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Men start their own movement

Men start their own movement...


I think men want educated and working women in their lives. With this new movement, men want to be pampered by their woman. That requires money. The woman needs to make money now to accommodate this new movement. Depending on the man and his standards, a highly educated woman and her high income might actually be needed now. I suspect these new standards in men are going to require them to be driving nice cars and living in the best neighborhoods in a big house.

The money needs to come from somewhere.

by Johnny_Sparton | Williamston, Michigan USA | Apr 16
Men start their own movement

Men start their own movement...

Hello Daph,

I am going to respond to in many different posts....just to accurately address each one of your points.

I really do not think men are trying to scam women for anything.

This movement is about men setting standards.
It is also said, that this movement is just a joke if somebody confronts one about it.
It is also said, no woman can complain about these standards because they are the exact standards that women are demanding of men.

So, I don't think it is really anything to do with scamming. I just think men are just tired of being disrespected because of the outlandish number of standards women have toward them...rendering 90% of all men undesirable to women.

Daph, do you think that is okay that 90% of men are not desirable by women?

by Johnny_Sparton | Williamston, Michigan USA | Apr 16
Useless triviaonline today!

Useless trivia

Thought it needed posting 4 times
Hopefully they will put him to death in the most slow and painful way.
Four times

by Bluekiwi | Te apua, Northland New Zealand | Apr 16
Men start their own movement

Men start their own movement...

Hello Mb...

Perhaps you are or perhaps you are not. I don't think O.F. ladies care about the age of any man as long as their check cashes.

by Johnny_Sparton | Williamston, Michigan USA | Apr 16
Useless triviaonline today!

Useless trivia

A man who kidnapped, raped and killed a 5-year-old Georgia girl has been given four death sentences for the crime.

Russell County Circuit Court Judge David Johnson handed down

by Bluekiwi | Te apua, Northland New Zealand | Apr 16
Useless triviaonline today!

Useless trivia

A man who kidnapped, raped and killed a 5-year-old Georgia girl has been given four death sentences for the crime.

Russell County Circuit Court Judge David Johnson handed down

by Bluekiwi | Te apua, Northland New Zealand | Apr 16
Useless triviaonline today!

Useless trivia

A man who kidnapped, raped and killed a 5-year-old Georgia girl has been given four death sentences for the crime.

Russell County Circuit Court Judge David Johnson handed down

by Bluekiwi | Te apua, Northland New Zealand | Apr 16
Useless triviaonline today!

Useless trivia

A man who kidnapped, raped and killed a 5-year-old Georgia girl has been given four death sentences for the crime.

Russell County Circuit Court Judge David Johnson handed down

by Bluekiwi | Te apua, Northland New Zealand | Apr 16
What Makes Jesus Unique No one else made the claims that He did He is aliveonline now!

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

I do think, however, that those who hold to pacifism as a sincerely-held religious belief should be allowed to opt out of military duty that would put them in situations where they may be expected to use deadly force. I don’t believe—in fact, I am firmly against it—government should force people to go against their convictions, such as forcing people to pay for abortions, or hormone treatments and/or gender reassignment surgery, nor should they force people to be vaccinated, certainly not with vaccines that have been proven to produce harmful side effects in those who are vaccinated.

War is ugly. Nations should work for peace. Our efforts need to be on prevention, and on missile defense shields, a national “iron dome system” like Israel has and which is being implemented in South Korea, and the like. But there are enough religious fanatics and mean-spirited misanthropes in the world who believe that they can fight a war and win, and enjoy their own brand of utopia on the earth. Hence, we need to thank God for our military and pray for the men and women who are defending American ideals of freedom, dignity, and respect for all people. They are much needed and do a sacred work of allowing us to enjoy things like freedom of religion and the safety of our families.

The U.S. is pulling the military out of Afghanistan. What is now happening? Here are the latest headlines: “Taliban Find New Revenues as They Seize Afghanistan’s US-Built Border Gateway.” It cost us over $40 million and now the Taliban is collecting customs revenue which they will use to buy weapons which they will use against innocent people. Another headline: “Looters Have Moved Into Afghanistan’s Bagram Airfield.” We can’t be the policemen of the world, but now the world is in our backyard. There are certain flash points that always erupt into violence. Are we to sit idly by when people like Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad launched a chemical weapons attack using a deadly nerve agent against non-combatants in 2017, many of them women and little children? Was Donald Trump a monster beyond description when he sent fifty-nine Tomahawk cruise missiles to warn al-Assad and set an example?

We are living in serious times. There will be no lasting peace until Jesus returns. But until that time, we can enjoy peace in our hearts, and seek to bring that peace to others through evangelism and church planting. Pray for revival. It will give us national courage to do the right thing and bring the blessings of God upon our land.

by bcjenny | somewhere in B.C., British Columbia Canada | Apr 16
Its Been Awhile

RE: It’s Been Awhile


by Faithhopelove195 | Rockledge, Florida USA | Apr 16
Its Been Awhileonline today!

It’s Been Awhile


He has been gone for 14 years....I have no need to talk about...losing him...

Or giving anyone anything with both barrels...

I am on my own now....

I’m thankful that I had a very healthy and loving marriage.....An all around good person and an amazing father...

I am not interested in meeting anyone on the internet...

Thank you, though.

by gonelikethewimd | Osprey, Florida USA | Apr 16
Because the glove didnt fit they had to acquitonline today!

RE: Because the glove didn't fit, they had to acquit...

Perhaps, talk to the retired cop again.

You know, those cotton gloves.

Which anyone knows they leave behind fibers.

Robert Kardashians’ (sp) face when the not guilty verdict was read… says it was not a look of relief, it was of shock.

He knew he got away with murder.

by gonelikethewimd | Osprey, Florida USA | Apr 16
Because the glove didnt fit they had to acquitonline now!

Because the glove didn't fit, they had to acquit...

Maybe that was planted too...

by chatillion | Boca Raton, Florida USA | Apr 16
Its Been Awhile

RE: It’s Been Awhile

Hi Delilah. ( ref. SAMSON).

by Faithhopelove195 | Rockledge, Florida USA | Apr 16


I’m not so sure, that her version of better than Dolly Parton’s....

One is submissive..the other, I guess modern....(not my cup of tea.)

Either way...if, I felt like this in a relationship...I would kick the guy down the road...

by gonelikethewimd | Osprey, Florida USA | Apr 16
Because the glove didnt fit they had to acquitonline today!

RE: Because the glove didn't fit, they had to acquit...

Hindsight is 20/20...but innocent people do not flee the police when a warrant for the arrest is issued...

It was an attention seeking maneuver...for pity....from maybe, one of the most malignant narcissists to become famous...

As for the his football concussions...we will never know...there will not be an autopsy...

If were Nicole or Ron’s parents, it would make no difference...just another way to try to explain away..or blame..a jealous, controlling...person...for another excuse.

by gonelikethewimd | Osprey, Florida USA | Apr 16
Because the glove didnt fit they had to acquitonline today!

RE: Because the glove didn't fit, they had to acquit...

Yes, it was around...but, as with all things, it takes time for people to accept it..and believe in it...

If my memory serves me right, it was the blood on the socks..that had traces of preservative...which worked into the framing theory of the defense...

It was Ron Goldman’s blood inside the Bronco...that made me change my mind and with the mixture of OJ’s very rare DNA...made me change my mind..that he was guilty...

by gonelikethewimd | Osprey, Florida USA | Apr 16
Owning a piece of Trump stockonline today!

RE: Owning a piece of Trump... stock

At close on April 16, Trump Media & Technology Group Corp share price fell to $22.84, down 14.17% today.

Yesterday Trump fell off the Bloomberg Billionaire's Index after joining it for the first time two weeks earlier.

by rizlared | Not in Cebu City, Central Visayas Philippines | Apr 16
Because the glove didnt fit they had to acquitonline today!

RE: Because the glove didn't fit, they had to acquit...


I wonder if the narrator of the video, watched the trial....

It was not Nicole, who left behind her sunglasses at the was her mother who left behind her reading glasses...

The day she was murdered, was their daughter Sydney’s dance recital...

OJ was not asked to go to dinner after the recital....

Not that it really matters...but, goes to you tube can be based on wrongs.

by gonelikethewimd | Osprey, Florida USA | Apr 16
400 years of history up in flamesonline today!

RE: 400 years of history up in flames.

Yes, my sympathies your way brother.
This sucks.

by Grandsiozzie | Oslo, Norway | Apr 16
What Makes Jesus Unique No one else made the claims that He did He is aliveonline now!

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

Nuclear weapons have cast a shadow of doom over humanity. Added to that is the possibility of an accidental war. Wikipedia gives a “list of nuclear close calls.” On January 25, 1995, Russian president Boris Yeltsin became the first world leader to activate a nuclear briefcase. Russian radar systems detected the launch of what was later determined to be a Norwegian research rocket being used to study the northern lights. Yeltsin, who had a drinking problem and had a taste for vodka, was ready to order a retaliatory nuclear strike against the United States. The Norwegian research rocket was mistaken to be an American ICBM heading to Russia. There have been several other “nuclear close calls”—enough to give reasonable people who are unsaved motivation to at least carefully examine the claims of Jesus Christ. I don’t want to sound trite, or corny, but, dear friend are you ready to meet your Maker? Please give careful consideration to the words of Acts 16:31: “… Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.” There will be some who will “thank their lucky stars” that we haven’t yet been annihilated, but I would rather give thanks to God for His Son Jesus Christ who shed His blood that I could be saved.

Pacifism—Did Jesus Really Condemn All Wars?
There are those who claim it is wrong for Christians to fight in any war. They appeal to the teachings of Jesus, who said, “Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also” (Matt. 5:38–39).

Jesus often used hyperbole—deliberate exaggeration for startling effect—in His teaching. In Matthew 5:29 Jesus says if your right eye offends you, gouge it out. There is not a single example of anyone in the New Testament taking this literally and gouging out their right eye. Matthew 5:30 says the same thing about your right hand. Do holy people have no right hands? We see hyperbole in Mark 11:23. We do not find anyone in Scripture speaking to a mountain and saying, “Be thou removed, and be thou cast into sea.”

Another observation—Jesus is not speaking to heads of state in the Sermon on the Mount, nor is He providing rules of engagement for the world’s militaries. Pacifism is an extreme position. The tenets of pacifism would also forbid law enforcement officers from using deadly force in apprehending criminals, and thereby expose the general population to dangerous individuals who would be allowed to have free reign to bring death and destruction to innocent people. And what about Jesus’ statement “that ye resist not evil”? How far do we want to take this? Was Jesus condemning all resistance to evil? Jesus’ ministry on earth was a ministry of resisting evil. He cast out demons, confronted the Pharisees with their own hypocrisy and healed those who were in misery with an illness. Not resisting evil is a sin of omission. James 4:17 says, “Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.”

Once again, to cite Dr. Norman Geisler from the same volume cited earlier: “The able citizen who would not defend his country against an evil aggressor is morally remiss … the total pacifist can easily find himself aiding an evil cause by failing to defend a good one. Thus complete pacifism is at best morally naïve, and at worst morally delinquent.”

How would you feel if a pacifist told the British in 1940 when Britain was fighting for survival, “Go ahead and let the Nazis occupy your country. They can take your bodies but not your souls”? Or how about if someone ventured to tell the Jews, when the full horrors of the Holocaust were known, “Since you Jews are going to be slaughtered anyway, you should voluntarily walk into the death camps to awaken the world’s conscience”? Resistance to such evil is the moral thing to do. We shouldn’t have to apologize for such resistance.[/size

by bcjenny | somewhere in B.C., British Columbia Canada | Apr 16
Because the glove didnt fit they had to acquit

RE: Because the glove didn't fit, they had to acquit...

I hope you don't is a video about the history of an abusive relationship and the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson...

by Daphne77 | Boquete, Chiriqui Panama | Apr 16
Because the glove didnt fit they had to acquit

RE: Because the glove didn't fit, they had to acquit...

This is exactly why we need Jon Stewart and the Daily Show..

Thanks for the laugh...

Just listening to Stewart's opinion (on the conflicts) tells us we are all guilty of manipulation and greed...
I had to laugh when Trump spoke...what an absurd and obtuse speech (if you can call it that)...
My question is the new and improved Trump/Greenwood Bible selling?...
Will Trump reenact dropping his pants for Stormy to whack his a** with Time Magazine?...

by Daphne77 | Boquete, Chiriqui Panama | Apr 16
Men start their own movementonline today!

RE: Men start their own movement...

Well said Marlin.

by Grandsiozzie | Oslo, Norway | Apr 16
Because the glove didnt fit they had to acquit

RE: Because the glove didn't fit, they had to acquit...

This is exactly why we need Jon Stewart and the Daily Show..

Personally, I'm excited for the moment in the trial when Trump will drop his pants and say, 'If the glove don't fit, you must acquit'!.. -Josh Johnson. Team OJ

by bohemianjack | East Central, Minnesota USA | Apr 16
Election Interference aka Hush Money Trial

RE: Election Interference aka Hush Money Trial...

Yes...he looked quite dower...not as lively in his speech outside of court...less animated and a tad worried...but still managed to talk some BS anyway...the Achilles heel that keeps on giving...

by Daphne77 | Boquete, Chiriqui Panama | Apr 16
Israel is being attacked at this timeonline today!

RE: Israel is being attacked at this time

Yes I'm afraid so.

by Grandsiozzie | Oslo, Norway | Apr 16
Desperate Move

RE: Desperate Move

Steer clear of the blog about forming/joining a men's group...
The OP is feeling a bit grumpy with women in general...

by Daphne77 | Boquete, Chiriqui Panama | Apr 16
Israel is being attacked at this time

RE: Israel is being attacked at this time

Just remember that is freedom of speech in action...the destruction or property damage will be dealt with by the police (if there is any damage made by the protesters)...
Burning a flag is not a crime...
What it tells me that people are distressed and the discord from these two groups goes back a long time...just like the old wounds left to fester...

by Daphne77 | Boquete, Chiriqui Panama | Apr 16
Israel is being attacked at this timeonline today!

RE: Israel is being attacked at this time

Yea, I feel the same way as you about that Shawn.

by Grandsiozzie | Oslo, Norway | Apr 16
looking for real love sounds weird but yeah I know its still out thereonline today!

RE: looking for real love (sounds weird but yeah I know it's still out there)

Me too, so shy I can hardly speak in public... eh

by Grandsiozzie | Oslo, Norway | Apr 16
Desperate Moveonline today!

RE: Desperate Move

Is that better or worse than her coming here?

A bunch of scepticals here I see.

by Grandsiozzie | Oslo, Norway | Apr 16
Israel is being attacked at this timeonline today!

Israel is being attacked at this time

Anti Israeli protesters took to the streets in various cities across the U.S. yesterday (Sunday).

Some were on one of the bridges handcuffing themselves to cars, while others were blocking traffic, and burning the American flag while chanting death to America.

by ShawnSuperstar | New Boston/Portsmouth, Ohio USA | Apr 16
Because the glove didnt fit they had to acquit

RE: Because the glove didn't fit, they had to acquit...

Due to the viciousness of the assault...I think it was personal...
Thinking about your suggested probably would have been better to have an execution style murder...and/or taken some of the valuables in the house...
It was a messy scene and I doubt anyone would want to get caught...knowing the location of the attack...but then again...we will never know...

by Daphne77 | Boquete, Chiriqui Panama | Apr 16
Because the glove didnt fit they had to acquitonline now!

Because the glove didn't fit, they had to acquit...

and... if O.J. really hired a mafioso hitman there could be more who really know what happened there.

by chatillion | Boca Raton, Florida USA | Apr 16
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