RE: Should Israel to allow Palestine be an independent state?

And the chosen watered the desert with Palestinian blood.
And there sprang forth machine gun tower trees, and barbed wire vines.
And there rained down from heaven a glowing mist of white phosphorus and nerve gas to water the garden. And the chosen beheld the garden that it was good. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

RE: Should Israel to allow Palestine be an independent state?

Since they declared themselves to be the "chosen people" and designated everybody else as goyim cattle..."beasts in the form of humans" who "only exist to serve the Jews".

RE: Should Israel to allow Palestine be an independent state?

We can all be gullible at times. And that's normal.

There's no condemnation in having been fooled.
Hopefully we learn to be more discerning with time and experience.

But there's a lot of condemnation for those who are shown the truth but still cling to the lie, because it feeds their ego, or their pocketbook.
That's no longer gullibility, it's willing delusion.

And the willingly deluded person is no longer a victim.
He's joined the ranks of the deceivers.
And he shares their guilt.

And in the case of the Zionist invasion and ethnic cleansing in Palestine that's a lot of bloodguilt.

RE: Should Israel to allow Palestine be an independent state?

Yes, youtube

Kinda like the old saying:
All men were created by God.
but Smith & Wesson made them equal.

Youtube serves a similar function in that it enables people to present evidence, information, logic, etc. that would otherwise be buried by the corrupt controlled media.

Long live Youtube.

RE: Should Israel to allow Palestine be an independent state?

In comparison to you?
Of course.

RE: Should Israel to allow Palestine be an independent state?

In the past, liars could just spout their lies and expect people to believe them. Now, with video camera telephones, and youtube, and internet, and data bases full of information, the evidence to expose many such lies is easily available.

So the liars try to claim that the evidence is somehow less valid than their dishonest claims.

RE: Should Israel to allow Palestine be an independent state?

181 was not passed unanimously.

Initially it was not expected to pass at all.

The US and USSR both used a lot of pressure to get other countries to
change their votes to either support the bill or abstain.

UN General Assembly 181 Resolution: Voting Record

In favour: 33
Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Byelorussian S.S.R., Canada, Costa Rica, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, France, Guatemala, Haiti, Iceland, Liberia, Luxemburg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Sweden, Ukrainian S.S.R., Union of South Africa, U.S.A., U.S.S.R., Uruguay, Venezuela.

Against: 13
Afghanistan, Cuba, Egypt, Greece, India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, Yemen.

Abstained: 10
United Kingdom, Argentina, Chile, China, Colombia, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Honduras, Mexico, Yugoslavia.

The bill won because of superpower pressure. Not because the world thought it was a good thing.

It's a disgrace that what was supposed to be a democratic world body is used to rob people of their land and their rights.

RE: Should Israel to allow Palestine be an independent state?

Even if the Khazars weren't Khazars.
And even if they were pure-blooded direct descendents of Abraham.
(which is not the case for either point)

It still wouldn't give them any right whatsoever to seize the land of others or engage in ethnic cleansing.

You do admit that they were lying their asses off when they claimed that Palestine was empty don't you?

As a wise man once told them to their faces they are not children of Abraham, even if they were his physical descendents. Because the true children of Abraham are those with the faith and spirit of Abraham. He told the pharisees (talmudists) that they were of their father the devil. He was a liar from the beginning and the father of lies.

That's not an accusation against the "Jews". On the contrary there are Pharisees in every culture nowadays.

RE: Should Israel to allow Palestine be an independent state?

One of the biggest lies that the Zionists use to try to justify their invasion of Palestine is the claim that the land was empty before their arrival. The oft-told lies claims that there were no Palestinians in Palestine. That they only showed up after the Jews arrived and "made the desert bloom".

There is no truth whatsoever to that claim. Palestine had hundreds of towns and villages. And it was already blooming. The Zionists merely stole the land, bulldozed the homes, killed as many of the population as they could and forced the others to flee for their lives.

Here are some pictures of Palestine from the late 1920s.

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Clearly Palestine was not an empty desert as the liars claim.
It was a multicultural land full of Palestinian Muslims, Christians, Jews, Druze, Zoroastrians, and a lot of other religions. They all lived together in peace and harmony, without terrorism, without conflict, without checkpoints, without walls, without any need for massive concentrations of arms.

Palestine was peaceful for many centuries. But that all changed when the Zionist Khazars invaded.

RE: Should Israel to allow Palestine be an independent state?

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RE: Should Israel to allow Palestine be an independent state?

Breaking News:
The government of China is all for the creation of a national home for the Tibetans in Canada.

Problem solved.

RE: Should Israel to allow Palestine be an independent state?

Nothing sudden about it.
You've always smelled crazy.
It's just that nobody wanted to mention it.

RE: Should Israel to allow Palestine be an independent state?

Don't wear yourself out trying to respond to people who aren't even sincere.

Just speak the truth boldly and clearly.

The sincere will hear it and appreciate it.

Don't even worry about the insincere.
Use their posts as springboards if convenient.
But don't worry about trying to convince them.

RE: Should Israel to allow Palestine be an independent state?

I posted part of this speech somewhere above. But I found another site with the entire speech. The speaker is Benjamin Freedman, a Jew who was formerly a Zionist and was himself a Zionist delegate of the American Jewish Community to the Paris peace talks at the end of WW1.

He became disillusioned with Zionism in the late 40s and became a whistle-blower to the US of the part that Zionism played in bringing the US into WW1. He also exposed how Zionism exerts tremendous pressure on the US government.

RE: Should Israel to allow Palestine be an independent state?

What a laugh. The IDF has never, ever, fought against a real army of any sort and won. Israeli gains have always been by surprise attacks followed by immediate ceasefires. When the Israelis tried to invade Egypt the Egyptians captured practically the whole Israeli army in a pincer movement in the Sinai, and immediately the US and western nations were screaming for a ceasefire. When the IDF went into Lebanon against Hezbollah they came limping back on the verge of collapse. And Hezbollah is just a militia, it has no airforce and is far from being an "army". Truth is, without massive US military aid every year, Israel would be forced to make peace and try to live in harmony with its neighbors instead of being an armed camp. It would be good for everybody, including the Israelis. But that's not going to happen. It will take an invasion and forced disarmament before Israel ever abandons its dream to conquer the whole Middle East.

RE: Should Israel to allow Palestine be an independent state?

I realize that.

I'm not anti-anybody myself.

I think people of all nationalities should be equal and free.

I only oppose those who try to steal the rights of others, such as the Zionists, the Anglo-American elitist establishment, the international globalist bankers, etc.

RE: Should Israel to allow Palestine be an independent state?

And since we're on the subject of the Balfour Declaration, I think its interesting just how that declaration came about.

During WW1, influential Zionist Jews from Germany secretly promised to use Jewish influence to cause the US to enter the war on the side of England. But their demand for doing so was that Britain agree in principal to the idea of a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

Naturally, when the facts were discovered after the war, the German people were outraged that German Jews had betrayed Germany. This was one of the major reasons that there was a strong anti-Jewish sentiment in the 1930s.

It was absolutely true that the Jews (or rather the Zionists) had been responsible for Germany's defeat in WW1 and the resultant economic depression resulting from the heavy war reparitions that Germany was forced to pay.

Here's Benjamin Freedman, a Jewish, former Zionist leader who grew disillusioned with Zionism and exposed the whole plot in the fifties.

RE: Should Israel to allow Palestine be an independent state?

You wouldn't know a FACT if it hit you in the face.
And just to prove that. It's about to happen.

Here is the Balfour declaration in its entirety.
See any mention at all of splitting the land?

Embedded image from another site

Also notice the clause about nothing being done to abridge the rights of the native Palestinians.

The Balfour Declaration in no way whatsoever gave any land whatsoever to the Jews. It only said that England thought it would be a good idea if the Jews wanted to buy land for some settlements, not steal land from the Palestinians.

RE: Should Israel to allow Palestine be an independent state?

Hear hear.
Well said.

RE: Should Israel to allow Palestine be an independent state?

You don't have to "step in it" Conrad.
You are drenched in it.

I used to have a dog named Sparky who just loved to roll around in fresh cow flops.

Every time I see your trademark ROTFLMAO emoticon it reminds me Sparky.

RE: Should Israel to allow Palestine be an independent state?

Wow, thanks. That's the best compliment I've had in a long time.

Here's the homepage of her site.

Study it for a few years and you'll be able to discuss the subjects of the Talmud and Jewish doctrine with some degree of understanding.

RE: Should Israel to allow Palestine be an independent state?

Actually the post you were responding to was a video series by Dr. Norman Finkelstein, himself a Jewish historian and peace advocate. Hardly an "extremist" or "conspiracy site".

My guess is that you didn't even watch the videos.

I'd be happy to debate the truth or falsehood of what he said.

And if you can support your claim that his views are false or distorted then that will help shape the opinion of others.

And vice versa.

That's how real debate works.
Not by ridicule and insults.

RE: Should Israel to allow Palestine be an independent state?

Not in the least. No similarity or relation whatsoever.

You'd have to study the subject for weeks or months before you'd have even the least clue about what the subject involves.

No insult intended, but it's clear you don't have the faintest idea about what the Noahide Laws are all about. And I don't have the patience or desire to discuss it with you until you do.

If you ask sincere questions on the subject I'll try to guide you through the study process, showing you what both sides of the issue say. But if you only want to argue about something you know nothing about, I don't want to waste my time.

RE: Should Israel to allow Palestine be an independent state?

Why not? When I post videos and articles the statements are right there ready and waiting to be contradicted and debated. Yet you almost never address the facts, choosing instead to rely on personal criticism and attempts at ridicule.

I'd much rather see you try to defend your version of the truth, but you never do. You make a few totally unsupported claims and a couple of insults and then dash for cover behind your emoticons.

RE: Should Israel to allow Palestine be an independent state?

That's so typical of Pharisee thought.
You go on and on trying to prove some sort of genetic right of the Jews to invade Palestine.
But genes don't impart any rights whatsoever.
Forget the Khazars and their conversion to Judaism.
Forget the fact that the Jews never ever, at any time in history lived in any part of Palestine other than Judea.
Forget the fact that other empires conquered Judea many centuries before Christ and that the Jews only controlled even tiny Judea for less than a century.

Even if it were absolutely true that all Jews were the direct descendants of Abraham, it still wouldn't give them the right to come from all over the world and steal the land of the indigenous Palestinian people.

Your insistence on some sort of inherent right to steal the land is almost identical to the German "Aryan" delusion. An imagined right to steal the land of others by violence is evil. Can't you see that?

No amount of genetic BS can ever change that.

RE: Should Israel to allow Palestine be an independent state?

Collective guilt is only valid when the guilt is indeed collective.

For the record, only the guilty are guilty.
The innocent are innocent.

Feel better?

But birds of a feather do flock together.
And evil does beget evil.

Cult dogma tends to erase individuality and replace it with mindless group-thinking. So there is indeed a lot of collective guilt whenever there is collective dogma behind the guilt.

And delusions of supremacy are one of the most malignant forms of cult dogma.

Look what it did to the Germans, the Japanese, The Serbs, the Americans....

Of course those who reject the evil dogma have no guilt.
But they are generally a minority.

It takes courage to stand up against evil, because evildoers don't like to be exposed. They like to pretend that they are good, even when they're devouring the poor.

RE: Should Israel to allow Palestine be an independent state?

Actually history is quite clear about when Israel existed. Including the date it was destroyed by the Assyrians. Never to exist again. Long before Talmudism (the forerunner of Judaism) even existed.

Don't confuse Israel with Judah.

The Jews and Israelites were enemies.
Both were Hebrews. Both traced their lineage back to Jacob.
But the Jews never lived in Israel.
They lived in Judah. Later called Judea.

Even if we accepted the claim of an ancient land birthright to the descendants of Abraham that birthright would have to include the Arabs and all the other tribes of the area because they were all part of the Abrahamic covenant.

Not only that, but the Israelites didn't perish when Israel was destroyed by the Assyrians. They just assimilated into the Assyrian culture. And their descendants would have just as much right to claim land as the Jews.

The Jews represent only 3 of the 13 tribes of the initial "children of Israel". And one of those 3 tribes, Benjamin, was almost wiped out by the other tribes when it rebelled. But I'll be generous and grant the Jews 3/13 of the promised land.

And that would leave them just what they actually had. The land of Judah (Judea)...just the area right around Jerusalem.

And Judah was not an independent country. It was ruled over by Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome. In all Judah only had less than a hundred years of independence during its entire history.

So lets not make exaggerated claims about their "ownership" of the land. They lived in Judah under various empires, but they were not independent. The land was not "theirs".

As for ancient "Israel" the land of the other ten tribes (which was never ever "Jewish"), after the Assyrians conquered it, the land was given to other peoples. These people worshipped the same God of Abraham, but they were by no means Jewish, and never had anything to do with the Jews. The Jews despised them and the feeling was mutual.

So I would like you to explain to me Conrad, by what right Jews from East Europe and Russia could come to Palestine 2000 years after they had been thrown out of Judah for rebellion against the ruling power of Rome, and claim the entire land of Palestine, most of which had never ever been Jewish land at any time in history.

How is it that they can claim to be the sole descendants of Abraham when in fact all the other people of the area were also descendants of the same Abraham covenant and therefore heirs of the promise?

Especially considering the fact that the Zionists who did the invasion didn't even believe in God at all. But they still used that supposed promise as the basis of their right to steal the land of others.

It boggles the mind to think that an entire population could be so self-centered. It's like a huge worldwide cult based on voluntary self-induced sociopathic delusion.

RE: Should Israel to allow Palestine be an independent state?

I have no idea what you're talking about that I "implied".
My posts were clear and I stand by them.
Maybe it's you who need to reread them as you seem to have some confusion about what I said.

As for my "MO" it's pretty straightforward. I state the truth and then back it up with supporting evidence. Neither of which you seem to be able to do.

RE: Should Israel to allow Palestine be an independent state?

I never said the noahide laws are practiced in Israel.
After all, they are not intended for Jews.
The very word Noahide is a Jewish term for gentile.
The Noahide Laws are intended only for gentiles.

They are indeed however applied by Israel in the way they treats non-Jews.

The frequent murder of Palestinians without trial by means of rocket attacks on their homes or drone attacks on vehicles is an example.
So are the massacres of entire villages such as occurred in Jenin, Nablus, Deir Yassin, and elsewhere.

The chosen people give themselves the right to kill others summarily without a trial and without any sort of due process. That is exactly what the Noahide Laws call for. Courts made up of appointed judges that have absolute power to convict and execute anyone they choose, with our without any sort of trial. And mind you, the US has taken up exactly the same sort of evil. So far just for foreigners. But the time is coming when they will start to designate Americans as enemies. The Patriot Act, and the Military Commissions Act both call for just that sort of courts. And the bill Obama signed recently is even worse, classifying the entire world as a combat zone under which constitutional rights do not apply.

RE: Should Israel to allow Palestine be an independent state?

Now you know I never vote Conrad.
I don't believe elections are real anymore.

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