The Leftist's Fainting Couch: Fleming, Flynn, Hunter Biden, Hillary & Alinsky

Saul Alinsky wrote in his RULES FOR RADICALS (dedicated, BTW, to Lucifer)

“Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”
-- Saul Alinsky

If anyone's been paying attention since the Clintons came to Washington, DC, that's exactly what they've brought to American politics: the Leftist sewerhose of personal destruction to anyone who poses a threat to the Left's power.

"Turning political disagreement into war is an approach whose origins are not difficult to trace. It was daily practice in the two tyrannies (Nazis and Soviets) under which I grew up, and the practitioners of both first read it in the same book: It was Karl Marx who saw and portrayed everything in terms of war. It was Karl Marx who poisoned the debate already 150 years ago."
-- Balint Vazsonyi, THE WORDS THEY USE

Given that the Yapping Denialists have consistently lied about everything they've put forth, and sought to "debunk" frontline doctors, virologists and immunologists with anonymous sources, Far Left political hack sources (the Obama / Weatherman terrorist-affilitated FACT-CHECK and SCI-CHECK), along with purely political kids, barely out of journalism school, or, a psychologist, I knew that there must be more to the story about Dr. Richard Fleming.

And there was.

We know by now that if you are the Clintons, or one of the well-connected on the Left, you can leave a long body count behind you, from Vince Foster to Seth Rich to Jeffrey Epstein, and somehow escape justice.

You can abscond with $6 billion of State Department funds, such as Madame Secretary Clinton, and escape justice. You can sell nuclear secrets to the Red Chinese, like Bill Clinton, via Hughes, Loral, and Charlie Trie, and escape justice. You can sell one fifth of American Uranium to the Russians (and it will possibly come back to us on the tip of some Iranian, North Korean, Red Chinese or Russian nuclear avalanche of missiles), and escape justice.

You can bribe and threaten foreign officials, like Biden did blatantly with the Ukrainians, and get away with it. You can commit weapons violations and very likely child molestation and child porn violations, and get away with it, like Hunter Biden.

But, you can be a General Michael Flynn, know too much about the satanic child abuse committed by the upper echelons of power and get framed into a corrupt Department of Justice / FBI prosecution.

You can burn and pillage American cities, loot American businesses, assault and kill Americans for nearly four years if you are a Leftist Antifa or BLM rat, but if you are invited into the Capitol Rotunda, you will be hunted down.

Similarly Richard Fleming has become a thorn in the side of the Left / Great Reset-ers, Bill Gates Eugenicists, Chi-Coms, and so the Alinsky method is to find some aspect of someone's past to destroy them as a threat.

Anyone who has any familiarity with the criminal legal system of the USA knows that it is not the Mayberry RFD image of America.

It is, indeed, quite corrupt, and geared to keep those in power, in power.

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Comments (1)

I cannot completely vouch for Dr. Richard Fleming, but there is another side to his story and he lays it out here: