fireliterfireliter Forum Posts (5,902)

RE: How To Lose A Woman In 10 Days.........

xplains your rules of life.....rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

RE: How To Lose A Woman In 10 Days.........

call her by someonme else name.(preferably someone she cannot atand)

place her on hold, then forget.

get her take out orders wrong.

give her lingerie..then tell her it was from a raffle at a local bar lingerie show, or given to you by one of the models

forget to pick-her up at airport/ drop her off at wrong terminal

agree with her family when she has a dispute with them

give all the gentlemenly qualities to every one but her.

interrrupt her often ...never let her finish a sentence.

tell her that this is your time and all her needs and wants where fulfilled the moment she met you.

whats your question

great and powerful Wave, for you its a matter of phonics...I am seeking "The Woman" not "A Woman"
Seriously I knew taking on this 2 year of schooling and all it entails, I would be whining 24 hours are not enuff time. Since I've already started it, I'll finish it. Maybe..just maybe, if it was your money I would quit rolling on the floor laughing .
I do attract women not as many as you or a shoe sale ...thats funny comparing you to a shoe salerolling on the floor laughing
honesty has its own rewards Wave, you claim you do this thing you do as a community service.... much like a dog catcher does his job, while both maybe nessasary, I do not have to like the way you do your service.

It's PITY PARTY time.......As always its BYOB

proper name for Brain fart is Cerebral Flatulence.... rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
just in case you all thought i was wasting my money on school.

It's PITY PARTY time.......As always its BYOB

ya think...doh
you are probably right.
Only time I guess anymore is on the multiple choice tests ..even then its a process of elimination......

I never claimed to be the smartest puppy in litterdoh
I'll try to repair the damage i've inflicted on myself.

a self inflicted courting boo-boo.... doh

RE: Red x's on the websites?

I know what three XXX's meanrolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

It's PITY PARTY time.......As always its BYOB

Ahh that test has come and gone, next one deals with surgical procedures, But thanks anyway

whats your question

It's that time let me answer your most troubling questions
understand for legal reasons I must post this attachment

"for entertainment purposes only"

RE: You know you are hooked to CS when.....

you place your frineds on the phone on hold to postrolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

RE: really big heart of STONE!!! now heart full of LOVE

how many of us have thought we had found a "heart of gold" only to learn what we really had was a worhtless rock of "fool's gold"..

All is not as it appears... even our moments of clarity, can be produced by slieght of hand, smoke, and mirrors...

It's an evil world and bad relationships are like a slippery slope sometimes we have to just slide down into the aybss with our only comfort being hope...

always good to hear someone returning from the aybss... Welcome back

RE: Happiness and contentment is an "INSIDE JOB"

in the grocery store of life Happiness and Contentment on always on our list, however all those other things that lifes store offers is so appealing that as we proceed to the aisle of
Happiness and Contentment are carts get filled with "junk food" which can limit to the amount of happiness and contentment that can fit into our shopping cart.

stick to your
list so many of lifes choices are merely "junkfood" tasty and sweet but never fulfilling.

Ahh, it sounded good when I thought it.

just an opinion confused
yeah I went grocery shopping early this morning,
could'nt find anythingrolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Empty Next - I'm getting ready

Thats excellent News...
the options are indeed endless... you still have your health, and good looks, and it appears the tuition will not cause you to get a 2nd mortgage... how sweet the fruits of life when you allow time and patience to ripen them....
Should we send you some bumper stickers like
"I'm spending my kids Inheritance",


I went to......... and all my kids are getting.
is a T-shirt.

Q: you gonna expand on the "Fifty Mile" rule Now....

laugh laugh

a great way to celebrate Independance Day....Kids going to College

RE: So what you thinking now...........??

All those kids participating in the parade here...
it's raininglaugh laugh
then the parents who are obligated to be there to watch their lil onesrolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

i'm not old to remember my kids during a situation like this,
Ahh, the memoriesrolling on the floor laughing

RE: ~ Show me ~

Well said Abra,
Love is Blind, but warning,
you'll have to use all your senses to get there.

RE: Need advice after two dates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

did he have a conversation or tell her he would have to continue the conversation at a later time???

cell phones will take message, Why did he take the call in your presence?? I would've let it ring and excused myself to handle the call unless it was a situation as Belushi described.

It is a Holiday weekend, it is possible they attended a annual event together in the past...How many remain on talking terms with ex's...

She may not be aware that he is dating someone...or maybe she is.

If phone calls bother you address it this waiting fot problem to resolve it self is 90% of time,just trouble brewing.

RE: my sons 7th birthday July 22

has he discovered sega or playstation yet?

RE: If you could only...

long.... ...screw the rules

I'd cut it later if wanted toorolling on the floor laughing

RE: How do you remove a thread that isn't attracting?


RE: So what you thinking now...........??

lack of
quality of
taste of

RE: What is the secret?? lol

It's all about Coffee.....
the lack of
or too much
or the tasteyawn yawn

RE: What in the H.E double hockey sticks is the matter with some people???

coffee........ the lack of,
or too much or just plain taste bad......YEP Final answer


Paws you forgot the

"Will settle for" section

dating and then there's dating...

thanks Cat
I know when finding that special one the postal service does not deliver, you have to work at this, sometimes just being seen outside of the house is enough to get interests started.


I must say I have entertained the idea of a underground CS bed and breakfast sorta thing....

those that wish to travel to other areas hook-up with others they enjoyed on CS and while there, they get to see the area from a residences perspective...not to memtion the cost of lodgings. but I have done that with my ex service buddies and it seems it awlays cost more, but Dayum, the times spent with each were memorable. Especially if single, just amybe somebody you enjoy talking too has a freinf that is well entertaining if only for a day or 2.

As you so politely stated.... caution is the word of the day

dating and then there's dating...

had an encounter her problem was drinking excessively to my standards she tried to hide it. which was doabl for her for awhile then a 2 week breakl came along and....
Wham truth out of bag
thats probbly one of the hardest things to overcome is a smell yoiu just disagree with......
Good luck with that..
the saying goes:

once you get past the smell ....... you know the restrolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

dating and then there's dating...

ultimately a phrase that in no way indicates a time frame.

a life partner that is the ultimate commitment and only time can prove if they are really your "life partner"

excuse me I feel like a puppy chasing my tail....damn gets ya dizzy you knowlaugh

dating and then there's dating...

thats the mix i've gotten into Do I have the right to expect one to just sit at home and wait till I have time togive affection and attention, on the other hand My schedule is over filled at times should I attend events stag because someone is busy ???


I agree 100%. as many ladies and men have posted certain explicit requirements some "no drinking" "no smoking" "no children", "certian wage requirements" even weight and height and race are sometimes specified...still the picture we post is sooo entrancing they cannot believe you where refering to them........

YEAH, I GOT THAT PROBLEM TOOrolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing NOTcrying

dating and then there's dating...

when is dating more than one person wrong??? let me elaborate, my life is so full with work, school, studies, and ritual household chores.... I am lucky to have a 24 hour period to myself every 2 weeks sometimes 4 hours is all I can get.
I cannot expect someone to place their life on hold, and whether people admit it or not, there are things that come up where they will move heaven and earth to attend or be part of and other things where they cannot say "thanks, but no thanks." quick enough.
am I angel or devil
if you choose to elaborate further please do

RE: Sassy's ALLLLL her own!

Wave is that you ....
you devil you
transforming yourself like this... it's scarylaugh laugh

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