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Here is a list of HowTo Blogs ordered by Last Post Date, posted by members. A Blog is a journal you may enter about your life, thoughts, interesting experiences, or lessons you've learned. Post an opinion, impart words of wisdom, or talk about something interesting in your day. Update your blog on a regular basis, or just whenever you have something to say. Creating a blog is a good way to share something of yourself with others. Reading blogs is a good way to learn more about others. Click here to post a blog.

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Oh, not this,...

... Potus pen instant amnesty ain't flying. So glad O. man bad was able to get some 300 new judges at various levels into orofice. Often for life. Not to mention 3 new Associate J's on the Scotus. Policy changes via courts can go both ways. Even murderous ones. R v. W, much?
And amazingly, just one of his many important well kept promises. And He was as far from a Swamp expert, as a Potus can get. Not too shabby. For a moron.
Senator Dr. Paul is on fire as well. Our Maine Senator Susie looks not so, but really, she's playing the lefties like a fiddle. As did the Turtle, on the filibuster. And Texas now still able to deport criminal illegal immigrants. Much more. Other states. HR 1, HR 350. Changes in corrupt election policy at the State level, as well.

Like a red neck fiddle. The sleeping middle America has smelled the coffee, and is waking up. Delicious. That's what harassment and persecution does. Not to mention stolen erections.
Stay tuned. How nice that things go back and forth in democracies. In one party states---never surprises.
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Creating a blog to calm the political storm...

It's been a week since the Moderator swept through and deleted a shitload bunch of political, virus, religious blogs in an attempt to steer blogs (and forums) back to their intended direction... dating.

I see a few disguised as something else have slipped through and that's to be expected. What I didn't expect was the original post by the Moderator having taken on a life of it's own with a high-level of bickering... it bears the very same tone of blogs that were deleted.

At some point I'd wager at least one of the following: The blog to be locked, some comments to be deleted, an additional revision or entry from the Moderator.

Years ago, Yahoo allowed for comments to their articles/stories and sometime last year, that was discontinued as opinions went beyond opinion with name calling and comment abuse taking the focus far away from what Yahoo intended.

I think this first round was a polite warning...
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Double you or double vee...

Depending on the font or if you are printing or writing cursive the letter "W" usually has a different appearance (pointed bottom or rounded bottom) but always has the same sound.
The word plywood in an English speaking country is pronounced as it's spelled... (with a double-you)
However, in some Scandinavian countries it's pronounced ply-vood with a heavy 'V' sound.

I ask myself what's correct W? Double 'you' or double 'vee'
Is it UU or VV a question I've been asking myself.
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Word block...

Most sites I've posted to have some type of filtering. Different names for the same thing, it could be called word filtering, censorship, word block, and sometimes it's called annoying!

Profanity blocking tops the list, but all websites are not equal. We can say WTF on CS but a musician site I'm a member of doesn't allow that. You type WTF and your post will read: Oh my goodness.

Are you serious... they inserted Oh my goodness in place of WTF.

The military coined SNAFU and it's often used in TV news, newspapers and online news. Explain to your 10 year old what SNAFU means.

Lots of words get blocked here. The other word for rooster that begins with 'C' gets blocked by the filter. There's a famous British singer Joe who's family name gets blocked simply because it contains part of the blocked word. Depending on the website, that city in Thailand also gets blocked. You know, Bang....

If your name is Richard, don't expect your nickname (starting with the letter D) to pass the filter.

Buttocks... only the British version 'arse' gets through, the 3 letter word used in America is blocked. But you can say shit.

Oh, you graduated with honors? don't expect to be able to use the Latin word that goes with 'laude'

The 'C' word that describes some women won't make it through, nor will some body parts.

Consistently inconstant, but you've just got to work with it!
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Creating your own microblogging social network site...

It wouldn't take much time and money to create your very own platform for microblogging social network site. You'll need to create and register your site name, hire an internet service provider (ISP) to host the site. If you cannot find 'canned software' you would need to pay a programmer to write the code. I've seen a few personal sites where people publish their information of writings, usually in the form of travel blogs with photos. This is all 'small scale' that would be under the radar (so to speak) of any FCC regulations.

To do this on a large scale with revenue from showing advertisements would probably require a legal team to be sure it conforms to some guidelines (that I have no knowledge of) especially when you have members who can post things (messages) to your site. Basically, I'm describing some look-a-like to Twitter. My guess if you come remotely similar to Twitter, you'll soon have their legal team contacting your legal team demanding you dismantle your site.

But, let's say you're different enough to be Twits on Twitter or What-an-ugly-face-on-that-book site and all your friends tell their friends who post the URL on some well known social media site(s) and within a few weeks, it's the clamor of the country.
Like Yowza... thousands are listening to your every word and you suddenly become the gospel for all good things in life!

All it takes is some money and time and a profile big enough to make it happen.
Checklist for success:
[ ] Money - as in unlimited cash flow to get started.
[ ] Time - you've go to know the right people to quickly get the job done.
[ ] Popular - you've got to be a household 'somebody' so your idea catches on.

I realize my outline is basic, but the concept isn't too far-fetched to become a reality for the right people or person.

Who knows, maybe a bookstore like Barns & Noble already sells books on Microblogging For Dummies...
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Still many arrows in his quiver....

...Hardly over, even after January 20th. But before I digress a bit.
John Radcliff, a director of US cybersecurity, in response to Mr.Trump's EO over a year ago, to enable seizure of items that might compromise US elections, will testify on foreign (PRC) fiddling with our erections, this Friday. General Flynn on board, along with other Cyber expert patriots, and scheissters galore. Not to mention almost 20 pissed off, VERY pissed off, State Attorneys General.
Along these lines, raid on headquarters of Solar- wind corporation, supplier of IT to many US government agencies, in beautiful-ueber liberal Austin, TX, and, get this, to Dumbminion as well. Raid done by DOJ (FBI) agents? Oh, no, amigos. To secure chains of evidence, armed raid done by US Marshals and, gittty up, the formidable Texas Rangers.
CEO and suits at Solar-wind, sell off company stock, sort of like the get out of Dodge (Florida) moves of Dominion staff, and ooouuut and off to Oh, Canada. Eh?
All that is needed for reconsideration of the BIG STEAL by the SCOTUS, is one higher State or Federal Judge to jump on board of the awesome growing mega pile of evidence. As below, now in fly over State MI.
Antrim county officials, in Michigan, catch Michigan state officials in lies, as to ongoing suspicions of corrupt State elections staff, and Dominion machine tampering. County cyber experts now hold evidence of this independent forensic audit, and turn it over to Trump's team. Audit done by IT nerds from Duke, Harvard and MIT. Dem's there get a judge to quash this evidence, but now a circuit judge blocks this order. So soon to be public info. VERY public. Reports of up to 68% errors in vote tabulations, which allegedly were then sent off sites to dominion officials. Lots more. Michigan allows only 0.008% of such errors.
Yep, there was a BIG STEAL--- 'up' Ballot. But down Ballot, major victories by GOP at State, County and local levels, not to mention a now almost balanced US House. So now State legislatures are overwhelmingly in GOP hands. The penultimate election deciders.
SCOTUS may have been wise in initial rejection of suits on this. Smart to provide cover of sticking with US Constitution, and not blindly supporting Trump, as LIBS have been asserting. Wrong, as usual. Better chances now of SCOTUS seeing evidence. And of getting a real pair. VERY real.
And Quisling AG Barr now replaced with whom? AG Rosen, who recently published an article on how involved in our elections is Red China. Perhaps other Commie lands..
All this supports limited martial law and a national state of emergency, to seize and to glean even more evidence for the SCOTUS to chew on..

Who's quiver? Well, Red Man Bad's big quiver, oh my minions. Foolish to have thought that he wouldn't fight tooth and nail. Along with over 80 million voters.
Don't take my words for it.
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Oh, no........

....not THAT!
'Standing' apparently is a big issue in whether any court recognizes a given petition to consider a matter. For example, even though I am the truly GREAT Vierk, incarnate, the SCOTUS is unlikely to listen to me. Unfathomable, I know. And perhaps in spite of the growing hard evidence of a stolen election, it may not even listen to my sweetheart, Attorney Sidney long legs. Legs right up to THERE!
But we just now hear that the STATE of Texas formally is filing suit against several swing states, with the SCOTUS, for election irregularities, and vote disenfranchisement.
Now, this seems to be one petition to the nation's highest judicial body, that it can't ignore.
Be inaresting to see the comments of the few full syndromics here on CS, with this latest news.
Sort of pushes the matter into the realm of treason and sedition. As evidenced by, the modems and other parts of the Dumbminion vote machines, are produced by front organization of the Red Chinese CP. The plot thickens.
Biden crime family and China. Ya think? Shocking? Not surprising, though.
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Some musings, on how it probably was pulled off....

...As I've said, forget about the small stuff. Hanging chads and so on. Turning away the odd voter who hasn't voted yet. Only 500 votes in question enough for a consideration by the SCOTUS. Only one (Florida) State. No,no,no.
In the age of IT, with voting equipment that is fully accessible, even from an off site location, many teens in their mom's basement could easily hack on in. If they can hack the Pentagon, well, and even major corporate headquarters. Much easier for someone with a machine official shop manual. And for a company corporate tech, well, a piece of cake.
But strategery was also involved, to make things far less suspicious.
So, also no need to alter votes everywhere, in fact, this is unadvised. Merely select the half dozen counties, in so many swing States, each with a major city of a million or so. Make over half of these predominantly negro in population. So in the unlikely case of being detected, all can cry RACISM.
Now, round midnight, with Red Man Bad far in the lead, it's then known just how much fiddling is needed, to come out with ten or twenty thousand more votes for sniffy, creepy, real racist, lunchbox Uncle Joe.
Then the fun work begins. Sure, the whole thing could be arranges by some clever hip keystrokes. And with unmarked vans arriving to election central sights in the wee hours. With access to monitoring personnel illegally barred.
No, the GOP/Dem local voting ratios are first gleaned from public records, so as to better mimic trends, while still assuring narrowly massaged victories for the crooks' side.

And I don't even know what I'm talking about. Just imagination, and inbred sociopathy.
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Posting a song

Hello...........I've been sick for the past two months. I'm just getting back to CS and I forgot how to post a song or a picture in a thread.

Would somebody please give me the instructions how to post songs and pictures.

Thank you.
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The Prince... Pasta Fazul head, Niccolo Machiavelli. We've all heard of something done by sly others as being Machiavellian. Well, perhaps not M and others from Oz, and from the UK. But this 16th century book, written as a guide for those maturing as new royals, is full of useful scummy tips, on how to manipulate ones self through life, or at least to avoid having others doing so to you.
Sadly, as with the I Ching, and most of what I scribble here, the wisdom doesn't exactly jump off the pages at us, but requires a few reads, with reflection in between.
If you've ever been told that, "the ends don't justify the means", usually by those for whom they surely do, you'll get the main theme of this political treatise, by an Italian diplomat.
And, as with most we read, the book should be seen in light of the times in which authors live. Italy was a repressive group of waring city like states, where, as with the strapped on equalizer in the US old west, men went about with both sword and daggers at their sides.
When I had the roles of Will Executor and Principle Trustee of.our folks tiny estate cast upon me, the first two books I reached for were those named above. Glad I did.
In a sibship of a half dozen, where money is at stake, it is good to know how to herd kittens.
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