little_miss_melittle_miss_me Poetry (11)

My baby girl (the minnie)

with wide eyes I watch you
with open arms there is nothing
I wouldn't do
with gratitude toward all things
I will keep you warm I will be your
with a gental touch and a smile on
my face
I will admire as you shine with grace
the light inside this little girl would
make dark the stars with such sparkle
with the deepest of love and a mothers
heart I am so blessed to watch her grow
oh how I love her so
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Sep 2009
About this poem:
As a mother how truely marvelous is it that we have the gift of growing this life inside our own and get to be so loved and give such love.I still look at my little girl and am intranced by her very being, and to know that I and her father created her by our being is just amazing! If you really think about it what a beautiful gift is that than creating life, man that is just...Beyond anything!! I don't understand those that don't appreciate and take pride in being parents
and don't take care of their babies or atleast make sure their babies are taken care of, Not to be all judgemental cause that is not what I am about just being a mommy and daddy is sacred in my oppinion.
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I keep dying with you

I've made mistakes sure I did
with wrong choices I must live
now I pay the price
the outcome is never nice
did I say I am sorry because I am
for all the times I made you sad
I knew when I was being bad
I was angry maybe alittle ashamed
I always gave you the blame
I hated the look on your face when you
could take no more
maybe I always did have one foot out the door
I don't know why
you got so mad when I'd cry
like I was putting on a show
I didn't want to let you go
Now that is out of my hands and the outcome
is so much worse than any in my head
it is not just you but every hopeful part of me
that is dead
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Sep 2009
About this poem:
This is how it is for me allot, I keep rewinding the last three years over and over but there is no point. I don't have the power to change the outcome of loosing the man that I love and I keep reliving every stupid fight that I would pick with him and all I did was waste time that time was so valuable the whole time the clock was ticking and his life was running out and if I had to do it over again I would hold back every ugly word and just be happy! So I guess my point now is to all that read this, " Love with your whole heart don't waste time fighting over petty things because what I can tell you for sure is life is too short and we never know. Love is the most beautiful gift we should treasure it is magical and rare and if we don't take care of it we loose it."I wish I had someone tell me these things but honestly I don't know if I would have listened I wqas young and thought I knew everything *lol* boy was I soo wrong!Love happens when we aren't looking I think when we aren't in a rush or racing to the finishline but are taking our time and nursing it along, when we are honest with ourselves and our needs and desires as well as are ability to meet someones elses needs because it is infact so 50-50 or should be.
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summertime stories and past glories

The summer sky a darker shade of blue
vivid colors almost a world brand new
the smell off blossoms looming promise
of excitement filled the air
close your eye's and you are there
music coming from all around
an upbeat tempo a happy sound
children laughing just down the street
laying in the shade to escape the heat
lazy days spent lounging in the lawn counting
lady bugs and picking flowers
the beautiful afternoon thunder showers
the smell of the rain on the hot pavement
makes me think about when I was a kid
about my summer breaks and all the crazy things
we did
before they should the leaves start to fall
as summer whispers it's last call
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Sep 2009
About this poem:
It seems the seasons have been going by so fast for me lately,another summer wrapped up in a hot pink bow *lol*. This kind of poetry is usually not my style I seem to like my deep and thought provoking angsty stuff better, but that's just me I guess.
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The question I forgot to ask (ode to possibility)

Why waste time trapped in perception
what a clever misconception
always trying to fill that void
locked in my mind paranoid
sculpted metaphor
put a lock back on the door
a butterfly with clipped wings
listen as the wind it sings
alive and awake
not valuable if it can't break
whispers of voices inside my head
remember you are not dead
sun rises but not to fall
supose that is the beauty of it all
run in circles round and round
was not lost but now is found
so majectic what we create
what energy to radiate
left bouncing off the wall
there is no answer to it all
a soft hand a warm touch
didn't know it meant so much
silence softly blowing kisses
being human is that what this is?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Sep 2009
About this poem:
Hmmm about this poem, I just sat down and wrote.I am one who questions everything, who disects everything and only to find that there is so much beauty in living in the moment and letting things go. I love to play with words it's my therapy but I must admit I am horid at spelling so yes there are probably some errors, oops! Anyway love to hear comments, love,love,love to hear what people think I know I am not the greatest writer but I love it...So please let me know what you all think!
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For the children we can!

The world around us is dying
they say they can help but are they trying
children with no place to live
rich people who refuse to give
humanity is ugly if we won't help the small
it will affect us all
have we gotten so compleasent that we don't care
that we poison our own air
the planet we walk on everyday
is simply rotting away
garbage lines the street we drive
but hey we will thrive
if we are even still alive
if we all did just our part for our kids
they will do what there parents did
if we would stop just talking about it and actually try
maybe some people won't have to die
donate a dollar or don't throw trash on the ground
or maybe return the wallet you found
let's remember we are all human and live on this earth
and recall our childrens worth
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Sep 2009
About this poem:
I really feel this way, if everyone out there just tried to be the best person they could be imagine how much better ythe world could be. I know this sounds childish or like something a pagent queen may say, but I think it is so true. So many times we allow ourselves to not be good human beings whether someone else makers us mad or that we just claim we don't have the time or money or whatever, we allow ourselves to not be the best people we can be and I think it's sad. The world is dying but we as a whole kind of say, hey we'll deal with it tomorrow and it's saqd. And the thing I think is the saddest is I do it too and if everyone in the world took five minutes to make a difference could you image...The whole world united in one thing for five minute, one thing that would help us all for five minutes....Anyone like that is reality and I swear I am not psycho enviromentalist ( not that there is anything wrong with that ) But really I know I could try harder at being a better human being...Thanks for the time *lol*
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What the @$# am I talking about?!

Swimming in a pond of lies
alone a baby cries
black and white hallways echo silence
the noise that comes from within
sleep in a bed surrendering purity invoking
vile sin
test the waters feel the cold
youth is fleeting we are all old
dry and cracked surface is smoothed over now
there is a desire to scream but we have forgotten how
angry is the sky above
it has fallen out of love
spinning and spinning then it stops
the universe drops
like tiny crystals spilling everywhere
we have forgotten how to care
exploit and explode
isn't that the way it's suposed to go?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Sep 2009
About this poem:
I don't even know how to explain?! This piece is about something different to every person that reads it, so tell me what is it about to you? Seriously I would love to hear others views because there are so many things I think I mean here *lol*
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who am I really?!

I am a woman child
maybe I'll just go wild
do all the things I said I would never do
tell a lie than make it true
turn myself inside out
see what all the fuss is about
climb a mountain swim the sea
find a place to just be
change my name and change my style
take a vacation from me for awhile
find a new approach to happiness
live my life without regrets
maybe I need something new
because I am having a hard time without you
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Sep 2009
About this poem:
I am lost all the time chasing myself around and around. I get dizzy allot so I am writing about it:)
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the girl had enough

Isolation a new best friend
dangled in the dark, quiet a situation
she is in
the girl in the mirror who is she
the image is gone how could that be
a long dimming hallway no other way out
you ask yourself what is this supose to
be about
skin feels like paper it could tare with
the slightest of movement
the walls are dissolving fluids begin to
drip, everything could use an improvement
deep down there an awareness that the problem
is not external something is just broken deep
down inside
weathered drapes flew wickedly the girl she screamed
and cried
people just as animals we choose our prey
keep our enemies closer right, won't you come out and play
the town almost a ghost town they feed on those they
lies are like candy sweet to their lips hurt people like
humor just a warm little trick
she took it for so many years walked the other way
what is the worse they could do or say
in the hallway or at home
always felt so all alone
carried it like a shell on her back
soon she began to crack
that day came where she found herself pulling out a gun
finally feeling like she had won
to have them begging for their life
something didn't seem so right
why do they do this push people so far
she fired some rounds in the air then jumped in her car
as she fought to regain control she screamed to the sky
she spoke only briefly wanted to know why
why did she have to grow up here
it being this way everywhere was her greatest fear
that girl went away and never looked behind
I supose she knew exactly what she would find
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Aug 2009
About this poem:
This piece was a totally different process for me, I've never took a bit of my life and threw it in a fictional story and made the story into a poem.So I would really appreciate any comments, I love comments anyway good or bad I can take construtive crictism and am fully aware that my spelling sucks sometimes (luckly when I write for work I have an editor right *lol*) so please comment away.
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find a way to set us free...just be!

A part of me went missing, out to sea
when I lost you
A cross that I bare not alone just a shadow
of myself as I bathe in the pain of continous
mourning floating through
I never really understood the seldomly found purity
of what we had
Always we will share a love, a love for each other
and the life our love created and I know I should
be grateful and not sad
Suddenly it was as if something bigger than the two
of us just slammed the door
I didn't have control of anything anymore
What if it is all a game
and the good and the bad are judged as the same
Maybe just maybe I am all to blame
or could it just be that I've gone insaine
All the crazy things twisting inside my mind
answers and solutions that I can't seem to find
How do I get so tangled up all the time?
I know what I have to do
I have to find my place for you
almost as difficult as the day you died
gallons upon gallon of tears have been cried
a pool of tears which I am drowning in
yet missing someone is not a sin
with so many warm memories
'we' will always be
So I am learning to survive
smile and be happy be glad to be alive
My daughter needs me to be be the mommy she
deserves when she looks at me with her eye's
so blue and her daddys face a happy proud mommy looking
back at her is what I want her to see
together we dream of being with him again
being family of not two but three
We know we are dreaming and that is what dreams are for
In reality these girls are no longer drowning in sorrow
yet instead flying free
free from broken hearts and broken people and a past
that reminds
open to each new day to see what that day finds.~

jsm forever.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Aug 2009
About this poem:
I think the poem explains it's self. I try to write about other topics yet my writing is my therapy it goes where it goes it's more in control than I. I am really proud of this piece it's very raw. It's been difficult for me to put to words what I feel and have it come out making any kind of sense, this piece I felt did that better than the last two. I am hoping I will go in a different place many diverse places next we'll see what my heart says. Thank you for reading it and giving my writing your time I hope it made you "feel" I enjoy a piece of poetry that makes me feel. Thank you and good day.
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a happy little family (just us three) we miss you

Time moves swiftly while we are consumed with wanting the hours and minutes to pause giving us what we can't have the past to make right
I know I am like a broken record or a cd skipping ever so annoyingly but if I knew then what I know now I would change everything and never would I fight
I would laugh at every joke and make a better lunch
I would try not to argue and make sure the french fries had crunch
there is no question of what I would give
to have one day where you could again live
to hear your voice and see you smile
to get to hold you for awhile
I long to smell your skin
I want to see my friend
I wish this nightmare could end
Jesse I am trying
I am so tired of crying
Each day I pray
help me make it through the day
out of this misery comes light and grace
because I see my daughters face
she reminds me of what I need to be
and just what he means to me
I am tired of faking a smile
I think it's time to float for a while
see where the current takes us next
stop taking everything everything out of context
drift with the breeze
listen to the wind through the trees
find peace quietly deep inside
appreciate the ride
the moment I lost you something broke inside
I cannot count the tears I have cried
there is no recovering from heart break
I don't know how much more loss I can take
so I am holding on tight to what I have
the little girl with the big blue eye's
and now that little girl knows that
everyone dies
a sad thing for a innocent to realize
It is my duty to keep her well
and keep her out of my living hell
so we speak of silence
and spring and sweets
we speak of summer and little bo peep
we live in the moment and take charge of
our lives
after all what else is our choice
I guess it's live or let die
I like to pretend I am alright
but I still can't sleep well at night
I will always miss you
you are a part of me with a love
that was always true
from me to you
jesse,sierra,and mckenzie mae
and that is how it will always stay
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Aug 2009
About this poem:
This poem is about the loss of my love, Jesse Ray. Jesse died August 30, 2007 he was 31 years old and had a massive heart attack out of nowhere. I spoke to him on his cellphone phone about a hour in a half before he died, he said he had been stung by a bee and had to get off work early be you never know when the last time you talk to someone that this is going to be the last time you hear their voice the conversation plays over and over in my mind and I constantly think what could I have done differently, I should have done something, why didn't I know? it's all my fault! I hate myself! Why? Why? Why? WHY?WHY?WHY?WHY?WHY?...We have a five year old daughter who was three at the time, it was awful!...Anyway this is therapy for me it has been almost two years and I am just now being able to write about it so I am this is my second piece so bare with me if this is familiar due to my last piece but I have to get it out there. Thanks for being my outlet I am forever thankful. And to those of you who too have lost a loved one my heart goes out to you, be strong and hold on to those good memories let go of the bad ones and remember that they are in a better place in no pain and able to feel all the love there is.
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Loosing my Jesse

It's the day you fear most
followed by a life of chasing a ghost
Life is suddenly so different looking in the
mirror from the other side of the glass
I feel like I've been falling forever and the
sensation does not pass
I am a stranger to the girl I once was I don't
even know her anymore
my heart is so broken and my mind is at war
I face each day with all the strength that I have
people they tell me it will be alright
still I cry myself to sleep at night
I have to believe that he is watching down on us
and that he can still see
I hope that he knows that he was my world and that
he is proud of me
I look at my daughter and I see him and this some how
brings some peace
but days are hard and this pain is hard to ease
I treasure each moment that we two have shared
for the loss of my love I was not prepared
what I have to hold onto our daughter and the memories
and hearing the wind blow through the trees
I wish I could say time has made it easier to let you go
but is easy is a word and the feeling I do not know
I miss you my jesse, my love and my friend
a love like we share is so beautiful and has no end
so I watch our daughter grow and tell her about her dad
I spend my days being thankful for the life that we had
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jul 2009
About this poem:
I lost the love of my life two years ago come august 30th, I have not been able to get my barrings since I lost him and it's been very hard for me.I am trying very hard to be a great mom and appear fine but it's hard.I am not complaining about my life because I am very lucky I have a beautiful daughter, a great home, and I have had great love for and from wonderful people. I was very fortunate in many ways.
When I lost Jesse it was like a bomb went off and we had no warning he was 31 and he had a massive heart attack and it was so sudden. Just a thursday afternoon....
Anyway it was hard and for anyone who has lost a loved one I am sorry for your loss, it's hard I know. It's the small things that get me through thinking of his laugh and the things we enjoyed doing together, watching him watch our daughter.Hold onto the good memories and let the bad one's go.
Here's to you Jesse Ray I love you!
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This is a list of little_miss_me's Poems. Click here for little_miss_me's Poem List

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