
I'm just watching Sky news,
I find it very funny that the presenter has just asked Andrew MacKinlay if he though He should rethink his euroskeptic position because and I quote
"The leader of the free world has asked David Cameron to stay on side".

The reason I find this hilarious is
1. I dont ever remember voting for a Leader of a free world,
2. The very word Free would mean that having a Political leader imposed on me is the exact opposite of Freedom.

The Group of 7 (G7) is a group consisting of the finance ministers and central bank governors of seven major advanced economies as reported by the International Monetary Fund:

The group was organised prior to the 1973 Oil crises and perhaps is now all about Gas,
Russia is suspended rather than diplomatically involved.
And now I'm listening to Obama saying this is due to Violations with
the annex of Crimea.
Whereas China with all its human rights violations has often been involved in The group as a guest member,

Not to mention Obama's lack of interest in sanctioning Israel due to its violation of rights.

With oil running short and big business running around like headless chickens. one quick look at this information may help you see the kind of closed door politics we are being misinformed about.

I am also somewhat upset at The G7 being used as a platform to drum up support for war. even though I do under stand that war is part of big business and an industrial gold mine for certain nations.

Perhaps I'm wrong but isn't This the UN's roll to dictate.

"Due to the powers vested in its Charter and its unique international character, the United Nations can take action on the issues confronting humanity in the 21st century, such as peace and security, climate change, sustainable development, human rights, disarmament, terrorism, humanitarian and health emergencies, gender equality, governance, food production, and more."

Maybe the UN is not falling into the line of big Industry the way they were hoping to so their political puppets are trying new avenues. dunno

Have Politics and Business become their own Ba5tard Love Child

Keep the faith People wink
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Comments (17)

Feel free to have your say no matter how opposing to my point of view.
I am quite busy so I may not respond right away.. beer
Hi my friend Non,

I can understand your view on all this.
I know that Politicians and big business can get to a point where they're concern is not all people, but only a few people, mainly themselves at times.

There have been Political figures who made deals with Weapons manufacturers for their campaign financial support in return for passing certain bills or keeping the purchase of weapons going.

I know of Professors and Politicians who actually believe that wars and other bad things are good for the world, to help keep the economy healthy and the population down where needed. It's all a power struggle and also one good deed may not be seen as good from another person's point of view. Such as the weapons manufacturers would not be too happy, if they did not sell or make a profit with their businesses. I think with lots of the deals that are made, it is mostly the common person of the world who has to pay the price in the end.

Thanks for an interesting blog.
Hi Non
It sounded as if you were describing the next episode of Dallas.
laugh wave
Hi Non wave

Your topic is too intellectual for my feeble brain to handle! uh oh

Just wanna say hi to you, that's all bouquet
So! As a man think it. So! Is he.......popcorn
It may as well be. laugh
Truth is stranger than fiction.
Thanks for the input bro, it all makes sense now. laugh
You are right on the fossil fuel of course. wink
Ken 19,
Thanks for the Information friend handshake
Your so masterful when your angry, I bet the ladies love that.
I sure would love some links to things and stuff so I can Like educate myself further.

I dont drink or do drugs so why all the hostility laugh
Never took you for a troll, But give a man enough rope and, well look at the result... wine
Yes I agree 100% bouquet xx
I nearly skipped you by,
How are you keeping, I hope you are not to tired after all your dancing. laugh
Have Politics and Business become their own Ba5tard Love Child.

G7, just finished the meeting today and let me share your mind Non. When there's a need for the group of decision makers to change the world. they have fun laughing at what the world would become.

But seriously non, I believe there's incessant desire to cripple those deserving to vanish. My take.

thanks for stopping by. wine

i appreciate your input thumbs up
Hi Non wave
is it about war of take some nature resources?, well I'm in mining field and for some how I don't agree with the greedy of power people who exploit the nature.
In here some of contract business agreement mean also about politic too, that they can control for some of rules.

So what our children future gonna be in future?.
Sorry if my opinion not related with your topic above

Hi Lavina,
How are you this day,

Greed Power and our children's future. that nicely sums up the world today. thumbs up
The 18 acre plot of land the UN HQ is located on was purchased by an (obscure, LoL, not) guy named Nelson Rockefeller for $8.5 million (1947 dollars), then donated to the City of NY which then turned around and rented it to the new UN.

In short the UN is just a friggin tenant and anytime the mood strikes, like any tenant, an eviction is possible.

N. Rockefeller (later one of our best ever Vice Presidents I think) was at that time, both an Assistant Secretary of State, and also one of the members of the US delegation to the 1945 San Francisco conference that established the UN. What a coincidence, the guy finding the land for the UN, was also one of the guys creating it, and also an Assistant US Secretary of State. LoL, BTW, he and a guy named Marcos Jiminez in that era collectively basically owned Venezuela and most of the oil there.

I could go on, but I think you get the point. The UN is our baby. If it wants to exist as anything other than a collection of broke third (LoL and 4th as in medieval) world governments sitting and whining about things they can do zero about, it listens to the US. As stated there are many Americans utterly dissatisfied with the corruption and ineptitude displayed by many of it's leaders and the associated world governments and every now and then here in America 'say no to the UN' movements sweep this country.

'Leader of The Free World' is a Cold War term. It refers to the country with the highest GNP and military might amongst the non-Warsaw Block countries. Through the 90s, like it or not, that was the US. We were the Goliath. Today, although the USSR is kaput, Putin's Russia seeks to revive it (God knows why). So the old Cold War terms come out again. If you have a non-Russian country of your own, other than the Us you think deserves to qualify as being the strongest nation best capable of projecting military power overseas backed by a stronger economy than those of the member states of the European Union, I would love to here your nomination.

No, actually you don't get to vote about which country is the Leader of the Free World.' It is a term decided by both economic and military power, nothing else.

Naw, I ain't trolling. I am just challenging you to throw up something true support the views your OP presents.
PS Ken,
"No, actually you don't get to vote about which country is the Leader of the Free World.' It is a term decided by both economic and military power, nothing else."

To me that's "dictatorship" nothing to do with freedom.And that is exactly the point I was trying to make. Thank you so much for reiterating it. handshake
The UN, regardless of how it got originally set up, in today's world, it's activities are not inclusive of all the members tgeme, whether individual or collective. But having said that, I understand your core of points, that of the G7, which is disrespectful of some known all knowing poster, by mentioning G and more numbers, doesn't really account to your points. I might be wrong but yes if you notice the G7 is a united force that represents military superiority if not economic viability. On other notable fact are the same protagonist on the recent ww. Italy, France, Germany, UK, European union, US and Japan. Is it any wonder that Russia and China of which speak a level of superiority on both accounts are not on it. Perhaps a clue as to the strategic balance of power is greatly accounted for.
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Waterford, Ireland

I want very little from life at this stage, cant be arsed really ! [read more]

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created Jun 2015
Last Viewed: Apr 28
Last Commented: Jun 2015
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