May I have this Dance?

Can you hear it?

First a few, then more.

The song of the sky on a warm summer evening.

Your standing there, the air is a bit cooler now.

It was warm, so warm today

But the night is coming, the sun beggining to set

Your hair moves in the breeze

I see your eyes as you look into the distant sky

They sparkle, so beautiful

How can I not smile?

It comes now, just soft

It continues and will through the night

But the nights not here yet, the sun just going down

Take my hand and walk with me

Out into the grass that drinks from the sky

The rain falls soft

It is our music, our song

Take my hand, please

Come with me, into the air

As the pedals of water fall from the sky

The beauty as the water caresses your face

Your eyes, they smile at me

Our body's getting soaked as you take my hand

Mine in yours and my other on your side

Yours in mine and the other on my shoulder

Sway with me

Sing with me

So please, in your beauty that shines throught the falling rain


May I have this dance?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Sep 2010
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A Friendship

How is it?

I don't know...

I bear my soul to you and you accept it.

You tell me of your fears, I take them as they are.

I say thing I would never say, the secrets deep within.

No condemnation, no judgement, only understanding.

You reveal the torment, anxiety and pain you could not share,

My heart is cut, I weep with you.

You give me words, advise or thoughts. You never push.

I hug you from afar and see in you what you can not see.

We give, we take, we laugh, we love.

We cry, we curse, we shout, we stare.

That which we can not see, into the dark we stare.


You push upon me nothing but your care.

I offer up to you only that wich I have.

Never taking what is not ours, Never pushing upon the other.

How is it?

Coincidence? No.

But for a reason.

Two paths that met,

Two friends that bind,

Two hearts that share,

How can it be anything,

but friendship.


is what it's meant to be.

Thank you my friend.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Sep 2010
About this poem:
Something I wrote for a true friend. Few and far between they may be, but once you have a special and dear friend, life is so much better. They truly are a blessing.
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I See You

How is it? I can see you.

Ever present, looking back at me.

The flow of your hair in the wind. How can it be?

The moonlight sparkle, diamonds in your eyes.

How soft it's light dances upon your cheek.

Please tell me, how can this be.

I feel it, your breath so warm.

Across my neck, your gentle kiss.

Soft and tender the lips I taste,

as I feel your warm embrace.

How can this be my heart screams out.

A beating heart so fast and hard,

My breath is short, I can not breath

I shake and tremble as I behold

My hands are empty, where have you gone.

Panick ensues as I search, but no.

Reality sets in, as I stare about..

How can this be, for now its dawn.

I lay my head back as tears set in.

I can remember the place I've been,

That place with you, so soft and warm.

Until we meet, I'll wait.

For there you are, in my minds eye.

How can this be?

I close my eyes.

and now. now I smile.

I see you.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Sep 2010
About this poem:
The haunting beauty and wonder of a dream.
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Why Me?

I don't get it.

I am no one. I am nothing.

From the Highest being, to the mear mortals.

Why me.

I see in others so much. I have wasted so much of this precious life.

I don't feel I have it together.

I just don't understand.

I have been given reasons. I have been told many wonderful things others see in me.

I don't see them. I am nothing.

Why me?

I don't deserve such love.

Why me?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Sep 2010
About this poem:
Just as hard as it is wondering why bad things happen to us, sometimes it's difficult to accept the love others have for us when we feel undeserving. Just a point in time from the past. (Don't worry, I'm not there anymore. lol)
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The Way of Peace

It's hard to find these days

No time to walk, to meditate, to spend the hours to find...

The blossoms are not on the trees. The water flows not from the streams

It's so hard to find...

Honor now, a fleeting dream. A dream from the past and there, a hope for the future...

To gaze within and know with certainty, to look within and feel serenity...

Contentment what are you? Do I know who you are, or are you make believe?

Soft grass below my feet. Warm breeze in my hair. Gentle sunlight on my face. Where are you?

Becoming that which I loathe. Submitting to pure survival. Going on just to make it to tomorrow...

It's so hard to find...

So many things I can do. I can help. I can reach out. I can...

No, here I am. It is to no avail...

I see her, smell her, taste her on my tongue...

She's not there. Again, to no avail...

So here am I, seeking, looking, wanting, waiting, trying...

It's so hard to find...

Wasted years? Wasted days?

Years gone by, here am I? Looking back now through my time...

The search the same, unending game.

Have I become a lunatic. Seeking that which I can not hold?

Have I but wasted half my life? Is my thinking oh so wrong?

Why can't I have it? What do I miss? Where have I gone wrong?

Again alone, a broken heart. Stay not with me, I must be mistaken.

Your life seems well. You do not understand. I wish it not upon you. I know not why it's upon me.

It's so hard to find. Why can't I find. To hold in side.

The way of peace.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Sep 2010
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Forsaken Hope

So many fires, gone yet alive

So many flames, dim but still kindled

Lost hope may be the feeling but has not taken root

The branches stretch out to entangle those souls

The ones who still seek the one they would call their own.

Hope, though the light my be dim

Shadows pressing in to devour the little flame that is left

Still, there’s a spark, an ember, that thing that will not die


Sorrow, pain, loss, envy, bitterness, wrath, anger and more

Seek to destroy the glow of the little ember.

Somehow, some way it still burns.

Some think it dead

But then, there is that one

Why? How? What is it that happens?

Something, but to each it is different.

The ember burns hotter and is felt by those who thought it gone

Those who even wish it to leave.

A life less complicated. Once surrounded with walls.

Don’t touch me, how dare you? Why do I have hope?

Why return to me? I was done with you, I was fine being cold.

Not feeling, not caring and most of all, not believing.

Oh hope of love, why have you returned? To cause me more pain?

And yet,

Though my heart does tremble,

Though the tears do come and I fear once again.

I admit

I feel alive. So damn alive!

I’m afraid, but I know, I will chance it all.

I have responsibilities, but still, I will find a way.

My heart or my mind? Any more I do not know.

But they won’t allow me. I can’t, I just can’t let it go.

This ember I thought dead. This hope that has returned.

Why do you torment me, you hope that I thought had forsaken me?

I did not want you to return. I did not want you at all. I did not want you ever again.

You let them hurt me, those enemy’s of yours.

But still

I feel your warmth, as if you embrace me.

I feel a live, and it has been so long.

With all I had, I tried to get rid of you.

Within me I screamed but you would not hear.

“Leave me alone? I don’t deserve this love or this pain! Go away I don’t want you anymore! Why did this happen to me?”

But you passed through, as if the walls I set before you did not exist.

I find, I do not deserve you, then again, nobody does. There are none deserving, but that is not how you work.

You are here and it is inevitable.

So I will embrace you.

My heals dug in, waiting for the blow.

If the pain returns, upon my knees I’ll fall once again.

But you, wise teacher, have taught me well.

For in myself I see. I see you.

I can’t give up, not on you.

My hope

My hope to love again.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Sep 2010
About this poem:
How at times, with a broken heart, we never want love again. It seem easy, logical and a the best route. Then, she strikes. lol
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Eyes Not My Own

Can I look, can I see.

Is it possible for me to see

To see with eyes not my own

Can I ascend and go beyond, to see not what you are nor who you are

Can I see not what others see or as you see yourself

Is it possible to see deep within and know

Can I see the potential that yet lies within

Can I see you as you are to be and all that you can be

Is it possible or just a dream

Too often do my eyes see that which others see

Too often have I judged

But a lamp burns bright if we will reach out and accept it

If we will look through the eyes that are not our own

If we let go of ourselves though the fear overwhelms

If we will reach out and touch and feel and forgive

I know grace has been shown me

So why

Why would I not extend the hand of beauty that is forgiveness

Fear of pain, fear of doubt, fear of judgment

The fear of once again the possibility of being wrong, of being hurt, of causing pain

As it's been said, I will face my fear and allow it to pass through me and in the end, all that will stand is myself and the fear will be gone.

I pray that what grace I have and have been given I may pass on

Grant me the grace to show others

The grace to see through eyes that are not my own
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Sep 2010
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I am Sorry...

Finding the meaning

What does it mean

My heart fears

The pain grows

But still...

I ask, what does it mean

I know, but don't want to say

I thought I found you

I thought we found each other

Then it came

Discord, pain, tears, problems

My heart feels

Yet I know the truth

I found me deep inside

I now know me

Harmony, peace, love and laughter

Is it so hard

Do we have to strive so hard

What does it mean

When the songs have no meaning

only reperesent a time in the past

What does it mean

When my heart does not run to find you

When I would rather, rather anything

What does it mean

When the talks we used to have for hours

I almost seek to avoid

It means I must die

It means I must cry

It means I must say

What I know is true

I am sorry, so sorry

What does it mean

Good bye
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Sep 2010
About this poem:
That time we all hope will never come. When the glimmer, the spark, the knowing, that love no longer exists in the way we first found it. The hard reality of love lost. The harshness of facing the truth. "Why can't it be as it was?" we may never know. But the fact, the sad fact that it is gone... (A place I hope to never return)
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His Love for You

I see His eyes when He looks at you.

I feel His heart as He reaches out for you.

There is no logic, no reason, no cause.

A magic that can't be duplicated

A gold so pure.

You are a jewel in His eyes.

The light in His heart.

Yet, you can't understand.

You can't reason why.

You can't be good enough.

You can't do enough for Him.

Do not hide who you are,

for that is who He loves.

It is not your perfection, but imperfections.

It is not the beauty you show, but what radiates from within.

It is not the eloquence of your words, but even in your silence.

What He wants is you.

It isn't the way you impress Him.

It isn't the beauty of your thoughts.

It is,

who you are.

All He wants

All he asks

All he loves


Be you
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Sep 2010
About this poem:
The simplicity of the Creators love for His Creation.
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On the spot and from the Heart

God how I miss her.

I feel her breath against my neck as she lay next to me.

Her fragrance I'll never forget. It is her, her smell, her essence.

It's in her hair on the pillow. I close my eyes and get lost in her fragrance.

I feel her as her hand moves down my arm. soft and moving. Love in motion.

The feel of her finger as it traces down my hand. Over my wrist, across my palm and down my finger.

She explores me as a flower feeling the warm summer breeze.

My heart swells, "How do I deserve her?"

As I feel the slightest movement.

Her lips moving up, across my chin and softly to my mouth.

Opening my eyes is to be lost. Falling, ever falling as I look into her eyes.

In them, I see myself. Undeserving, unbelieving, can it be me?

The fear of reality as her tenderness absorbs my very being.

In her I see. I fear. I realize.

As I see myself in her eyes, she finds herself in mine.

Tender moments. What can compare?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Sep 2010
About this poem:
I have learned I love to write. My spelling is terrible and my grammer, well, lets not talk about it. One of the things I like to do is test myself. Write not only from the heart, but on the spot. Take a thought and go, see what I come up with. It's sometimes a bit like poetry, but sometimes just comes out as a story. Let me try now. This is on the spot and unplanned.
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The Fragrance

The essence of the air I breath contains an aroma I thought I knew

but as I breath the fragrance consumes me

So strong and beautiful, I can taste it in the air

surrounded by this mist, a flavor of it's own

I'm a man of the world, much older now

No child to be deceived

The fragrance caught me so off guard

Consuming my very soul

It follows me catching me day and night

It lights a path as I walk

It holds me tight when I hurt

It fills me yet it creates a desire

I can't see it or touch it or hold just yet

But it's there, always with me

It's there, always watching over me

When I smell the air and it seems to be gone,

I can feel it's warm embrace

My mind is lost, addicted so quickly

My heart is gone, snatched by this magic that has taken me

What is this spell, what is this curse, am I lost and entwined?

My heart cry's out, I've given in, I don't care anymore

No flower or pedal or fragrance on earth

Can take me to the moon to dance with the stars

Walk by the sea and watch the sun settle in

You touch me, I'm lost and can't understand

But I know, this fragrance, this beauty, this essence

It's you.

It's you

I don't think about it any more, I really don't know just what you have done,

But this fragrance around me can only be you

Let me taste you, touch you, bask in your glow

The gift that is my heart is now before you

Open the gift and bring me alive

simply touch me

and I'm yours
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Sep 2010
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Written from the Despair of Anothers Sad Poem

Your writing is beautiful, passion of the soul, even in despair cry's out with words unknown to the ear, but heard by the heart.
Desperation cry's out if you want it to or not. The answer ever fleeting evades as a shadow in the night, yet the scent lingers and your soul yearns for the taste of hope once again.
You can smell it and your eyes it evades. Dreams and hopes all crash in as we gasp for one more breath.
A song of hope in sleepless nights is the light we look for, the lifeline we seek.
Is it there? Is there any? I can feel it in my heart but where?
Hunger fills you, but worry feeds not. quench your soul with who you are. Fantasy never feeds, but look on still and in one night the shadow will flee, the night will break.
The dawn will come with or without you. It is not in your heart but the hearts of others that would regret and remorse without you.
Hold fast, you are not alone. the ship you ride has many. Set sail again and maybe together we will reach the land of plenty.
Despair not. You have friends.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Sep 2010
About this poem:
I wrote this poem after reading a very sad poem another had written. It truly broke my heart, for I felt I could feel their pain and despair. Too often, we overlook each other and don't see the pain others are going through, and yet, if we look back, so many times we have been there ourselves. Sometimes, we just need to reach out a hand and let them know, you are not alone. I have and will sail this ship with you, if that's what it takes.
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This is a list of ForeverDestiny's Poems. Click here for ForeverDestiny's Poem List

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