Another opportunity missed...sigh

Yesterday, while my child and I were coming home from the Puyallup Fair, a very attractive young lady was sitting on a bench, waiting for the bus. She had long red hair, and looked like an angel. She asked me what time it was, and I told her. She then walked across the street to get some food at Safeway. In the meantime, I sat down where she had been sitting, and when she came back I got up and let her have the seat. She said, "Oh, okay", and she made room for me on the bench. Unfortunately, my shyness took over, and we never said another word. Yet, when she got on the bus, she easily talked with another guy. She got off in the middle of nowhere after a long bus ride. I'm assuming that either she thought I wasn't interested (game shoe buzzer: "Buzzzz...wrong answer!"), or that since my child was with me, I must be already taken (wrong again). Also, I have a cold, and I didn't want to give it to her. She had a book she was reading, I equate book reading as being in the same category as people that wear earphones - that they don't want to be disturbed. But this woman was reading a book when she got interrupted by the guy on the bus, and didn't seem to mind the interruption.

Man, if I dont conquer my shyness, I'm going to be doomed to a life of singlehood for the rest of my life. I'm thinking I might have to consider a double-date situation with another couple so I can get to know someone.
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Comments (7)

A born shyness must be an extremely hard thing to overcome, good luck with that.

Some input if I may, a view from the outside so to speak. Her gesture for you to sit next to her was a simple act of kindness on her part to reciprocate yours. No disrespect but at your age, perhaps this hot young attractive lady assumed that you were the boys grandfather and therefore a very safe bet to sit beside.

It can be very easy for our imaginations to misinterpret reality at times.

I can assure you- if it helps - you missed nothing.
Maybe men never understand that, but beautiful women are not always on the prowl cool she just waited for her bus and read book, spoke to a somebody... because she relaxed.

Shyness is connected with the fear from refusing, sorry to say... possible refusing is a part of game... everybody of us has faced refusing, so what.. we have survived!

Good luck and do not tease yourself uselessly. Take it easy.smitten
Hey, give it a shot. What have you really got to lose ?
Nothing ventured = nothing gained.
If she's reading a book, ask what the book is about.
If you've read the book, or another one by that author, or on that topic, tell her so.
Be more exciting than her book. dancing
If she's not interested in talking with you,
she'll let you know.
To help you overcome your shyness, I'm giving you an
professor This week, you MUST talk to 5 women that you
don't know. I don't care WHAT you say to them, but you
must start a pleasant conversation.
Here's a helpful hint - i.e. compliment them on something unique about them that you really like.
Go get 'em. thumbs up

When that happen to you again. Exchange phone number and don't wait 2 days or 3 to call just give a chance to yourself. Like I said to someone in here. You may hear yes or no both answer are okay.

Hugger - I can relate ... the key is to be just a bit more outgoing. You don't have to "make a move", you just have to be interested and curious. thumbs up

Ask about the book... make a point to say something to your child about "their mother's home" (implying that you're divorced). And just make conversation. Basically, just being friendly with everyone is good practice... just let the conversation go where it goes... over time, you'll become more comfortable with it, and a little more bold. head banger

Good luck! cheers
Thanks for the advice, guys. Okay, I got it - be bolder, ask what she's reading, rejection is a normal part of like and ain't gonna kill me, sit down with her when she makes room for me, try to get her phone number if I can. Yep, that oughta work! cheering
uhhhhh... Cheers, Huggerman! I hope you will meet her again and this time, talk to her. {smile}

Good luck! Waiting for the good news from you hug

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Kent, Washington, USA

I like biking, walking, hiking, camping, boating, cooking, reading, dining out, beautiful sunsets, and model railroading. I'm very humorous ("I know God has a sense of humor - He made me!"), and love to make people laugh. I like to do impressions. I [read more]

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created Sep 2011
Last Viewed: Apr 29
Last Commented: Sep 2011
HuggerMan4U has 85 other Blogs

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