What was wrong with me?? :(

I don't know why she knows me but she sent me a second message saying that she is now my crocodile girlfriend! I feel quite strange! But in the same time I feel my heart brokes once again...

I replied her: 'it's not nice for me to know you but I wish your relationship with him last for long! Bye and hope won't hear from you again'

Since then, I get very sad as if I'm going to die... I tried to concentrate to my job but all memory with crocodile came up very fresh again... :(

Back home I hugged my Pinky and cried non stop for about 2 hours.... Now, I feel tired... Hope this story helps me stop thinking about crocodile from now...sigh
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Comments (9)

Since you wrote he left you to return to his wife, the existence of yet another adulterous affair of his speaks loud as to his lack of character. How did she get your email? No doubt he gave it to her because he thought it would be funny. You are much better off without him.
Now you really must move on...he is no good for you...and she is no better also...I hope you are okay now...comfort
Hi Mimi! It's ok to cry...if it makes you really feel good, cry till you feel better. I did that too when my ex husband and I had to go our separate ways. Crying did make me feel great but then when I look at the mirror the next morning and see myself looking so bad, I felt angry at myself for crying.

Those worst days of my life made me do some crazy things too: I got drunk, I went out of the house in the middle of the night not knowing where to go and to top it all I jumped into a rebound relationship that made things worse.

Those things I did were part of my grieving process. I woke up one morning, put my favorite music, felt good and greet the day with a big smile and I realized then that I'm ok and don't want to be a loser all my life. I decided then to wear a smile and get a new life. I did just that, now I'm feeling better and found good friends here on CS .

There was a time when my ex wanted to have me back but I already grieved and not interested to go through that grieving process again. Now I feel free and stronger...happier cos I let go of those miserable experiences and didn't even save them in my memory...it worked for me.

I hope you'll find much happiness when you wake up the next morning...hug

I think Ken said it well. It makes sense now that a married man was making a fool out of you and his wife caught him! She probably reads his e-mails when he's not around.

I hope I'm wrong but FOR SURE NOW you need to move on and don't allow these people to fool around with you!
Thanks everyone. Yes, I'm moving on... And I will be ok. Thanks for you all care!
That was a very cruel thing to do to you but maybe you needed it so it was a good things as well. You are a lovely woman with still a lot of life to live. Close the door on the past once and for all and start living the future in happiness rather than pain. teddybear
Do you think you might be making this story up to get attention confused
You showed a lot of class the way you responded to this womans mean spirited message to you. Keep in mind he may be using her too, as some men enjoy watching women fight over them. By using your intelligence you may have deprived him of this.

Consider what the others advise you and walk away. He is trying to damage your self respect. It hurts to give up on someone you've loved and invested in, but there is someone better out there for you.
Ek and Mr. Blue, thank you.

Cheri, trust me, if I want to get attention, I do believe I can think of a much more intelligent story. Not this silly one. Anyway, there is a sentence saying that: 'the way you think about people tell a lot about who you are', means, what you normally do then you think all people same as you!
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by MimiNGUYEN79
created Dec 2014
Last Viewed: Apr 20
Last Commented: Dec 2014
MimiNGUYEN79 has 205 other Blogs

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