College is driving my absolutely bonkers at the moment!

Tomorrow i have my second year interview tomorrow at 11.15AM and part of me knows im going to mess it up, i just can't keep the negetive thoughts in my head so one way or another im going to end up blurting something out i can feel it.

yesterday was such a hard day, i hardly had two minutes to sit down and rest my feet. I was helping with the displays and running around after people. Worst day was Tuesday because i had my first unit report and they told me that i needed to be more commited to my training...Oh my god i felt like punchin' the cow!!.

I have 97% Attendance...If that isn't commitment then what is it?.

That and i haven't heard about my work placement yet and im suppost to be going in May...And if i find out that their messin' me around then im seriously going to go ape Sh*t!very mad

Apart from that everything was as crap as i left it bascially, i hung around with my friend yesterday and we went boy spottin...God i love emo guys with their black fringes and their snake bite piercin's...Makes me tingle hehe!!smitten ...Why cant a have one :(

Well thank you for listening to me moan :)
Much Love..?
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