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Last Commented Prose Poems (416)

Here is a list of Last Commented Prose Poems written by members. Read poetry, post your own poems or comments. Poems on these pages are copyrighted © by the authors who entered them. Click here to post a poem.


the last job

"when I buried hate
and then forgave
a poem grew
around the grave"

The old man appeared surly, because he WAS surly. He spent the latter part of the day as he had it's commencement, trying to fit in.

Wilbur was a town much like any other. It had once been a destination. Now it was a way to another way. Viewed from an elevated pass, it was not unlike a medical sketch of the human heart. An arterial way in, a mixing chamber .. and a road out. As with any heart, women were found there. But that's another story.

The man studied the faces of the men who drank with him. A shot glass was swallowed by his hand before his throat made sure. Cigar smoke hung heavy, and a card game pitched and rolled around the workings of his ear. All his work was done a town ago. The spoils lay in a bag by his feet under the table. Every now and then, when it took his fancy to do so, he felt down for his holster. It was a cold day in a God forsaken town, but the still warm barrel bestowed a peace on him.

The old man had wounds. The kind only whiskey could cauterise. His scars visible only to the workings of his mind. He was the second to the last one born, toiling for food on his daddy's farm, scratching an existence from dust and hopelessness.

A blacksmith will impart wisdom to a man, if you are fortunate enough to know one of even temper. Metal is very much like character. Some wilt in the furnace of tribulation, some are made stronger. Some, it turns out, are even remade by terrible pain.

The old man's story would be told in the newspapers and wanted signs. In the throats of story tellers and in the cautionary sermons of learned men. But the true nature of his business was between him and his father. He didn't rob that bank and kill those men to take something. He was giving something away.

His name.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Apr 2019
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Loving You

No words have been formed to express
The depths of LOVING in me you have left.
All I can do is imagine your welcome reception
Of my life into yours, letting go of the stress.

What separates us is only the fear that
other insignificant matters may take precedent
And somehow alter our personal identity when lent
In LOVING each other...oh, let us reinvent.

LOVING, while unconditional, bruises the soul
But the experience makes us become refined,and whole--
Needing nothing, growing in maturity, passionately entwined--
Joined together---body, soul, and mind.

While LOVING you has afflicted my heart and spiritual space
There is no greater joy this connection could generate
The energy shared between both us so sensually laced
By our Father before there was a date.

M. Elizabeth Smith

Play: "Loving You" -
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Aug 2019
About this poem:
This was written to express feelings experienced when love between a significant other has been turned off. It is written to encourage your remembrance of the good the relationship brought to one's life.
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The Journey


Muddling through the masses--soul to soul
Rising day to day incomplete, not whole--
For what is missing is that spiritual connect
That satisfies the body, even the intellect…

Wandering around bumping into each other we meet
One muses in her mind how the Loving Father
Could allow such misery and grief to visit our feet.
Yet, in spite of these mitigating factors
One chases the one thing that really matters…

So, onward we tread over hate and confusion
Because we must come to this very conclusion
That no matter of the time and energy we expend
We all are creatures who will have lived our lives
And the journey will end in…

M. Elizabeth Smith
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Aug 2019
About this poem:
This piece was inspired by a gentleman I met on a dating site. Our relationship impacted my life, leaving me with all these emotions and nowhere to expend them. So, I prayed, and got the answer to write the poem (prose). We are not communicating. However, I look for the day we resume contact. The music inspired the title.
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Friends! :)

Just before we took that final leap,
From childhood into something else,
We once again called a truce.

As the days and weeks go by,
So few, I find, are what they seemed.
But you, I know,
I wish to keep close to me.

There've been many years and changes,
Yet, somehow we've made it though.
Always friends!!!!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: May 2019
About this poem:
That poem is for the friendship between the people!!!! It means, people can stay best friends, forever!!!! I wrote it, because I believe in the true friendship between the people!!!!! Then, I felt excited!!!!
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Dream me

I am a dream
of I

Dream me a sweeter
dream said I

Dream me a tear that
cannot cry

Awake me from this
dreamy sigh

Pinch me from my
drowsy I

Kiss me awake from
my dying I

Enlarge my heart from
this blinded eye

Hope me again for
a second try

Dream me wings til
I surely fly
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Apr 2013
About this poem:
Thought I'd try something a bit different. Hope
you like.
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Ripples of Laughter

Perhaps I can sit
And send all my secrets to you
Think of your face
Hope all of those signals get through

Well I wrote on the water
But my words just clung to the shore
The ripples just echoed with laughter
And I wrote no more

How times have changed
But still nothing has changed after all
Time is a healer
But will always leave the wounds sore

I melted the ice
And my reasons started to flow
But when I had turned you had gone
They had nowhere to go

With glass held in hand
I sip wine from those bygone days
The bottle is empty
Now all I can see is a haze

I think of those ripples
And wonder if they have a home
Or do they just wait
To see all my words sink like a stone

Perhaps I should place
All these things I say in a boat
And build it with memories
In the hope that my words stay afloat

Attaching a message
So perhaps it might find its way
Then I’ll wait by the shore
For a reply that may come back one day
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jan 2019
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It’s lovely to see you again

How time passes quickly by
No more than a blink of an eye
Is this really where we meet
Among so many strangers as we share a seat

It’s been sometime that we’ve last spoken
Somewhere inside memories have woken
Is it really that long ago?
I look older but I guess you know

As you can tell eventually
The years rolled on I got married as well
Feelings I have I thought went away
But seeing you now they were meant to stay

After all these years we are back on our own
And the cruelness of age has placed us here in this home
Perhaps companionship was meant to be
I know I’ve missed you but have you missed me

Yes it’s lovely to see you again
My friend
Come sit a while
A while, yes awhile

It’s so lovely to see you again
My friend
I see we’ve learnt to smile
To smile, yes to smile
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jan 2019
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The Tear

I stand by your side and think how it begun
Look up to the sky and see moon chasing the sun
Watching the clouds hide behind evening haze
To the song of the lark that is singing your praise.

We were both childhood sweethearts we were so young
Yet we both did not realise that our paths had begun
And though we were children and only played games
A love would start growing and would be fanned by the flames.

And as we grew older I remember that first kiss
It gave a redemption encompassed in bliss
That embrace fought a battle and took away fear
And my lips kissed your eye to taste that sweet tear.

Then one day they called me and said I must fight
To leave all my family and defend what is right
With only a picture they took me away
Not knowing that I would return back one day.

Many years passed and I wrote to you
Telling you what I thought you must do
I told you to forget me and not be my bride
As the sounds of the battle took away what was inside.

Yet a pledge that you made and you waited for me
And wound I encountered sent me back free
I promise I’d remain with you for the rest of life
And the very next month I took you as wife.

Three children we had and one child we lost
In another great war that we paid with a cost
The years kept on passing and age came to stay
But the love that we had never faded away.

Then time took its toll of which we are a slave
Now I’m here standing by the edge of your grave
And I think back the memories of that which were ours
As I kneel down beside you to lay down these flowers.

I know that my journey will not be to long
Which is why every day I sing you this song?
For one day we’ll meet and in our arms will remain
And to kiss the sweet tear once more again.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jan 2019
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She's such a freak!

There’s no excitement like the chance of getting caught

I'm down her throat
My two fingers tickling and she releases juices
My car seat is the best place in the world for now....

I hold her hair while she gets me deep-in
she’s excited to get me climaxed

In my car
My rock hard d*ck receiving awesome completion
while I'm nervously looking around... afraid of getting caught..

In my car parked right in front of her house ...
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Dec 2018
About this poem:
What is this life
if full of care
we have no time
to make love and relax...

No time to find a room
for love
Be in comfort of bed and the usual settings

Good to play out-of-box sometimes n manytimes...
Nice to be LUCKY in places where you could get caught....
...Ha ha ha ha...Let our passions be our religion....Let's be fanatic together...!!!
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France.. bleu, blanc... rouge sang..

Je regarde impuissant des vidéos de la France.. ma France.. debout... en proie aux flammes.. à genous.. en larmes..
Je regarde impuissant les nouveaux rois élus se vautrer sans honte dans les excès que le pouvoir leurs accordent... et le mépris qu'ils ont de leur peuple...
Je regarde impuissant des femmes, des hommes, des personnes agées voire des enfants devenir les victimes des violences policières alors que ces gens ne réclament que justice, droiture et le rétablissement d'une morale politique depuis longtemps devenue une plaisanterie...
Je regarde impuissant, ici même, la censure gouvernementale faire fi des droits de chacun d'exprimer une opinion qui n'est pas celle de ceux au pouvoir...
Je regarde impuissant la France, pays des droits de l'homme, du code civil, de Hugo, Zola, Jaurès, Rabelais, Montesquieux, Descartes, Voltaire, Diderot et tant d'autres écrivain, philosophe, reporteur d'un temps, d'une époque devenir une dictature au service des lobbies, des grands groupes, des banques et des marchés financiers...
Je regarde impuissant notre devise qui hier encore inspira d'autres nations, maculée de sang aux facades de nos lieux publiques... liberté mon cul... égalité mon cul... fraternité.. la votre peuple de France n'est plus à remettre en question.. mais à quel prix? Celui du sand, de la violence.. et de la honte... la votre Mesdames et Messieurs du gouvernement..
Je regarde impuissant ce gouvernement aux relents facistes et néo-nazis se rire de mes soeurs et mes frères, battus par le système, accablés de dettes.. avec des fins de mois difficiles qui commencent dès le premier de chaque mois...
Je regarde tout ça.. impuissant car trop loin pour vous rejoindre dans ce combat... du fond de cet exile que je me suis choisi... parce que la France, ma France est devenue une moquerie démocratique et une farce économique dont je ne voulais pas.. ou plus précisemment ne pouvais financièrement pas m'offrir...
Je regarde.. tout ça.. impuissant... et des larmes coulent parce que même loin, même trop loin mon coeur appartient à jamais à la France...
Et mon âme à jamais portera ses couleurs.. bleu... blanc... et si rouge aujourd'hui du sang que vous Monsieur Macron, du fond de votre vie de luxe financée par les impots directs, indirects, hausses en tout genre que vous, comme maint de vos prédécésseurs, avez voulu afin de vous offrir une vaisselle de roi pour vous restaurer galamment cependant que votre peuple crève de faim...
Je suis un gilet jaune.. je suis de ceux qui demande, qui exige votre démission.. la votre comme celle de votre gouvernement..
Je suis un gilet jaune.. et je vous emmerde..
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Dec 2018
About this poem:
Impression du moment... sur l'état de la France... et ce qui s'y passe.. et pourquoi... ??

Little report of current situation.. about what is happening in France.. and why..
I wrote and published this on my Facebook page...
I'm not a political person... but this is going too far... in between corruption and complete disconnection of a government that does nothing but increase taxes on the poor meanwhile the richest one get away with murder...
Sorry... it's in French.. not sure it's appropriate language for most of you... copy it into Google translate maybe will help!! Lol
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