Forget-me pill.............

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Dangerous when taken on its own, and fatally dangerous when combined with alcohol, Rohypnol is horrifyingly infamous for being the "date-rape drug."
Forget-me pill, Mexican valium, R2, roche, roofies, roach, rope, wolfies.

Rohypnol is a central nervous system (CNS) depressant medication that is not approved or available for medical use in the United States. In this country, it is abused for its sedative and muscle-relaxant effects.57 Because of these effects, it has been associated with s*xual assaults and is known as the "date-rape drug."

Rohypnol slows down the central nervous system, causing a range of effects, including exhaustion, sedation, confusion, impaired coordination, impaired judgment and memory loss. Use it, and you can become physically and psychologically incapacitated, meaning you're unable to move or think—or you're knocked out. This is why it has been used in targeting people for s*xual assault.57 In the past, it was easy to slip the drug into a drink, because it was colorless and tasteless. In 1997, the drug was reformulated so that when dissolved in light-colored drinks, it will dye the liquid blue. Still, be forewarned: generic versions of Rohypnol may not contain this blue dye.57

Rohypnol is lethal when combined with alcohol or other drugs. It can slow the pulse and breathing, leading to unconsciousness, slowed heart rate, suppressed breathing and, ultimately, death.

With the extreme damage it can cause to your central nervous system, the effects of Rohypnol can quickly put you in danger, and even turn lethal.

drink pouring wink
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Comments (9)

i prefer Bloody Marythumbs up
I want a 'Forget me NOT' pill.professor
laugh I need a unmet me pill. wine To forget, I met you!/person
@loulou Gone are the days where you could leave your drink while you danced up a storm on the dance floor. sigh Have to bring it with you now or don't drink at all.
Sad but true...unfortunate that we have to think about safety when we are trying to have fun!!...I wonder if men actually understand this...fear...
@ loulou I'm sure some do but many don't think about it. They don't have to worry about it though it could happen to their girlfriend/wife, sister, cousin etc.

You can't even trust someone to guard your drink either esp when everyone is getting drunk.
You are right...I have trust with a few friends...and makes it easier to enjoy going out...don't go to clubs anymore...not as worried about some person putting substances in my drink...but I do know that people often think a female should be more careful...but what I say to those individuals is why are women subjected to this sort of thing in the first place??...just like travelling alone...they say she should know better...I am not saying be careless...but if this kind of thing happened to men...I think more would be done to curb crimes of this nature!!
Thanks...haven't heard fro these guys in a long time!!
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