“Things No One Told Me"

Life isn't fair. Throughout different stages of our lives, something is going to happen that we didn't count on, weren't expecting, and no one told us about.

I feel angry when it happens. Especially when it takes me by surprise and catches me off-guard. Some things make me sad or even cry.

How many of these things have you felt or suffered?

Who knew that your parents would get divorced? That your sister would be given up for adoption? My brother died of an Aids related disease. I thought that my grandparents would live forever. I loved their stories and the way that they always loved me and gave great advice.

Did you know that your heart would get broken over one kiss? The one kid at school that you had a crush on, could make you feel like dying? How about how embarrassed you were when the kids in your class made fun of you?

Why didn't someone tell me that my marriage wouldn't last no matter how hard I tried to keep it together? That we have no control over what the other person decides? How about those with children? Who knew that the government could find ways to take them from you?

And death, one of the most cruel things that could happen to anyone. Why is it so painful for some who have to endure years of suffering, and yet others die peacefully in the night? Why do little babies die after only a few seconds of being born? Did someone tell you about that when you got pregnant and were so happy to be having a child?

No one ever told me that strangers could take away your virginity, steal your identity, rob you of all of your possessions, drive drunk and kill someone that you knew and loved. I could be homeless despite working my entire life, or that I would be forced to apply for food stamps so that I didn't go hungry.

No one said that the things you watch on tv actually happen in real life. I didn't know that one day I could come home and there would be no home due to a fire, flood, or a default on the mortgage. Maybe your family left without saying goodbye. Perhaps you didn't know what bad food was supposed to look like and you ate it and got sick. No one tells you what a stranger looks like, and you aren't supposed to talk to them, but everyday you say hi to one or more whenever you go to the store with your parents.

I don't think we will ever know all of the things that we should know to keep us safe, healthy, alive and informed. All we can do is try to adjust, read, and keep alert. Do our best not to take anything or anyone for granted.
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by catsrus1
created Nov 2016
Last Viewed: Apr 25
catsrus1 has 16 other Blogs

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