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Newest Holidays Poems (355)

Here is a list of Holidays Poems ordered by Newest, posted by members. Read poetry, post your own poems or comments. Poems on these pages are copyrighted © by the authors who entered them. Click here to post a poem.

April Fools

April Fools

April Fools was this past Monday, most of the time I don't pull any jokes on people, just afraid of the payback I guess.

Easter 2024

Scribbled this one to share with the few I usually greet during holidays and might as well post it here as well... for others to enjoy...

Egg Dye

Egg Dye

I just found out about the easy peel eggs cooking method about two years ago on a youtube clip.

2024 New Year's Wish

Just came to be as New Yrs Eve 2023 was within reach..and sent it to my all too few nearest and dearest so I can pass on some cheer and as much positivity ...

The Best Christmas Gift

The Best Christmas Gift

I have three days off till Monday, then four hours of work and another 14 days off, maybe I'll get lucky and have someone to play games with during the day, that would be nice!



I have been watching Chirstmas shows and movies since November 1. I watched Planes Trains and Automobiles first for Thanksgiving.



I will be voting third party because I don't see either party supporting our veterans with the respect they deserve.

Injuries while carving pumpkins

Injuries while carving pumpkins

I spent almost five hours carving pumpkins today, the website for the patterns is, for five dollars, you get 20 patterns, they have a lot of really good patterns, tomorrow I'm carving Darth Vader and King Kong. Happy Halloween everybody!

Quotes from Horror Movies

Quotes from Horror Movies

I've seen all of these many times, when there is a movie with more than one release, I gave the original date, the original Hitcher was released in 1986. I would have watched it, but Netflix discontinued their dvds through the mail, something I have had since 2011.



Haiku on the parade I went to today on September 9, 2023 for Dairy Days in Platteville, Wisconsin.



The last two lines are from the song which spent it's second week at number one on the billboard charts.

July 4

July 4

I listen to many songs related to the Fourth of July, Voices That Care from the 91 Iraq and Kuwait War, and God Bless the USA by Lee Greenwood, American Pie by Don McLean is another good one.



It's Good Friday and it's great to be off for three days! Happy Easter Everyone!

The War on Christmas

The War on Christmas

God bless you all my brothers and sisters.

Thats true but

That’s true, but…

This is my take on Christmas.



Just remembering my years of TV watching till 1987 when we got our first VCR, 2004 brought DVD, and then in 2021 I got my first cell phone.

Night of the Meek

Night of the Meek

There are some real heart warming shows and movies about Christmas, this one definitely warms the heart.

New Ornament

New Ornament

I had a hard time spending that much money on ornaments, but it is so cool, I'm glad I did!

The Shining Retold

The Shining Retold

The Shining has some of the best acting of any movie by Shelley Duvall and Jack Nicholson

Thinner Retold

Thinner Retold

I buy a baked strawberry pie every year and watch Steven King's Thinner

Carrie Retold

Carrie Retold

Stephen King just celebrated his 75th birthday on September 21. I enjoy his first novel of Carrie, which as you know, ends rather badly.



I try to go to every Dairy Days Parade and sometimes I get to go to the Belmont parade. My next parade will be in WI Dells next Sunday. I will go the Homecoming Parade here in town for the university on October 15.

The 4th of July

The 4th of July

I used to go to Dubque, but got tired of the crowds and the unsafe conditions of that town, now I go here in Platteville, Wisconsin.



I miss my Mom and I'm grateful

Buffet and a Tip

Buffet and a Tip

I have to go to my Dad's grave the day before Easter and inter my Mom's ashes above my Dad's grave with my sister and my Dad's two sisters. It sits on a bluff above the city of Dubuque, Iowa. You can see the grave yard and my uncle's flag pole when you cross the Mississippi River going from Wisconsin.

Las Vegas

Las Vegas

This is something I have wanted to do since I can remember as a teenager, so I just did it and I feel good about that, and I got paddled at Heart Attack Grill too!



"The future's so bright, I gotta wear shades!"

Reindeer Flu

Reindeer Flu

This was written one Christmas while ill with the flu. After the past couple of years, it would be nice to hear about the regular old flu. May this bring a good chuckle to you and may you all have a very Merry/Happy Christmas!

A Cowboys Night Before Christmas

A Cowboy's Night Before Christmas

A new poem as has been requested. :-D I'd had this one in the pipeline for quite a while as it was re-told to me recently by a local cowboy who emphatically swore up and down that this actually happened to him out West. . This is my interpretation (which I shared with him and he absolutely loves by the way) and now with you, Dear Reader.

Good Drive On Good Friday

Good Drive On Good Friday

I am thankful for these four days off so I can do some fun things.

You Are Never Alone

You Are Never Alone!

I composed my latest masterpiece while in the depths of depression. Engulfed in my pain and suffering. Because poets and stuff are made to suffer and feel pain. Otherwise, i am doing fine! Tonight i plan to take out the old binocs and go hang out in a dark parking lot not far from the hotel so i can look at the drunk girls thru their opened curtains, in various stages of undress. Thank you.

No Place For The Holidays

No Place For The Holidays

My mom went in a nursing home, so my favorite three holidays will have no family in them, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, because her house got sold this summer. This is a parody of There's No Place Like Home For The Holidays.

Eating Thanksgiving Food

Eating Thanksgiving Food

I am getting a turkey and a ham at work in about a week, I'll have to save the wishbone. I know that neither Indian or native american is the proper term, but I can't remember what they were called in Massachusetts. I also noticed the butter I buy no longer has an Indian woman on it.

The Day Before Halloween

The Day Before Halloween

I went to main street in Platteville and wrote this as the trick or treaters were getting their candy. The Hulk, a goblin, and a cheerleader just went by.

Upon the Air of Halloween

Upon the Air of Halloween

Some ruminations on Halloween.

Stuff To Do In October

Stuff To Do In October

I miss dressing up as a sleestak from Land of the Lost or Dracula and running from house to house to get candy. My favorite as a kid was the minirolls of Life Savers.

Being Dead Aint Easy

Being Dead Ain't Easy

Watching a lot of zombie movies and basing this on Return of the Living Dead where the zombies have to eat brains in order to stop feeling pain.

Pet Semetary

Pet Semetary

Pet Semetary is one of my favorite Halloween movies, South Park did a parody of this movie which is from the book by Stephen King

Deprogramming the days of dismay

Deprogramming the days of dismay

My disdain for programming. Calendars are just one part of it. Our Native elder's believed e v e r y day to be sacred. Every day is a day to honor, respect, & show love for both parents (not just 1 day of the year; our parents didn't feed us, clothe us, etc. only 1 day of the year). So how is it that after you we leave the nest, we're only expected to show them love and reverence ONE effing day!? Bullsh*t! Definitely want nothing to do with a day that celebrates the massacre of the Pequot tribe (take a wild guess what holiday that is). Aaaaaand I'm not even going to bother listing everything that I've researched on Xmas. ROFL ---- I fast on this day also. Although if you're curious, you may wanna research what the colors red/crimson against the green symbolizes. So aye, traditions and things . . .I prefer to know the origins of anything I celebrate. See the thing about History, is it's typically the story of the victor, not the remnant left over's of massacre trying to pick up the pieces after. Once I've discovered the true origins of something (the energy behind it) if it's founded on the duress of others, that forever alters my perception of that holiday. So I can't fake the funk on "programming". Just feels better all the way around for every day to be sacred, because then the primary focus is gratitude for having another day. Alive is good reason to celebrate, isn't it?

Vacation to Maine

Vacation to Maine

I have managed to keep myself busy, but next time I'm flying, the road traffic was too much.

Garage Sale Drama

Garage Sale Drama

I was lucky enough to be off work today so I could get a few garage sales in. I asked a woman I bought a joke book about Norwegians if she was, she laughed and said she was Swedish.



I try to watch The Ten Commandments and Schindler's List every year around Lent. "Whoever saves one life, save the world entire."

Poems entered on these pages are copyrighted by the authors who entered them. They cannot be reproduced without the author's written consent. © Copyright 2001-2024. All rights reserved.

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