RE: Your Government Is Firing Upon YOU...

Absolutely ridiculous claim.

Companies like Haliburton, KBR, Blackwater, and their ilk make billions off of wars.

And of course governments grossly under-report the true costs.

This video is from 2008 so the figure listed is much lower than the total today. But it gives an idea of how the real cost of the war has to be calculated.

RE: Your Government Is Firing Upon YOU...

If there is any CIA Inner Circle Knowledge here, I wager it would be from someone who tries to deny the CIA's massive involvement in stirring up wars. (as you do Conrad).

Not from someone who points it out as I do.

Personally I am as far out of the CIA's inner circle as I possibly can be.
But nobody is that far from the CIA.
Especially people who discuss politics of public forums.
For, as you say, they are everywhere.

Anybody who is literate and who takes the effort to study a little bit can find all the proof they need that the CIA has its fingers in the politics of every nation on earth.

Vietnam was a CIA operation long before it was anything else.

The CIA's job is starting wars, dealing drugs, smuggling arms, corrupting political leaders, silencing poets, musicians, activists, reporters, civil rights leaders, pacifists, ...anybody who might cause problems for the elite moneyed establishment.

- 1953
In Operation Ajax, CIA operatives in Iran engineered a coup against democratically elected Premier Mohammed Mossadegh, restoring the dictatorial SHAH to the throne.

- 1954
The CIA organized a coup in Guatemala by COL. CARLOS CASTILLO ARMAS and other officers against leftist President Jacobo Arbenz Guzman.

- 1958
The CIA launched a failed coup attempt against President Achmed Sukarno in Indonesia.

- 1961
1,500 CIA-trained and controlled Cuban exiles tried to invade Cuba and overthrow Castro.

- 1961
CIA armed and controlled rebels assassinated dictator Rafael Trujillo and seized control in the Dominican Republic.

- 1962
Kennedy puts the CIA in charge of all paramilitary operations in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. The agency builds an army of 47,000 native mercenaries to conduct terrorist campaigns. Meanwhile the agency also oversees Operation Phoenix, which tortured and assassinated nearly a million civilians in South Vietnam. Funding for such secret CIA covert operations came from smuggling heroin to the US.

- 1961-64
In Brazil, the CIA threatened and pressured democratically elected Janio da Silva Quadros of the Brazilian Labor Party to resign. His successor, Joao Goulart, was then overthrown by a CIA organized coup in 1964.

- 1963
A CIA organized coup involving political assassination, mass imprisonment, torture and murder brought Saddam Hussein's Ba'ath Party to power in Iraq.

- 1963 After trying to institute land reforms in the Dominican Republic, democratically elected president Juan Bosch was driven from office and forced out of politics by a series of CIA run coups.

The CIA set up camps in Peru to train death squads to intimidate or eliminate opposition political activists throughout South America.

- 1970
The CIA organized a failed attempt to overthrow the government of Chile.

- 1973
Another CIA organized coup in Chile, this time successful, killing democratically elected president Salvador Allende, and setting up the brutal dictator Augusto Pinochet.

- 1980
The CIA hired Osama Bin Ladin to recruit and organize Arab mercenaries to serve as a guerrilla force in Afghanistan. It also used Pakistani intelligence as a conduit to hire local fighters in Afghanistan. (the taliban)

- 1981
Ronald Reagan appointed Bill Casey as CIA director. Casy initiated coup operations in Angola, Cambodia and El Salvador, besides his biggest operation: funding and training the Nicaraguan contras. Funding for covert operations came from the secret sale of weapons to Iran and from massive cocaine smuggling to the US in CIA planes.

And the list goes one and on. Argentina, Iraq, Afghanisan, Yugoslavia, Albania, Pakistan,.........

RE: Your Government Is Firing Upon YOU...

Personally I think the US has enough problems of its own that it has no business getting involved in other nations' internal disputes.

When the US breaks down into a multi-faction civil war (soon) are Americans going to welcome foreign troops coming in to back one faction against the others and help them take over?

I think not.

And I don't think most Syrians want the US or other western nations to do so in their country.

RE: Your Government Is Firing Upon YOU...

It's nothing new Conrad. Carbon copy of the operations used to justify western backed coups in many other countries. Libya, Iran, Iraq, the Phillipines, Argentina, Venezuela, Peru, Grenada, Liberia, and a lot of others.

If they can successfully accomplish the coup just by creating and arming a local faction and launching a terrorist campaign, that's what they'll do.

If not they'll send in troops and call it a police action to put down a tyrant or stop Communism or something like that.

In every case it will be used to rob US taxpayers and funnel money to the industries that comprise the military industrial complex.

It's always about money. Whether it's oil, or arms, or pipelines, or whatever. It's NEVER about helping people.

RE: Your Government Is Firing Upon YOU...

True. Much too public. And too unpredictable too.

Best to head off any sort of civil war by staging a military coup and putting a dictator into power, allowing him then to round up all of his enemies and clean house behind closed doors.

If you wait until there is already a civil war some other super-power might get involved on the other side.

That can be profitable too as it can lead to a multi-trillion dollar prolonged proxy war. But it's also apt to stir up opposition on the home front.

The prevailing strategy is to have just enough casualties among the occupiers to keep the idea of a war barely credible. Meanwhile local civilian casualties can be as high as needed to justify the claim that the occupiers are needed to stop the violence. Drones and such are very good for maintaining such lopsided body counts.

RE: Your Government Is Firing Upon YOU...

Save your grief for more worthy situations HL.

What is really happening in Syria is not what the US media presents.

The US CIA is funding organizing and arming terrorist insurgents in Syria.

Their role is to massacre innocents and to then blame the deaths on the government. The western press then publicizes these claims and pretends that the government is brutal and creates public support for invasion of the country by NATO or UN or some other outside force.

This is the same thing that happened in Libya and a lot of other countries. But rest assured, the UN and NATO are not humanitarian organizations. They are political in nature and they have an agenda to destroy independent nations and bring them under their control.

Personally I support Syria and I hope they can withstand this attempt to overthrow their government.

RE: Are you against human cloning because

Somebody cloned your post.

RE: Are you against human cloning because

You'll be rich.

RE: R.I.P. Davy Jones.

He was still going strong last summer.

RE: Dad goes to jail for 4-year-old daughter’s drawing

Good thing he didn't have a deer rifle.
They'd have him in Guantanamo by now.
Seems like the homeland is getting more "secure" every year.

RE: No More Freedom Of Speech

When donkeys fly.

RE: No More Freedom Of Speech


I think the Matrix film did a pretty good job of illustrating the concept of a controlled delusional reality.

But sadly, even the truth serves to reinforce the delusion when it's presented as fantasy, and that was certainly the intention of the film.

RE: No More Freedom Of Speech

The globalist plan has always worked (as they admit themselves) by force and deception. The force is often behind the scenes but the deception is broadcast in every way possible.

When every newspaper, every TV and radio channel, every teacher, every "expert", every authority, (etc etc etc) repeat the very same set of lies, cognitive dissonance forces people to either embrace the delusion as truth or to accept being marginalized by the society at large.

In the first case the individual loses the ability to think independently, having subjugated his mind to the dictates of society.

In the second case, the individual retains his mind but sacrifices any hope of success or recognition within society. Instead he will be marginalized and face ridicule and rejection.

The deluded sheeple can't even see the truth anymore because to do so would expose the fact that they have embraced a lie, and that's too uncomfortable. So they grow cataracts on their spiritual eyes.
They are immune, or rather blind to the truth.
A sad state to be in.

It takes a miracle to ever break out of such delusion.
Thank God that miracles do exist.

Nobody is just naturally aware of the truth.
The delusion is too all-pervasive.

It takes a sort of waking up.
A decision to seek the truth and an opening of the eyes to the existence of the Matrix.

RE: No More Freedom Of Speech

Yes, but they are hidden within the CFR and run the US from behind the scenes, using idiots like Bush and Obama (etc) to take the blame for their evil.

RE: Barbarians will put man to death because he is the wrong religion

Any relation to Pancho Villa the famous outlaw?

RE: Barbarians will put man to death because he is the wrong religion

Seems the guy's church had ties to the CIA as well.

He was repeatedly interrogated by agents working for the Ministry of Intelligence about his church activities and contacts abroad.

It's not at all unusual for the CIA to use missionary or christian groups as spy networks.

In the Phillipines a major coup attempt against the government of Corazon Aquino was planned and organized at the headquarters of a US based christian group.

In Vietnam christian missionaries helped compile lists of villagers who spoke out against the American occupation. These villagers were then rounded up, tortured and executed by US special forces as part of the massive "Phoenix Program".

Similarly, in South America, US missionaries supplied the names of villagers who opposed US companies' campaigns to herd indigenous people into reservations in order to destroy the forests in which they live.

Many US evangelical missionary associations were co-opted by the zionist funded neo-conservative movement of the 1980s and 90s.

It would not surprise me in the least if this guy's church was involved in espionage or subversive activity.

RE: Presidential Campaign of 2012

You're right. Whether they put in a new guy or not, the policy will be the same. Those who control things don't care which party is in power, just as long as the candidate is their puppet.

RE: Presidential Campaign of 2012

Yes, I think so. But Bilderberg doesn't bother with the details of national elections.

That's the domain of their US sister group, the CFR.

All of the Roundtable groups work together.

RE: USA ability...

Just like the US lied about the existence of Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq in order to justify the massacre of that nation, in Afghanistan the lie was that Al Qaeda had a lot of super-modern bunkers with satellite links and weapons factories. And that they were used as the headquarters for a worldwide terrorist network.

It was always a lie. No such bunkers ever existed.
In fact, no such terrorist organization ever existed.

The caves that the US claimed were super sophisticated bunkers and headquarters for a worldwide terrorist network had no electricity, no water, no toilets, no weapons factories, no roads, no satellite links, no guerrilla training camps, no people,...nothing. Just some empty caves way out in the wilderness.

Here's the lie.

Al Qaeda never existed except as a small CIA run propaganda organization. The Taliban never existed except as a CIA funded and operated mercenary army.

All of the wars that Bush started and Obama continued have never been about anything other than a dispute between Russia and America over the control of oil from the Caspian Sea and the Persian gulf.

The same is true for Libya, and for Syria.
It's all about oil.

RE: USA ability...

Possible financially to run three wars? Not really.
But they are fake wars anyway.
Neither the Taliban nor Al Qaeda really exist in their own right.
Both are creations of the US CIA and exist only to justify US occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq.

The "enemy" is seldom ever seen. And the number of casualties is so low that it's almost ridiculous to call it a war or to justify the expense.

Invading and occupying are expensive, it's true. But it's about the only way the US can hope to remain a world power now that she is the brokest nation on earth.

The big gamble is to try to create an absolute monopoly on oil, to force China to buy its oil from the US. (even though the oil comes from the middle east and Caspian Sea).

Iran is not really the "enemy". It is the competition.

RE: POST IF YOU ARE REAL!!!! ------- Role call for CS

I post, therefore I am.

RE: Confirmation: The rich don't create jobs!

Neither do the poor.
And neither does government.

Jobs spring up in a healthy political-economic system.
No danger of that happening anytime soon.

RE: Post US Empire collapse

Yes, but the new Big Brother won't be China, or Russia, or Europe, or India, or the middle east. The new Big Brother has actually been running things from behind the scenes for several decades now.

It's globalism. The worldwide super-rich banking cartel.

They are only bringing about the fall of the US because they are ready to set up their long-planned global dictatorship.

These guys.

RE: Russian china veto help for syrian killings

Make that "Zionists" instead of "Jews" (to remove any suggestion of racial bigotry) and it would be a pretty good rule of thumb.. at least when it comes to covert violence and efforts to topple governments.

RE: Russian china veto help for syrian killings

They had a lot to gain from 911 too.

RE: Russian china veto help for syrian killings

And that is exactly the case.

RE: Russian china veto help for syrian killings

Thank goodness other countries had the good sense to stay out of the US civil war.

RE: Russian china veto help for syrian killings

Personally I don't think it's possible to discuss the situation in Syria without linking it to Israel and the formerly powerful Jewish lobby in America.

They are certainly the driving force behind the drive to try to overthrow the government in Syria.

RE: Russian china veto help for syrian killings

I think he's referring to Palestine, stolen from its indigenous people by the Zionists, with the covert help of western nations.

RE: Russian china veto help for syrian killings


It's just another case of a CIA-MI6 "contra" type mercenary insurgency trying to overthrow a government and install a western puppet regime. Nothing new.

This is a list of forum posts created by RayfromUSA.

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