I have read laws on polygraph's they say they are not 100% accurate but can stand as an idea or leads to the truth. We as people are getting pretty smart and its non sense and lazy on all our parts not to think and create better ways of electing our Leaders to manage our tax dollars to make life safe and gives us our moneys worth.

The corruption isn't the system it is these criminal organizations and possible terrorist groups who buy the system through illegal bribery and getting their buddies elected into an office. This isn't getting our moneys worth on taxes now is it?? No it isn't and the only way to get the truth out is to have some interrogations for elected officials and even law enforcement down to everyone in power.

We pay their salaries through tax dollars and shouldn't have to live a life of fear and shouldn't be bullied by criminal organizations and we shouldn't be scared to live our lives of freedom's we are promised. So I have thought of some neat idea's to pressure these bribed officials and get them out of our lives and way to ensure a better safer life.

And the idea is to give politicians and law enforcement to everyone in the justice system to take a polygraph before taking the job with intense questions to ensure our safety no discrimination and professionals and not losers you can bribe with a penny and a stick of gum. And the ones who fail just think of the leads we can get on these criminal organizations and possible terrorist groups and just think of the life we can live than? If these criminal organizations can't buy the system through effective methods than what happens?? We have a higher percentage to be protected and if harmed receive justice.

Like I said I have dealt with hate without a cause and it isn't pretty and it doesn't make life happy. It takes a toil on your mind and body and also takes a toil on your health. We the people has a huge say and if its cheap and simple tasks to keep us safer I believe the good apples in our Government will listen and take it to heart. This Country is set up to be good and it's time we do simple things to make it good. Any criminal organization who pressures small business's or people to pay them or have an illegal drug business in my eyes is a secret communism that takes away the freedoms of Americans, and in my eyes this is terrorism towards Americans. AND 100% UNACCEPTABLE AND REALLY NEEDS TO BE DEALT WITH FOR GOOD.
God Bless America
God make us smarter
wiser, stronger, and God give us
idea's to make our lives better and safer
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Comments (2)

Thats a brillent idea goatee, hook all politican onto a polograph machine while they run for their position, oh yes we might need one here too...laugh
Alcohol and drugs effect the outcome of the polograph test results..seen if happen on the Jeremy kyle show...laugh
Excellent !
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