The lowly beetles....not so lowly---nor lonely...

Fully 25 % estimates of all known species (metazoan), and 40% of their kin in the class Insecta. Sure, those colorful hard protective second retractable wings (elytra) may have played a part. And possessing the miracle of metamorphosis can't hurt. Those larval stages can bore through even the toughest tree barks. Protection then through the harsher seasons, and from most clever predators, only to emerge as adults in prolific reproductive/migratory life stages. But so what? Other orders of Insecta enjoy similar evolutionary adaptations. No, oh my brilliant CS friends, these Coleopteran marvels somehow have figured out much more in the struggle for life. Several threads of evidence now converge to show how, as with some ruminant mammals, these insects can digest all sorts of plant based very tough items, many based on the strongest cellulose polymers. But ready for the kickers here? Seems as though this huge survival trick was borrowed from bacteria, and "lower" plants, such as fungi. And accomplished, again somehow, by incorporating the DNA of these other life forms, into their own genomes. But more amazing, is that these little friends, again somehow, may have done so 100 large, VERY large, years before even the dinosaurs shuffled onto the scene. And they are still here, in strong numbers, VERY strong, some 60 million years after the dinosaurs sauntered OFF the scene. Sure, bacteria, using quasi " mating" techniques, can swap genetic material. One factor behind the growth of resistance to most commercial antibiotics. And deep shite for us all. But how the heck can the beetles have done so? Let's hear from the marginally educated ignoramuses here who will complain that a post like this, as with religion, and politics, so important to many, and definitely revealing in the great search for mates, is out of place. Pathetic. Revealing. Not unexpected. Pretty soon these mini minds will begin to call for a ban on flirting-on a dating site-of all places----can't make this stuff up folks.
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Comments (10)

I try to hide from hungry Venozolanas.
Jajajajajajajaajajajajajajajajajajajajaj... You can run, but you can´t hide!... laugh devil
Repeat after me: Ve-ne-zo-la-nas professor lips
P.S. Much better: "Ma-ra-cu-chas" devil lips
OK. Now you're really starting to bug us laugh
Seriously, there is a myriad of living (and extinct) organisms, which have evolved to exploit a niche.
It's been clear in the past few decades, that genetics is much more complex than simply Mendelian.
While Mendelian genetics is valid, it is insufficient to explain more rapid evolution.
Not only is DNA swapped by other methods, but can be selectively multiplied and controlled from
within the cell and these changes can be inherited. And it's not only the DNA itself. There are other biological players with roles within that control.
Bout time we have a beetle blog on a dating site thumbs up With over 20 invasive species here and estimated 120 million dead trees in California, I do know a little about them and the destruction they create in our national forests. I've lost about 15 or so of the over 200 trees I planted on my property because of the little boogers. Amazing something so small can kill something so large.
Nice comments, all. When I took genetics, during the evolution of flowering plants, the closest thing to what we know today, was the ways populations balanced themselves, a la Hardy -Weinberg equations. Yep. It looks like alleles/whole genes/big pieces of both DNA/RNA have been on the move between individuals forever. Some of it actually under direct immediate pressures from the environments, and then even carried over, a la lamark's incorrect thinking, to subsequent generations. Perhaps even in humans as well. Differences between Holocaust survivors and control groups on all sorts of things. Resilience, handling anxiety, etc. WOW!
La cucaracha, la cucaracha-ya no puedo caminar. Porque le falta, no se tiene, MARJUANA para fumar.
Speaking of which, Mr. Vierk, a priest friend said Venezuelans were resilient and creative... A phrase I read once, comes to my mind: "Do what you can, with whatever you have, wherever you are"... lips bouquet Have a wonderful day...
As I've said many times here, M. That dancing big banana can get some here quite excited. But others a little nervous. No?
I think it´s absolutely adorable, Mr. Vierk... And I have to say it reminds me of a friend that celebrated his birthday wearing a banana costume AND the costume had a pair of pants with a huge stuffed "member"... To see him dancing with that thing is one of the funniest videos I have ever watched... laugh laugh laugh Ok, back to bacteria and beetles!... professor
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Ocean Coast, Maine, USA

Retired, but busy. Years left to enjoy. Handy, curious, multilingual (German, French, Spanish, learning Portuguese). Love animals. Live on a salt water ocean bay just south of Canada. Angling off the rocky beach. Mussels. Watching the oceans reclaim [read more]