ruoutthere143ruoutthere143 Forum Posts (272)

RE: How Many are actually Who They Say They Are?

Yeah I agree, I always wonder about the ones that don't post pictures at all.. then over-exagerate their profiles.
Then when you ask them to send you a picture, they don't send one to you. That makes no sense to me. I am 100 percent genuine... the only "old" picture of myself is my glamour shot which is 2 years old, I wouldn't call that old.. the rest have been taken within the past 6 months and I haven't changed at all.. My profile describes me to a T.
And anyway, why would someone want to be a fake and be willing to go on a date with someone here only to have them find out that they are a fake. That also makes no sense to me. But I do agree, some probably are.

RE: Tell me about your pets.

Yeah I know, I got them.. he don't like them.. I've found he prefers Doublemint gum... had a heck of a time pulling that crap outta his mouth in long strings.

RE: Newbie hasn't too much to say

I'm sort of new here too, welcome!!

If you were stuck in an elevator w/someone famous.. who would it be?

Either it would be "Whoopie Goldberg" (I love that woman, funny and a humanitarian) or "Stephen King" with the lights out. He's got one heck of a way of mixing humor with horror.

RE: I Remember The days When......

There were no SUV's!!

RE: Yellow rose needs prayers

May God grant you the courage to endure during the time of waiting to ease your fear. And prayers for you for a speedy recovery.

RE: hurt and not giving up

Like I posted here in other boards, now you know what your "flags" are. Love is a two way street, not a "One Way" one or you will crash in the middle. I have a problem with trying so hard to make a man in my life happy, forgetting about myself. I've learned the hard way that it's not selfish to think of myself too, and how I feel. So I've developed my own "Flags", once I spot one... the guy is not worth it... literally. That might make me single for a looonnng time, but even though it's lonely, I'd rather be lonely than hurt again.

RE: if you were a superheroe what would your superhero name be?

Octopus Woman!... able to grab my kid in one single catch!

RE: Going Gaga In the Baby Aisle..............

I know what you mean...! I love those cute dresses and jeans pant/skirt suits for girls... I have a boy who I let pretty much pick out his own stuff now when we go shopping, (peer thing) but there's just something about shopping for little girls that makes me go GAGA too.. can't help it! Have fun!

Need some advice on stomach flu

Thanks everyone!! I tried the yogurt and it did work wonders!!... I never heard of that.. I'll keep everyone else's suggestions on hand cause I didn't get a chance to look on this board till now.. now my kid's his old, rambunctious, driving me nuts self! Which in this case, I love to see!.. And everyone else, in addition to your own remedies, also try the yorgurt. (I did cheat a little and put a small swirl of strawberry syrup on it just so it tastes a little better, being plain and all.) But all of your suggestions sound wonderful.. I'm printing them out so I can have it on hand when I need it.

Thanks again everyone!
Love Ann and l'il Jeffrey
((((hugs to all of you)))

Need some advice on stomach flu

Wow! Thanks! He's thanking you too!! He was crying and throwing up, that kills my heart.. I felt so helpless. In the morn I'll p/u yogurt.

RE: What's the best or worse dating experience you've ever had...

Wow!! What a nutcase! You're a lucky lady.. it could've been a heck of a lot worse! If he tries to come back I'd stick him with a restraining order.

Mine wasn't as scary as yours, but close.. Friend of mine with an evil intent towards another one of her friends set me up on a date with this girl's boyfriend which I had no clue of what was going on. So We went out to dinner. He was very, very quiet and nervous about something that I couldn't quite figure. Throughout the dinner, I kinda gave up trying to stir conversation and tried to dream up ways to upgrade that old "I have a headache" line so I could escape the hell outta there. He was a total, absolute dud! Anyway, after I got home, I got a phone call from some hysterical girl, absolutely shreeking at me and I couldn't figure out at first who it was until I kinda calmed her down to get a name out of her only to find out that it was this guys' girlfriend! I told her that nothing happened, we only had dinner, I had no idea that he had a girlfriend and he definitely WAS NOT my type! What a situation! I found out my "friend" gave her my number... I was PISSED!! Although time has passed and I've forgiven her for that, but it's never been forgotten, if you know what I mean.

RE: What is a really awsome movies that your first date would take you to.

Anything but "Pulp Fiction" or "Stigmata". Can't stand movies that have some drug induced wacko theme that you can't quite figure out like those "Obsession" commercials.

RE: one question

Why not? giggle

RE: The yummy ones-

Oh, I can relate. Mooosst definitely. Well, I think it's possible, maybe not the most practical. One thing for sure, you'll really get to know the peron well before actually meeting with him. Through phone calls, emails and such. Imagine how exciting it would be that first time meeting eachother in an airport. Sounds good?

RE: southernbelle22 and louisiana10 engaged

Wow!! How about spreading some good fortune vibes around the room? Some of us could use some.. giggle.

Much wishes of happiness and blessings to the both of you.

RE: Who Are The People In Your Life You Are Grateful For Setting A Good Example?

When I was a child, my father owned an apartment house in NYC. There was a tenant on the 2nd floor named Mr. Cagan. My parents were alcoholics and Mr. Cagan knew what was going on. He took me to a church and prayed over me. I cried like I never did before. I was 9. Ever since then my aspect on people changed. I've learned to forgive.


Need some advice on stomach flu

My kid has a stomach flu which he doesn't normally get... now I know to give him plenty of fluids (he's 8) and a dose of Milk of Magnesia but I was always in the dark about trying anything new. I know Pepto Bismal shouldn't be given to kids and his pediatrian doesn't normally perscribe antibiotics right away because she doesn't like her patients becoming immune to them. There's off and on theories about soda like Coke or Ginger ale, so I gave him some Ginger ale, but he just throws everything up and he's been throwing up since 4 this afternoon, stopped just about 2 hours ago, I checked on him, he doesn't have a fever. Any other suggestions or should I just ride it out for a couple of days?

Any help I would appreciate.. so would he..


RE: how far will you go on the first date?

So would I, for wasting my time.. (giggle)

What's your favorite color on a man, woman

Red, definitely red..Love red on a man.. Red shirt with matching boxers.

RE: how far will you go on the first date?

Just a kiss.. mayyybbee with tongues, chemistry's gotta be there, or it ends up with a handshake.

RE: Do You Think You Could Spot A Diamond In The Rough?

Most definitely...can find a diamond in the rough. Everyone can use some polishing but it's more fun to do it to eachother.

RE: What's Your Sign?

Wow!! someone's into astrology

Virgo on the (ahem) cusp of Leo.. 8/24

RE: "the right one" fact or myth?

It's all in the attitude. If you have a positive attitude, then positive people come to you. Dump the past history garbage.. it's not worth hanging on to. Anyways, it hurts any kind of opportunity you might find with someone new. If I learned anything, I've learned that much. As far as the "right one", well, it all depends. Sometimes you need to be "right" about yourself to find someone "right" for you. We're pretty much in the same boat looking for the right one, or we wouldn't be here. I think that pretty much goes for most of us.


RE: what does the whole connection and no connection mean?

Chemistry... it's there or not.. something that sparks your interest.. Makes you want to talk to the person, get to know them better. Finding yourself devoting more time towards the person and not so much "looking" for another. You find yourself focusing on that one. Easier put, you'll know it when you feel it yourself.


RE: how you all feel about Valentine 's Day?

Wrapping goodie bags for my kid's class... How exciting.

RE: Self Diagnosing Depression

You are entitled to your own opinion... good luck in your quest.


RE: Self Diagnosing Depression

Maybe people are just scared or confused or intimidated... of things they just don't understand... And when someone doesn't understand something, sometimes they get defensive. It's worse enough that those like us are our own judges, you know. We ourselves are our own worst critic. We can try to defend ourselves to no avail.. soo, the alternative would be just to think positve, or try to force ourselves to think positively, and keep in mind that of course, people who just don't want to understand not to try to force them to... We don't NEED another judge.. we already have one and it's ourselves. So keep in mind that it's really their opinion and their own choice not to understand. We already know what our problems are. Most of us also thought at one point before this started actually AGREED with them, because we too didn't understand at that point. Whether they are open minded or not about it, that's not our concern. What our concern is US. Concentrate on ourselves. To make ourselves better. You in turn KNOW about your problem... and you faced trials but you are overcoming them... Just knowing what your problems are, you are not afraid to express them.. and that takes GREAT courage. Many people keep their problems, conditions and faults buried... People like us already know that is not healthy. Realizing we have a problem takes great courage, taking the steps to better ourselves takes even more courage... and when the time comes when we reach that final stage of healing, we can consider ourselves HEROES.. because we overcome the boundaries of our "keep everything a secret, afraid of what other people may think" society with a different aspect on life, with a new knowledge of ourselve and that's a great accomplishment that most would find impossible to achieve.. it's just too great of a challange... but WE are doing it. It's something to be proud of...

All I need to say, is to keep up the good work, don't give up... on YOURSELF... let those that don't understand solve their issues in their own way. It's not our job to change their minds.. only our own.

Love, prayers for you, you shall overcome

RE: Tell the most interesting/odd thing you ever saw.

In my first house, the entry to the basement was outside and there was a small entry space. The guy living next door was an animal nut case..I love animals, but he was ridiculous... he let them roam wild around the neigborhood. He had (Emus spell?<--big, nasty birds, like ostriches) goats, sheep, llamas, guinee hens, cows, horses, chickens, about 10 dogs and at least 50 cats and.....

One of his peacocks got in the opening of that small entry space leading to my basement and wouldn't come out...My washer and dryer were in the basement and I had to do laundry, but every time I went near the entry, the thing started hissing at me and scraping those bird feet along the floor like a bull getting ready to charge. I HAD to get into that basement and was determined to get that peacock out of there... so first I went to the nutcase's house... he wasn't home.. then I considered calling the animal shelter but was afraid they would conviscate it.. so I didn't, not only because I like animals, but also afraid what the nutcase would do if he found his peacock missing. Sooo, I had no other choice but to try to get it out myself which wasn't easy because every time I went near it.. more hissing and scraping of the bird feet... sooo, I had no choice but to grab a broom and try to shove the thing out. I was careful not to hurt it but it went completely beserk so I literally had a fight with a peacock. By the time the "bell" rang.. and the fight was over, the thing finally ran out the door, squawking, feathers all ruffled and PISSED!!!

RE: why is it so had to find a good man to talk to all the time?

Me too..

This is a list of forum posts created by ruoutthere143.

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