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Philipsenonline today!

Voting done and other things!

Today, I woke up at around 8 am, and I slowly got out of bed. I am not really worth anything in the morning, so it takes some time for me to really get going.

I then remembered: It's election day! That made me happy, because I love living in a country where elections are free and fair. Free from large donations and corporate superpowers. Free from persecution, free from punishments.

Just free! Freedom is one of the things I value the most. From the freedom to believe what you want to believe to the freedom of the press. Our PM doesn't call the media "The enemy of the people", of something bad is written about him. He doesn't resort to nicknaming his political opponents. He is a fair guy, who does he best job that he can. It so happens, that I disagree with most of the things he does as a leader. That is why, I have voted for the opposition.

Now, I am awaiting the results, which will be in at midnight tonight, so there is some time to kill. And what better thing to do than apply for jobs and play some video games!

Also, I am expecting a call today, regarding a job abroad. That puts my whole "Joining the Danish army"-thing redundant, though. I'll take it one day at a time.

Happy Constitution day to my fellow Danes, and happy Wednesday to everyone else.
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Philipsenonline today!

Election tomorrow!

June 5th is Constitution Day here in Denmark. We celebrate our constitution, by giving people a half day off. This year, however, is a bit special, because the election is held that day.

That means we will elect a new government on the day when we celebrate our constitution.

It's pretty much a dream scenario! What better day to possibly elect a new government on the day which celebrates democracy? Very well planned, I must say.

I know who I am going to vote for, and I will go and vote the second I wake up tomorrow. It''s time for some new people to take office, and to lead Denmark into the future.
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Philipsenonline today!

Overexposure of politicians!

It is election season here in Denmark. In three days time, we are either electing a new government, or we are "stuck" with the current one.

Everywhere in the Danish landscape, you see posters for the different candidates. Each with their name, face and whatever political party they represent. However, some go to the extreme in hanging up their face on a poster.

One politician here, is VERY keen on getting into a thing called Folketinget. It is where every elected politician "work" and try to keep the Danish society working. It's the Danish equivalent of Congress in the USA.

Anyway, back to the politician. His name is Morten Dahlin, and he has his face all over the municipality where I live. He is on busses, on YouTube, on websites and on the info screens in the public transport system. Each time there is the following slogan: "Put a personal vote on Morten Dahlin".. That got me thinking..

When does exposure become overexposure? Is there such a thing as overexposure when it comes to politics? I mean, I get that he wants to get into Folketinget, but does he REALLY need to plaster his face EVERYWHERE?

Usually, the politicians hang up three or four posters in an area, and then they campaign in malls or on train stations, but this particular politician hasn't shown his face alongside all the other politicians here. He is very active in a different part of the country, often in places FAR away from where his main audience lives. I think he should go to his local constituency, since he is representing those people.

As for me, I am sick of seeing his face on posters. On my way home earlier today, I saw two types of posters from him - one with his face, and another with his "Put a personal vote for Morten Dahlin" on the poster.

Exposure is good - overexposure can backfire HEAVILLY!

When all is said and done, I will go to cast my vote in three days - and it will not be a vote for him, simply because I am overexposed to him. I don't know how elections work in the rest of the world, so I will not attempt to even guess how it functions. Maybe some of you can let me know how they work?

Are they putting up posters with faces and names, or are they just putting up signs with the names on it? I have seen some campaigning from the US, where people have put a small sign outside their house, with "name/name 2020" on it, and I have also heard about volunteers who goes from door to door to collect signatures and votes.

But other than that, I have no idea how it works there. Please let me know how it works! That would be great :)
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This board meeting is insane. Is this politics or a circus?

Watch and enjoy this fiasco.
Most Outrageous Government Board Meeting EVER!!!

Village of Carpentersville President Bill Sarto demands that his chief political opponent, Paul Humpher, be removed from office for being convicted of beating his wife, and due for sentencing. When trustees Ed Ritter, Kay Teeter, Judy Sigwalt, and Keith Hinz refuse to allow a motion for discusssing the issue -- Bill Sarto loses all control. He screams at his fellow board members, calls one a "convict", says another trustee's son commits adultery, and ends his speech with what other board members take as a death threat. Recorded April 1, 2008, at the Village of Carpentesville Hall. (NOT an April Fool's Joke!)

I don't know if it is Carpentesville Illinois or Carpentesville Indiana.

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micleeonline now!

'16 Libertarian VP Candidate Challenges Trump.

Former Mass. Gov. & '16 Libertarian VP candidate Bill Weld will challenge Trump in the '20 Repub Presidential Primary.

The above roll eyes vid is a brief introduction to the challenger.

For the record...
I'm neither endorsing nor denouncing him.
I'm a staunch Independent; I'm giving him a looking over as I would (and will) any candidate of any party.

Y'all can also scroll down to the comments to get some folks' opinions on him.

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Vierkaesehochonline today!

Two volumes.....

...of the Mueller report. First one has a good deal that is court/legally vetted, saying no collusion. Vol. 2 is almost all she said he said. Alt left media and Dem pols are focusing exclusively on guess which one? Ongoing hassle value against the Donald, with tiny chance of the latter supporting impeachment, let alone conviction. And such shenanigans could hurt at the pols in 2020. Watch how the NYT and other lib media dropped the short term driven obsession with Stormy Daniels like a hot potato, only to do the same with "collusion". Now it's obstruction of justice, the latest derangement syndrome focus du jour, with "support" from Vol. 2. Pathetic, but predictable.
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When world leaders, past, present, or wannabe, take on a challenge

The challenge is to turn the colour yellow to red.

Wonder if anyone will recognize any of my attempts at caricature (I shall be adding one per comment) and as I am a bit dof I would of course welcome better caricatures.

This is equal-opportunity offensiveness, so you can leave the hate at home.

Naturally the poking starts close to home. My political awareness is very limited (like my skill at satire) so it won't be many comments unless others join in.
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Vierkaesehochonline today!

Illinois "prosecutor" Ms. Fox....

....seems they are beginning to come after her for letting this racist s*xual deviant skate. Just to help his career/paycheck. Illinois Bar, State AG, US AG, and more, apparently are looking into penalties/disbarment. Good luck with ALL THAT. As with Hussein Obama, good chance she's there with lots of affirmative action help, wink wink-nod nod. Like trying to fire a government employee. Wait, she's also one of those, ---just a bit more special than most of us. Easy to see why.
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Vierkaesehochonline today!

Journalists...or merely activists with a platform....?

The court dismissal of racist, scammer, gay blade JS's case, with the judge sealing all records, surprised even me. Telling, however, was the reaction of a number of folks/groups. Mayor Emmanuel wasn't pleased----this from a guy who provides dangerous criminal illegal aliens succor, via sanctuary city status. The cops were ticked off, having believed with most folks that he did it, and having invested much time and treasure on the case. But the reactions of the media/democrats were telling, and no surprise. Can you say JS is a member of multiple protected classes, oh ye astute CS minions? With few exceptions, all are doubling down on their invalidated poor journalism standards of PC driven behaviors. The rare one is apologizing for the craft's actions, heavy on the print, VERY heavy, predictably trying variously to blame our brilliant POTUS. Sort of like the reportage on the recently debunked witch hunts, two years long in tooth. In the eyes of the body politic, the alt left media is sinking in approval ratings ever closer to those of Congress. All makes 2020 look great for the grounded. And the country. And the West.
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