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Problems? No Problem!

Don't Be Afraid Of Making Mistakes...............

Life is so great, full of blessings and opportunities. Live in peace and be happy; regardless of whatever happens to you or around you, no problem!

As long as we live, everybody goes through circumstances; some of these circumstances are called problems by some people. If we think we have problems and that we will live in misery because of them, we are right. If we think the circumstances or challenges we have to face are the result of our erroneous choices and actions and they can be fixed, we also are correct. It is a choice and our attitude is what determines our results; it is entirely up to us. At the end, everything is and will be OK. Your attitude determines how you feel physically and mentally and how successful our lives become.

As long as we visualize life's challenges as bigger than us, we will not be able to overcome them, to grow nor improve. There is no problem in making mistakes, at all. All of us make mistakes, but the real problem is not being aware of them.

Awareness is the first step to solve problems and to progress. We don't have to feel useless, incapable, depressed, or failures when we make mistakes. As a matter of fact, all problems and mistakes are opportunities. We find balance by making mistakes, they give us experiences and the opportunity to improve our lives, they are part of our growth, and they are teaching us that next time we need to do it differently.

Making mistakes doesn't make us useless, incapable, worthless or failures unless we quit. When you have a problem or make a mistake, just get up and keep going; at the end of the tunnel there is always light. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. What really affects your performance are the fears and doubts, and wasting your time thinking about something that already happened.

We all are here to learn, nobody is perfect. Instead of focusing on the problems in the past, focus on the results you want. The more time you spend thinking and doing what you want, the better you feel and the closer you are to accomplishing it. Be confident! Never, never, never hesitate! Mistakes are opportunities in disguise. Making a mistake is only telling us that we need to learn something new, that it is time to change, and change is growth.

In order to grow and reach harmony, life will always put us in the place where we need to be, and as many times as we need, until we learn the lesson. If things are not going the way you want, life, through our problems, is telling us that we need to change our attitude, the way we are thinking, feeling and acting. As Albert Einstein said, "A problem can not be solved with the same mind that created it".

The only way to solve any problem is to be aware of it and understand it. So, if you want all aspects of your life to be in harmony, to change and improve, put yourself in a different environment, in a different mind frame. Educate yourself, learn as much as you can and dare to do new things. Say to yourself, "I am bigger than my problems, fear and doubts, and I have everything it takes to succeed".

Be responsible and become part of the solution. Give and don't depend on others but yourself. Face your life without fear, with confidence and don't run away from your problems, because as long as you don't solve them, they will always be there chasing you; it doesn't matter where you go. If you want to prevent, avoid and be able to solve all your problems, the confused, conflictive and poor person within you needs to die and you have to become a winner, a problems solver.

Love without thinking about it, give the best of you, appreciate what you have, live in peace, smile, and be happy regardless any circumstance.

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I miss this weekend already.

Cliche is good some times, right? I'm going to go ahead and be cliche by saying I hate Mondays. Monday taints Sunday night into feeling like it isn't part of the weekend cuz you have to get up in the morning. Monday makes Sunday (as a whole) feel like the end of a good thing. sigh That thing what gets me through it is whats just on the horizon: my future military career. I put up with my everyday, day-to-day, day after day life because I look forward to the future. And in that future? I won't work a day in my life because I will love my job. yay I think I was put on this earth to serve and make other people's lives easier... and soon I will get my chance to live up to that potential. No bull. Night, CS.
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What type of Girlfriend or boyfriend you're

Looking for?............
As you know some people looking for rich man or woman, age doesn't matter, look doesn't matter...
Some people looking for sexy man or woman, personality doesn't matter, character doesn't matter....
some people looking for only physical appearance, handsome man or pretty woman...that all...
some people looking for a nice person, look doesn't really important....

so what type of girlfriend or boy friend you're looking for?
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"Vanity, is definetely my favorite sin" devil's advocate

I find it most intriguing how we as a society wish others to search beyond the depths of our flesh to seek connection. Though, we tend to also become drawn by the physical fasade of one's shell, often creating a judgement based on such. We label this with preference, or attraction, even go as far as stating labels of acknowledgement by using titles such as beautiful or gorgeous. Become bothered when others state we are not of its caliber or worthy of its name. Oh Vanity, we seek it, hide of it, deny it and yet are drawn...
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my last day using this site.

I'm announcing that I'm leaving this site because there hasn't been any hope for me here. No one has bothered to talk to me even when I tried talking to them. Most of the women are so cold hearted in this web site. I just hope I could find something better in life. If anybody objects me leaving please say something.
Anybody got any comments to make now's the time.
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Who is feeling lonely in Calgary,AB

I am looking for a friend with good heart Who feels comfortable with me?
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Weekend night, sitting down here quietly, I can't stop myself thinking how come some people's life is full of misery? It is raining now and a boy next door's funeral...His father left him and his mother when he was 2 years old...He grew up 14, got mental problem...Still go to work to help his mother...One week ago he went to buy a bike without letting his mother know. He fell down from the bike and died after staying unconscious in hospital for 6 days...The mother is now crying, and fainting then fainting and crying...Her eldest daughter killed herself two years ago and now at 60 she must take care of her grandchild (her eldest daughter's kid)...Now the son is gone, how is she going to face it? I can't imagine...
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My friends all say I should let go. You tied me down.

I don't have the heart to tell them I threw out the scissors
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Create oppertunities and luck will surely follow

In order for good things to happen to you,you have to send the right signals out to the cosmos,to other people and to yourself. You cant just sit on your bum and wait for possitive things to happen ;you have to show that your worthy of them. People who succeed,actively set out to create oppertunities. They dont always know exactly what they want but they dont let that stop them. They just keep trying until they find it. hug
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