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Opinionated Blogs (1,909)

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Mahatma Gandhi saying

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"If there's an idiot in power, then those who elected them are well represented."
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Joe Manchin blockaded in his car by climate protesters

Democrats are eating their own.

A group of climate change protesters boasted about blockading Democratic West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin's car on Thursday, accusing the moderate lawmaker of trying to run them over in his attempt to drive through a parking garage.

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Build back Bolshevik

In January 2020 BC (Before COVID) the American economy was running like a well-oiled machine and enjoying growth rates not seen in years. Unemployment for black people was at all-time lows. Inflation remained a non-issue. And America had once again become energy independent, after decades of shortages and wars linked to her reliance on imported oil.

To look successful, all Joe Biden needed to do upon being handed the presidency was to emerge from his basement, fiddle with a few dials to look busy, and simply ride a post-COVID economic boom back to new heights.

But as Barack Obama might say: Never underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up.

Vladimir Putin called former president Donald Trump an “extraordinary” and “talented individual,” but he categorized Biden as a political “career man.” Putin wasn’t wrong. Perhaps Biden sensed this, for his first acts after shuffling into the Oval Office were to spitefully revoke an array of Trump policies and executive orders, with no regard to their effects on his country’s well-being.

Great plan, Joe.

So now we have hordes of illegal invaders breaching the border in search of Biden freebies, while gasoline prices have risen to levels last seen when Biden was vice-president. And it seems that only a mild winter can save the country from a historic natural gas squeeze.

Meanwhile, Americans are being conditioned for shortages of everything from food to semiconductors, while ships, trucks, and even the mail have become unreliable. This sudden distortion of markets and supply chains was not natural; it was caused by the government restrictions introduced under cover of the Wuhan virus, and it is made worse by the left-green mandates seen everywhere in the Reign of Greta.

But wait! There’s more! Candidate Biden portrayed COVID as Trump’s Black Plague, lamenting its victims with his utmost insincerity. Biden’s secret COVID plan once in power? More of the same failed antics: Mask worship and lockdowns, and mandated submission to the experimental vaccine.

Now, forcing unvaccinated people out of their jobs, especially in fields facing labor and supply gaps, may seem both cruel and stupid. And maybe kicking them when they’re down by, say, depriving them of benefits or denying servicemen honorable discharges, might appear downright twisted. But not to Biden. In a “town hall” event, The Great Unifier quipped that 130-million unvaccinated citizens are claiming a right to “kill you.” Has dementia brought out Creepy Joe’s inner sociopath?

Other famous sociopaths include Russia’s Vladimir Lenin, whose Bolshevik regime also began with an assault on workers, gunning them down in the streets of St. Petersburg. Bolshevik soldiers secretly took former Czar Nicholas II and his wife, five children, and four servants and shot and bayoneted them to death, their bodies chopped up, soaked with acid, burned, and buried. A Bolshevik hate campaign against landowners and the “wealthy” then led to the murder of thousands and the starvation of millions. With farmland collectivized and much of the thinking population killed or in brutal work camps, Soviet citizens were underfed, undersupplied, and easy to control. For all but privileged communist party members, the Soviet Union between 1918 and the 1950s was a living hell. Or, as the New York Times reported it: an evolving workers’ paradise.

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chatilliononline now!

Can I do what you do?

Can I post a blog that asks a question and solicits responses from my readers?
Can I break CS rules and write a gossip blog/personal attack about another member, mentioning their profile name?
Can I do a few anti-Biden/liberal/democrat blogs a week?
Can I complain about anyone who posts blogs against Trump?
Can I go from blog to blog of the members I dislike and post disruptive/useless/heckler comments over and over?
Can I post lots of 'off the wall' anti-vax blogs each week?
Can I repeatedly blog about Bill Gates eating babies and reducing the worlds population?

Actually, it's not in me to do those things... I'm not into anyone's click and seeing the most popular (and controversial) blogs are that way, maybe it's time I change my blogging style to up my level in the pecking order here!

I came from a defunct dating site that had blogs, forums, chat room and private chat system. When I arrived on CS there were lots of complaints about the new wave of refugees. Different crowd, same theme.
Since bloggers aren't daters, I always wonder when administration will lock forums and blogs and make them fade into an archive. I won't be shocked.

When I come here via cellphone, I'm pounded with advertisements I don't see on my desktop. It must be revenue when people click those links that keeps this place alive.

Food for a different blog...
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rizlaredonline today!

Britain must be punished for Brexit, says France

The Daily Telegraph.

The French PM has now realised how much his country depended on the UK so rather than negotiate he throws his toys out of the pram.

The French have a history of poking bears with a stick then running away when the bear stands up.

One has to wonder what will happen to France and Germany when other counties follow the UK's lead and leave the EU?

Bit of advice if you have Euros is to sell them quickly as the Euro is destined to collapse within the next 12 months.
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Liberals or Leftists

1.7 million new voters will be deposited in Red States to not only infect the people but water down the Republican majority. Why else would democrats allow the sovereignty of our nation to become compromised? We know this to be the reality, the intention.... there is no altruistic reason, no concern for its citizens, no concern for our Constitution/laws, no care for the spread of a disease manufactured by the Chinese and now spread knowingly by the democratic party to your families. These are not liberals, these are "radical extreme", leftists!! Don't confuse the misguided liberal snowflakes with the hard-core democratic socialists who intend to 'reset' America along the paths of big government 'globalist control' of your lives(Soros). Are you willing to effectively trade places with the Chinese citizens and become second class citizens? Keep voting for the democrats and you'll get your wish...zombies.

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The Trump effect is gathering steam

As retrospection becomes ever more clear, knowledge of the impact of the Trump presidency has been taking form — especially when compared to the bunglers who came next. Perhaps most importantly, and without obvious intent, he managed to bring out the worst in his enemies. The U.S. will never be the same again.

For starters, let's look at Adam Schiff and Gerald Nadler. Once just off-the-rack hack politicians, now they're cartoons...of sleaze-ball villains. Trump, somehow, made them go w-a-a-a-y too far in making ridiculous accusations — climaxed by Schiff's "improvised" mischaracterization of Trump's phone call to the Ukraine.

Much of America had already grown weary of the establishment clones that have populated our government, hence the underpinning of Trump's victory in 2016 (also the same year the Cubs won the World Series — first time in 109 years). We were ready for Trump and burned out on Hillary. As a well known business and media personality, with no Ivy League pedigree or political past, Trump stepped right into the winner's circle. This was much to the chagrin of the usual suspects — hence the concerted effort to depose him. Meanwhile, the terms "Deep State" and "swamp" have assumed permanent positions in our language relating to politics.

Obviously, Mr. Trump is not a perfect being. But, compared to the quasi-humans of the Deep State, he's a refreshing breath of fresh air. But now he's gone, at least from the reins of power.

One great thing he did that has not been much talked about, has to do with the Iranian seizure of a British tanker ship in the Persian Gulf. Back in July of 2019, our military tacticians were working overtime to plan the U.S. reprisal for this provocation. After a mild pause, Mr. Trump announced that the U.S. was not going to retaliate. Why? Because, as Mr. Trump said, the damage the Persians caused did not warrant the human cost such a retaliation would inflict on them. In all my life, I've never witnessed a president make such a wise statement...until then.

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rizlaredonline today!

Having been accused of being a communist here is a definition of communism

Characteristics of Communist System

1. Abolition of Private Property.

Yet I own properties around the world

2. Collective Ownership of Means of Production.

I am a sleeping partner of a company based in London with offices worldwide, we have shareholders and no collective ownership.

3. Central Planning.

All distribution is done from one dept, all purchases are done by another dept.

4. Elimination of Unfair Gaps in Incomes.

I together with the board of directors try to maintain equality of wages, we are an equal opportunity employer.

Provision of Necessaries of Life.

Not relevant as we only give remuneration to our employees.

So therefore by any definition of communism, I am not a communist.

The premise that someone who lives and worked in China would therefore become indoctrinated in the political arena, fails on many counts.

Firstly, one would need to spend time with those doing the indoctrination, which I never did, in fact, I spent a lot of time working with senior government officials, military and medical staff most of whom show little time for politics or showed a strong dislike for the CCP.

Secondly, to be manipulated one would need to have a mind easily swayed as can be regularly seen here on CS, I have a strong personality not easily swayed or persuaded as my past has taught me to do due diligence and research.

I am politely requesting that the CS member (Bohemund) refrains from continually referring to me as "Comrade" and desist from continuously attempting to belittle me by the constant pejorative comments insinuating I am controlled by the CCP.

I am clearly NOT and have said so many times, I have also posted many disparaging comments regarding the CCP.

Let me state once and for all, I DO NOT AND NEVER HAVE SUPPORTED THE CCP.

Thank you for your compliance.
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What statue will the cancel culture destroy next?

I think they will blow up the Lincoln memorial next. After that, Antifa will destroy the Washington monument. What do you think will be destroyed next?
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