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More are rightly questioning Sports authenticity
increasingly shameless in their blatant duplicity
Greed the only thing to blame
integrity canceled for fortune and fame

Goodell proclaimed "without blacks no football
'Fake News' from crooked woke screwball
Accomplishments today doesn't equate to legit
past and present together doesn't fit

Most debated is who's Basketballs GOAT
many uneducated people insert their vote
Jordan escalated the arrogance of showboating
he's the GOAT some keep promoting

The true complete player defines GOAT
that crown only one can tote
racism always gets injected without basis
I'm simply being real not racist

Obvious from all seen and heard
THE G.O.A.T IS Larry Joe Bird
Complete agreement is where I'm at
to quote Bannon 'suck on that'

copyright 2/1/22
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Guns are perpetrators NOT criminal scum
to pretzel ideology we'll never succumb
2ND Amendment liberal's thirst to negate
Republics Constitution they yearn to eradicate

Reason behind confiscating our arms nefarious
infantile arguments never veer from hilarious
Guns shooting themself has certain appeal
Pistol gangs eliminating real gangs ideal

Guns mostly irrelevant in unspeakable crimes
black folks maliciously perpetuate olden times
Stop demonizing the poor innocent guns
In DC mendacity delivered in tons

Guns can't kill their handlers do
advocate intrepidly about all things true
Don't fear indoctrinated fools called 'Woke
on social bullshit they'll inevitably choke

'We The People' shan't relinquish protection
for America and her Patriots preservation
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Supreme Court Justice's via 'Affirmative Action'... WOW!!!!!

CS... Only in America!! Race Card wins again, yeah! I know what/who is responsible for the decay of our nation. It is beyond sad that 'we the people' continue to capitulate to those hell bent on destroying the beacon of hope for the world. barf barf barf barf barf barf barf barf barf barf barf
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'WAR ROOM'...'Just The News'...'Revolver'...'Real Americas' Voice'...'Newsmax'...'OAN'...'RSBN'..etc

THE places to go for TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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What is your opinion on this sentiment????????????confused
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White cop murders Black again
justification real racist spin
Factually more whites are killed
at lying liberals most skilled

Injustice can't be cured
believing otherwise absurd
Facts deniers consciously refuse
truth doesn't suit their views

Originators of slavery fabricated
"Original Sin" falsely advocated
Al Sharpton race baiter scum
crying Wolf induces numb

Like animal's people desecrate
then deem opposition irate
Deflection of blame Ironclad
mentality today depicts MAD

We're owed they falsely shout
wut chew tawkin' bout!
If victimhood would cease
culmination possibly peace

BLM vomit Marxist chatter
only black lives matter
Leftists promulgate 'Fake News'
gaslighting incessantly to confuse

Floyds' death was wrong
racism...same ole song
Here's where I'm leaning
every heartbeat has meaning
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Civil humans navigate existence scaredly
the less than live nefariously
Moral people desire meaningful life
alleged almighty deemed 'Evil be rife'

Faith based folks represent the majority
the ill-informed defy authority
So-called Cancel Culture snuffing history
stoking current uprising no mystery

Colleges are brainwashing our young
leftist professors preach false dung
Patriotic Americans begrudgingly sacrifice
eventually reaching "f*ck BN Nice"

Unarmed black men being sought
another blatant lie long taught
Bitching and moaning full-time
cry injustice while perpetrating crime

Defund Police latest insane rant
capitulate to extremist we can't
Soros instructs these clueless fools
protesters succumb to mob rules

Dethrone Trump whatever it takes
politicians the slimiest of snakes
American sovereignty under attack
you're Racist if not black
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...How can anyone in their right mind, actually believe "Life Is A Gift"?????? Life is perpetual pain and suffering at best!

peace peace frustrated

Scripted Professional Sports... IT'S REALITY!!!!

CS: I have recently got into watching a lot of You Tube. I checked out several people speaking on the "Rigged" and/or "Scripted" NFL. I've been trying to convince this fact to my diehard Cowboy fan brother for 20 plus years.
Those who can't fathom this being reality... Too Bad!!!! Just Like the WWE, It's ENTERTAINMENT!

Thank you for all the comments. peace
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The United States of America...REALLY!

That declaration I have never truly understood. To me, United is (One). Here in the (United States) each state determine their own laws...etc. Maybe I am way off in my thought...The laws should cover The United States of America...the reality is each state has their rules...HOW is that United? Bring your opinions on!

wave handshake peace frustrated dunno
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Educated Isn't Synonymous With Intelligent!!!

?????????????....Experience taught me!

wave peace cool
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Professional Sports are void of Integrity...Money Money Money!

I believe Professional Sports now mimic the WWE! I offer you numerous reasons for my conclusion.
Think honestly about this! Years ago when a team was getting blown out, the stadium would be vacated by (to be fair) half of the patrons. Now this happening every week all over the league sent up a Red Flag to owners who were obviously losing millions and millions. They needed to keep the fans in the stadium throughout the game. Someone realized DRAMA is the absolute remedy. That said...Think about the present day games, and how many of them are purposely filled with said DRAMA until the very end of game to keep fans in their seats. Think about how many games are coming down to the last second, and how year after year the final playoff spots aren't decided until the LAST game of the season. The odds say the playoff scenario wouldn't work out that way constantly. Think about how many times one team is playing like Super Bowl champs the first half and forget how to play the second half (Last years Super Bowl A GREAT EXAMPLE). Yes... they go through the motions of the game but just like the WWE, the end result is pre-determined. Granted... they can't make EVERY game a last second comeback, it would be too obvious. If you truly pay'll see that the rivalry games and the games that are considered most significant are the ones that are inundated with DRAMA and come down to the very last seconds. PEOPLE CRAVE DRAMA! It keeps them in their seats and keeps there insane love of their team heightened. Anyway...Too reiterate, I could go on but........No matter how obvious the evidence some will NEVER believe it possible. People are so gullible!

doh cheering comfort frustrated yay peace applause Yes... just the idea of it makes me want to barfbarf barf
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