Displaying Tolerance

As a high school teacher working in an inner city school, I lost count of the number of times I encountered students who presented themselves in an insubordinate insulting manner. But as a teacher I never hit a student or felt the urge to shoot them dead. Indeed I put my hands behind my back so as to display a non aggressive pose. My function was twofold - first to demonstrate productive behavior and instill the same in these soon to be adults. I wish I could say the same of our street guardians - the police. All too often insubordination is met by the police not with tolerance, but with lethal force.

Okay your turn. Time for all you "tolerant" right wing thinkers to tell the world how I am wrong. I had my say.
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Comments (9)

Figures, degree in edumacation. Probably math or science, which may 'splain some of the ridiculous postings on such. I taught in both Government Democrat run schools, and parochial ones (Sisters of Mary---Jesuit wannabees), before getting some real degrees. Still retain all four HS certs. Science, health and Language-foreign. But who's counting, as with real degrees?
The non aggressive pose ain't all bad, in proper circumstance, and with the right child. But the best teachers rarely get that far, allowing their ability to schmooze with the whole groups to make for an atmosphere of mutual respect, and trust. And fun. With lots of humor. some appropriately self depreciating---they eat it up. The brighter more grounded kids soon get it, and exert peer pressure on the more needy, and less talented---ie, the future marginal teachers of the world.
You need to try to stop trying to cast about virtue, and quit spending time collecting victim badges. Ever dividing by race, gender confusion, etc. It really is about different sorts of power, of which force and surrender are usually least effective. Blog to follow.
And even by new gray beard is superior.
It is not always the fault of the teacher that some students fail, it is just as likely the student has no ability and is just plain dumb, as can be seen regularly on the blogs.
Thank a teacher, without their help you would not be able to use the internet.
Smacking kids does not make them more obedient adults but that's sort of the point. It's demoting the deer the caught between the headlights and all the hiding in mum's skirts that goes into that. The power that force has over you is less because you've been exposed to it, and you go onto be less bullied at school and then you don't feel like you need to change your gender in later life.
Is it possible that you misunderstood the meaning of the word Subjects:
Your function was to teach school subjects (i.e. stuff like maths, history, geography etc.)
Did you see yourself as a self-elected, smug, self-important, judgemental, Master, and these underlings were your Subjects. laugh

Just wondering if they might see it like that! confused
Thanks to all, who help our youth learn & grow. Good teachers are inspirational. head banger

An educator's take on the Crime Bill of '94 & the School to Prison Pipeline ...

Tell It, Mr. Bowman thumbs up

More Cops in schools than Guidance Counselors?! shock


Gingers are definitely scary Mic uh oh however I am 100% behind OldeGuy in one thing, I don't think teachers should dish it out but I really don't think mouthy kids should either because every time authority gets chipped away we shuffle a little closer to "the loudest shouter wins the bout" and anarchy and mob rule. dunno

So I guess in your example he started it and therefore yes he had to take it - but I bet he wish he hadn't started it. If she didn't backchat every teacher she ever had, then I am as proud of her as you must have been tip hat if she did, eish. uh oh
What is Tolerance?

It appears no one or just a few have any tolerance these days.

"All too often insubordination is met by the police not with tolerance, but with lethal force."

It is evident from the videos that lethal force is use by police on the Black population.

It is evident from the videos that tolerance is use by the police on the Caucasian population.
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by OldeGuy
created Jun 2020
Last Viewed: May 5
Last Commented: Jun 2020
Last Edited: Jun 2020
OldeGuy has 78 other Blogs

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