My friend's niece got hit by a train last week

Sorry, forgot. Yes, there definitely is an investigation going on. Not sure what's going on with that though.

I have a foreigner interested in me

Thanks for your opinions. Not sure of his motives yet. Yes, I'm well aware of the age difference. As I said, my guard's up.

I have a foreigner interested in me

There's this young hot Italian guy who comes into the place my friend & I hang out in who seems genuinely interested in me. There are a few problems though. I'm not sure of his age, but he's seems quite a bit younger. I'm 43 & I'd judge him to be in his 20s. Also, he barely speaks any english & I find myself trying to remember my 2 years of spanish class from high school! I'm not even sure if Italian is the same or similar to Spanish! Thirdly, my friends are warning me that he may be looking at me as a ticket to gain citizenship into the country. Believe me, my guard is up. But he IS cute! I need some opinions please...

My friend's niece got hit by a train last week

No, we were out at a local establishment & he was there, shooting pool with another girl. When he saw us, he paid up & they left.

As for the previous comment... yes, it's nice that he's there. But any medical professional will tell you that she will not be able to sleep as well with him & his wife in the room. The daughter will just keep being aroused from her sleep to see if he's still there & feel obligated to try to stay awake to talk to him. And yes, there are germs in the hospital, but they're trying to keep them out of her room. I do appreciate your opinion though! Thanks! wine

My friend's niece got hit by a train last week

Thanks so much. Unfortunately, she's not well. She has pneumonia & is partially sedated. They put the ventilator back on her. I'd like to see her, but I'm sure the less people carrying germs in & out & the less people bothering her when she should be resting, the better she'll be. I just pray she makes it through this. Her poor mother is devaitated. Her father hasn't left her side, which isn't exactly the best thing for her because she needs her rest & each time he leaves & comes back, he's bringing more germs in the room. Besides, he hadn't been there for her while she was growing up, but doesn't want to leave now. Yes, obviously he cares. But he's not really doing her all that much good, when you think about it.

My friend's niece got hit by a train last week

I'm sorry to hear about your son! How is he now? Thanks for your sentiments! hug

My friend's niece got hit by a train last week

I asked my friend how her niece was doing last night. She told me she has pneumonia. Please keep praying for her, she really needs it! We're going to try to get in to see her this weekend.

RE: Family and Friends

Although people in my family have been wonderful, I tend to lean more on my friends. They're ALWAYS there for me. But then, so is my daughter... usually.

Right now, my brother & sister won't even talk to me because I bought my house. I guess they're jealous. Neither one works. I have POA for my father & they think I used his money to get my place. Of course, they never said a word to me... my sister laid into my daughter, who stuck up for me, as did my stepfather. My sister had a birthday party for 2 of her kids this past weekend & never invited me. If she'd said something to me, I could've shown her bank statements!

RE: Which is worse?

I cursed quite a bit when I was a teen. After I had my daughter, I used substitutes instead. Like "fudgecicles" instead of f**k, son-of-a-bum instead of son-of-a-b**ch, and I always say "you bad word!". People laugh at that one! I just don't like swearing. And if I think a guy is swearing too much when he's trying to impress me, I let him know.

RE: question for ladies

I forgot about Drakkar Noir!! My ex-boyfriend used to wear that! Loved it!! heart beating

My friend's niece got hit by a train last week

We are. And we (nor anyone else, I believe) haven't spoken a word about that night with her. Sometimes the best thing for a victim is the loss of that memory. Who would want to relive a horrible thing like that?

My friend's niece got hit by a train last week

I definitely will. My friend & I... along with some others... are wondering if he didn't PUSH her.

RE: question for ladies

Dolce or Tommy! MMMMMM!!!! love

My friend's niece got hit by a train last week

We went to visit her in the hospital the other evening. I can't believe she lived through it! They had had her sedated for a few days, because she kept trying to pull the tubes out when they'd bring her to. But when we visited her, she was actually awake! She actually doesn't look bad! She lost a front tooth & is swollen. She broke several ribs, ruptured her spleen, messed up her kidney, & had lacerations on her liver. I felt sooo bad for her!

Her boyfriend was with her when it happened. We're very suspicious of what possibly happened. We were out the night after it happened & saw him there with another girl. My friend called the police & left the investigating officer know this.

When we left her room, I told my friend, "I HATE him!!!" I asked why he wasn't there with her & my friend told me he's not allowed there.

Please pray for her. She's 26 & has an 8 year old daughter. She's going to have a loooong road to recovery! please

RE: how far?

I agree. That's what would stop me too. I couldn't leave my daughter or my grandbabies.

RE: crushes

I have a secret crush on a couple of people... not telling who though. blushing

I'm on my way

One note... I found out that because my real estate agent quit the company before my sale was done, SHE didn't receive ANY of the commission on my sale! I was very steamed about that!! very mad

I'm on my way

Then congrats to you too! I'll just be glad when the whole moving process is over & I can relax in MY house! No more abiding by the landlord's rules!! yay

I'm on my way

Never thought of that song... but it does fit perfectly!

SF, you always have an open invitation! wink

RE: whats that youre eating?

Macaroni & cheese.... from a box.

I'm on my way

Thanks everyone! I got the keys & went right over. My friend came over with a bottle of champagne & some plastic cups. I met the president of the HOA... he lives 2 doors down & heard the cork pop! laugh

Got the utilities turned on yesterday & started scrubbing. Now I want to take some more time off of work & start painting. I want to paint the living room & hallway/stairway, the upstairs bathroom, & my spare bedroom. The rest of the house is wallpapered. Soooo much to do!! And my current place is a TOTAL MESS!!! doh

I'm on my way

To go sign my life away! My closing's at 6:00 tonight. Next time I visit here, I'll be in debt up to my ears! But I'll be happy!! banana banana yay yay peace peace

RE: When is 'Enough' Enough?

I was thinking this exact thing!

RE: Do you live in same country and/or city you were born?

I was born in Topeka, KS. I now live in Hershey, PA. I'm an Air Force brat, so I've lived MANY places. I still love to travel & wouldn't trade my vagabond upbringing for anything.

RE: Superstitions:-

If your nose itches, it means a kiss, a letter, or something better.

If your palm itches, you'll be getting money.

If your ears are ringing, someone is talking about you.

If a black cat crosses your path, you will have bad luck.

If you break a mirror, you'll have 7 years of bad luck.

RE: what is your favorite band of all time?

I like that song too! Just heard it last night.

So I thought I'd bought a house

Thank you! I'm hoping I can hold onto this til the market goes back up & I can make a good profit on it.

So I thought I'd bought a house

Thank you! Today's the big day!

RE: What R U Drinking right now?

Coca-Cola. Bought a 6-pack at Dollar General for $1.85. I wish I could buy GAS that cheap!!! mumbling

So I thought I'd bought a house

I hope you getting back up to par. We were all worried.

This is a list of forum posts created by sweetowen.

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