Pre-wrapped meat over meat wrapped in brown paper.

Read this comment on another site in regards to fresh meat.Quote/I stopped buying the pre-wrapped stuff. A couple of times it's been bad after opening. I'd rather pay the extra 20 cents to get the fresher stuff in butcher paper rather than have to drive all the way back to the store to get the refund on the spoiled product./End quote

I got the idea for my bottom post from the article above.

I recall back to when I was a small child and my parents traded our split-level home for a grocery store where my parents opened a meat market and sold fresh meat.They would order sides of beef,pork and cut it up in portions and also sold some salads and such. Back in the day they would let their customers open a charge account and were given a certain time to pay on it/pay it off they chose to do and would be allowed to charge more food just as long as they paid on their previous owed amount.After my father passed on my mother had sold the business and we both had moved into a townhouse.
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Comments (2)

Butcher & Deli for me
Lamb shanks are ideal slow roasted or braised

I'm not much of a meat eater any more..I live on seafood.
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