How modern life is making men infertile.

"Sperm quality is a good indicator of male fertility but it can also say a lot about men's overall health.
Low sperm count is related to all kinds of morbidities including heart disease, diabetes, reproductive cancers and ultimately length of life.
Abnormal sperm can also cause miscarriages.

If a couple can't get pregnant or if a woman has miscarriage, it's always assumed that it's the woman's fault.
Now we know that it's a shared responsibility and getting the quality of the eggs is much more difficult than for a man to count his sperm or get the quality of his sperm.
The study dispels the myths and stereotypes that often make women the culprits for infertility."

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Comments (9)

"current trends could not continue much longer without threatening human survival."

How long? Centuries? We are already dangerously overpopulated. If plastic shopping bags can help, then bring them on with recipes.
wave Hi socrates Happy New Year teddybear
We are temporarily overpopulated because conservative people have been equipped with the latest technology. We have traditional fast-breeders doing a very modern thing which is to die old.

However, they will eventually become sterile eventually become modern. Fertility is a hangover from tradition caused by the modern world happening incredibly fast. Long-term you're still looking at aging population, the dearth of children, and the inevitable death. The earth will become somewhat empty this century if things continue as they are. We will regret forcing us to become even older than we already are. The great dying will come over the next 20, 30 years with no new life to replace it.
The aging population will be dead and buried by 2050 . That's what you're missing if you're worried about overpopulation. You're going to die one day.

And this is a good thing because so long as men die liberty will never perish. Youth will no longer be imprisoned by the old age need for security, natural death will give youth a future.

Exactly how long it will take is not easy to say but humanity should be concerned with the current trend.
Hello Red

How are you keeping, my tree-hugging friend?
All the best to you for 2022 also.

"The great dying will come over the next 20, 30 years with no new life to replace it."

Very radical prediction!
i am fine thanks socrates hoping you are too. Yep i still hug the trees too peace

Yes, I am.
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San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago

I identify with the following words of Socrates:
“Know thyself”.
“The unexamined life is not worth living”.

I am a person who seek depth in life and living. This has been an overwhelming desire in me even since childhood. It is identified with a [read more]