How America will be Lost...

The Government just imposed their will(Back Room Deals)that forces American tax payer to support an estimated 31 million uninsured Americans. Whether the figure is right or wrong is open to debate?
The next step for the Government is to call the right of all illegal immigrants to be frocked american citizens with an unlucky stroke of this dictators pen?
Currently there's an estimated 20 to 40 million illegal citizens living in the US? Here's the deal many Illegal's are lone citizens of the US so if Amnesty becomes law, nothing would keep that lone "newly frocked" citizen from declaring all members of his family as citizens, it's undocumented? So they simply have to cross that little river in do time.
So lets say that figure of 40 million swells to 80 million and we already have 31 million americans uninsured so the new figure will be over 100 million americans uninsured, so you can do the math this is not sustainable, which should lead to collapse of american dollar thus ending in The Great Obama Depression... Which is exactly what he may want?

hole dunno
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Comments (12)

whats your point ?
Lead to collapse of our economy,

Granted, Just a small insignificant point?
oh is that all ? in that case what are you worried about ?

i'm sorry i should post something serious but i figure the governments gonna do what they wanna do regardless of any protest so i might as well try to squeeze a laugh out .
i still hv to study the potential implications of this bill. though i feel it could lead to collapse of the insurance industry. yrs ago Bill Clinton passed some bills regarding housing. and we got the subprime mania. lets see what this one does
Sounds much like Africa, where everyone who works must support the "unemployed", who are not unemployed because there are no jobs but because the government supports them and they don't have to work. Mmm. Scary.
Just immagine...we're living in the great country and everybody wants to come here! Don't be can't take this land with you when you leave this world anyway!
I'm glad your willing to give up our land and our money to other nations citizens... You fit into this newly elected regime really well. troll
ok so republicans can spend trillions of dollars on war but when a black man wants to give little kids medicine all of a sudden were being ran by a totaterian state hu? i mean how many back room deals were made buy bush? what about other countrys that have government health care? like canada and sweeden? why hasnt their echonomy colapsed? maybe cause more healthy people means more working people? and if you complained people would tell you to just trust the president. funny how opinions change.
Do you know how much Sweden gives up in taxes to afford their plans? You should research that...
Let's put it this way, forget owning a car in Sweden unless your wealthy?

Of course maybe you like public transit?
We pay for the uninsured now in spades when they go to emergency rooms and get services they can't pay for at extremely high costs. If they now have to get insured, they will pay a portion of their insurance costs, get help with the rest (from us, yes) and then be able to get regular office visits at more reasonable costs to them (and us) than emergency room visits.
Mr Pitts-

well said. Sometimes I am surprised when you go from mindless comments to very intelligent thoughts.... beer
I work in a hospital and have seen uninsured after uninsured. I am a republican and I consider myself a conservative. Now saying that we get paid for non insured people one way or the other. Im not a big fan of the current healthcare bill. I believe it has been pushed through too quickly. Any change on healthcare policy no matter how small it is has changed medicine in large ways. For reference look up the balanced budget act pushed through by clinton. I do not agree with having to pay for illegal aliens healthcare but what do you do you cannot turn someone away whos seconds from dieing not going to happen. Even though I have strong conservative feelings I am at the point to where just go with the flow and see what happens. I do my job I pay my taxes and be the best man I can be. I can also be thankful what GOD has given me especially when I look at those who do not have it as good as a large portion of us americans
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