There is no Santa

A school teacher is coming under fire for telling kids there is no Santa. She told the children that Santa is not real and that their parents put the gifts under the tree. She thought she should tell them the truth.
Have you ever told anyone there is no Santa?
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Comments (25)

WHAT! No Santa crying moping

How awful!! How old were the children? When a child asks me (and several of my grandchildren have) I ask them what they think first. Then, either way, I tell them what I believe, yes Santa is real because he's the feeling you get in the Christmas season. A feeling of giving and love and family that makes you feel your heart. I don't think it's up to a teacher to address this.....scold

I don't think I have ever thought about it since I was a kid. So I have never really discussed it with anyone.

I just enjoy seeing the happiness on a kids face for those that do believe. The ones that get scared I have a silent chuckle because its cute. They will be teased forever about it by Mom and Grandma!
Nope I never have.Nor did I tell my son there was/wasn't one.

This teacher reminds of my son when he was still in grand school and one of his classmates had told him that there was no Santa.That the parents brought all the gifts.

My son in front of his grand school teacher and the rest of his classmates told that other classmate that as long as he still found presents under the tree that there was a Santa.

With so much negative stuff going on in the world today kids have to have something postive to look forward to.

LOVE your son's response to his friend thumbs up

lgs37 Bellefontaine, Ohio USA
3 minutes ago

LOVE your son's response to his friend


So did I and I was so proud of how he handled himself.
Ooh Oh, looks like no presents for me this year then rolling on the floor laughing wave
So, THAT'S why I haven't been getting Megan Fox for Christmas frustrated
Zmount its time you knewrolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
Well I know one teacher who's getting a lump of coal on the 25th. scold
Alynn i could get right into this one. Starting with is it necessary to lie to you kids from the start and it could go on and on. Stories are they good for us or bad etc.cheers have a great day.yay thumbs up wave
yes and heres no valintines day , and no easter too! theres no holidays to get time and a half , or share with your family , unless CS is owr family , banana teddybear
Yes i would be interested from a psychologists view what they would say, i remember when my older brother told me i was so angry. It was the first big disappointment i think. Zmount and Jim wont sleep tonight.wave
Hey Virgo, argh so its the pay that counts. Did you see Choco has locked us out i was scratching at the door there but (sorry were closed.) I bet her requests for friends is dare i say Choco block.wave
From the time I two weeks old to the age of nine, I was placed under the care of orphan Nuns. A creature such as Santa Claus was never mentioned. At the age of 9, I was taken to the country where my mother re-married, and there I first heard of this fellow. Do you really think I would believe in such a person? Stupid of course. And the same with all these fairy-tales that are told to children. Did I miss not knowing? No. I knew they were all lies and paid no attention to them. I am 70 yrs. of age now and do I regret it yet. No. Look at all the pain I avoided when I would sooner or later have come to know that they were all lies told to me.

Yes, I know what some would think. "Oh, but look at all the joy of believing in the lies would have brought you." Does that sound good or right to you? Why not give credit where credit is due.. to dad and your mom who work hard to give a child something that is the truth and real? Will not the child not see more clearly that their parents love them? If "Love" is the word especially at this time of the year... let the children know who really loves them.
They've made movies of both Jesus and Santa. Santa is similar to Jesus, he lives in our hearts.
Gullie just red that applause applause applause handshake thumbs up wave I agree with you 100%
Perhaps the image of a gift giving Santa is offered to a child as a more gentler message, instead of a child having to understand how Jesus became our King.
WHAT??? NO SANTA!!!crying crying crying crying
So I guess all my friends were Right!! He's just a Coca Cola Add!!!!laugh laugh laugh laugh
bouquet hug wine wine wine thumbs up
Parti....thumbs up thumbs up thumbs up thumbs up thumbs up thumbs up
crying crying crying crying
No Way!
Shameful we all know there is a Santa!
What about my list?
I was so looking forward to my new
snow boots! Booooooooooohoooooooooooooodoh
Well as he lives in Lapland I gotta stick up for him, just write to Santa Clause



you will be surprised.
Waf, I was told not to believe everything you read on the net, so I'm checking the validity of this rumour about Santa not being real, will get back to you when I find proof, so in the words of Capt. Oates, "I shall be gone some time", I really don't what's becoming of the world, next someone will be saying there's no tooth fairy wow confused cheers
Hello Alynn,

I came across this news and found it hilarious smile

Santa may not be real in person, but he has been a symbol of generosity and compassion, so if I were the teacher I might not doing the same as she did. Children can learn fast, let them find out by themselves whether Santa exists or not JMHO.
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by Unknown
created Dec 2012
Last Viewed: Apr 21
Last Commented: Dec 2012

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