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The Twelve Days Of Christmas

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Posted by Margaret Manning Shull on January 1, 2013

The floor contains the remnants of torn wrappings, boxes, and bows. The stockings hang lifeless from the mantel, empty of all their contents. Leftovers are all that are left of holiday feasting. Wallets are empty and feelings of buyer’s remorse begin to descend and suffocate. On the morning after Christmas, thus begins the season of let down.

It’s not a surprise really. For many in the West, the entire focus of the Christmas season is on gift-giving, holiday parties, and family gatherings, all of which are fine in and of themselves. But these things often become the centerpiece of the season. Marketers and advertisers ensure that this is so and prime the buying-pump with ads and sales for Christmas shopping long before December. Once November ends, the rush for consumers is on, and multitudinous festivities lead to a near fever pitch. And then, very suddenly, it is all over.

In an ironic twist of history, Christmas day became the end point, the full stop of the Christmas season. But in the ancient Christian tradition, Christmas day was only the beginning of the Christmas season. The oft-sung carol The Twelve Days of Christmas was not simply a song sung, but a lived reality of the Christmas celebration.(1) In the traditional celebrations, the somber anticipation of Advent—waiting for God to act—flowed into the celebration of the Incarnation that began on Christmas day and culminated on “twelfth night”—the Feast of Epiphany.

For twelve days following Christmas, Christians celebrated the “Word made flesh” dwelling among them. The ancient feasts that followed Christmas day all focused on the mystery of the Incarnation worked out in the life of the believers. Martyrs, evangelists, and ordinary people living out the call of faith are all celebrated during these twelve days.

Far from being simply an alternative to the way in which Christmas is currently celebrated or an antidote to post-Christmas ‘let down,’ understanding the early history and traditions of Christian celebrations can reunite the world with the true focal point of the Christmas season. “The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us; and we beheld his glory…and of his fullness have we all received, and grace for grace” (John 1:14-16). Far more than giving gifts or holiday feasts, the joy of Christmas is that God came near to us in Jesus Christ. The Incarnation affirms that matter matters as God descends to us and adopts a dwelling made of human flesh. Far from a let down, we have the opportunity to be lifted up and united to God through Jesus Christ.

A simple poem by Madeline Morse captures the calling of the twelve days of Christmas:

Let Christmas not become a thing
Merely of merchant’s trafficking,
Of tinsel, bell, and holly wreath
And surface pleasure, but beneath
The childish glamour, let us find
Nourishment for heart and mind.
Let us follow kinder ways
Through our teeming human maze,
And help the age of peace to come.(2)

Living out the mystery of the Incarnation is a daily celebration. The celebration began on Christmas Day.

Margaret Manning is a member of the speaking and writing team at Ravi Zacharias International Ministries in Seattle, Washington.

(1) Edwin and Jennifer Woodruff Tait, “The Real Twelve Days of Christmas,” Christianity Today, August 8, 2008.

(2) Madeline Morse from the compiled readings by Rebecca Currington, Remember the Reason: Focusing on Christ at Christmas (Honor Books: Colorado Springs, CO, 2007), 7.

Wishing You a Merry Christmas

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Happy Christmas! Today we commemorate the special event and the special love that binds together all Christians worldwide in a common purpose and fellowship. The meaning of this day extends throughout the year as we joyfully proclaim the birth of Jesus, as well as His life, His death, and His resurrection.

At Christmas we celebrate the gift of God's love for all humankind--a love that can be expressed in every language and shared by all people.--A love that came into this world in the form of a child born into humility, with a heart of mercy and compassion, and a life given for all people.

One of the most wonderful things about Christmas is its unique ability to bridge many cultures, mores, social statuses, races, and creeds. As one author wrote,

The world is large and complex, and sometimes there seems to be no sacred ground. But in tent and palace, in adobe hut and castle, in prison and under lighted trees throughout the world, the language of Christmas still brings peace to the heart of man.

God's love has the power to unite people of all races and cultures and strata of society, and to bring about harmony between diverse peoples. Christmas isn't about one tradition, or one people. The Christ child lives in the hearts of all who accept Him. He has become all things to all people. What immense power has been generated by that tiny babe who was laid in a manger in a tiny country, in this world that is so small in comparison to the vastness of our universe.

Wherever you are in the world, whatever your circumstances, your hopes, or your sorrows, may the joy of Christmas fill your life on this day and throughout the New Year. May God bless you today and always with His eternal love--the most beautiful gift ever given to humankind.

On behalf of the Family International, we wish you and your loved ones a truly joyous Christmas.

The Family International

Your Christmas Gift

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Written by Message from Jesus Monday, 01 December 2014

I have a special gift for you—one that’s different from anything you’ve ever received from anyone else. It can’t be bought or sold in any store, but I give it freely to everyone I can. It will never get old, never break down or wear out, and you can never outgrow it. No one can take it from you, and it will last forever. You can take it with you wherever you go and enjoy it anytime, all the time. It never changes and will never cease to surprise and amaze you. You can share it all you want, and there will always be plenty to go around. In fact, the more you share it, the more you’ll have.

This gift is the promise of My presence. I want to be nearer and dearer to you than any earthly friend or lover can be, and I have so much to give—more than enough to fill every day from now through eternity.

My love is true, unfailing, and unconditional, the kind of love you’ve wanted and waited for all your life. My love is the richest, fullest form of love there is, and the happiness it brings is out of this world. It’s not a fleeting happiness, but deep, abiding happiness in all of its many hues and tones—joy, comfort, contentment, peace, stability, security, positiveness, delight … And I’ll always be with you to share in the good times and help you through the tough ones.—Jesus

Activated TFI

HERE & NOW for THEN & THERE - Final

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We are now in training for the days when we will rule the Earth!--But before we can do that, we must first learn to rule ourselves. So God is now causing us, in a sense, to practice for what is going to be the real thing, and how we succeed in the present is largely going to determine how we succeed in the future.

This is confirmed in the Word by the story Jesus told about the talents. (See Mt.25:14-30.) Those who are now obeying the Lord, doing His Will, investing all their talents wisely for His glory and showing wisdom here and now on Earth, are going to be the future rulers of the Kingdom. Who else would God choose to rule His Kingdom but those men and women who have proven themselves worthy down through the ages, since the beginning?--The faithful servants of God today are going to share the rulership of the Kingdom with all the other greats of God of the past!

God's greats of the future are going to be the same as his greats of the past! The truly great men and women of God--some unknown to us, perhaps, since History didn't recognize and record them all--are going to continue to be great in the future, including all of us today who are giving our all and doing our best for Jesus and others!--PTL! Are you?


But some people have strange ideas about the future World: "Oh, I'm going to know everything then, speak any language, be able to do anything!" Some flippant Church people imagine that they're going to suddenly be catapulted into great positions of rulership and responsibility, even though they're doing nothing for Him now!--Well, I'm afraid that's not how it's going to be! God is going to take the talents that He's already given you and that you have already developed and used and profited by, He's going to take the knowledge you have already learned, He's going to take the experiences you have already been through, He's going to take the languages you already know, and use them!

Your knowledge is not just going to be handed to you on a silver platter after you die or after the Resurrection! We're not going to suddenly receive some gift of absolute total omniscience so that we know everything like God--not even the angels have that! I believe we are going to carry our experiences with us from this life over into the next life!--In fact, I am convinced of it! I cannot just say I believe it!--I know it from the Bible and my experiences and others' after-death experiences and just common sense and logic!

God is going to use the experience, the talents, the languages that you now know, as well as the supernatural divine wisdom and the miraculous powers that He will give you. But in many ways you're still going to be very much like you are right now! And everything the Lord has ever taught you during this life and the things that you are learning now are going to come in very handy then.--Just like God had to send Jesus to become a man to understand us, He's going to raise up many generations of Christians who understand this World and its people to run and govern them the way they ought to be governed.

So remember, everything you're learning now and doing now and decisions you're making now and experiences you're having now are a part of your schooling and training here and now to be used there and then!--Otherwise it would be a total waste of time, except for what little we accomplish here, which isn't very much, comparatively speaking. So for God's sake, let's learn our lessons today and learn to be faithful, obedient, dedicated servants now, so He can trust and bless us with a place of usefulness to Him and others tomorrow! Amen? PTL!

PowerPointParadise TFI (Leaving for a Road Trip, Won't be able to answer any comments till I return. Happy Christmas!!) kiss

Heavenly Dimensions

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Articles from David Berg and the Family International

After all, if Heaven's going to be Heaven, we'd certainly have to have some of these Heavenly pleasures that we now enjoy! That's why Jesus was able to eat and drink and walk and talk and look just like He had before! Isn't that cool?--And so will you! Of course, you won't have to eat, but you can if you want to! You won't have to lie down and rest, but you can if you want to! You won't have to have sex any more, but you can if you want to! You won't have to walk around any more, but you can if you want to! And you'll even be able to do a lot of other things that you can't do now! You'll be able to fly, appear, disappear, walk through walls, all kinds of things!--Wonderful!

In fact, I'm convinced that Heaven will be an eternal continuation of what you and I who love Jesus already have right here and now in our hearts. We are already enjoying a little foretaste of Heaven with all of the love and sharing and sweetness and light and joy and praise and song and communion with the Lord and each other that we have right now!

We have a little bit of Heaven already--Heavenly hearts, Heavenly homes, Heavenly loved ones, Heavenly work to do for the Lord, bringing the Heaven of his love to others! God's Word tells us that this is just "the earnest of our inheritance" (Eph.1:14), just a little sample, just a little bit of Heaven with His Love and His Spirit and each other and His wonderful work. So if this is just a sample, think of what the real full Heaven will be like!

Jesus said, "I am come that you might have life, and have it more abundantly!" (Jn.10:10.) He wants His children to be happy and to enjoy life to the fullest, even here and now!--"An hundredfold in this life, and in the World to come life eternal!" (Mk.10:30.)--Heaven on Earth and Heaven hereafter! And through His liberating, life-giving "Law of Love", to love Him with all our hearts and our neighbours as ourselves (Mt.22:37-39), we are free to enjoy total love, life and liberty in the Lord--providing that whatever we do is in love.

Therefore, contrary to the so-called "holiness" religions which seem to think and teach that it is sinful to enjoy anything and a sin to be happy and that sainthood consists of suffering, pain, self-torture, self-denial and self-crucifixion, we have found that God loves life and created it for us to love and enjoy too! Of course there are times when, for the Love of God and others, we may have to "deny ourselves" and "lay down our lives for the brethren" (Lk.9:23; 1Jn.3:16) proving that we love Him and others more than ourselves.--But this doesn't mean we're not supposed to love and enjoy the life He's given us!

The simple pleasures and joys of life were created by God for us to enjoy! He even tells us that "ALL THINGS are yours" in Christ Jesus (1Co.3:21), "to the pure, ALL things are pure" (Tit.1:15), and "ALL things are lawful" (1Co.6:12) unto those who are motivated by love, "for against such love, there is no law!" (Ga.5:22,23.)

After all, it was God who created the very nerves which feel good and the very senses which feel pleasant, to look upon things which are pleasant to the eye, to taste things which are delicious, to hear beautiful music, to feel pleasurable sensations of touch, and to even smell the lovely fragrance of a flower or of delicious food cooking.

So although we don't know just exactly what it's going to be like in Heaven, we know it's going to be better than it is today, a beautiful Heavenly Heaven-on-Earth without sin, without wickedness, without trouble, without weariness, pain, sickness or problems. We're going to have wonderful new bodies, new models, and will be able to enjoy this World to the full as we never enjoyed it before!--Well, we've enjoyed it quite a bit, but we'll enjoy it even more than ever!

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ALL OF CREATION WILL HAVE UNDERGONE A REMARKABLE TRANSFORMATION! The so-called "natural disasters" that plague the World's people today will occur no more!

THAT GIGANTIC GLOWING GOLDEN PYRAMID STANDING ON THE NEW EARTH is the largest, most amazing structure that the World has ever seen! Composed of a now-unknown-to-man crystal-gold material, the entire structure radiates with a beautiful warm glow that can be seen for thousands of miles by the inhabitants of the New Earth!

Italic text by David Berg - and The Family Missions

The Crystal City--our home base and headquarters--was now in continual orbit around the Earth, not in competition but in perfect harmony with the orbit of the Moon. For the natural kindred--"the unsaved who survived Armageddon" our passions were outstretched and attuned--it was like God's perpetual presence in the sky, as well as a veritable feast for the eyes!

Now, they had to learn to "believe" as in the Greek New Testament sense of the word "Pisteuo," meaning to "drink in!" Their salvation was going to be somewhat different than ours had been! They now had to receive the Lord's spirit--as well as us, as His representatives--and to embrace Jesus' law of love, which was what religion all came down to now: "To love the Lord and your neighbor as yourself!" There were no other religious or civil laws anymore than the simple law of love except for a simple set of international rules and regulations to facilitate good organisation of course.


In fact, God has so few Christians who are really dedicated and consecrated and who really love him and are concerned about the way He wants things, that I'm sure He will probably have a little difficulty picking out enough people to fill all the jobs there! He's probably going to have to draw a good deal on some of the past Christians, those who have gone on before. Don't forget, we won't be the only ones who get caught up in the Rapture, we're not the only ones going to Heaven!--There are millions of Christians from past generations who will be there with us!


I'm sure the great Patriarchs and Prophets and Apostles and heroes of the Bible and of History, who were so faithful to the Lord in this life, will be trusted with a lot of responsibility in the next life!

In fact, this is the whole purpose of life: to prepare us for the next life, when in the Millennium we are going to have to learn how to run the whole World! We are now in our training period in this life in preparation for ruling the World in the next! And if we don't pass the tests and complete the grades and learn the lessons He's trying to teach us in this life, we shall certainly be unfit to rule in the next and shall surely be the least of all in the coming Kingdom of God on Earth, raised to everlasting shame and contempt before all! (Dan.12:2.)

The whole idea of creation is the struggle between good and evil and to show the difference. If there was no darkness we wouldn't appreciate the light. If we didn't have the Devil, we wouldn't appreciate God and Jesus! There has to be evil in order to understand good. They never really appreciated the Garden until they lost it--God's good!

The Temptation of Jesus

…Again, the devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory; and he said to Him, "All these things I will give You, if You fall down and worship me." Then Jesus said to him, "Go, Satan! For it is written, 'YOU SHALL WORSHIP THE LORD YOUR GOD, AND SERVE HIM ONLY."
Matthew 4:8-10 ESV

PowerPointParadise TFI Happy Christmas!!


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Italic text by David Berg - and the Family International

Beloved, Jesus was not kidding when He said that He would make you ruler over many cities! You are going to literally rule and reign with Him over all the Earth! It will be a perfect Kingdom, a perfect government, with perfect officers--you! You're going to run it! You want to be a policeman?--You want to be a governor?--You want to be a judge? All kinds of jobs are wide open! You want to be a king? God's Word says that He's the King of kings, so you can be one of His kings! You can rule a city or a whole country or a whole continent, whatever you are capable of ruling, according to the training you've already had and according to your faithfulness and your loyalty to God while you were here!


Jesus said that he that was faithful in just a few things would be made ruler over many things! You want to run the World? Well, be faithful unto death and He'll give you a crown and you'll be one of His kings! The Bible says so! (Rev.2:10.) For "he that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much.--Because thou hast been faithful in a very little, have thou authority over ten cities!"--Or, "be thou over five cities!" (Lk.16:10; 19:17,19.) We're going to rule literal, Earthly, down-to-Earth, Worldly cities and countries, nations and continents, and train human, physical, down-to-Earth people just like you and I are now!

We will be dispersed throughout the World, each of us ruling over a certain portion and people of the Earth, over the unsaved who were left behind during the Rapture. Some will rule over one city, some will rule over five cities, and some over ten cities!--It's all going to be very literal. You are literally going to rule over cities and countries and peoples.--Think of that! Wow!


Now some Christians who didn't accomplish very much for the Lord in this life and weren't faithful and never witnessed, maybe they'll only be a block warden in the next life--they may only have control of one block of a city or part of its Main Street or something. Because they weren't very responsible for their fellow man during this present age--they didn't show much concern about him, they didn't care whether he got saved or not, they didn't witness, they didn't preach the Gospel--God certainly is not going to give them much responsibility during the Millennium either!

But who knows, maybe the Lord will mercifully give some Christians a little opportunity to redeem themselves during the Millennium for what they failed to do during this age of grace.--I hope so! Because there are going to be millions of Christians who are going to be awfully ashamed--and for whom you're going to feel an awful lot of contempt--who never did a damn thing to reach the heathen or preach the Gospel or save the lost or help others! So I hope they have another chance to do then what they failed to do here.--Otherwise some are going to be one Hell of a mess!

God's plan is not going to be defeated! He's going to bring us through to final perfection the way He originally intended!--We'll have eternal, wonderful happiness, joy and paradise on Earth, like what we who love the Lord have even now, only better, and forever and ever, and ever! Hallelujah!

PowerPointParadise TFI

A Gift in the Trees

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If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me. Psalm 139:11 KJB

By Cynthia J. Teixeira Dec 17, 2014

God shows his love for us in many ways. Something that may not seem extraordinary to one person might appear as a miracle for someone else. On Christmas Eve 1997, that is exactly how I saw things, though not at first. At first I was feeling too sorry for myself to see anything but my own unhappiness.

The holiday season is a popular time for couples to get engaged. I had been in three long-term relationships by the time I was 29, but none of them had ever produced a marriage proposal. I had always considered myself a loyal, caring, unselfish girlfriend, and boyfriends often told me as much after the relationship had ended. After a while, I started to feel like I just wasn’t worth a lifetime commitment.

At the age of 29, I decided I needed to take my own happiness into consideration. It took a couple of years of dating mistakes, but I finally figured out how to respect my own needs and not just worry about the needs of my partner. That’s when, at the age of 31, I met Paul. He was a wonderful person who didn’t expect me to take care of him. He just wanted to be with me, and he respected me for who I was. Everything felt right between us, and I figured I had finally found a man I could marry.

During our second Christmas together, I thought Paul might propose. On December 22, we ventured onto the topic of marriage. Paul said that he did see himself marrying me, but the timing was not good “right now.”

By the end of that snowy day, I had come to the conclusion that it wasn’t the proposal I needed. It was simply that I wanted to feel loved and appreciated enough that someone would want to be with me forever. I prayed to God and asked that someday a man would think I was important enough to give me a diamond, the symbol of the commitment that my heart needed the most.

Christmas Eve finally arrived. Paul came to my house so we could ride together to my sister’s holiday party. I was happy to be with him, but a little sad, knowing he wouldn’t be proposing that night.

The gathering was a happy one. My nieces and nephew were a joy to watch as they opened their gifts. Paul and I had a wonderful time with my family. Eventually, after all the gifts had been opened and all goodbyes repeatedly exchanged, we left.

It was a long, quiet ride home, as Paul fell asleep 25 minutes into the trip. The roads were dry and the trees were barren. Yet the stars shone brightly against the black, cloudless sky, adding a touch of beauty to the night.

As I gazed at the beautiful trees, warmth spread through my heart. This was a truly magical moment. No longer was I seeing these winter-decorated branches with the eyes on my face; I now looked upon them with the eyes in my heart and soul. That night—Christmas Eve 1997—the air was clean and crisp, the sky was entirely filled with stars, and the trees ... the trees sparkled with diamonds. Thousands and thousands of diamonds.

In my heart I knew this was God’s way of answering my prayers. I had needed him to show me that there was a man who thought I was worth a commitment, the commitment that is symbolized by a diamond ring. That Christmas Eve, God covered the trees in diamonds for my eyes and heart to behold. It was his way of showing me that he thought I was special and worthwhile enough for an eternal commitment.

As Paul slept quietly in the seat next to me, completely unaware of the miracle that had taken place, joyous tears of peace and self-worth streamed down my face. I knew that I had found someone who would love me forever, and realizing this was more profound and meaningful than any marriage proposal I could ever receive.

Anchor TFI Online

The Life of a Disciple

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A compilation SEPTEMBER 12, 2013

A disciple walks with Jesus, follows Jesus, and lives with Jesus! This is the difference between casual Christianity and discipleship.—David Berg


It’s not that I’ve already reached the goal or have already completed the course. But I run to win that which Jesus Christ has already won for me. Brothers and sisters, I can’t consider myself a winner yet. This is what I do: I don’t look back, I lengthen my stride, and I run straight toward the goal to win the prize that God’s heavenly call offers in Christ Jesus.—Philippians 3:7–14


Discipleship is not only a willingness to forsake your belongings or your ministry or your job, but it is a forsaking of self and pride. Lay these down before Me and come with nothing in your hands. I will hold you and I will not let you fall. I will take you up into My arms and I will reward you many times over for this sacrifice and your yieldedness to Me. It will not be a loss, but rather you will gain and flourish and reflect the tenderness of My Spirit upon others.

Others will find comfort in the comfort that you have found. You cannot see it now, but through your yieldedness and forsaking of your own ways and thoughts I will shape you into a vessel used by Me and most dearly cherished by others. So hold fast that which thou hast, that no man take your crown. Know that I will not fail you, but I will fulfill My promises unto you. Fear not, only believe, and accept My words of love. Not one thing that I have promised will fail.—Jesus, speaking in prophecy


You are to be a living ensample of the truth. You preach it in the greatest way by living it. It's true that when it comes to the final showdown that only the miracle-working power of the Holy Spirit of God Himself can really do the job of winning their hearts—but they need to see Him living in us. They need to see this miracle-working power at work in our lives, as a genuine living sample and proof that Jesus is real. (John 14:8–9)

Jesus not only preached His message, but He lived it! He was not only the living Word, the sermon, but He was also the living work, the sample. For He said He had not only “spoken unto them,” but He also had “done the works that none other man did.” (John 15:22,24.)


However we may understand the details, there can be no doubt, on the biblical picture of human life, that we were meant to be inhabited by God and to live by a power beyond ourselves. … Only constant students of Jesus will be given adequate power to fulfill their calling to be God’s person for their time and their place in this world. They are the only ones who develop the character which makes it safe to have such power. ...

The mission naturally flows from the life. It is not an afterthought or something we might overlook or omit as we live the life. The eternal life, from which many profound and glorious effects flow, is interactive relationship with God and His special son, Jesus, within the abiding ambience of the Holy Spirit. Eternal life is the Kingdom Walk, where, in seamless unity we “Do love, justice, kindness, and walk carefully with our God.” We learn to walk this way through apprenticeship to Jesus. His school is always in session.—Dallas Willard


Get positive! Count your blessings! Thank God for all He has done and just chase the Devil away, all his shades of night by letting the light in, God's positive light of Scripture, the Word, prayer, praise, songs!--Anything you can do to occupy your mind completely with positive thinking! "Whatsoever things are true, good, pure and of good report, think on these things" (Phil.4:8).

Anchor TFI Online


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(c) by John Benjamin -2010


So far it may look to many of you like God is a pretty mean guy. It appears that He is just going to come for no apparent reason and destroy the poor old world with all these terrible events: Violent weather, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, plagues, disease, wars, and terrorism... the impacts of asteroids, comets, and meteorite showers, volcanoes going off, a gigantic earthquake that is unprecedented in world history, nuclear war; and finally a world-wide fire!

It's not a pretty picture! But much of the end time devastation, as well as the pollution of the world, and the destruction of whole civilizations down through time has been caused by man's inhumanity to his fellow man, not God!

Then there's poisoning of the atmosphere, the earth, and the water, by the host of many polluting chemicals, and wastes such as nuclear waste, mercury poisoning, and poisoning of the food supply through pesticides.

Also there are many "mad scientists" secretly messing around with things they shouldn't be, like the well documented HAARP system in Alaska and the Russian Woodpecker system, that are both capable of altering the weather and creating earthquakes.

The book "Angels Don't Play This HAARP" was a major player that broke the story on it. It speaks of how the Alaskan "High Altitude Auroral Research Project" was first created by Dr. Bernard Eastlund to help oil companies find oil, by the use of low frequency radio waves sent into the earth to find oil pockets.

Then they noticed that one of the side-effects that was produced as they did this, was that it made the ground shake! Enter the U.S. Air Force.

They came in immediately and bought Dr. Eastlund's project and began to work with it themselves in the sphere of what are known as "black" or secret operations for the military.

This has now been well documented in many scientific journals and television documentaries, and is why Hugo Chavez, the President of Venezuela, accused the U.S. of using this "earthquake technology" on Haiti recently.

But there is another anomaly that they are also able to create with this system: Giant radio wave transmitters, a whole field of them put together, shoot extremely powerful radio waves at different frequencies into the upper ionosphere.

They are called "Ionospheric Heaters." Supposedly they can magnify the intensity of hurricanes and large tornadoes, as well as guide them by heating the water or air and land masses in front of the storm. Some sources say that they can actually "create" hurricanes and large storms with this "atmospheric heating technology."

People have found this very hard to believe, yet there is ample documented evidence that proves that this technology is capable doing these things dating clear back to the 1970's.

Zbignew Brzezinski, former President Jimmy Carter's top foreign policy advisor was one of the first to break the story on it in the 1970's. He wrote a book called "Between Two Ages," that you can check out at any major library or probably look up on line.

Many suspect foul play involved in Hurricane Katrina, because at the last minute that storm took a very unusual sharp left turn directly into New Orleans. It was going to miss it, and suddenly turned for some unexplained reason.

Many believe that the only thing that could possibly cause an anomaly such as this is one of these "weather-warfare machines," or "ionospheric heaters." We can not be sure, but God knows! He is watching. It is all being recorded and will be accounted for in the end by Him!

Free download complete book text, 14 chapter +, Blog is selections from Chapter 10: Earthshaker, by John Benjamin

Earthshaker – Updated: Download site in English and Spanish

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The Heavenly Life Pt. 1

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... in Heavenly Pleasure Palaces! Revelation 3:12

EXCERPTS OF HEAVENLY VISIONS OF HEAVENLY LIVES OF PLEASURES IN HEAVENLY PLACES IN NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES!--Featuring: Heavenly beings, Heavenly angels, Heavenly cherubim, Heavenly spirits, Heavenly men, Heavenly women, Heavenly people, Heavenly seraphs, heavenly Dancers, engaged in Heavenly activities, Heavenly arts, Heavenly dancing, Heavenly jumping, Heavenly singing, Heavenly symphonies, Heavenly tones, making Heavenly Music, on Heavenly instruments, in Heavenly orchestras & Heavenly choirs, on Heavenly feasts, enjoying Heavenly experiences, Heavenly paintings, Heavenly feelings, Heavenly fragrances, Heavenly perfumes, Heavenly happiness, Heavenly joy, Heavenly light, Heavenly dawn, Heavenly dusk, Heavenly energy, Heavenly essence, Heavenly love, Heavenly pleasures, (Heavenly sex), Heavenly sensations, Heavenly ecstasies, Heavenly knowledge, of their Heavenly Master, Heavenly Jesus, amidst Heavenly meadows, Heavenly flowers, Heavenly breezes, Heavenly perfection, Heavenly Colors, Heavenly architecture, Heavenly pillars, Heavenly homes, Heavenly buildings, Heavenly temples, of transparent Heavenly gold & Heavenly crystal, of Heavenly beauty, with Heavenly bells, Heavenly gardens, with Heavenly birds, Heavenly brilliance, living in Heavenly harmony, Heavenly clothes, Heavenly robes, Heavenly gowns, Heavenly spheres,within Heavenly gates, in Heavenly habitations, Heavenly homes, Heavenly palaces, a Heavenly city, a Heavenly world, Heavenly dimensions, leading a Heavenly existence, on Heavenly terms, with no more tears.

Heavenly Knowledge, Architecture, Art, Music, Dance activities.

"...Sensing the questions forming in my mind, Maggi informed me that we would go where all the answers are. Quickly we approached a structure of supernatural beauty. It was vast, of the purest white, and somewhat Grecian in architecture. Paths led into the structure from all directions, and I observed many people coming and going. Over the archway through which we entered the structure, I saw the words TEMPLE OF KNOWLEDGE and felt a gentle power drawing me into itself.

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There were pillars of varying heights, becoming higher and higher toward the center. Turning back to the interior of the temple, I saw that creative activities were taking place in different areas. There were a number of individuals sitting at easels painting, and I saw one man playing a flute-like instrument that emitted the sweetest of sounds. Farther on, dancers moved with ethereal grace, performing with a lightness impossible to the physical human form. As I watched in utter delight, I became aware that the musical background for this visual feast came from what I would call a celestial choir - an orchestra of voices creating "heavenly" music for the dance. This "music of the spheres" was indeed singing the praises of the Creator.

Men & Women in Heavenly Robes, Flowers, Colors, Meadows, Golden Glow & Lights

ART BELOW & ABOVE © courtesy Maxfield Parrish

"...Within a second or two, I found myself standing in an absolutely beautiful green meadow. I knew then what was going on. I knew once again who I was, that I had died. My amnesia period was over with. I stood there in this gorgeous meadow and I remember that the light there was different from the light here on earth. Though it was not that brilliant white light in which I was involved, it was a more beautiful light.

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There was a goldeness to this light. I remember the sky was very blue. I don't recall seeing the sun. The colors were extraordinary.

(Continued Pt. 2)

ART ABOVE © courtesy "Family Missions" International

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The True Christmas

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By Virginia Brandt Berg DECEMBER 26, 2013

Some people cannot understand how God could have come down and been wrapped about with human flesh, but He came. It isn’t strange to me. That seems so easy to believe, because I see Him born in hearts every day. He comes and lives in hearts and transforms lives, and to me that’s a great miracle, a mighty miracle, that He can be born in your heart and in my heart, and live there in our hearts, identifying Himself in that way with us.

There was a young German soldier posted at his sentry box before the barracks on a dark night, and suddenly he heard the sound of hoof beats. It was his captain’s horse. He went quickly out and offered his salute and then stood like a marble statue until the captain cried out: “Say, of what use to me are your tokens of respect in this pitch black, dark night! Open the gates so that I can ride in!”

Though a thousand times in Bethlehem Christ be born,
If He’s not born in thee, thy soul is all forlorn.1

A well-known poem brings this point home, saying,

I shall attend to my little errands of love
Early, this year,
That the brief days before Christmas may be
Unhampered and clear
Of the fever of hurry. The breathless rushing that I have known in the past
Shall not possess me. I shall be calm in my soul
And ready at last
For Christmas. To worship the Christ. I shall kneel, take time to call His name;
I shall take time to watch the beautiful light
Of a candle’s flame.
I shall have leisure—I shall go out alone
From my roof and my door;
I shall not miss the silver silence of stars
As I have before.
Perhaps if I stand there very still
And very long, I shall hear what the clamor of living has kept from me:
The angels’ song,
That mother’s low cry, and the baby’s sweet song.2

God’s word says His name shall be called “wonderful.” There in Isaiah, in the ninth chapter, “Wonderful!” “Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; the government shall be upon his shoulder. His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.”3 His name is Wonderful because He was wonderful in His life, going about everywhere doing good and healing all that were oppressed!4 Wonderful His death—dying for you and me, that we might have life! Wonderful His resurrection, that we might also be resurrected! And wonderful now in His life after death, because He is interceding for us.

Oh, my friend,
’Tis not enough that Christ was born
Beneath the star that shone,
And earth was set that blessed morn
Within a golden zone.
He must be born within the heart
Before He finds His throne.5

Won’t you let Him come into your heart?

There is a story of the artist Holman Hunt, who painted that famous picture of Jesus standing at the door, that tells how someone came to him and told him that he’d made a mistake in the picture that he had painted, that he had no knob on the door, that the Savior was standing before a closed door with a lantern in the hand. And then it was that Holman Hunt answered, “I didn’t make any mistake. The door is opened by the sinner’s own hand from the inside. The handle is inside. The Savior can never enter a door unless it is opened from the inside.”

God’s Word says, “To as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God.”6 Receive Him this Christmas. He’ll mean so much to you. He’ll transform your life. Welcome Him into your heart. He’s still on the throne and He wants to be on the throne of your heart, and prayer will change things for you.

1 Angelus Silesius, a 17th-century poet.
2 Adapted from a poem by Grace Noll Crowell.
3 Isaiah 9:6.
4 Acts 10:38.
5 Author unknown.
6 John 1:12.

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