My Easter Blog

What relevance or significance does the crucifixion of Christ have to mankind? I’ve always been puzzled by this and even asked the question several times on this site. I’ve never heard an answer that makes sense.

I got a leaflet through my door today; it had a website for the “Life Changers Church” printed on it. On the website I found this nicely concise answer to the question”

Christianity is a RELATIONSHIP... That’s why He sent Jesus Christ to the earth, to die on a cross as a substitute for you and me; for our sins; and the sins of this world. Jesus paid the price to create a bridge between God and man. A perfect man, Jesus, took the place of imperfect man—you and me; and He exchanged His innocent life, for our guilty life.

As neat as this answer is I’m afraid that, as far as I am concerned, it answers nothing. It seems a totally arbitrary exercise on the part of God. If mankind was guilty of something, and Jesus was innocent, how on Earth does contriving his gruesome death exonerate mankind? There’s no logic to it; absolutely no rationality.

I am not responsible for anyone's “sins” but my own.

There seems to be a school of thought within Christianity which maintains that what you believe is more important than what you do in this life. As long as you believe in God, and love God above all else, any wrong you may have done, no matter how bad, can be forgiven. Well forgiveness is within the gift of the wronged, and is a matter for them. If you want to depart the World without sin, don’t commit any. But, if you are merely human and can’t manage that, just learn to live with what you’ve done wrong and try not to do it again.

Believe in and love God as much as you like, but don’t go thinking that lets you off the hook when it comes to how you behave towards your fellow man. scold .. Just consider: if God loves mankind as much as it is said he does, and he is not really the praise demanding narcissist that he is treated as, he may well think that way too.

Happy Easter.
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Comments (71)

I can nearly guarantee she won't give you Eccles cake, Har
I think you are right, molly, MiMi is far too considerate to give me Eccles cake. She really is one in a million, is MiMi.
Her toes would be blushing if she knew how highly we thought of her lack of sacrifice.
Can I ask you not to use words like "sacrifice" on this blog, molly, lest it remind people of its origins? Especially now that there is a realistic chance of them stumbling upon it and thinking it is about cake and MiMi's generosity in not giving me any.
Har, it's important to bring it back to the original spirit of the blog.
Is it really all that important, molly? Does my being out on a limb, all alone, really matter much in the great scheme of things?
It depends on how important the great scheme of things is to you in comparison to your own personal comfort.
Well I'm not really one for standing on principle, molly. When everyone is against me I will not allow myself to be forced into standing up to them. I will not hesitate in backing down and getting my revenge on them, one by one, later. Call me stubborn if you like, but that's how we do things where I come from.
Herbal the Ninja?
Happiest Easter everyone!

May everyone have lots of chocolate as we celebrate the original hipster zombie - Jesus Christ , who was coming back from the dead for centuries before it was cool.

Like the Christmas truce in World War One, opposing sides can temporarily lay down their arms ( then move them away from their keyboards) and have a nice holiday.

The liberal bloggers can take a break from being triggered by everything that moves, and the Trump bloggers can take time out to visit their great grandchildren.

Thanks JC.
Nota laugh
Hi, notaDoc, do you like Eccles cakes?
Well Eccles cakes are better than Battenburg cakes.
The worst dessert in the history of tea time.
Any particular training required? writing
Molly that's the beauty of it.

It's so easy.
A smile, a cheeky giggle, laughing and pointing.

It's soooo much easier to mock someone else, rather than contributing anything to the world yourself.
and if you can't do that, you can just live vicariously through some crusty old dude who doesn't know you're alive, or care, but you can use it as a excuse to use hateful language towards the 'wrong' side.
* Sorry, dunno what's with me tonight. hijack
It doesn't sound like much fun uh oh
It isn't.
It's like eating Battenburg cakes, but for your soul blues
I don't hate battenburg as much as I hate Christmas cake.

Where does that leave me?
Harb, those of us who agree with you will come to your rescue.......eventually, after we've enjoyed watching you sweat a little laugh
I've tried both battenburg and skinny jeans

I'm going to hell
Hi, Z. They know not what they do, so I'll probably forgive them.

I'm sooo late for bed. gnite
Nota, I should have known Gypsy would come into the conversation.

You'd eat battenburg whilst wearing skinny jeans for her.
Har you're on holidays. Go crazy abd stay up until midnight
My love for her is pure yes, but don't love anyone enough to wear skinny jeans.
I probably would wear a scarf and beanie hat indoors for her though, if I really had to prove my devotion.
Proof of devotion is skinny jeans
Okay, molly, but not a minute later.
There we go, twelve o clock.
I shan't stay up too late either. The weather just has to be enjoyed this weekend yay
Im gonna stay up all night easter eve to see if I can watch him rise from the dead......something like waiting to see santa.......teddybear
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