Dem Priorities: Cause deaths of 1000s, okay. Squeeze a Bum?? Fired!

That hotbed of Right Wing, Red-neckish news, the NY Times, the Grey Lady herself, had this to say about Randy Andy:

More than 172,000 residents and employees of nursing homes and long-term care facilities have died of complications from Covid-19 in the United States, according to a Times analysis. New York leads all states in such deaths, with more than 15,000 so far.

By the time the Health Department issued its July report, Mr. Cuomo had been under fire over nursing homes for months. The criticism came mostly from Republican lawmakers, who suggested his administration was directly responsible for the high death toll.

At issue was a policy issued in March 2020 that effectively ordered nursing homes to take back residents who had been discharged from hospitals after being treated for Covid-19. The goal was to keep virus patients from overwhelming hospitals, a step other states also took.

According to the coverage, some have attributed NY state's extraordinarily high death rate among nursing home residents to Cuomo's orders to return the Covid infected to the homes, where the uninfected were staked out helplessly, like sacrificial goats, as the contagion swept through their numbers. And then, the reports go on, the high losses were deliberately suppressed.

Mentions of Cuomo's callous stupidity, causing needless deaths of thousands of grannies and grandpas were heard months ago. But it's only after several women came forward, complaining of s*xual harassment, that the serious hue and cry for his resignation arose among the Left.

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Comments (4)

Many of the dead elderly are yet to be buried . And yet that living fossil , the brainless president says Cuomo did a good job controlling covid .
Another not funny fact..
Re: Sinatra's Manchurian candidate
... watch it with subtitles ON...
There are 2 scenes involving books & scientific papers
Sinatra, role playing as an "Intelligence officer"
Has what appears to be a Castle of books built in his Apt. Irony here...his supplier for these books is in San Francisco-- ground zero for MK Ultra.
Ever hear of "Jolly" West?
Yes... somewhere in my long ago..
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