ragiya and gravitons, implications

It is hard to list Man's most important discoveries. It is super embarrassing when we realize we keep learning things, then forgetting them only to realize it was all written down tens of centuries ago and we as a species were just too stupid to understand what was plainly written long, long ago.
Archaeology began as a science sometime in the 1600s. It's early goal was not just the study of ancient civilizations, but rather instead to construct a timeline of them that fit in with the Bible teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. Churches funded much of the early research and published many findings we know today to be pure balderdash. Originally church 'scientists' claimed Man was only about 5,000 years old as a species. Since this fit nicely in the Biblical timeline it was for centuries so taught in school. Later of course deductive reason, new concepts, and new discoveries had by the early 20th century resulted in teachings Man was 20,000 years old and reality conflicts with biblical timelines were blamed on poor translations and a lack of understanding of the Word. Again Balderdash.
Today we know more. We know human skeletons just like our own have been found and dated as being 200,000 years old. We know we coexisted side by side with various other hominid species on this world. We can prove sometimes Man and Neanderthal lived together and actually mated. We know something really bad happened around 85,000 BC and all the other Hominid species died and even we shrank from several hundred thousand pairs to only about 1,000 breeding pairs on the whole planet. Then came the last great ice age and whatever there had been went under a half mile of grinding ice that erased any traces of a civilization. Only o*al tales remained for a long time.
What of the Bible you ask? Well ignoring the events of the First Council of Nicea, at it's core the Bible is based on the old Hebrew scriptures. They themselves had been mostly o*al and weren't compiled and written until the 3rd century AD. Early church financed archaeologists had accepted the Hebrew as a historical account. Today we know that somewhere in changing from an o*al history to a written one many truths were forgotten or distorted by the committee that chose which lines to keep and which ones sounded better.
Even more shattering is the relatively (past 40 years) discovery that the Hebrew scriptures were and are simply badly plagiarized excerpts of older tablet texts of the Sumer people who had themselves expended great effort into putting everything known onto clay tablets (millions of them) and buried them in underground libraries. After the great flood when the ice wall holding back the waters covering Europe and most of Asia broke (around 15,000 BC) the flooded Sumer civilization ceased to be and refugees settled in what we later called Mesopotamia and Babylon and Egypt. Amongst the Sumerian refugees in Egypt was a man named Abraham. Things were happening in Egypt and what became Lebanon and the time of the great lament (millions dying) was at hand. Abraham tweaked some of the older teachings and came up with a short hand o*al history of what had been before. Today we call that Genesis.Others continued the work after Abraham had passed, but it was an o*al history passed down from father to son in continuously longer and longer recitals as more and more was added. Without boring details, the tribes of Hebrews split up and dispersed, so that 2 or 3 thousand years later there were different o*al history versions.
On of the very early Genesis concepts which has caused much debate is the use of the Hebrew word Ragiya. Loosely the word translates in English as firmament. You will find it early on Genesis 1:6 and up to about 1:20. In 1:20 we see birds fly UPON the ragiya, not in it, so the firmament is not atmosphere. It is not earth either as the passages describe the earth dividing the waters. .End part 1
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Part II
When we also look at Deuteronomy 4:17 and Psalm 11:4 we see Ragiya is presented as something solid.

Indeed many ancient cultures did believe the Heavens were a solid, perhaps a dome under which the Earth sat. The ancient Sumerians stated everything is just a part of one big thing. So they maintained their own god (note small g) had taught them.

So jump ahead thousands and thousands of years to today. Enter the world of quantum physics and cosmology. In 1934 some Soviet physicists speculated that gravity is the result of very tiny particles called gravitons binding the Universe together. And there the matter sat while scientists debated that if gravitons existed, then how could they be detected? Meanwhile other theories of the Universe and quantum mechanics were developed. A belief began to emerge that essentially all of the Universe on a quantum level is just a foam of sub atomic particles constantly changing state. Many, many, debates and arguments later and with some funding a way of possibly detecting a graviton was worked out on paper and a couple of huge apparatus were built to see if the concept of gravitons had any validity.

Most of you know what a neutron star is. The remnant of a supernova. The inner core compressed by the explosion so densly that all of the electrons and protons of the materials inside were squished into just one neutron mass. Neutronium. A material so dense a cubic inch of it would weigh many thousands of pounds.

Something remarkable happened 170 million years ago. Luckily for us it happened 170 million light years away from us. Two neutron stars slammed together and made the mother of all explosions. Literally the explosion shook the Universe. Like a ripple in water a wave of gravitons spread out across the Universe as the 'cosmic quantum foam' shook like a someone had dropped a big rock onto a foam bed.

The awesome apparatus built by the astrophysicists as well as radio listening devices, as well as telescopes looking in the right direction all captured the explosion, the light pulse, the radio pulse AND a ripple of gravitons passing through the Earth.

Gravitatons are real. The Universe is a sea of foam. Ragiya meant the firmament that the Universe is made of. I accept the apologies of our early ape men ancestors trying to fit concepts like quantum foam and the interconnection of everything into the limited language of a post apocalypse Bronze Age society. Much as when the word 'clay' is used to describe DNA, firmament meant quantum foam and Ragiya is explained.

Now, being the artificially created DNA hybrid warriors Man is, the next step for us is to figure out how to capture and use or project gravitons as a weapon.
Sorry Ashlander. You had jumped the gun and broken connectivity, so I had to delete the out of context comment.
# We can prove sometimes Man and Neanderthal lived together and actually mated.#

...and we stil wonder why people act like they do...?dunno
Re the Neanderthal vid...

Does it not indicate that 'Neanderthal' wasn't a species per se, but merely a definable set of ice age-selected cold weather adaptations?
BTW - The elongated 'Peruvian' skulls are not 'Neanderthal'.
The differences go beyond mere shape.
Their skulls were composed of a different set of plates than ours...or any other primate. That could not be achieved by shaping the head form of infants...sometimes offered as an explanation of the skulls.
They appear to be unrelated to man or any animal.

Human vs Elongated Peruvian Skulls...

No problem Ken. You are just the blogger to hold my interests.
Pondering is s great past time while working.
I hope if I have questions,some one will probably post
a similar one and I can grasp it in layman's terms.::thumbsup:
Well, humbly said,....we now have better evidence for gravitons, with ligo and other findings. But seems like there's still more work to be done in these regards on the standard and other models. But in physics, I'm merely just another dilletante bozo on the bus. Humbly said. Aa.
An extra long chromosome 2nd+ 3rd is something

replicable hence clones,I understand.But the freedom
you say never existed I don't get.We escaped sounds
very planet of the Apes Ken.wow
Clay is DNA
Foam is Gravitons

And We are Weapons ?
This is a slippery slope of evolution. thanks Ken!
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