what is your view on Iran..

..do you think the USA and Israel mke up most of the hype, is it hype or are you scared of Iran..if so why ?
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the twin USA/Israel and Iran or whatever oil countries just like "there is sugar, there is ants"...
Exactly. So which leads to more sugar? Iran or Israel?
of course oil countries as sugar... doh
I never believed in sanctions against Iran...now with diplomatic approach...the frame work of the Nuclear deal has been hammered out...I think if Iran complies to the demands of the EU's concerns...the economy will be restored and perhaps a better relationship between Iran and the West will result...Israel may have concerns due to Iran's past history of non compliance and the destruction of Israel comment...but no deal would be better?...
Pardon my french but I am sick and tired of these morons on here who pretend to be so peaceful Muslims attacking anybody who oppose the acts of terror yet condone the very act that feed off their hypocrisy. And you know who you are.
popcorn .........
Nam you are the icon expert. Is there an icon for self-immolation?
very mad Ken
Best I can Come up With..............detective detective
LoL, needs the jerry can of gas too..
Why so fired up?...uh oh cheers
waiter This stuff will Burn w..with some effort...But youll need more than Just A Glass so I send this alongbeverage delivery beverage delivery beverage delivery beverage delivery beverage delivery beverage delivery beverage delivery beverage delivery beverage delivery ............detective
ok..so if iran had WMD's..do you think they would use them on Israel ?...or America...what possible good would it do ?

To use WMD on Israel would flatten Palestine to, so whats the point..so what is everyone scared of.really ?
laugh dont talk like ignorant either.... whole of the world knew that... rolling on the floor laughing
You are giving a very false and fraudulent assumption as you are. Aren't you?
I am sure this deal maybe better than no deal at all...but ken makes a good point...the religious extremists are the ones to worry about...sigh
Oil is probably the reason why we care so much about them...but from a different perspective...could there be peace as a result of this compromise?...
Ken, I take my word on the use of your idea. I apologize, I am the one who stand firm on the commitment of killing all while we can these zealots and all Muslims who claim and stand on killing all Christians. If the peaceful Muslims, as I have always prequalified will stand in support of the acts of their fellow Muslims then they should stand with the world to join this war. It is not a war against any specific country? It is a war declared by these Muslims, and so what is left to do? Eliminate them before they eliminate the world.

And again I am taking you off my claim on this position. I didn't mean to add you to my position.

I am shocked at your comments about killing all muslims...are you serious ?..you know all 1.5 billion muslims are the same.. do you...all want non muslims dead ?

Please tell me I'm wrong.
anyone that says they want all muslims dead is sick in the head...fanatics yes..but all muslims...then who ever says that is a fanatic in themselves...
Regarding oil. Using our own oil is silly. At the end of the day we would have to go for theirs, at the prices they demand. Smarter is to buy theirs now, at a low pre inflation price. When they run dry, then they will buy from us, at a price we set. And all the money they get from us now, will come back in just the first week, because our price will be much higher.
Ian - Yes, as I said, she just placed herself in the camp of the problems.
exactly...use up everyone else's reserves...then name your price of the glut you have under your soil..its not rocket science..
Sure simple economic warfare. Some blood being spilled, but it is about money and greed. Take the money away and what is left is nothing important.
Ian, wasn't that if you stand neutral on any cause, then you support?

So on the letter of the Pilot to the doctor who got profiled? He asked specifically to stand against these terror and heinous acts of fanatics who are Muslims to stand against them? What do they do? Look at my country and in Australia, they all stand together and do nothing, but live as though they don't benefit from the very freedom they so enjoy.

Yes between and eye for an eye, What do you do when it is your turn to be facing the bullit and get asked? You become a Muslim or I will kill you?

Then what...so the equation is, why sustain these fights when we can all end it now and either them or us? I can be wrong and this is what I always prayed for, to be at PEACE...WITH EVERYONE..BUT IS IT WORKING? You tell me.
There are Muslims everywhere in the world...in every country...so you're proposing to kill all of them...that means war all around the world...

What kind of stupidity is that?
Ading you can think of it the way you perceive. If you get attacked left and right with these fanatics and the world stand as a witness and do nothing, where will it end. I want to stand with what the Pilot (Christian) asked the Doctor (Muslim), to stand opposed to these fanatics. I am sick and tired of these bickering of either you are a Muslim or not. I agree with you, but I am not personally against anybody who stands for peace.

Going back on the original question of why we should fear Iran? I am not afraid of Iran, in fact I think it is good that finally the showdown of MUSLIM, (SAUDI ARABIA) AGAINST ANOTHER MUSLIM (IRAN) SHOULD BE left alone. Let them fight their fight and the US would just wait.

When it is all said and done, then the lesser we have to handle.

you need to come here and educate yourself...know what this war is all about and what's the part of religion in it....scold
Maybe you need to know the position of the rest of the Muslims when it is all accounted for? Are you trying to tell me, that when all the Christians or any non Muslim are all dead, that anybody who is in this religion is not guilty? Oil? You really believe that it is all about oil? Then let me tell you this, Why is the whole of Muslims countries are all against Israel? Do they have any oil to be such a concern?
mmm..so you would like to see the muslim bloggers here dead to huh.

LJ...you have lost the plot....id say typical american..but id be generalizing on Americans...which I will not do.
what about the $38 that Haliburton made out of it to doh
No Ian, you can't say that. She isn't American by birth. She may have taken and passed a 120 question written exam, but that doesn't make her American. It just gives her a (revocable) paper conveying citizenship status. To many hear you aren't American until you or your children or your parents have died or at least bled in an American uniform.
Ian, I always wanted to establish a real line between Israel and Palestine, but the 6 day war defined what was theirs. Didn't the whole Muslim area bowed to them? So why is this conflict going endless per the decision on that matter?

Now I don't believe that Israel is ethnic cleansing Palestine, if that is the case why not leave and the Powers will need to redefine what is best for both? Give land that is safe for the Palestinian and is settled once and for all for Israel? If you are saying that your claim is true? And the world stand mum about it? I can't condone that, Why is there no clamor of this as said?
Ian who mentioned WW2?
posted in wrong blog...my bad
LJ.... what can you do? to kill all of us??? your ignorant is so clear here... your narrow mind.. doh doh

Never I swearing other religions.... and never I hate them, whatever they do in the world.. not my business.

I think you're reading far too much of those religious books...

I deal with reality...what I see around me and what I feel...

There are many people who can't read but definitely can recognize right from wrong...Too much information has a lot of disadvantages...it make a person blind and deaf...can no longer see, hear and feel the truth.

Like I said you need to experience things here, see it for yourself...then you're entitled to judge all Muslimsigh
I'm currently reading jerry andersons biography, thunderbirds are go..if only international rescue were real.
Wait..there is such a rescue team..the American military machine rolling on the floor laughing
Okay Ading, and E, I went overboard on the KILLING ALL MUSLIMS: I do strike that just as bad as fanatic in itself. I apologize, and you are right, it should and must never be an "eye for an eye", I APOLOGIZE, again Ken, I apologize.


Have you read about the CALIPHATING Of the world?

So granting on the position of the peaceful Muslims, would they just remain unaccounted for?

Or should they help on the clear interpretation of their book?
Ken, I can only wish to end all wars Ken..And no fear as to which country is more powerful and not. Terrorism should be stopped. I haven't caused any hurt and or injury to anyone but knowing what the end would be can make anyone blow up and after the presentation of the fact that Abedin is in the camp of Clinton, does create the urgency of knowing what is.
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by Ian158
created Apr 2015
Last Viewed: Apr 30
Last Commented: Apr 2015
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