Alpha And Omega

We imagine life as a straight line: at the start we are born as a baby,
Then at the end of the line we are old and die. But what if this was
Not the case: as the Universe is eternal, maybe we are also eternal.
Let's look at this more closely. Just suppose life was not a straight line,
But instead it were actually the figure eight, were life is continuous:
We are born, we pass on, but not to our end, but to our beginning.
Life and death are a loop, and the point, where time is checked and
Then repeated over and over again, may explain why we have
Déjà vu, or a point we seem to remember, and each rotation through
This loop we tend to recall something we did in a previous loop of
Time. This may happen because somehow we have made a slight
Alteration in the original loop we encountered. We may have even
Died before we where born or the other way round - either way the
Loop would be unbroken. The Earth as we know it may have been
In an eternal time loop, the same may be true for our lives, as everything
Reflects the way God could have planned it. This could explain
Why there may really be life after death - it all depends on which theory
Is really correct. As God is eternal, then maybe we are also eternal - it
All may be in God's plan, to keep the whole universe as one.
It seems possible that there maybe no Alpha or Omega after all.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Feb 2013
About this poem:
This poem is my perception of the life and afterlife of man, are we here or are we yet to come,see what your views are regarding my ideas...
"Alpha And Omega"
Editor: Marikia
(Written January 2013)
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The Haunted House

We all think that old houses are haunted with spooky ghosts
That will jump out and scare us, but are there really ghosts
Or just our vivid fantasies of apparitions and spectres.
In books we read about ghosts resembling the headless
Horseman in "The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow" that chased
Ichabod Crane onto a bridge, where soon after that he
Disappeared. Well, it sounds absurd that that would
Ever happen, so why do people think that all old houses
Come complete with a ghost? Maybe the noises people hear
Are the house just settling for the night, there may not be any
Supernatural occurrances at all. The ghosts seem to come with
Our imagination and the dark environment and surroundings.
There is the illusion that a tragic event may have happened
In the house, bringing on a ghostly visage, when an eathbound
Spirit may walk the house searching for it's redemption.
Spirits might have been sighted by ghost hunting groups,
Who bring with them electronic devices to search for sounds and
Visions, hoping for sightings. Some have actually seen images
Of ghostly movements, but nothing is really conclusive.
The house remains as it is - just an old house that has
Seen many families in its time, but it can never really be haunted.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Feb 2013
About this poem:
This lastest poem I have written takes us to the world of spirits in an earie tale called "The Haunted House".
Editor: Marikia
Written:4 February 2013
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The Triangle Of Mystery

Come with me on a journey to Bermuda, where there is an
Area called the Devil's Triangle, in this ocean expanse many ships
Mysteriously vanished and never returned, with the
Exception of one - a ghost ship known as the Mary Celeste.
Even aircraft were lost in this stretch of waters, where
Strange magnetic influences create major problems for
Travellers passing through these regions, even UFO's
Were sighted entering and leaving the triangle. There was an
Incident when a woman was flying her plane over one of
The tropical islands. When she contacted the airport tower,
She was told she could land there. The sky was clear, as she
Kept circling the runway and her plane was slowly running out of
Fuel, she was viewing the same island but in an earlier time period
When the runway was actually overgrown with palm trees, and it
Seemed her plane was in a time zone different from that of the
Airport. The plane was never found. Another strange incident
Happened when a barge was towing a large commercial raft,
And the ship was blanketed in fog, when the seamen looked
Back they noticed that the rope was invisible and the metal hand
Rails were white hot while their breath was chilled, what had
Caused this strange phenomenon? Was it due to the Triangle's
Mysterious properties? The answer is unknown even to this day,
The Bermuda Triangle will never disclose it's secrets to anyone.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Feb 2013
About this poem:
I have always loved hearing stories based on facts and events surrounding the Devil's/Bermuda Triangle so I will interpret my own spin on some of these events, my words are my own but these events really did take place in Bermuda, so journey back to Bermuda and....
"The Triangle Of Mystery"
Edited: Marikia
(Written January 2013)
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Full Circle

In The beginning of humanity there was a humble caveman
Who lived in a cave with his female companion. As they
Looked for food and created various weapons, their
Society grew and they became more advanced in their
Ways of life. They made primitive spears and used wooden
Clubs to kill their prey. As time went on they discovered a
Way to make fire. As thousands of years went by, men
Had evolved, living in huts and using coracles to fish in
Rivers. They created metal armour and weapons, so that they
Could fight wars and secure land and wealth by fighting and
Winning battles, but costs were very high, as people
Would die to protect what was theirs. Time progressed,
And men became more civilised after discovering the wheel,
But now wars became bigger and the loss of life was
Higher, but men's conquest excelled, primitive men
Became intelligent and they built roads and buildings to live in.
They were a modern society, which created governments
With wealth, by taxing their people and forming a controlled
Society with laws that had to be obeyed and groups of men
Who became Police and enforced rules that would cost the
Society money if they broke them, and inprisonment
If they were found guilty, - those laws were to be obeyed or
Refusal would cost people dearly. As Governments evolved
They concentrated on a military force to protect the people
From harm. There were soldiers who would travel on
Land and sea and later air. Bombs and super weapons were
Created to blow up cities and possibly the world as we know it.
As the biggest invention since the discovery of the wheel was
The Atom Bomb. It destroyed many lives and left the fallout of
Heavy nuclear radiation around for years to come.
In the 1950's it threatened to end all life on Earth,and the
Threat has been real ever since. Inventions are designed to
Improve the quality of life in our society, but with all these
Weapons of war have we really learnt at all, or reverted
To our savagery coming full circle back to our past,
Were we used to exist like the primitives in the realm
Of a prehistoric society fighting with rocks, clubs and spears.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Mar 2013
About this poem:
This poem is about our changing society and attitudes of evolution and covers quite a few obstacles of our civilisation, this little offering is called......"Full Circle"
Editor : Marikia
Written : 2nd March 2013
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ATLANTIS - The Lost Continent

There once was a fifth continent, known as Atlantis. Is it fact
or fiction ? Well that is for everyone to decide. In the
early beginning of modern times there was Atlantis, an
advanced civilisation, that had moonstone crystals and used
them for suppling heat for everyone, larger crystals had the
power to destroy the world, the scientist realised this and
wanted to protect their secret, but the King and his astrologers
found out about this from spies in the kingdom, they were
planning a conquest of the new world and would travel past
the pillars of Hercules to invade and to take control of the free
world. As their plans were to unfold, the volcanoes were starting
to erupt with anger as they had enraged the gods with their
evil intentions, as they were all ready for there conquest
the volcanoes erupted and people were in panic and tried to
flee Atlantis, by this time the island was starting to sink
beneath the waves. The evil king and his men were swamped
by hot lava and ash and were choking on the fumes as the
beautiful cities of Atlantis was doomed. After a short time
the few boats that did escape moved into the distance
the refugees were all looking at the destruction of the once
proud city of Atlantis. Atlantis is now gone as it sinks into
the depths of the ocean. Years later it would be well
remembered as Atlantis, - the lost continent.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jul 2013
About this poem:
The poem is based on the mythical continent of Atlantis, fact or fantasy, you be the judge, this is my version of the story.
Written: 2nd July 2013
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The Symbol Of Gods

When we think of God we think of religion, yes God is the one omnipotent.
There are others that see things a litttle different: the American Indians
Know god as a powerful totem and errect totem poles as ceremonious gods.
They are unaware that their gods are not the real God that gave life to us.
Then there is the Buddist people who worship their god Buddah, and they
Bow down to this god as it is so real to them. We also have the Egyptian
Culture in which people worshipped the Sun as their god, seeing it's
Powerful rays of light shining in the heavens. But not all gods are of a
Religious nature: There is another god that seems to have amazing powers -
The god of money. Yes, the rich people look on this god as a god of substance,
Wealth and real power; it can make men very powerful or it has the
Ability to destroy them. Money is without a doubt the root of all evil.
We all need it to survive in this world, but we should never treat it as a god,
Because doing so is a terrible sin, and in the end the real God would
Somehow punish you for worshipping this god of evil - money.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jan 2013
About this poem:
My first poem for February, I based this on religion, something different and the power of money, yes you might call this a mixed bag so please enjoy...."The Symbol Of Gods"
Editor: Marikia
(Written...January 2013)
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The Mystic Pyramid

In ancient times the Egyptian, Aztec and many
others cultures used large stone pyramids as
burial places for the Pharoahs and Kings. The
sandstone pyramids where used to store gold

and the riches of their culture, the pyramid
was a tomb of sorts that had unusual power,
food could be stored there for ages without
going bad as the pyramid's construction had

a source of power which people believed had
come from the gods, even to this day you hear
of 'Pyramid Power' and it's ability to preserve
food and many other unexplained things.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: May 2013
About this poem:
Pyramids have always been interesting especially the Egyptian culture in the land of the Pharoahs.
Written: 26th May 2013
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The Mirror Image

When you look at the mirror
what do you see, a reflection
of yourself, it looks like you
and mimmicks your movements

but there is many real differences
firstly it has no life as we know it
and the image is an opposite to
yourself, the same only different

it has no intelligence and is a
prisoner in glass form but it
always gives you a true image
of yourself, it is akin to a shadow

that comes out during the day
and reflects at night by the light
of a street lamp. It is an aura that
will always be with you through life.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jun 2013
About this poem:
This poem is a spin-off poem to "The Shadow", I hope you will all enjoy this poem also. Written 9th June 2013
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The Ship In The Bottle

Who can't admire the ship in the bottle
that sits on the mantlepiece of a stately home
with it's windblown sails, its row of cannons
and it's loyal crew.

A ship that will never encounter storms
or risk danger of running aground on jagged reefs
never seeing action or battling the high seas
and never discover new lands.

A ship of dignity, imprisoned in a glass dome
it will always remain the ship in the bottle.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Nov 2012
About this poem:
It is about a model ship in a bottle on display and it is left to your imagination of it never being able to go were real ships do into the seas and oceans, it is just leaving you to wonder how those imaginary sailors would have felt on the distinguished ship and never really leaving the room. another poetry submission by me for competitions written around the same time as "Life".
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Legend Of The Black Dove (Part 6)

"Peril At Sea"

The Black Dove whilst trapped under the water
uses his amazing strength to break the chains
that bind his body, he then swims under the
ship and climbs up the rigging then climbing
on deck. He discards his mask and clothing
and assumes the role of John Norrington.

He looks for an opportunity to obtain dry
clothing. Finding a storage locker he puts on
a sailor's outfit.He then goes in search of
Bill Jenkins, he notices him inside of the
galley where he is working as a cook. He is
alone as Norrington goes in to talk to him.

On the main deck the pirate captain observes
two American frigates heading towards them.
He orders his men to open fire on the vessels,
the two ships fire back and prepare to board
'Raven'. The pirates are ready to do battle.
As 'Raven' picks up speed and is pulling away

from the slower frigates, the other ships keep
firing all cannons at the fleeing ship, while
whereas down below Norrington and Jenkins arm
themselves with the intention of stopping the
pirates somehow, they charge on deck with swords
in hands. Norrington manages to fight off most

of the men using his super strength and speed.
Jenkins holds with two loaded pistols in his
hand holding the pirates at bay, while Norrington
and the pirate Captain are fighting a duel to
the death with swords. While all this is going
on the ship, is hit twice by cannon fire and

the third blast hits the main mast at the bow
of the ship, causing it to fall were Norrington
and the captain are fighting. The other men
run for their lives as the huge mast collapses
with a loud thud.

Can these men survive the onslaught of the falling mast ?.....
Will Bill Jenkins be rescued by the opposing enemy sailors ?......
These questions and more will be answered
in Part 7 "Civil Unrest".
Posted here at the beginning of next month
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jun 2013
About this poem:
The continuing story of the poetry serial "Legend Of The Black Dove"
Written: 9th June 2013
Editor: Marikia
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The Fairground

I remember the fairground when I was a child, there
Was the candy Fairy Floss machines, and you could
See them spinning the spider webs of sugar which
Made up the sweet delight, that children loved to eat
Then There was Sideshow Alleys with its clown stall
With the moving heads and popping the balls into it's
Mouth, there was the shooting galleries and penny
Toss events and many other things to play, there was a
Ghost Train and the Dodgem Cars and Boats, where
Bumping deliberately was not allowed, the Penny Arcade
With Pinball games and the Claw Crane where you tried
To grab a prize If you where lucky, penny slots which
Could give you a free ball and your penny back by flicking
A lever, and now the main events, the Big Dipper or
Roller Coaster, it would leave you going back for your
Stomach, the large Slippery Dips, Hall of Mirrors and
The Tunnel of Love river caves, Ferris Wheel and the
Helter Skelter where you rode down a spiral on a mat
But the one thing that stands out in the Fairground
Was the giant Carousel, a beautiful hand crafted
Turntable loaded with beautifully crafted wooden
Horses, which where all hand painted, children would
Always want to ride this iconic ride and if you where
Able to grab the brass ring, you would get another
Ride absolutely free, yes the Fairground was an event
In itself, as children would always want to go there
All of the time and even the adults would ask their
Children to go, because inside every adult lived
Another little child, they all loved the Fairground.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jan 2013
About this poem:
This is a nostalgia piece I have written for all the children and would be children who liked going to....."The Fairground" (Amusement Parks)
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True Blue Knights

In days of old, when knights were told that damsels
Were in trouble,those brave men would ride out
On their trusty steed only with a sword and sheild,
Risking their life to protect them. They would also fight
For King and Country, regardless of the quest
Fighting bands of enemy soldiers would put them to the test.

In modern times those knights are gone, but the cause is still alive
These true blue knights they call Police with their
Shiny sheild and Gun, their steed is now a motor bike
Which catch criminals on the run; though times
Are very different now, the aim is still the same,
These true blue knights work just as hard,
Keeping law and order once again.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Nov 2012
About this poem:
This poem is a sequel to "Ode To A Policeman" it is a reflection of earlier times were knights, were medieval Police in suits of armour which would later be bulletproof vests, there is a sort of comparison between the old and new. this poem reflects this.
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This is a list of john17021984's Poems. Click here for john17021984's Poem List

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