let me tell you a story.

A young couple get married..and find out they cant have children the natural way..so they look at the other options...luckiiy there were.IVF..after much consultation and advice they go thorough the process..and after one embryo that fertilises, they have on in a millilon chance and 9 months later a son is born...

After 2 years they decided they would like more, but after 4 attempts and 1,000's of pounds it doesn't work..so they realise they will only have one child. 9 years pass and the couple encounter the usual strains of marriage until one day the wife says to the husband..I dont love you any more..his world feel apart..he lost his family and al he had worked for so he felt..

However after 2 months the wife announces shes pregnant, and they decide the best thing was to get back together and bring up this new born together..but in this guys mind was a nagging doubt..was it his ?..9 months later the child was born...a baby girl..life was good. But still this guy had a nagging doubt..was this child his ?

In the end he had to know and did a DNA,without anyone else knowing the DNA results arrive on a Friday, the day before the Christening of his daughter..he opens it up to see the results. The next day the christening happened and it was time for the speech from the child's father..to explain how miricles can happen..as he pulls th speech from his pocket. he opens the letter..and says " i was going to make a speech of how I was so happy that we have a daughter to compliment our fmiy..but I cant..I have a letter in front of me saying this girl is not mine..the DNA results prove it..so ill hand you over to th mother to explain it...

As you can imagine they split up..its now been 6 years for that couple..his ex wife gets married tomorrow and this man will sign documents so her new husband can adopt that child..this guy is happy for the new couple, they are very happy..and its final closure of what has been a difficult period seeing a girl that you thought was yours.. taken away..

that man ?...was me..
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Comments (20)

6 months later not 9 doh
Iam sorry you went through that...to have a marriage break up is bad enough...then to lose out being a father...bouquet
@Ian , touching story man thumbs up hope you have the best of luck in the future.thumbs up
Don't get me wrong..I've moved on..it's just another phase in life...I won't get upset if people decide to throw scorn at my blog...it's just another weight of my shoulders...
You mean aramco..in the eastern province...one of our customers in fact

I am sorry to hear about this! On a positive note, I am glad that you have moved on with your life!thumbs up handshake
Hope you are not beating yourself up for not accepting the child as your own. Your wife claimed she did not love you anymore so the possibility of having a loving marriage was very slim. You will never know if you did the right thing so just let it go. She is happy again and there is no reason why you can't have a second chance as well. sad flower
Like I've said ..I moved on..but now that her name will not have my surname.is final closure....and I'm very happy...for them all..and me..
Ian,its cool that u got over all of these.now u need to find a new soulmate and everything will be good.When a person is single they think about past a lotcheers
thumbs up bouquet Ian Honestly sorry about what you went through, I am happy that you moved on at least trying to move on. Time will heal you. angel
I mean this very nicely...I don't think that you should post it here but I really really wish you happiness in life...and that's my 'sensitive side' talking now.teddybear
couldn't be more happier..glad its all behind me now..
Good for you...glad you have moved on...here's to the future and what it brings!!wine
Hi again Ian, I knew it was ARAMCO but Its years ago...I reckoned Arabian American Oil company Aramoco

and SAFCO saudi arabian fertilizer company my late Bro was a Inst, tech both places.

Take Care :)
Sorry for you, Ian! Maybe you can still meet up with her. Many things are also possible by our own decisions. cool crazy
How sad! But don't worry, there are cases like that here in Japan too. And it's really hurting to know one.comfort
I am sorry for what happened to you and I am glad that you got so much compasionate respond from fellow Blogers as altrough we are nameless hear we all getting to know about each other true Bloging and it fells as having group of friends so it takes a lot to say your painful story,comfort just as it took me a while to open up hear and say what had happend to me...no matter that is different kind of situations/circumstances,it hurts....but the way how we take things to carry on matters not to become better but to stay true to yourself as you are.
In life we can give the best of ourselves to love one but there is no guranty that "what goes around - will come around" the same way from the one we expect.However I believe that good some how comes back around from who and where we don't expect ...angel
It's good for you to move forward and turn over new page of life as it's waist of time to wonder about past choices we make.

I know aquintence of my who is divorced and has 20 years old son that he knows for long time that he is not the boy father but would not tell him or his ex - as to him it's his son by heart and bringing him up.

We are all different and I think you made the right choice as child also has the right to know who is her real father,as well there is no point staying in relationship that doesn't have mutual love and care. Take care.wine handshake
I haven't dated in years. The last time I did...We were talking marriage. He was a long haul truck driver....then one Sunday he shows up at church...with his new wife. Very fat, red hair with a tooth missing and from Kentucky.....He and his new wife sat at the table next to me. My face was soo hot I could barely breathe....afterwards...he told my daughter, your mom won't talk to me....and she replied....I don't think she ever will and I don't think it is a good idea to try. So, the new wife has cancer...he decides he can't afford her cancer meds so he takes her clear back to Kentucky and drops her off at her 95 year old mom's place. Now, am I not the lucky one?
That story is awful...you are definately the lucky one...I am not going to complain now...better off single!!wine
Hi Ian, I know you've moved on and is happy for the new family but I still want to give you a big hug
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by Ian158
created Apr 2014
Last Viewed: May 19
Last Commented: Apr 2014
Ian158 has 99 other Blogs

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