Reasons for having children

I was engaged in a discussion, a long one, about the motivation people have for having kids. I argued that for the vast majority of people, and wrongly, having children was a decision determined by invariably selfish reasons - carry on the family name, "I could teach them so much," "We've always wanted a family," "They bring you so much joy," "You haven't felt love until you have had a child,"......etc

I understand the very primitive, biological drive (selfish gene)that resides within us, but haven't we progressed past this simple evolutionary urge where we can have children for far more noble reasons?

What are the right, "unselfish", reasons for having children, or aren't there any and we should just reproduce because that's our nature.
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Comments (15)

Our reasons for procreating may indeed be biological and selfish, hammockman...but a true parent forgets that as soon as the child is put into their arms. From that moment on, your only thought is for the wellbeing of the child. Anyone who has a child knows that there are moments when that child will profess to hate you...will be difficult and troublesome...but through it all you love them still.

we have not progressed beyond the primitive.
you want an unselfish reason to have children?
how about to provide another generation of people?

is that not reason enough?

Once upon a time marriage was still mostly a contract for a man to own a woman. But we're on the brink of a new era where it is also a contract for a man to own a man or a woman to own a woman.

kids these days...
My resons for wanting children in the future, well, i have one at the moment- loving to do all of the things required of a parent. Having and finding fulfillment and happiness in everything that i will do for my precious ones. Sure, i will get some more reasons in deciding to have kids in the future, and i am preparing myself to be ready on that situations.
Being a Christian this is what God says, "I knew you even before you were born. I created you"!
Ed, I respect your right to find answers in religion.
Get your hand out of that Drinking Chocolate Tin, you Evil little Child !!!And Billy!! get down off that Ladder !!!I'll tell your Father when he gets Home from the Pub!!!!!! rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing help handshake cheers doh grin
parti,It will be a sad day indeed when your color does not appear on these blogs.laugh
Hammock...I'll even Pen you One from the Grave!!! Or just Haunt you instead!!!rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing dunno Haven't made up me mind yet???...rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
HM wave thumbs up Well, I've never been accused of being a good/bad/excellent parent, but I know of certain truths (Ok! my perceptions grin )
Almost all parents want to see in their children replicas of themselves, but magnified to more greatness, obviously! More educated, better groomed, more sporty, more wealthy, more....more...moregrin
This stops when the child matures & starts thinking for him/her self!
On the opposite side of the coin - every child thinks their friend's parents are better that their own and secretly hope their folks were so!
handshake cheers peace yay
Thank you Hammockman. Yes, I would love to have my own children in the future. Right now, i will concentrate on letting my "future father of my children" to help him find me. angel
*future children
Sur, I agree marriage and children are certainly things that should not be taken on lightly.
Hello again Hammockmanwave

This time I am not going to amuse anyonetongue

Interesting topicthumbs up and it was funny because few days ago I had an argument with someone regarding the choice to have or not to have kids and if it's an obligation or not to have kids (especially for one who believes in a religion). That could be another topic in the future although I've been wondering if it's really an obligation to have kids or notdunno

This afternoon, I was having a chat with my friend, she's married with a child. I knew her story when she first met her now husband until their son was born and is growing up at present. It turned out that they truly love one to another and their son is the living proof of their union of love and she added after she delivered her son, she felt that she's having stronger feeling of love bond to her husband. Children are expected to be their parents' love binder (believe it or not, my parents gave me a name something like that to bind their marriage until death do them part which was true for them). I hope it does make sense. I don't know if you are familiar with Indonesian saying but probably you have heard of "buah cinta" or "buah kasih" (fruit of love) which refers to children in a familywine
Hi lachi and thanks for your thoughts.

Having children to bring you closer to your spouse or somehow cement a relationship, or as a testament of your love, just reinforces my belief the majority of people have children for the wrong, and often selfish reasons - that's not to say the child won't be loved by these parents.

I suppose I just think a lot more people should give a lot more thought as to why they are having children, these decisions often being made on a whim.

Nice to see yawave
I think that you bring up a great point. What gets me is when people think that everyone should have at least one child. Some people want kids and can't have them (biological). Then there are those that are like me...don't want them. Kids are nice but I don't want to raise them. It may sound selish but having a child is a huge responsibility that I don't want to take on. I mean, if you think about all the things that it takes to raise a child at different ages (or age ranges) then it is just financially, emotionally, physically, and mentally exhausting. I mean, who needs to worry about vaccinations, birthday parties, parent/teacher conferences, the risk of your child getting lice, extracurricular activities (scouts, 4H, sports, instruments, dance, etc.). Then you have to deal with teaching them to use the toilet, how to drive, and then there is dating. Of course, you also have to think about saving money for college and maybe even a car. This is assuming that there is nothing wrong with your kid(s) if they are born with a physical disability. You also worry about getting them the help that they need if they have a learning disability (if they are fortunate enough to find out before they get into college). I mean, you can give your kid(s) all the love and affection that they need as well as the guidance that they need to be effective members of society and then they could still turn their back on you. It frustates me to have people tell me that I'll change my mind when I meet the right guy. If it's the right guy then not having children shouldn't be a problem. Now, if he already has a kid then it is ok. At any rate, I am more satisified having a cat.
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