less fortuned America!

thumbs upthumbs up

I have no comment on the issue itself, but katt1017 is right on target with her evaluation of poll bias here. No matter whether or not I agree with your position, there's no way I could soil my clicking finger by voting on such a dirty poll.

RE: What Music Are you Listening To Right Now? part2

RE: being nice does not work

... unless the man believes in something she doesn't, in which case he is to roll over and put his paws in the air and let her win. rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Marriages come & go.......

So sad but true. People don't stay together because they don't want to put any work at all into making marriage work. That's why I'm single - can't find a woman who will try hard enough to communicate.

RE: Many Ended Relationships

"Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it." - George Santayana

I learn from every experience life has to offer me. It seems the lesson I needed most, I kept missing. I've stayed in relationships where I knew the woman I loved felt that her own needs, desires, and individuality were more important than the relationship itself. I just can't do that with someone I truly love. What I've learned is that I need to be more willing to end relationships that are one-sided, and I need to be better able to detect them, before I let myself fall in love. No relationship can ever mature to the point that it lasts if either partner has such a self-centered attitude. Eventually, both partners have to give up the idea of personal power and give that power to the relationship itself.

Selfishness and Pride are the downfall of so many good relationships. Even though I'm trying to move on with my life, I still miss her. Maybe she's reading my posts, wishing she could find it in herself to call me even now. I'm not a huge country music fan, but this song keeps popping into my head as I wish a certain someone would get over their issues and call me.

She stayed up all night and cried into her pillow
And fought off the urge to just break down and call
Last night to find the fault seemed so darn easy
But now whose to blame don't matter much at all
She thinks if she calls him it just shows weakness
So the hurt goes on with every tear she's cried
Ain't it sad to see a good love fall to pieces
Chalk another heartbreak up to foolish pride

Turn out the lights the competition's over
The stubborn souls are the losers here tonight
And while the bridges burn, another hard-hard lesson's learned
As through the ashes passion slowly dies
And this romance goes down to foolish pride

He relives every word they spoke in anger
He walks the floor and punches out the wall
To apologize to her would be so simple
But instead he cries I'll be damned if I'll crawl
If he loses her he's lost his best friend
And that's more then just a lover can provide
So he wrestles with emotions that defeat him
Chalk another love lost up to foolish pride

Turn out the lights the competition's over
The stubborn souls are the losers here tonight
And while the bridges burn, another hard-hard lesson's learned
As through the ashes passion slowly dies
And this romance goes down to foolish pride

Chalk another heartbreak up to foolish pride

- Travis Tritt, Foolish Pride

RE: Have you ever 2

No. I'm my own boss, so I set my own schedule.

Have you ever been half-asleep, walking to the restroom in the middle of the night, and walked into a half-opened door?

RE: Have you ever 2

No, but I heard they taste like chicken.

Have you ever taken my compatibility quiz?

RE: It's so interesting

Of course, the "chemistry" isn't based only on looks. I developed a relationship with a woman online and the "chemistry" was there for us both before we ever met face to face, just because we had developed a bond through tons of emails, text chat, and voice chat. That magical "chemistry" people always talk about grows and feels natural when you build a relationship first.

The chemistry was great, but things didn't work out in the long run.

RE: It's so interesting

Unfortunately, even if the chemistry is there, it takes good communication and a desire to make things work for things to work out. Failure to communicate effectively is the second biggest relationship killer. Lack of desire to put forth the effort to make things work is the first.

RE: It's so interesting

I'm just not sure how to move forward. I'd love to go with the honest approach, because that's just who I am. Sadly, when I'm honest and direct, it backfires. Women seem to love the chase, so making myself appear "unavailable" or having a "too good for you" attitude makes me more attractive to women for some reason.

I was married once, a long time ago, and I got more flirts and had more women coming onto me just because they saw the ring on my finger than at any other time in my life. They see the "taken" man as a safer bet because he's at least valuable to someone, so he's safer than the "truly single" guy. Men tend to find a new woman before they leave their old one because of this simple fact. It's sad, really, but it's the way things are.

I don't pretend to understand women. Most women will admit that even they don't understand women.

This is a list of forum posts created by thelastgoodman0.

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