Monopoly Money

Phony Baloney is monopoly money. Debt created by money that isn’t real is also imaginary. So, if the debt isn’t real, neither is the obligation to pay it back. This is a new revolutionary way to look at debt. Money really does grow on trees, so to speak. Harry Reid knows it! All this panic & hoopla over the national debt is ridiculous. The Federal Reserve is the money tree. The world pie is pretty big. There is plenty to go around for everyone. The Fed’s deceitful practices can easily be exploited to the good of everyone. Instead of fighting to preserve the US Constitution we should declare “flag burning” as a national holiday. Poverty & serfdom is just an illusion since nobody really owns any thing anyway. The promiser of sorrow could be made to look like an idiot rather than the people if the masses would just start using their kidneys. By the end of Obama’s rein both he & his predecessors would look like the idiots. The ever growing national debt would be cause for celebration. Let’s flip the script on the boys occupying the Red House.
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