Condor009Condor009 Forum Posts (200)

RE: Peace of mind....

That assumption is predicated upon the assumption that one even has a mind.uh oh

RE: When you feel lonely and need someone to talk to.

Sounds ok first but you eventually end up in a disagreement or an argument with yourself. One could just phone total strangers and try talking to them. Much better than a solo performance of hedonistic outbursts!laugh

RE: Why are humans here on earth?

As an artist all I will say is that we are all pigments of our own imaginationsyawn wow

RE: What do you think of thoughts?

Pure thoughts, impure thoughts thoughtless thoughts ; high and low thoughts; no thoughts at all...ahhh imagination is the one weapon against Reality...sigh

RE: Who are your favorite...

For life in general Oscar Wild and George Carlin...

RE: Save The North American Republic

We in BC, British Columbia, that is, are desperate to have a wall around our province to halt the infestation of everyday, 'normal Canadians' into our Province. We live freely in "La-La land" and have no need for "normals" as normal is a relative term...Intolerance breeds Quality!

RE: Restrict don’t allow

Many can't or won't discern between comma and coma. In itself this is a conundrum, to be a comma or to be in a coma...both a social and vexing physical declaration...laugh

RE: No rights, but only privileges

.......etc. etc.
"You have 48 hours to present yourself to any center of the Municipality's representative offices, for your new registration and screening. This is an informative letter, carrying the order no .... from .... - not complyance to it will lead to your imediate evacuation."

And afterwards you receive a notice to appear at Bldg. number...., Dept. XYZ; door no. 666 ;room xxx wherein you shall remove all your clothing, descend stairs to level #5, cage #; enter cage 88 on level 3. Someone shall arrive later with your bowl of fresh solent green. Press overhead button to turn off light. May your time and experiences here be interesting."
I've been waiting for some such notice for decades. We still outside are waiting for it.
uh oh

RE: All Is Fair In Love And War

When all is said and you're still unsure you can always check out the song from 1957 by the Moonglows, The Ten Commandments of Love...a much better alternative to war.

RE: the 10 commandments

George Carlin has a video of his interpretation of those moronic 'commandments'. Find it on U tube and treat yourselves to a trip into reality...laugh

RE: wave lenght

I generally use 2, one for Monty Python; the other for listening to Cheech and Chong...Why be normal when you can be happy...

RE: All Is Fair In Love And War

Individual egos became competitive then one had to out-do the other in seeking to deflate the other's emotions...sad, really; so much wasted energy.

RE: Anyplace in Europe - A-Z

Middelfart: a town on the island of Funen, Denmark. Middelfart means 'Middle Passage' referring to the well used waterway connecting Funen with Jutland Peninsula on the mainland. Town is noted for its rather beautiful seacoast and downtown cultural center.

RE: Anyplace in America A-Z

Beaverlick, city in Boone county, Kentucky

RE: One word split in the middle

pump organ


sign/ warning

RE: Anyplace in Europe - A-Z

Andorra la Valle, capita; of Andorra

RE: One word split in the middle

extra virgin

RE: Electric Vehicle is here to stay

Much the same was said of Henry Fords "whole earth car: he developed in the 1940s which had a plastic body made from common crops including soybeans, hemp and other raw materials. It was durable as there are photos of Ford hitting the body with a sledgehammer. The main question was, did it run on hemp, which he never really answered. He beat Cheech and Chong to a hempmobile though...If it did, what was the mileage measured in...miles or tokes per mile...laugh Cars should be powered by huge wound up rubberbands or wound up little motors.grin

RE: Independent thinkers..

Just a lot more "social engineering" programs by both governments and corporations to poison any vestiges of "free and independent thinking" and conversion to nauseum.sleep

RE: Human Being

thumbs up rolling on the floor laughing

RE: When you mind your own business life becomes peaceful ?

Mostly false to my estimation as in most victims of crime would have been minding their own business until they were suddenly and rudely interrupted by someone in need of committing a crime, even if out of boredom.

RE: Conclusions...

Well said! laugh

RE: Which do you prefer?

It would depend entirely upon how their "condition" would affect them mentally. A few of the check would not likely seem to have an adverse effect on personality whereas their medical or professional issues would likely affect their mental state of well being. Not that a so-called "stable genius" would be non disruptive.laugh

RE: Ego And Pride - The Comparison

If Ego is born of or in the mind, then perhaps many have a warped mind as ego seems to rule many and if so then they have a dysfunctional mind and cannot understand their hearts. Those need emergency therapy...laugh

RE: Why do women always want to change.

Because we are fundamentally different...not better or worse, just different with very little in common other than we belong in the same species. We live in different worlds, with different values and a totally different 'set of rules'. We all know this but few, particularly males are willing to admit it. Men and women of every culture,creed,and colour constantly argue over their partners' opinions,behaviour, attitudes, and beliefs.
Prime example is that which is always obvious, such as when a male goes to the bathroom, he usually goes for one reason and only one reason.Women use 'rest rooms' as social lounges and therapy rooms. Women can go to a rest room as strangers can come out as best friends and lifelong companions. But...everyone would be instantly suspicious of any man who calls out, "Hey Tom, I'm going to the toilet, you wanna come with me?" And as for men criticizing women about their not being able to read maps, for turning maps upside down is simply due to their own need for spatial rotation . Men and women have different functions for their right and left sides of their brains.Most men do not comprehend that women need to rotate maps as what she sees affects her abilities for spatial orientation to read maps correctly. I personally have never met any women in the military that could not read a map or how and where to fond 'north', yet I've know many 'junior officers' that could not read their maps and got their patrols lost or in one case, walked around a huge Baobab tree 3 times with his face a few inches from his map while some troopers stood aside watching this imbecile until he suddenly realized what he was doing... Needless to say he was sent back to remedial level for a junior Lt. Incompetence is not good for either men or women.

RE: Human Being

"Humans being human..." reads the sign at the entrance of a dark mirror into the Twilight Zone with the caveat "Caution"...uh oh

RE: Ego And Pride - The Comparison

St. Bernard de Clairvaux could have said the same and as others of the clergy as one enters a battle, hopefully surviving to receiving their blessings upon return before being sent out once again...well said.thumbs up

RE: Great Britain sends 2 Naval ships

This entire tif is sounding more like something for the Dept. of Navel Affairs. Mr. England wishes to engage that ol' trollop Miss France in a navel engagement be it by coercion or untoward pressures. Miss France clearly objects to any navel assault upon her person yet continues her verbal assaults upon Mr. England as if to torment him into forcing a navel engagement upon the high seas. Hedy behaviour for Miss France who perhaps desires a frontal navel battle to settle her ambiguous behaviour. Navel reconnaissance, navel navel engagements while enticing to some, others view them with trepidation. The proper navel tactics are, as in all tactical navel manurers of vital importance for both parties. Perhaps a neutral observer from an uninterested navel power can be helpful in promoting a more productive means of a lasting navel relationship Everyone needs a successful navel affair in the interest of emotional satisfaction. Navel affairs are of vital interest to good healthy relationships.
Rear Admiral Ilgup Flylippe , Navel Research Institute, Gun Barrel Texas
my view on the entire sordid affair...English is such an elastic and humorous language...

RE: I Just Thought About Something...

There is one Blockbuster store left in Bend Oregon. And yes they do rentals by mail. There are 2 documentaries on them; they were part of the film studio franchises which "sold" the movies to the stores. There is also one store in Vermont that is similar and good for really hard to find films on either video or CD.

This is a list of forum posts created by Condor009.

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