Hiroshima Day August 6.

Lest we forget: Hiroshima marks 76th anniversary of US atomic bombing


The USA was thrust into open conflict with Imperial Japan with their attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941. Roosevelt and Hitler declared open war shortly thereafter.

During the war, the USA spent a huge amount of money and devoted a similar amount of resources on the super-secret MANHATTAN PROJECT, developing the Atomic Bomb. Information released long after the war suggests that the German scientists *could* have developed their own nuclear devices, but the head of that program did his best to hobble development.

Simultaneously, Soviet intelligence cultivated American traitors, who leaked details of the super weapon to the Russians, precipitating the Cold War, which would grind away in the shadows, cost millions of lives and last until 1989 with the Russians, and persists to this day with the Chinese Communists, North Korea, and several other vassal states and Radical Islamists.

It should be noted that during the Clinton Regime, a lot of key nuclear intelligence in the form of multi-stage booster and guidance, and neutron warhead technology, was shared with the Chinese Communists, seemingly in exchange for soft money political reelection cash. The cheap, Judas's price America's security was sold for.

The Clinton, et al, treason continued under Obama with the sale of a vast amount of America's Uranium deposits under Hillary Clinton's watch, as she was Madame Secretary of the U.S. Department of State. To date, $6 billion of State Department money, missing under her watch as well, remains unaccounted for.

Hiroshima, as devastating as it was, was the just end to a just war. But America's future, and indeed, the rest of the Free World, now are under the threat of WMD's, the technology of which was provided to our enemies by our own domestic traitors.
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Comments (51)

Hello Tiger_Moth

I appreciate what you’re saying about there having been epidemics in the past and understandably questioning why we should view this one any differently. I’ll try to respond to your question as succinctly as I can, bearing in mind, as you rightly say, that the theme of this blog really relates to Hiroshima.

Firstly, there are a significant number of things that strongly suggest that Covid-19 was planned in advance, for example patents and simulated events, such as Event 201. Secondly, some globalists, who are also eugenicists, such as Bill Gates, have been talking about the need to reduce the world’s population for a long time. I can’t go into all the details here, but I will just say that Gates and others in powerful positions have links with major pharmaceutical companies and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation provides funding to a number of institutions that play an important part in the decision-making of governments. Finally, whether people choose to believe it or not, many scientists, doctors and lawyers worldwide are sounding the alarm about the dangers of these gene altering vaccines. A number of lawyers, including Anna de Buisseret in the UK and Reiner Fuellmich have either served or are in the process of serving notices of liability on those responsible for what is being described as Crimes Against Humanity.

If you are interested in looking into this further, you can always go to the World Doctors Alliance website.
On the UK Column website you can watch Doctors for Covid Ethics Symposium 1 -The False Pandemic and Symposium 2 - The Going Direct Reset

Yes, you’re right. It is coercion. What’s going on in France now is unbelievable. Yesterday I watched a video showing French police going from table to table in a restaurant, asking people to produce their Passeport Sanitaire. So, it’s now reached the ‘Papers Please’ stage if people want to dine out.
Not so fast you aging Chi-Com Apparatchik:
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Report: FBI Uncovers Confirmation of Hillary Clinton’s Corrupt Uranium Deal with Russia

New evidence has emerged to confirm Peter Schweizer’s account in his bestselling book Clinton Cash about the corrupt tactics behind former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s approval of Russia’s purchase of 20 percent of U.S. uranium.

John Solomon and Alison Spann report in The Hill:

Before the Obama administration approved a controversial deal in 2010 giving Moscow control of a large swath of American uranium, the FBI had gathered substantial evidence that Russian nuclear industry officials were engaged in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering designed to grow Vladimir Putin’s atomic energy business inside the United States, according to government documents and interviews.

Federal agents used a confidential U.S. witness working inside the Russian nuclear industry to gather extensive financial records, make secret recordings and intercept emails as early as 2009 that showed Moscow had compromised an American uranium trucking firm with bribes and kickbacks in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, FBI and court documents show.

They also obtained an eyewitness account — backed by documents — indicating Russian nuclear officials had routed millions of dollars to the U.S. designed to benefit former President Bill Clinton’s charitable foundation during the time Secretary of State Hillary Clinton served on a government body that provided a favorable decision to Moscow, sources told The Hill.

The racketeering scheme was conducted “with the consent of higher level officials” in Russia who “shared the proceeds” from the kickbacks, one agent declared in an affidavit years later.

Rather than bring immediate charges in 2010, however, the Department of Justice (DOJ) continued investigating the matter for nearly four more years, essentially leaving the American public and Congress in the dark about Russian nuclear corruption on U.S. soil during a period when the Obama administration made two major decisions benefitting Putin’s commercial nuclear ambitions.

As Breitbart News has previously reported, Hillary Clinton’s State Department was one of eight agencies to review and sign off on the sale of U.S. uranium to Russia. However, the then-Secretary of State Clinton was the only agency head whose family foundation received $145 million in donations from multiple people connected to the uranium deal, as reported by the New York Times.

Let's dig a little deeper shall we. Hmmmmm doe's the Hammond ranch in Oregon ring a bell, etc. Read on here,


Spot on. I'll give the Readership a sample from your link:

2016 – A standoff from ranchers in support of the Hammonds and claiming that the BLM controls public land unconstitutionally takes place for 41 days at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, ending with the death of LaVoy Finicum during a FBI ambush.

All of this sure could be a very unfortunate coincidence, but one has to question if there is a connection between the desperate attempt to remove ranchers from their land in Malheur County, Oregon, and Uranium One’s plans to open a 450 acre mine in the same County. Also, questionable was the FBI involvement in the standoff and the seemingly unnecessary death of LaVoy Finicum. Did he know too much? Was that message to others to back off?

For decades there has been conflict between ranchers and the Federal Government regarding land ownership and use, and it’s not a secret to anyone that the Federal Government always wins. The only secret at times is what the government wants a particular piece of land for and who is making money behind the scenes.

In this particular case, and taking into consideration today’s volatile environment worldwide, one can’t help but to be concerned since our very own uranium could be being used right now by our enemies thanks to greedy politicians who don’t even try to hide their contempt for this Nation.

It is also a bit unsettling and almost ironic that the former FBI director who delivered the uranium sample to Russia himself is today investigating the so-called “Russian/Trump collusion”, yeah…the same former FBI director who buried the files with evidence of wrong doing by Russian officials in order to have Uranium One’s sale approved.
According to the USGS the Hammond ranch hosts the most end product that being uranium per tonne than any other USGSurvey in the whole of the UNITED STATES!
No wonder Comrade Riz got so worked up.

They say that flak is heaviest when you are directly over target.

Got too close to your Master's secrets, eh, Comrade Riz?
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