RE: Must we feel so singular about religion..

I say that it is impossible to be wholly inclusive. Personalities (that often some religions tend to draw to them) will always congregate to similar and like.

Just like the poles of magnets, the right ones will stick together and it is very hard to separate them, but the wrong ones will repel each other and you can't get them together with constant effort, strength and will.

So it is with religion. Human beings are primarily spiritual beings. Even athiests still practice faith (only their faith is that there is no God - totally unprovable just as faith that there is a God is unprovable).

Each person has a faith and lives in that faith. Each person has an entitlement to believe as she or he chooses.

If there is one thing that science is proving, that would have to be that there are different spirits, different energies, and as a result different creatures, different solar systems, different planets, different stars, etc.)

Different religions are an extension of the self. Yes even atheism is a religion whose worshipers vehemently defend it. It is intrinsically unprovable. It is accepted by its believers as truth without evidence.

Just as in nature we see constant conflicting forces opposing each other, this is a part of the spirit in each of us. Some like those magnets will cling together, some will repel each other.

Conflict is not the issue. It is our wanting others to be like ourselves that is the issue.

I think let those who believe, believe. Let those who judge, judge. Let those who choose to reject religion reject religion. Let those who embrace religion, embrace it.

Conflict and disagreement is a part of living and life.

Just as "Jack Sparrow" said in the movie. There are only two things that matter. What a man can do and what a man can't do.

Me, I disagree with others and I can't accept certain behaviours in either the religious or the non-religious, the spiritual and the non-spiritual. These things I accept and have learned that it is okay to not agree about. There is nothing wrong with this natural conflict that we see in nature all around us.

It is wrong to expect others to view things from our own flawed perspectives.


RE: Why do men view the same profile 30+ times and not respond to messages

You forget that this is not a social setting. It is a dating site. Dating.

Thank means that first you check out what is available, then you compare what is available, then you check out some more.

If this were the theatre, then one would only stare for a little while and move on. But this site is about looking for someone to hook up with (while some will want to deny this truth).

So what is someone checks out your profile a lot? So they don't contact you? Be flattered that they think your profile is worth checking out. Isn't that what a profile is for? A.K.A. looking at it?

Since these men haven't contacted you, is that more the real reason your not happy about it?


RE: Tony Abbott

Ah, It seems that Tony Abbott has taken a back seat (and rightly so) in favour of discussing "refugees".

Now, in my limited logic, a refugee is someone who is fleeing death, torture, etc in their own country. So why are these people so angry that they will be settled in a land where they are no longer being killed, tortured, etc?

Why, in 2012, when there were just about 2.2 million refugees data collected, were only 120,000 found to be true refugees, while the rest were financial refugees?

How can these "poor" people afford the astronomical prices for these boat trips, when it costs less (well it did until TA & BH got into power) to apply through the correct chanels?

Now I must laugh. My wife is Chinese, yet she keeps asking me why so many 'foreigners' who don't believe in the Australian lifestyle, community, and values, can protest and behave like lawless outlaws and have no consequence?

She does not understand how people who should be grateful for this land are offered so much by our government, yet our government gives so little to their citizens?

These are all good questions and I cannot give her an answer, except to say that our country is being ruled by puppets of the corporgovernments that seek to distabilize our equality and remove our freedoms.

This can be achieved not only through economic actions designed to crush the masses and increase the power of the rich, but also through fracturing the cohesive society to ensure that the citizenry do not stand up unified against this usurpation of government and this power grab.

But my Anna is a simple woman who sees the truth more than many of the Australians born here do. She asks me how come we put up with this?

What answers should I give her? Anyone?

RE: Australian Men

Yep. No worries...... wink

RE: no good.....

It depends on the person and the technology. For me, technology helped me meet my first wife.

Later technology helped me meet my current wife.

There is good and bad in everything. It is how we as humans use technology and what control that we let it have over us that is the issue.


RE: Tony Abbott

In a land of only a duopoly in government (no real freedom to vote for who people really want - the only real choices are Liberal or Labour) it is like choosing what softdrink you want. Sprite, or Fanta. They are both owned by the same company.

Our governments are stooges and owned by wealthy corporations, and laws that are passed are passed only in such a way as there are loopholes to ensure that wealthy business owners and corporations do not have to pay the taxes that the workers have to pay.

It doesn't matter Liberal or Labour, they are really tarred with the same brush. The last true statesmen and stateswomen I can recall was when the Queensland Senate passed the law disbanding themselves!

Oh how the other states should follow and relieve the country of political fatness....

Then again, our entire population is governed by a single municipal government overseas, so why do we need 3 layers of government (plus the bureaucracy that goes with it)? Only to ensure that those who would want to play kings and queens keep their fat cat wallets full.


RE: So, we're gonna marry...

Congratulations! I also married a girl I met here. I think that it is easy to meet many compatible real women on here.

Hope your wedding is a wonderful beginning to a wonderful rest of your life.


RE: Do The women true love to their men

Depending on what exactly you are asking?? Difficult to understand your question.

Do men truely love their women? If this is your question than I would answer, if they are truely in love with their woman, then yes, they truely love their woman.

The sames goes for women who truely love their man.

Spoken from experience...... handshake

RE: Long Term Relationship

You can find it, if you look in the right places. I have. Just how serious are you about finding it? What it is worth to you (not in monetary terms). How far would you go to find it?

These are some of the questions you need to honestly answer. Love is out there, but each of us must decide how far we will go to find it.

I found my love on here, so I know that it can be done.


RE: Anyone actually MET anyone on here??

Yep, and dated 2 people from here, and married one of them.

It is possible. But I had to re-evaluate what I was looking for, and I went to where I was wanted (that meant LDR overseas).

For me it was simple.


RE: Missing

Yeah, I miss myself on here. He just doesn't seem to get online much anymore.........

RE: Love or boredom or desperation?

Love is a living thing, that grows and natures when cares for by both proles in a relationship. It just as easily does or can be killed by a person who poisons it through apathy, selfishness, and the lack of spiritual water, just like a plant can either as ND die.

KY is the failure to recognise love as a living thing, that leads to dead hearts, dead souls, and calloused hearts that do not knowhow to love, or what love really is.


RE: Looking for Love in the times on War on all the wrong places including CS

Hang in there. Love comes when you least expect it. Don't confuse attraction, lust or other temporary emotions as love though. Love is a decision that we make. Like most things in life we must first give it out to get it come back.


You are young. My first relationship wasn't until I was late 20a, so you have time on your side.....

RE: Should I give up on love are keep looking


1. your english is shocking. If you write like this, do you also speak like this?

2. there is somebody for everybody in the world. nobody can make you happy. You have to do that yourself.

3. only you can answer if you are dateable or not. If you are not having much luck, then I would take a good look at yourself and make some adjustments. I had to, and when I did, dates were a plenty.

4. you also have to have realistic expectations for dates/relationships. If you are not a superstar model, don't expect to date one.......


RE: how far would u travel to meet someone from c s

Well, I travelled nearly two days (including flight time) to meet my wife.

It depends on the people.

For some, it is too hard for them to cross the street, or even say hello to their neighbour.

For me, the whole world is my neighbourhood. Travel to meet someone doen't matter.

I have friends all over the world. It is great to catch up with them from time to time.

RE: What would it take.....

Having been in an international dating relationship prior to marrying her, I would say that what it takes is:

1. the belief that it can work out (if you don't really believe it, then you'll find an excuse to not follow through)

2. the willingness to invest in the relationship monetarily, fidelity wise, with perseverance and resilience

3. the willingness to accept that another culture will view things differently to you

4. self-security that comes from knowing yourself, being honest with yourself, and not holding as your security materialistic things such as a house, or job, or money.

5. a desire for adventure (LDRs are an adventure).

6. true love for the other person. (not easy to know first up whether it is just infatuation or real love)


RE: Long distance communicating...

Always have to physically see each other. A real relationship doesn't form otherwise. Instead, a fantasy is formed. This sort of thing will never last unless the couple end up physically being able to date / see each other.

Webcaming is a temporary stop gap, but messaging, texting and phones should have their rightful place as part of the communication repertoire, but not the principal communication mediums in a LDR.

Why, because I have successfully maintained a couple of LDRs. In fact my wife is the result of an LDR that started here on CS.

Hung out with Clive Palmer

Yeah, I like him as well. He is smaller in real life than he looks on TV.

Of course he is a business man at heart, so it was interesting sitting next to him in the VIP area for the show and being able to first hand watch him begin a business deal with some Indian (from India) VIPs he was hosting a holiday for.

That is what I call 'accessible' in that he was open in front of me and didn't put on any pretences. He is a 'what you see is what you get' sort of fellow.

Shrewd, yes he is. He wouldn't be a successful business man if he wasn't.

Whether people want to believe the hype in the media or not is up to them. But from a first-hand perspective, I'm quite happy to have him, rather than a Liberal or Labour non-contactable representative in politics representing me.

Also his office was very helpful for me with the dreaded immigration department. When I couldn't get a straight answer from them, I called up Clive's office, and bingo..... I had my issues straightened out within two days......

Never had that happen with any other politician I've known.

Just sayin'...........

Hung out with Clive Palmer

I hung out with Clive Palmer last night. It was really good to have my political representative open up his resort to his constituents, mingle freely with them, put on a great show by
'Dean Vegas' (elvis inpersonator), wander through his motor car collections, wander through his animated dinosaur park.....

Of all the politicians I've met, he certainly seems the most human.

Great to see him with his wife and his family.

Good on ya Clive for being accessible by ordinary people and for being for the people....

Just saying....

RE: how long should one wait before total intimacy

Depends what you mean by intimacy. Intimacy can be different things to different people.

I don't think there is a time frame as in linear time. I think both people know when the time is right in their hearts, not in their loins. wink

For different people, it will be a different amount of time.

RE: Woman here are lier

I don't think that all women here are liars. In fact I don't believe that many actually lie purposely. Often, if it is not a scammer pretending to be a woman, people just don't know how to be truthful.

Both men and women, out of fear, or other ingenuine motives, try to hide who they really are. Often people don't want to face who they really are, so they convince themselves that they are someone else or they convince themselves that they are not the way they really are.

When we hate something we see in another person, often we have that very same attribute in ourselves, that is why we recognise it so clearly.


RE: dqbaby

Hi Sherry,

Firstly you have done a great job to clean up your act.

Trust is a difficult thing. Most people who have been hurt by others will experience trust issues at some time.

The trick is to trust others, but with wisdom. Trust is not blind.

I believe you need to trust your intuition. If you feel something's not right, go with it.

My wife, who I met here, and I had to trust that each other were real, we had to trust that each of us was genuine, and we had to take risks with each other.

Having been through many bad experiences with females, (bashed by mum, etc) it does become very difficult to trust.

But it takes courage to not be a victim of our past. You probably know all about that.

The same goes for relationships. Be wise, evaluate everything, but also consider people that you would not naturally be attracted to. I did this with my now wife who I met here, and she did the same with me.

Wow, am I so happy that I did this. it turned out that my natural attractions were nearly always to people that were not so good for me.

Take care, good on you, keep up the good work, and don't give up on love or trust. You can have these things again. Take it from me, because I did.


RE: anyone met someone nice here that they went out with and who was who and what you expected them to b

Yeah, I did. And I married her.

It can be done. Attitude, actions, resilience and perseverance brings about the outcomes we seek if we are genuine with ourselves and others.

RE: Euthanasia, Your thoughts

Yeah, money is not real. It is only the faith in what a piece of plastic or paper or junk metal is worth that makes them valuable.

National borders are not real, it is only the faith that people, governments, and nations put in them that makes them real.

People are instinctively "faith" based beings. Every single one of us do what we do because we "believe" (aka have faith) that it is the right thing for us to do.

So basically every human life is not real because every human life consists of things based in faith.

Agnosticism is based in the faith that there is no god. Christianity is based in the faith that there is a god.

Everything that has been developed, every invention is the result of faith that there was a better way to do something, or an easier way to do something.

Faith is real, and it produces reality.


RE: Men intinidated by independent women?

Oh, I forgot to say that I was also working at the same time.....

RE: Men intinidated by independent women?

So true. But she pretended to be different when we met. We were together for 10 years, 6 of them fantastic. Then things changed because I was the one earning less than her. The expectations became more and more.

I was to go back to uni to earn a million dollars, I was the one who was doing the house work (never satisfactorily I might add), I was the one taking our daughter to work (where my wife worked as a teacher) because she was too focussed on trying to further her career, I was the one maintaining the yard, I was the one doing the ironing, etc.

Incompatibility up front is understandable, but incompatibility that grows out of contempt, selfishness, and other reasons is not understandable.

People change as we go through life.

I offered an opinion that I have noticed a number of times in the western world.

Why is there so many men who are now in relationships with ladies outside their own culture and visa versa?

What is it that constitutes successful relationships in these situations?

These questions are worth considering. The answers are sometimes disturbing to some women in the western world. If what I say offends, it is not meant to. But it is valid none-the-less.


RE: Men intinidated by independent women?

As a man that was married to a woman who fitted into your senario, I would say that the greater form of peeving comes from the woman failing to accept her man.

Most men don't care about such things. But woman do.

It is not your independence or income that will intimidate a man, or put them off, it is how you act and react to him that will do this.

Take it from me, a man.

My first wife divorced me. She couldn't take me for who I am.

I am now married to a beautiful woman that I met right here who does. She is superior in every way to my first wife who valued things, money, status, more than people.

Your comment and insight is really just a perception. Be careful not to mix the two.

I hope that you will find your mate one day. Just remember that he will not think the same way that you do.

You will find him frustrating at times. How you react to a man is what will be reflected back.

If you think little of him, he will sense it and back away.


RE: The number of REAL LIFE FACE TO FACE dates i got from CS is:

It is what people want it to be, I suppose. The last woman that I met face-to-face here, I have married. So I suppose it is not the number that counts. It just has to be that one person that counts.

Really, it depends on the person/people. I believe that there are many suitable people for every person out there. Every person comes with good points and not so good points.

The question to pose for a relationship is whether or not we can live with this reality?

TV, magazines, and other media continuously brain-wash people to look for the impossible dream partner.

Reality is much sweeter, and much more attainable.

Take it from me, dating is what we make it. We choose to date, or to sit and stare continuously at a computer screen chat room. The choice is ours to make, and this site is a great tool for those who want to date, if it is used correctly.


RE: Wake up time

Not just heart attacks..... many major illnesses and diseases are easily misdiagnosed because not everyone has the same symptoms to them.

I'm glad that they got it right for you and you were treated so quickly.

So I suppose this means that you will have to take it easy for a while now?

RE: Oscar Pistorius

Well I for one don't find court cases fascinating or riveting having been through the process myself (court).

More often than not truth and fiction are interpretable.

Oscar is really playing the self-pity card because he is now being held to account for his actions.

Oh he thought is was an intruder. So shoot first and worry about the intruder later. Anybody having a gun pointed at them are not going to keep on intruding. They will be wetting themselves thinking that they might be shot.

Come on, get a real life. There are far better things to be watching and getting rivetted in than television or court cases.

There are so many wonderful stories and causes to take ones time.

It is just a matter of choice.

This is a list of forum posts created by Halv0.

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