This is a list of random comments on All Blogs - ordered by date. Click on the blog title to view the blog. Click here to create a Blog.

RE: Desperate Move

He's getting good return on the "investment".
The legacy media that swore they'd not give him any coverage/publicity are now giving him Publicity Galore.
Every time he enters/leaves a courtroom he reaches more people than holding a Trump Rally.

He's playin' 'em like a violin.

"They're gonna indict me right into the White House." - Donald Trump


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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

And so terrifying was the sight that Moses said, I am exceedingly afraid and trembling. If you're wondering where Moses said that, it's a whole different discussion.

I don't want to get into today. But if you're that interested in it, come ask me about it after the service and I'll tell you so.

The writer of Hebrews describes the reaction we've been talking about of God's people to the revelation of God's glory physically manifesting on Mt. Sinai.

But the right of Hebrews says this to the believer, to you and I, he says. But that's not your situation. That's not your reality. You haven't come to Mt. Sinai. He says this in verses to see if I can get through this. But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels, to the General Assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven to God, the judge of all, to the spirits of Just man made perfect.

The writer says you haven't come to Mt. Sinai. Now, you've been given access all the way to the throne of God in heaven. And how is that possible? How is that possible? Well, it's because the writer tells us that we've also been given access for 24, underline this to Jesus, the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than that of Abel.

You see, Moses was the mediator of the old covenant known as the law. Through Moses, God gave man the list of laws that lay out what a man or woman would need to do, how a man or woman would need to live in order to meet God's standard and gain access to heaven through being a good person.

The bad news is that the standard of the law is perfection. It is unattainable for any mortal man or woman, we're doomed under the law, we're doomed. But the good news is that after Moses came a better mediator, a mediator of a new covenant, and in the new covenant, the deal is not perfect, and you'll be welcomed in. That's not good news in the New Covenant, the deal is Jesus has been perfect for you. So come in.

Come on in. And not only that, but Jesus are greater than Moses also died in our place as our Passover lamb so that all the sins that we've committed. Every sin we will commit has been paid for.

You see, under the old covenant, there had to be sacrifices, the blood of animals and those sacrifices didn't actually pay for any since they simply pointed ahead to the only blood that could pay for since the blood of Jesus. So make a note of this, Jesus are greater than Moses is our mediator. He's our mediator. And as the Lord would design it, Moses actually prophesied about Jesus in Deuteronomy 18, it's on your outlines.

And he said to the people of Israel, the Lord, your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from your midst, from your brethren, is speaking about Jesus, even though he didn't know it. Probably. Now skip down to verse 28 and Hebrews 12, it says. Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear.

And then underline Verse 8 29. Notice the tense. It's present tense, for our God is a consuming fire. I want to correct one of the most common misperceptions in the church, there's this perception that, man, aren't you glad that we get New Testament God, the nice kind God and not Old Testament cranky kill everybody?

God, there's this perception in the church. There's this perception that that God changed like around the time Jesus came, like God went to a life coaching seminar and changed his outlook on the human race and became a softer, gentler version.

Here's the reality. We do not have access to God because God diminished. Or reduced his glory in some way. We do not have access to God because he turned down his glory so that we could be around him. OK, I'll turn it down a little bit so I can be around you sinners.

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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

This is the deal. They recognize they need a mediator, Verse 20. And Moses said to the people, well, do not fear, for God has come to test you. And that is fear may be before you so that you may not sin.

So Moses says the purpose of God's display here is not to destroy you, it's to help you understand who God really is so that you will take him and his word seriously.

So that you'll understand this is not one of the gods of Egypt, we're talking about this God is real, and you know why that's a good thing.

Do you know why having a fear of the Lord is a blessing seven times in the Bible? Fear of the Lord is directly linked to wisdom in Joe, Psalms, Proverbs and Isaiah, a fear of the Lord is directly linked to wisdom, real wisdom, the kind of wisdom that helps you make decisions that lead to a fulfilling and a meaningful life.

That kind of wisdom only comes from God. And the way to walk in it is to live according to the word and ways of God. And when you have a right fear of God, it makes you take his words seriously and it makes you let the word of God actually guide your life.

And you find yourself enjoying the flavor and the goodness of God in your life in incredible ways. But the converse is also true. When you don't have a fear of the Lord, you will not take his words seriously, you will not take sin seriously. And let me tell you one thing you can always count on. Sin leads to death, always death in relationships, your mental health, your self-esteem, you name it. Sin destroys life in every area of life.

And so this is why Moses says this isn't the fear that leads to death. This is the kind of fear that leads to life that helps you live wisely. This is why when we find ourselves not experiencing life. In an area of our life, we need to ask ourselves difficult questions like am I displaying a right fear of the Lord in this area of my life?

What do I mean by that? What I mean is, am I taking what God's word says about this area of my life seriously? Or am I saying, no God needed, we got one right here, I'll call the shots. You see, God's not even the manager of that area of our lives, but we want to complain to him like he's the manager. Can I talk to a manager, please, about my love life? Because it's trash right now.

God's like, I don't know what you're talking about. I'm not the manager of your love life. A fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, the wisdom that leads to life, Verse 21.

So the people stood a far off, but Moses drew near the thickness, the thick darkness where God was.

Remember the picture we talked about? Moses is a picture of who? Jesus, not a trick question. You're like, Jesus, Jesus, yes, yes, you can say with confidence it's not going to change between 10 minutes ago and now. And what do we see here, Moses, who's a picture of Jesus, we see Moses being the only one in this instance.

Who approaches the presence of God, we see Moses acting as the mediator between God and people who hold on to that thought.

Moses is a picture of Jesus, but Jesus is our greater than Moses, the writer of Hebrews, I believe. Paul, I'll fight with you.

Bible students later explain to us why this is the case in Hebrews 12 as he lays out why our situation is different to the Israelis who were gathered around Mount Sinai back in Exodus.

This is a New Testament counterpart passage. I put it on your outlines or you can turn them in.

Your Bibles will begin in Hebrews 12- 18. We read this speaking to us as believers, for you have not come to the mountain that may be touched and that burned with fire and the blackness and darkness and tempest and the sound of a trumpet and the voice of words so that those who heard it begged that the words should not be spoken to them anymore, for they could not endure what was commanded. And if so much as a beast touches the mountain, it shall be stoned or shot with an arrow.

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RE: Desperate Move

Have you considered porn? They pay big money if you let them in the back door conversing

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RE: Desperate Move


I figure that's 'bout
8891.261 USD

Honestly - I think you should hold out for More.


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RE: Desperate Move

You could ask Donald Trump as he is currently paying 25,000 US dollars a DAY on legal feeslaugh

So far his bill for delaying tactics that all failed is around 1 million dollars.

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RE: Desperate Move

In case anyone is interested... the conversion of P500,000. to USD is about $8,858.

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Useless trivia

A Vietnamese real estate tycoon was sentenced to death in the country’s biggest financial fraud case, a shocking development in an intensifying anti-corruption drive in the Southeast Asian nation.

Truong My Lan, a high-profile businesswoman who chaired a sprawling company that developed luxury apartments, hotels, offices and shopping malls, was arrested in 2022. The 67-year-old was formally charged with fraud amounting to US$12.5 billion ($20.8b) — nearly 3 per cent of the country’s 2022 GDP.

Death sentences are not uncommon in Vietnam, but it is rare in financial crime cases and for someone this well known

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Useless trivia

A massive missile and drone attack destroyed one of Ukraine's largest power plants and damaged others, officials said overnight, part of a renewed Russian campaign targeting energy infrastructure.

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How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

This is hilarious, apparently Trumps lawyers fecked up with a subpoenaed witness for his upcoming criminal case.

Trump’s attorneys tried to subpoena Jeremy Rosenberg, who had worked in the Manhattan district attorney’s office, then complained to the court that he was “flippant and dismissive” when he said he had none of the documents they wanted.

But it turns out there was a reason he didn’t have the documents: They had subpoenaed the wrong Jeremy Rosenberg.

Trump’s attorneys sent $15 to Rosenberg to help him send the paperwork.

“I’m keeping the fifteen dollars,” Rosenberg wrote back to the attorneys.rolling on the floor laughing

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It's time to ask the citizens of Ukraine.

A public vote is needed to decide whether to keep on fighting or to end it now.

Russian forces outnumber Ukrainian troops by up to 10 times in the eastern regions.

Ukraine's parliament passed a bill which will oblige Ukrainian men between 18 and 60 to update their personal data with the military authorities to allow draft offices to see more easily who can be called up in any given region.

The people should be given truthful details of casualties to date. So far families don't always know if their sons and fathers are still alive because they are often listed as missing.

They should be told what the chances are of winning the war and driving the Russians completely out of their land. And this should come from an independant source, not Zelensky.

Patriotism and pride is all very well, it makes for good fighting talk but reality must kick in at some stage.

When this is over it wouldn't surprise me if Putin looks for war reparations.

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Wow. Interesting Blog ! Hope to see peace on earth in my hug danceline party

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Ukraine's biggest electric power station destroyed by Russians. This supplies power to three regions in the country.

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RE: O.J Simpson dead at 76

And good riddance to him ...
may he rot in hell for eternity.

Dirt bag mumbling

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When Moses was up mount Sinai he was confronted with noise and brightness, and then he was taken up into an opening in the clouds. He assumed this to be God, but of course it was an extra terrestrial craft which he entered and where he received instructions for the future of his people. The tablets of stone supplied with instructions to civilise future generations and also specifications for the construction of the ark of the covenant. The ark would be the means of remote communication between the priests and the extra terrestrial beings.
It would also be powered to help with the journey of the Israelites. The instructions given through this device must be adhered to.
This is not the account in the Bible, but what I believe most likely to have happened.

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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

The Decalogue has just been received by Moses. And now we pick up our study. And I taught through some of these verse is several months ago. But there's a few additional things I want to share with you about them today.
So let's jump in. Exodus, chapter 20, verse 18. It says now all the people witness the thunder rings, the lightning flashes, the sound of the trumpet and the mountain smoking. This is what they're seeing as they look at Mount Sinai and the physical presence of God.

The Shekinah glory of God rests on this mountain. And for those of you who have studied the Book of Revelation, you may notice that these are similar elements to John's description of Jesus in Revelation.

Chapter one, we keep reading and it says, And when the people saw it, they trembled and they stood a far off. Then they said to Moses, You speak with us and we will hear, but let not God speak with us lest we die. Moses has been up the mountain with God, and while he was up there, the people were terrified by what their senses were experiencing as they saw God's power physically manifest.
And I can tell you this, their reaction entirely appropriate, entirely appropriate, because we're talking about the almighty God pulling back the curtain for just a minute and letting his people get just a glimpse of his actual glory.

It was, in a word, overwhelming, overwhelming. And the people's fear came from their immediate understanding, immediate. No need to develop a theology here, an immediate recognition that God is not like us. He is not like us. He is other he in a millisecond, they understand he's not our buddy.

He's not our pal. He's not a cosmic vending machine. It's not a little idle that we've carved with our own hands. He is something else entirely in Israel's immediate reaction is. If we get too close to him, we're going to die if we're going to die. We don't know much, but we know that because he's not like us, there's sin in me.

And if God can't be in the presence of sin, I need to get very, very far away from God.

I wonder if they began to think about all the times they'd complain to Moses about God since they came out of Egypt. I wonder if they thought about all their questioning of him, all their accusations. I wish we could be back in Egypt. God's not going to take care of us. God's not powerful enough to act. I wonder if they thought about all the times they implied he actually wasn't good. It would be like trash talking, somebody who's incredibly big and strong and there without you realizing it.

They've walked up behind you while you've continued to talk trash about them.

And you turn around and they're just right there. And this is what's happening to them.

They're like they're like, yo, do you... Do you think God remembers all that stuff we said, you know, I don't know. Yeah. And they're like, well, I wasn't complaining. I mean, you were complaining. I, I thought everything was fine.

I had faith the whole time. The whole time. I'm speaking into the microphone the whole time, Lord.

So write this down. Israel recognized that they could not interact with God directly. They needed a mediator. They needed a mediator. That's their conclusion. And unsurprisingly, they looked to Moses because Moses had been in the presence of God and somehow had lived. They were like, we can't talk to God. You talk to him, pass on the message and we'll stay far away from God and live.

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RE: O.J Simpson dead at 76

Considering their ages now I'm pretty sure they are aware of the facts but not actually wanting to face up to them.sigh

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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

Our deliverer is, of course, Jesus Christ. That's right. Now, once they're out of Egypt, the next section, the next part of the story begins to unfold.

When you become a follower of Jesus, you're your focus, your heart, your destination, your treasure is no longer in this world.

It's in heaven because that's where Jesus is.

And the call to follow Jesus is also the call to move your citizenship from earth to heaven. And so God has to get his people out of Egypt, which he does. But the next part of the story deals with the even bigger challenge of getting Egypt out of his people.

Which is a whole different deal, and like us, they've got to learn what it means to be the people of God, they've got to learn a new way to be human because God's ways are nothing like the ways of the world. And so God takes a two pronged approach to this challenge.

Firstly, God's people need to know and understand who their God is. They need to see his character and they need to see his power.

Just as we can only really develop real faith if we understand that there is a God who loves us, cares about us, and not only wants to help us, but is able to help us.

We need to understand his character and we need to understand his power that he has the power to back up his character.

Secondly, God's people need to know what it means to live as God's people. Practically, you're the people of God. Now, that's that's great.

Is there is there a book?

Is there a book, God's People for Dummies? Something like that we could read.

The answer's going to be, yes, there is. But they need to know what does it look like to be the people of God in everyday life? What does it look like in worship, in work, in marriage, in family? Well, shortly after letting them go, Pharaoh has a change of heart and he gives chase and the Israelites find themselves trapped against mountains and water with nowhere to go.

To make a long story short, is the recurring theme here. God moves in a miraculous way. The waters part Israel walks through on dry land. Egypt gives chase, God closes the waters in on Pharaoh and his army, and they drown all of them, all of them.

And so God was teaching Israel about his character that he cares about them and he cares about their safety. But he was also teaching them about his power. He can do whatever he wants and he can be powerful enough to act on their behalf.

And that's what the Lord wants to do in your life as well.

He wants you to experience and encounter his character and his power, because when you do, it will change everything about the way you trust him.

The Israelites go on to see more of these demonstrations of God's character and power as God miraculously provides water and food for the whole nation while they're in the wilderness, and he gives them a miraculous military victory over the Amalekites.

But God's people still needed the second part of that two pronged approach.

They needed practical instruction on what it meant to live as God's people on an everyday basis.

So God led his people to Mt. Sinai, the Mount of God, and there the very presence of God came down upon the mountain in an overwhelming way. God called up Moses and gave him the Ten Commandments, ten timeless moral laws written by the finger of God himself on two tablets of stone laws that form the foundation of how we are to interact with God and with each other. Laws that, like God, are our perfect, perfect.

And that's where we find ourselves in Exodus 20, the Ten Commandments, the Decalogue, if you take one thing away from this message to make yourself feel smarter, call the Ten Commandments the Decalogue, OK?

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RE: O.J Simpson dead at 76

He wouldn't admit to guilt because it would badly affect his children.

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Useless trivia

A woman who authorities say fatally stabbed her partner at their Los Angeles apartment then threw her two children from a moving SUV on to the motorway, killing her baby daughter, was an astrologer who called the impending solar eclipse “the epitome of spiritual warfare” in an online post days earlier.

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RE: O.J Simpson dead at 76

Sorry would have been nice.sigh

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O.J Simpson dead at 76

Probably not. He's had 30 years to.

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RE: O.J Simpson dead at 76

So... did he say something on his death bed?

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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

This new pharaoh was very pro-Egypt. He was a nationalist who didn't like the wealth and prosperity that he saw in the hands of the Hebrews in his land. So he enslaved them and the Israelite people lived as slaves for generations. Through another miraculous set of circumstances, a Hebrew boy ends up being adopted by the daughter of Pharaoh, and he's raised as an Egyptian prince.

His name is Moses. And Moses is special because God chose him to be the deliverer of Israel. God chose Moses to represent him before Pharaoh and bring about the liberation of his people from slavery.

But before that can happen, God had to prepare Moses.

He had to go through training. He had to get ready for the task. And so Moses goes through his own journey that is full of setbacks and failures and disappointments and even outright rebellion against God.

But Moses finally makes it, so there's hope for you and I. And the day finally comes when God says, OK, we're ready.

Let's go talk to Pharaoh.

Now, in the least surprising reaction of all time, Pharaoh's not interested in voluntarily giving up the massive and free labor force that is powering his booming economy. He tells Moses and God basically to get lost. And this sets up a back and forth where God steps in to show his power through the famous plagues of Egypt, delivering supernatural and devastating judgements on the people, land and animals of Egypt.

But still, Pharaoh refuses to let them go until.

Until the final and most horrific plague, the death of the firstborn son in every household in Egypt, including Pharaoh's, the Israeli homes and families are spared because they follow special instructions given by God to paint their doorposts with the blood of a lamb because the lamb's death would be accepted by God in place of their sons.

And this event will go on to be celebrated by the feast known as Passover, because it marked the night when God passed over the homes of Israel during that final plague.

And all of that, to give an incredibly brief summary, pointed to Jesus, the lamb of God who died in our place to save us from death. And after this final judgment, Pharaoh's will is broken and he decides to let the Israelites go. And so they set off.

They leave Egypt in one day, an entire nation comes out of the nation of Egypt and is freed from slavery.

And the thing you need to understand about Exodus is that it is not the story of Moses. It is not the story of Israel. It is the story of how God works in our lives, brings us to the place of freedom, and makes us into his own people. God is the star of the Book of Exodus.

Egypt is a picture of the world. Pharaoh is a picture of Satan. Slavery is a picture of our spiritual bondage to sin the bondage we're all born into. That puts us under a death sentence. And Moses is a picture of Jesus. And in this whole first section of Exodus, we read the story of how God sets his people free. It's the story of how God sets us free from our slavery to sin and death by sending a deliverer.

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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

Right Worship.........Date:10/4/20

Series: Exodus

Passage: Exodus 20:18-26

Speaker: Jeff Thompson

As we rejoin our study on the Book of Exodus, Pastor Jeff reminds us of what's happened up to this point. We then finish out chapter 20 by looking at Jesus as our Mediator and the importance of worshiping God as He desires to be worshiped.

Discussion Questions:...Read Exodus 20:18-26

1. What is a mediator? Why did Israel appoint Moses as their mediator? Who is Moses pointing towards? And in what way? (Deut. 18:15a)

2. Read Hebrews 12:18-29. Compare and contrast verses 18-21 with verses
22-24. How is Jesus a greater mediator than Moses?

3. Discuss the idea that Jesus “bridges the gap by raising us up”. How does this reality impact you?

4. You might hear people say that they like the God of the New Testament
better than the God of the Old Testament. Why do you think people might
say this? Do you think God’s character changed from the Old Testament to
the New? Explain.

5. Read Hebrews 12:28-29 again. What do these verses teach us about who
God is? What is the fundamental motivation for our worship? How do these
verses describe what that worship is to look like?

6. How would you define fear of the Lord? Can you think of verses in the Bible that teach us about it? What is a “right” fear of the Lord? What does this look like in your own life? Is it ever possible to have an unhealthy fear of the Lord? Explain.

7. God’s grace covers all our sin, but does His grace give us license to sin?
Why or why not? What if you yourself, or someone else says, “I want to obey
Jesus in my own “personal” way”, but this “personal” way involves
disobedience to God’s Word? What does God’s Word teach us about this?

8. What is one area of obedience that God is transforming in this current
season of your life? Can you recognize God’s grace and a healthy fear of the
Lord at work in specific ways?

Well, when "God Rock" and "New Hope" began holding church services together, God Rock was in the middle of studying the Gospel of Matthew while New Hope was in the middle of going through the Book of Exodus. And what BJ and I decided to do was just go back and forth, sharing the teaching load until we get through. Both studies will go through a chunk of Matthew, a chunk of exodus until we get through both books, at which point we'll start a new Bible study together.

And we've been through the Olivet Discourse in Matthew. And now we're jumping back into the Book of Exodus. We're in Chapter 20 and something massive has just taken place. God has given his people the Ten Commandments. But before we continue with our study, I need to bring you up to speed, because a lot has happened, especially if you haven't been with us for the first part of our journey through Exodus.

The Book of Exodus is simply a continuation of the Book of Genesis.

It's a fact that doesn't help you at all if you haven't read the Book of Genesis. Genesis ends with the death of Joseph, an incredible man of God, one of only two men in scripture who are not God incarnate, of whom the Bible records no sin. Joseph was an incredible man of God who rose to become prime minister of Egypt through some incredible events.

And Exodus opens by telling us that several generations after the death of Joseph, a pharaoh arose who did not know or did not care about what Joseph and his family, the Hebrews, had done for the nation of Egypt.

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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

So good to see you, yes you have been away a very long time and you have been missed.
Hope you can stick around for a while now...............hug

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RE: What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

Hi Jenny! I've been away for awhile & and am testing my new device.


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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

But how often, Lord, if we're honest or are we willing to give it all your powers made perfect in our weakness and it's connected to our single minded obedience to you, Lord. So work that in the hearts of your people. We're going to mess up. We're going to do it imperfectly. We're going to go back to old comforts and old ways at times. But Your Grace continually leads us to repentance. It always calls us back and leads us further and further in our journey of faith than we've ever been before.

And do that for us, God, not just individually in this in this room, but collectively as a family. Let us love one another as the family of God, as the family. Let us be equipped and purposeful in finding ways to reach outside of our church to bless the world. Give us what we need, which you have, give us a heart bent towards that God and a joy associated with that, and work it for your ultimate glory, King Jesus and for your people's deepest joy and satisfaction in this life and in the one to come in Jesus name we pray.


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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

And what Frank Francis became so stirred and convicted by God that what they were doing in the giant church with all these millions of dollars spent on the church and all this money that was coming in, this is like I read the Bible and I can't just keep I can't have this all for me. I got to give it all the way. All that's from God. He's giving it to me. I've got to give it. There are people who are dying who need basic needs met.

We've got to serve our brothers and sisters in Christ. We've got to give it give it away. And so we started doing that. He left the mega church and went to plant churches in in the inner city of San Francisco. And from there, he's left now to go overseas, overseas to Asia, where he's left everything to go there. He doesn't take any money from his books. He gives it all the way. Not only that, but he gives it all the way all over the world.

He said some well-meaning friends and family come to him and say, Francis, like, I get the whole giving thing, you know, like, that's so good. But like, if you give it all away, what are you going to have for yourself?

What about you and your wife and your kids like. His response was great. He says, well, yeah, that's important. My God wants me to serve and supply my needs, the needs of my wife and my kids, that's big. But here's the thing I've known. If I give everything away, God's been perfectly faithful to me to provide for every single one of my needs up until this point.

And if I keep giving away, I have no reason to believe that he's going to stop providing for every single one of my needs.

The more I give, the more he shows himself to be faithful to me to meet those needs. So I don't see that happening. He says.

He says like, OK, well, I'll give that to you.

What if all this money comes and God gives me even millions of dollars? I give it all the way to the poor, my brothers and sisters all around the world.

I give it to them and some, for some reason, God forgot about me and he forgot to provide for my needs. And me and my wife starved to death.

Can you imagine what that would be like to enter into the kingdom of glory? Giving everything you have to your last breath. And you open up your eyes on the other side of eternity and you see Jesus. How do you get here, Francis? This is not true because like your early but it was implied I gave it all the way.

I gave it all the way for you. Jesus, do you think there's can be one ounce of regret in Francis Chan's life in a trillion years from now if he gave everything up, even his life for the sake of Jesus and the mission in the gospel?

I can assure you, zero ounces of regrets and only pleasures forever more.

May God give us a heart that's a fraction of the generosity of our brother, Francis, you bite your head and pray with me. Father, thank you for Matthew 25. Thank you for your whole entire scripture. Laura, thank you for this. Your word, does it blesses? It teaches. It encourages, but it convicts and it calls. And it exposes our hearts. It opens up our hearts, Barrie. It's a double edged sword. Your words says in the book of Hebrews, right down to the inner thoughts of our hearts.

And I pray, Lord, I pray that with this exposing word and this encouraging word, I hope tonight that your people will be motivated to say to not go into despair and say, I can't live like that. I don't do this. I won't do this. The opposite, Lord Holy Spirit, work a great spirit and power conviction in our heart to refresh us and to revive us to the place where we say, Lord, we want to give it all for you.

We want to utilize wisdom and sense and counsel and do it according to your word. But we want to live totally abandoned for you, God, and for your purposes.

We want to see your kingdom come. We talk about all the time. We want to see your power in our lives.

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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

And he said, of course, please share this.
A few months ago, God Rock Church began a fund project, a project that we are giving to as a church where our members are giving to this project above and beyond the regular tithes and offerings. So you were called to give to the local church, but this is sacrificial giving above and beyond what any of us normally give. We're raising money for something called the Petro's Network. So the Petro's network is an incredible organization. They train and equip local indigenous pastors in parts of Africa and Southeast Asia to go into unreached villages who have never heard the gospel before and plant churches there.

And once they planted churches in those villages, they go to the next one. They keep planting them. They are, they train and equip men to do this. They're doing this work right now in Ethiopia, South Sudan, Uganda and Southeast Asia. Right now, as we speak, they have men ready to give their lives for the sake of the gospel. And the only thing that they need before they go is to raise enough support to cover just the absolute necessities their families will have when they're gone.

Things that we're talking about tonight, food, clothing, water, basic shelter. Some of you know the answer to this, I'm not going to pull you to see if you guys want to answer this question or guess I'm going to tell you how much it costs to provide basic necessities for a man and his entire family for three years so that he can go, go and not worry about those things at home. Go and preach the gospel for three years to supply everything a family needs.

For all three years, forty four hundred dollars Canadian. Three years. And by the end of that time, they planted churches and they're fully sustainable by then. They don't they don't want to keep having the money forever. They just want to get started. We can do that. We can help meet practical needs in our brothers lives who are ready and willing to give their life for the sake of the gospel, unless you want to go to Uganda.

The ticket alone is probably forty four hundred roundtrip. Today, we've collected and we started a couple of months ago. We've collected about twenty five hundred dollars or a little over halfway there.

If you want to give to this cause, just write plainly on your giving envelopes. Petro's network and all of those funds will go directly to the cause of meeting tangible needs in the lives of our brothers in Christ doing this work. Now, again, do this above and beyond a sacrificially above and beyond your regular giving to your local church. But. But give. Once we hit our goal, we'll begin raising more money to send more men out into the harvest.

We're not trying to aim for one. We're going to do this until Jesus calls us home. This might sound this is a lot of there's a lot of talk about like man intense, like the oil and giving everything and just like dying and getting killed, like they get so crazy.

Right. It's crazy. It'd be crazy if it was crazy anyway, but it's in the Bible.

So we got to deal with this kind of stuff.

But I want to share, I want to end with this Zechariah story from one of my really influential pastor in my life. I never met him before, but I watched a lot of the stuff.

Francis Chan, Francis Chan is but was a pastor of a megachurch, a mega church in California in Simi Valley. Thousands upon thousands of people came to the church with Francis Chan, spoke and pastored. He also wrote many bestselling books and I don't know a lot about but writing books. I know this, that if you write bestsellers, you make bank like big time.

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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

You need to prioritize the time that you spend in these groups to prioritize this time in your life. You need to prioritize it over and above, almost almost anything else, because how else can you love your brothers and sisters if you don't spend a significant amount of time with them?

How else can you know if real needs arise? Unless you spend enough time together to recognize those needs or to even build up enough relationship with these people where they feel safe enough to tell you their needs and ask for help?

So I want to implore you all all go to the sign up for these groups, if you haven't already and if you are a part of these groups, go to them, but go to these group nights with a new kind of focus, go with the mindset to love.

Not primarily to be loved. Talking with Kyla between services and this is incredible math, if we all went into home group together or midweek group or men's group, a women's group, and every single person went with the sole intent that they're trying to get love, then everyone who is going in trying to get love. And no one's given love. But get this, if you're in a group of 10 people and every single one says, I'm going there to love people not that don't have my first and last name, I'm going to love them instead.

Now, imagine that you're doing that. But nine other people are going to be focused on loving you, that's a better deal, isn't it? You go in trying to get your week expressions of love for yourself or going into a family where everyone else is concerned about loving you.

By the way, which Jesus says this is the way the world's going to know that you're my disciples, but the love that you have for one another. This is it. You don't get, you get to enjoy it. But it's an evangelistic powerhouse for the world to see that we're different than people who don't have the spirit of Christ in them.

So. Go with this new mindset, this will help you go when you're tired and busy in the week because you're not going primarily for yourself, you're going for your brothers and sisters.

All right, then you have another question, what if all the practical needs are met in our local church, then what? Do we just kick up our feet and wait for Jesus to call us home or come back?

No, no, no, no, no, we go on to the next circle. It's also on your outline. It's the third in the largest circle. This is the universal church. This is your brothers and sisters outside your local church, both locally and abroad.

So we can't help every single Christian in the world outside of our local church who needs help. We can't. It's impossible. But you know what we can do? We can help at least one of them. And by God's grace, we can help even more than that. The question is, do we have a heart to do so? I'm going to tell you something that we're doing here right now at Godschalk to try to love like this, I asked Jeff if I could share this project tonight with those who belong to New Hope and our guests.

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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

Jesus saw the nakedness of our guilt and shame because of our sin, we were covered by them both, but he provided robes of righteous righteousness for every single one of us to wear that cover us totally and make us acceptable to stand before the king because of what Jesus gives us, were now white as snow.

Jesus not only visits us in our sickness, which is nice to do, he took our sickness for us. By his stripes were healt. Jesus not only visit us while we were imprisoned by our own sin and in complete bondage to it with no hope of escape, he came and liberated us from our captivity to sin. He opened the door and swung it wide and made us free.

For whom the sun sets free will be free indeed. So Jesus has fed us satisfied our thirst brought us into his family, clothed our nakedness, healed our wounds and set us free.

And you know how he made all that possible for you and me, he used up all the talents that were given to him when he went to the cross, and it cost him everything in order to provide what he's freely given to us.

And when this kind of love comes into a person's heart, they now have everything they need to love people the way God's calling us to love them and when they have what they need in a way that they can never be taken from them, they will love this way.

Now, they can lay down the things in this world to love other people. The way that Jesus has first loved them is the only way it works.

So. Let's get practical for a moment here, the family talk, family time, family discussion. How can we give ourselves to loving Jesus this way in our life today by loving our brothers and sisters in Christ, how can we do it? What does it look like? Who I want to help you analyze your life using some circles.

I put on your outline there, the diagram, the concentric circles. Let's take a look at these one of the time. The first ones, the smallest one. And it's you. The first circle is you. You answer this question. Do you have the oil? Does the Holy Spirit live inside of you? Have you repented and trusted in Christ for the forgiveness of your sins? If yes, amazing.

If not, you need to receive Christ today. But if you have the oil, if you have the spirit, if you have Christ, then you know and understand that your master has entrusted you with talents. Everything that you have in your life has been given to you for you to put in use for the sake of Jesus. So if you have these two things, if you have these two things, the oil and the talents, then you are ready to love like you were saved to love.

Well, who do I show this love to that we're talking about tonight?

There are literally millions of Christians around the world today, that seems kind of impossible for us to love all of them. That's a great question, brings us to our second circle, your local church, your local church is the primary sphere, the primary sphere, not the only one, the primary sphere where you are to show this kind of love.

You don't have to wonder who to love.

You don't have to guess and pray and ask. Jesus has already given you those people is those who make up your church. Are there any of the needs we've seen addressed here tonight, present in the lives of your brothers or sisters in your church, in God rock church and your hope church or if you're investing in your local church?

Is anyone hungry, thirsty, homeless, naked, sick or in prison for the gospel among you if there is.

Go meet those needs. Collectively, as a body of believers, love one another this way. But how am I supposed to know what needs to exist? Another great question. This is the timely, timely space for me to plug midweek groups, home groups, men's groups, women's groups for New Hope Church there, the men's and women's groups going on starting in October. And for a God rock, our home groups are on right now. Here's what you need to do.

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we are not divided it is an illusion of division brought on by those that wish for us to do their bidding. i will not be told who my enemies are.

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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

This is the exact opposite, by the way, of what Peter did when he denied knowing Jesus three times.

If you remember the story of Jesus being questioned by the Pharisees and the religious leaders and Peter was following behind them, watching from a distance.

And then if you remember three people in the video, three individuals came three separate times and asked Peter if he was with Jesus or knew Jesus. And Peter denied knowing Jesus three times.

Why? I believe it's because he was scared, he was scared that they were going to do the same thing to him as they were doing right at that moment to Jesus.

And he wept bitterly. But Christians are called to do the opposite of what Peter did when it comes to loving and identifying with our brothers and Christian brothers and sisters in Christ, Peter didn't throw his lot in with Jesus. We're supposed to throw our lot in with our brothers and sisters.

To love and to serve them, whatever it may cost us until we're called home or until Christ comes back. Now, rhetorical question, does this kind of expression of love towards other people sound impossible to anyone? Well, let me put you at ease. It is like I'm talking about an impossible way to live life, not natural, super natural way to live.

So then we have to ask the question of how if this is a possible way to to live sacrificially for the sake of another person, how is this kind of love made possible for us to do and to experience?

Well, the answer is this. This impossible kind of love is only made possible because of Jesus, there is only one way this kind of love is possible that we have the oil of the Holy Spirit inside of us. It's the only way this kind of love works, this kind of love is a supernatural kind of love only if God's love has been poured into our hearts.

So it has to come down from heaven first. God loves us first, and he loves us. And he pauses love into our heart. And he changes everything on the inside. And now with his presence in us is him living his life in us and through us as we lay down our lives to love our brothers and sisters. The way that Christ first loved us.

He loves us, we love out. But if this isn't here, don't expect anyone to love like this because this is only because Jesus is in us.

I don't know if you realize this, that not only does Jesus love us first, but he loves us first in the same kind of ways that he expects us to love other believers the same way that he's describing love in verses thirty one to forty six, only infinitely better the way that he loves us.

How is Jesus loved us like this. Like the way he's calling us to love one another in this text. Let me give you all six of them.

Jesus is the bread of life and he gave himself up for us in order to satisfy all of our spiritual hunger. Jesus gives us living water, the kind of water he told the woman at the well and John for that would never leave us thirsty again. The water of the Holy Spirit satisfies our deepest spiritual thirst.

And Jesus gives us that.

Jesus made a seat at the table with him and his family.

For us, we were spiritual orphans. We were outsiders. We were enemies of his, wandering around outside the family of God. But Jesus brought us in. He brought us into his family. Jesus brought us into his home.

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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

Three, welcomed the Christian stranger into your home to stay four, clothed the naked Christian five, visit the sick Christian and six, visit the imprisoned Christian. For those of you out there who love lists. This is as simple and as straightforward as it gets six ways to love your brothers and sisters in Christ.

Now, the list is a simple one, but by no means is it an easy one.

Because there's a cost to loving people like this, and we should expect there to be a cost if our definition of love is correct, that love gives sacrificially of itself for the benefit of the object of its affection.

So there is a what I'll call a normal cost associated with loving other believers, like the way that Jesus is imploring us to love your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, in the ways that Jesus is laid out for us.

It's going to cost you money, time and energy to do it. It costs money to provide food, water and clothing for someone else. And if you choose to do that, that's money that you could have spent on yourself, but instead you're spending it on another person for their benefit.

But it's more than money, it also takes time and energy when you think about what it would take to show hospitality to a brother or sister by bringing them into your home if they have no place to go or to go visit those who are sick or in prison. Tax time and energy you could be using to fulfill your own personal bucket list or pour into fulfilling your own comforts in this life, but in this case, you're using what you've been given for someone else's benefit.

That's the normal cost associated with loving like this, but then there's something I want to call the tribulation cost that's associated with loving people like this because remember the scene that we're in right now, the scene that Jesus is talking about here comes at the end of the tribulation when he comes back.

The one we know as Antichrist has been ferociously persecuting Jews and believers in Christ for the three and a half years leading up to Christ's return, God's people have been running, hiding, starving, and dying during this time of war, the name of Jesus.

Christians will be in prison during this time. But not because of prison ministries, where Christians go in to preach the gospel to inmates so that they might be saved, during this time, Christians will be put into prison simply for being Christians.

It's going to cost more. It's going to cost way more than just time, energy, and money to love God's people in this time. It may cost you your social status. It may cost you your freedom. It may cost you even your very life. I want you to think of what it cost people to help Jews during the Holocaust. Cost. It's going to be the same, be similar in the time of the tribulation. So, they love God's people in the way we're talking about here tonight, you will need to throw in your lot with them and suffer with them because you identify with them.

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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

Can I suggest to you what you should do if that ever happens to me? Take care of my family. Take care of the practical needs. If I got out of prison 10 years later and you met me and you told me how you loved me and were praying for me and were waiting with anticipation for my release, those would be really nice words to hear.

But if when I got home and found that my family got kicked out of our house because they couldn't afford the payments anymore and they were homeless for a bit and then they died of starvation. What do you think your words of love and affection would mean to me?

They would mean absolutely nothing, because if you loved me, you would take care of my family.

And I think that's one important way that we need to understand the connection between loving Jesus and loving his family.

We love him by loving his family.

That's one way. But here's another way to look at the connection to see the Bible describes a real. Mystical union that exists between Jesus and his people, there is a mysterious reality surrounding our position in Christ right now.

That's true of every single Christian around the world.

Jesus is in us. And we are in him. The Bible says that Christians are in crisis is your next in on your outline. The Bible says that Christians are in Christ first. Peter five, verse 14 says peace to all of you who are in Christ and Philippians. One one says to all the saints in Christ Jesus who are at Phillipi.

And Romans eight one says there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, I don't have it on your outline, but if you look up Ephesians chapter one, you're going to see In verses three and four and six and seven and 11 and 13 in Christ, in Christ, in Christ, over and over and over. The Bible says that Christians are in Jesus Christ. But the next fill in on your own mind is this.

The Bible also says that Christ is in Christians, that Christ is in Christians. Caution's one twenty seven.

To them, God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory and Romans, eight, 10 to 11 says. But if Christ is in you, although the body is dead because of sin, the spirit is life because of righteousness. If the spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his spirit.

Who dwells in you?

The Bible also says that Christ is in Christians, so according to the Bible, in some very real, some very mysterious way, there is a oneness that we share with Jesus, him in us and us in him.

So when you see a fellow believer, you are in a very real way looking at Christ himself. This is very important, none of us is Jesus, only Jesus is Jesus, but Jesus chooses to identify with his people in such an intimate way that when you do something to one of us, he says it's the same thing as doing it directly to him.

I wonder, wonder with me. If we treated our fellow Christians any different. If we saw Jesus when we looked at them. That will be a great question that you want this week. So. What does showing love to a brother or sister in Christ look like? Well, in our text, Jesus gives us six practical ways to show love to him by showing it to his people. One, give food to the hungry Christian to give water to the thirsty Christian.

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Useless trivia

Australian dumpling chain Din Tai Fung and two of its managers have been hit with AU$4 million (NZ$4.4 million) in fines for deliberately underpaying workers and attempting to cover it up.

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What if men were attracted to hairy eyebrows. Should they be covered? I always notice attractive eyebrows.

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If an Islamic person was bald, would she still cover her head? Or wear a wig, and then cover that up?

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Some women shave their eyebrows off and then paint them back on. What's the point?

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Moses was up mount Sinai for quite some time. 40 days I believe. Did he take sandwiches with him and plenty to drink. When he returned, he was described as having a red face as if he was sunburned. Maybe too much wine.

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